I have this requirement, I have a following Record type within a package, instead of selecting datas into this i need to assign variables to this record type
TYPE xx_delivery_detail_rectype IS RECORD ( p_delivery_id NUMBER, p_ultimate_dropoff_location_id NUMBER, p_creation_date DATE, p_last_update_date DATE, p_container_name VARCHAR2 (30), p_inventory_item_id NUMBER, p_shipped_quantity NUMBER, p_shipment_line_id NUMBER ); TYPE xx_delivery_table_rectype IS TABLE OF xx_delivery_detail_rectype INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Say i have variables to assign to all the values within the record type, How do i do it within the package
I have huge package having numerous procedures. Therein there is one wrapper procedure which is invoked from front end and which in turn calls other stored procedures within the package. The stored procedures called return the result to the wrapper procedure which in turn calls other stored procedures.
The ultimate result is returned to the calling environment by the wrapper procedure itself.I need to know the time taken in totality by the wrapper procedure along with the individual execution time of each procedure called by the wrapper procedure. I am not allowed to modify the code for adding timestamp capturing though.
When i am trying to execute the below in sql. i am getting the error.
create or replace type sum_n as object ( nodes node_d, constructor function sum_n return self as result, member procedure do_s (m date,exd varchar) ); /
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated 2/9 PLS-00201: identifier 'NODE_d' must be declared
I have a trigger that is called from an update on the table, this trigger performs the procedure and this procedure update the Same record in the table That shot the trigger. this situation returns error ORA-0060 - DEADLOCK DETECTED WHILE WAITING FOR RESOURCE. Is there any way that this works?
I am learning pl/sql and this is procedure i had created which got created successfully.then i created two variables name v_name, v_loc with command.
variable v_name varchar2; etc. and executed procedure like execute dept_proc2(10, :v_name, :v_loc); and i am getting the error
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
1 create or replace procedure dept_proc2 2 (v_dno in number, v_name out varchar2, v_loc out varchar2) 3 is 4 cursor dept_cur is select dname, loc from dept 5 where deptno=v_dno; [code]...
I created one Update or Insert trigger on a table.When I executing the update statement it is giving error
Ora-04091 : Table gtest is mutating, trigger/function may not see it.
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger test_email_change
ORA-04091: "table %s.%s is mutating, trigger/function may not see it"
Cause: A trigger (or a user defined plsql function that is referenced in this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.
Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.
when I insert a new record in table HST I get this error:
ORA-04091: table HST is mutating, trigger/function may not see it ORA-06512: at "T_HST", line 3 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'T_HST'
i create this trigger to lock inserting transaction for any data greater than 30-04-2013 on a certain table
and this trigger created successfully
when i try to insert data in the table ra_cust even in a range less than 30-apr-2013
i got this error
ORA-20000: IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO INSET DATE VALUE GREATER THEN '30-04-2013' ORA-06512: at "ARASK_HAGAR.INVALID_DATE_VALUE", line 5 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'ARASK_HAGAR.INVALID_DATE_VALUE'
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-04054: database link GMAIL.COM does not exist
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:112) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:331) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:288) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(T4C8Oall.java:743) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.doOall8(T4CStatement.java:207) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.executeForRows(T4CStatement.java:946) at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1169) at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeUpdateInternal(OracleStatement.java:1615) at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeUpdate(OracleStatement.java:1580) at com.jdbc.pack.Lab1.main(Lab1.java:31)
I get the following error when I use the universal installer (runInstaller.sh)
OUI-10150: Error: A runtime execution error occured while setting s_digcfgnaminglabel isidnull in compnent oracle database 11g Installation cannot continue for this component.
I have check my /etc/hosts entries and I believe my jre paths are correct since I get the JAVA windows.
I have a procedure which i wrapped using the oracle 11g wrap utility. If i execute the wrapped procedure using jdbc i am getting an error of 0RA-00900 invalid sql statement.
The procedure is having basic sql statements only.The same procedure if i wrap using Oracle 9i and execute using jdbc it works fine.Is there any change in Oracle 9i wrap utility and Oracle 11g wrap utility.
I tried even Oracle 10g wrap it is also not working fine.
SQL> BEGIN 2 NCOTE.OTEGENERATOR; 3 END; 4 / BEGIN * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "GENEVA_ADMIN.NCOTE", line 3 ORA-06512: at line 2
I must be trying to do a select or put some other value into a variable that is too small. The Odd thing is that when I run the stored procedure again (as long as I don't exit from sqlplus)...
why the process is successful the second (or third, etc) call from the sqlplus but not the first. If I exit sqlplus and then start it again, once more I get the error again.
When trying to create package I receive this error...[Error] PLS-00103 (8: 16): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "." when expecting one of the following:;
pointing to "." in the last line "END nondrg_prod.Readmissions;"
CREATE or replace PACKAGE nondrg_prod.Readmissions AS TYPE Readmits IS REF CURSOR RETURN READMISSIONS_DATA_MH%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE open_rdmh (rdmh IN OUT rdmhCurTyp); END Readmissions;
I am having a problem when calculating dates in a package usiong Toad. I have my function :
FUNCTION PORTFOLIO_MEMO_RPT_Sql( schema_name IN VARCHAR2 , select_business_date IN DATE ) RETURN VARCHAR2.....SELECT DISTINCT Case when NVL(TO_DATE(''09/24/2013'',''MM/DD/YYYY'') - DECODE(mn.Active, 1, mn.DueDate, sc.DueDate ),0) = 0 then ''0Days'' when NVL(''' || select_business_date || ''' - DECODE(mn.Active, 1, mn.DueDate, sc.DueDate ),0) = 0
then ..... when I give it my variable from outside , it is not working......but when I use a date inside, it works. I call my function from outside like :
SELECT * FROM TABLE ( FI_rpt.Fi_Rpt_Pkg_loan.PORTFOLIO_MEMO_RPT (sys_context('userenv','session_user'),TO_DATE('09/24/2013','MM/DD/YYYY')) )
Which of the below is considered a bind variable. In example one proc. Test the parameter p1 is directly used in the query, so this can be considered as a bind variable.
Is that true about the second proc. where p1 is assigned to a local variable v1 , or this needs hard parsing because v1 is not a bind variable ?
Create or replace procedure test(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS BEGIN OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=p1; END; ------------ Create or replace procedure test1(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS v1 varchar2(100):=p1; BEGIN OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=v1; END;
I need to find out in DB Package where this Package is installed (in which schema). The problem is this DB Package can be installed in various schemas. This means that I can't use select user from dual or system environment SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'OS_USER').
I have a package with several procedures which raise and catch an error if a foreign key constraint has been violated. I put the the following code in my package body:
Now all the procedures inside the package which catch this exception in the EXCEPTION block work fine. I would like to be able to use that exception outside of my package as well though, how would I do this?
im as using oracle 8 with sqltools i have a Very large query. and i notice that many things are repeating. so i want to add them to a variable, instead of re-typing them.for example:
select SomeID from SomeTable;
i want SomeID to be put into a variable.but i still want to be able to get a normal select query at the end so that i can see the returned value:
i tried things like: declare x number; begin set x=45454 select x from SomeTable; end;
The cursor HH_ATTR_CSR returns a set of values and I'm iterating each values using a loop, but when comparing the post and pre values, I have to use the variable(HH_ATT_VAR) instead of column names.Usually we give it as (re.XXXX_YYYY) but the cloumn names has to be given in the form of a variable got from the cursor like (re.HH_ATT_VAR).In doing so, I'm getting an error as "bad bind variable" So,Is there any to view the old and the new value in the local?
Below is the code I am facing problem using tablename as variable.
I have five tavble is scheme Emp1,Emp2..Emp5
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure emp_up as tablename1 varchar2(30) ; Begin For x in 1..5 LOOP tablename1 := 'EMP' ||to_char(x); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'update '||tablename1 || 'set ename = ''ZZZZZ'' where ename in (''MILLER'')'; END LOOP; End;
The following code is getting the 'Not all Variables bound' error. There are only two variables so I don't see the order being an issue. Assume the integers are assigned elsewhere.
DateTime beginDT = new DateTime(yearInt, monthInt, dayInt, hourInt, minuteInt, secondInt); DateTime endDT = new DateTime(yearInt, monthInt+1, dayInt, hourInt, minuteInt, secondInt);
SQL.Append(" WHERE DATE >= :beginDTParameter "); SQL.Append("AND DATE < :endDTParameter");