SQL & PL/SQL :: PL/PDF - Create Bold And Normal Text In Same Paragraph?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm trying to create bold and normal text in the same paragraph with the library PL/PDF, but I can't. This is a small example:, this is an example to the library PL/SQL, adding text in bold and normal text." This text should be justified on the margins I can set.

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Create A Function Based Index On Bold Highlighted

Jul 2, 2010

Using oracle 10g R2 on sun-solaris 10 (sparc-64) Well in the MIS system we have lot of ad-hoc queries coming up. We have proper indexing. Say an example which runs very slow;

AND TO_DATE('1 JAN' || (19+substr( GLUPMJ , 1, 1)) || substr( GLUPMJ ,2,2)) + substr( GLUPMJ , 4, 3 ) -1 BETWEEN SYSDATE - 365 AND SYSDATE

Here GLUPMJ already indexed so the second query returing an index scan but the first query does a FTS naturally.Now even if I plan to create a function based index on 'the bold highlighted' but how.

create index glupmj_idx on f0911(TO_DATE('1 JAN' || (19+substr( GLUPMJ , 1, 1)) || substr( GLUPMJ ,2,2)) + substr( GLUPMJ , 4, 3 ));..Error If I don't use a FBI my query will result in FTS.

1> how to create a FBI here in this case

2> In MIS systems where 'n' no of ad-hoc queries can come up, how to avoid FTS.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Text Bold - Format Particular Word In Oracle Reports At Runtime?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a doubt; can we format a particular word in oracle reports at runtime..?


A text filed contains data Quote:We request #BANK# to finance the same Bill as per agreed interest rate and other terms and conditions agreed on the above addendum and immediately remit the proceeds to our account A/c no. #ACCOUNTNO#, held with your Bank.

We need to make #BANK#, #ACCOUNTNO# are bold at runtime, Is there any method to format characters at runtime..?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Normal Primary Constraint During Table Creation

Mar 23, 2010

i'm new to oracle environment.how can i specify NONCLUSTERD INDEX on Primary cloumn during table creation.By default it will create clusterd index but i need non-clusterd index on it.

I'm using following stmt to create normal primary constarint during table creation,


how can i change the above query, so that it should create NONCLUSTERED INDEX on Primary key column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Normal Partition Range On Date And Sub Partition List On Batch ID

Mar 17, 2011

I Know we can create dynamic partitions on table in oracle 11g. Is it possible to create normal partition and sub partition both dynamically.I have to create Normal partition range on date and sub partition list on Batch ID (varchar).

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Set Part Of String In Bold

Apr 30, 2013

I work with Oracle Forms and Report Builder since several weeks, but now i have something that i want to do with Report Builder.

I get string from DB (It's a paragraph) But i would like to set bold weight on a part of the string

for now, i set bold text i want to and i have created a fonction that make text bold like this

l_chaine := (SUBSTR(MyStrFromDB, InSTR(UPPER(MyStrFromDB), '[B]'),InSTR(UPPER(MyStrFromDB), '[/B]') ));
if(length(l_chaine) > 0) then
end if;

but it doesnt look to works..

how can i do that? And where i can do that?

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Application Express :: PL / PDF Bold Words - Strike-through?

Jan 28, 2013

from those who have created complex reports/forms using PL/PDF. done strike through sentences and words in bold within paragraphs?

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Parenthesis Create Error In Query / How To Clean Text Before Use

Nov 10, 2008

i am binding a string to a CONTAINS search (oracle text) and its throwing an error because of characters within the string.

this causes the error.
(A. A.)
if i take out ( and ) it works
A. A.

i thought binding took care of these issues as well as sql injection?


score(1) the_score,
contains(text_column, :BINDVAR1, 1) > 0

how can i get around this and other character errors on the fly?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Text File Of Report In 10g

Mar 18, 2013

How to create text file of report in 10g ? In reports 6i having default option in menu bar(mail). When clicking the mail option in reorts 6i it will attached to the outlook and we can sent. but in reports 10g not having that Option . It is possible in reports 10g?

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Reports & Discoverer :: MATRIX Report / Bold Value With Highest Value In Numeric Field?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to Bold the value with highest value in Numeric field. how can i do this.

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Oracle Forms PL/SQL - Create Text File For Multiple Records?

May 15, 2003

i'm working on a project right now using Oracle Forms 6.0 and Oracle 9i. after i create a record and save the data in the table, how can i generate/create a text file of that particular record? i need this text file in order to run it in another computer and somehow upload the data in the text file to another database.

i will also need to create the text file for multiple records.

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Application Express :: How To Create A Text That Links To Another Page From The Login Page

May 21, 2013

In the login page, I want to add a text "Register" that when clicked will send the user to another page to register.

With a button, its simple because its inbuilt there,but I do not want a button,just this: Register

I want also to have the text in color not black.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create A Report By Using One Field / Text As Columns Name In Layout But Display All Columns

Jun 16, 2010

I want to create a report by using one field and one text as columns name in layout but display the all the columns. I mention the 5 column names in query.how can I write function in summary column.

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Application Express :: Prefix Text Entered Into Text Area With Userid And Timestamp?

Sep 12, 2012

Have got basic form on a table and have a textarea which holds Notes added by user.

So Notes database field is updated on Save / Apply changes button being pressed.But would really like any text added / appended to the Notes field to be prefixed by userid and date / timestamp.

Is it possible via dynamic actions or Javascript to have any new text added / typed to be auto prefixed as per above.

Would only want the first key press in the filed to trigger the auto-prefix and if added text was deleted then the auto prefix to be deleted as well ?? If user doesn't press Save / Apply changes obviously want to leave existing Notes as is.

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Forms :: Is There Text Changed Trigger With Text Item Function

May 5, 2010

Is there text changed trigger with text item function like when_list_changed trigger of list item?

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Forms :: MS Word Rich Text Format In Text Item

Apr 17, 2012

Can I use rich text item on oracle form10G with some simple features like BOLD, UNDERLINE, ITALIC and if possible one more feature like spell check.

I Google my requirement, but mostly I found win word attachment. Further more if I can save this type of data in field then how can I print in report.

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Text :: Index Memory Parameter For Oracle Text Indexes

Sep 17, 2013

I am on Oracle on Linux and have implemented Oracle Text.I created Oracle Text indexes with default setting. However in an oracle white paper I read that the default setting may not be right. Here is the excerpt from the white paper by Roger Ford:URL....(Part of this white paper below....)Index Memory.                                  

As mentioned above, cached $I entries are flushed to disk each time the indexing memory is exhausted. The default index memory at installation is a mere 12MB, which is very low. Users can specify up to 50MB at index creation time, but this is still pretty low. This would be done by a CREATE INDEX statement something like: CREATE INDEX myindex ON mytable(mycol) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context PARAMETERS ('index memory 50M');  Allow index memory settings above 50MB, the CTXSYS user must first increase the value of the MAX_INDEX_MEMORY parameter, like this:  begin ctx_ adm. set_ parameter('max_index_memory', '500M'); end;  The setting for index memory should never be so high as to cause paging, as this will have a serious effect on indexing speed. On smaller dedicated systems, it is sometimes advantageous to temporarily decrease the amount of memory consumed by the Oracle SGA (for example by decreasing DB_CACHE_SIZE and/or SHARED_POOL_SIZE) during the index creation process.

Once the index has been created, the SGA size can be increased again to improve query performance." (End here from the white paper excerpt)My question is:

1) To apply this procedure (ctx_adm.set_parameter) required me to login as CTXSYS user. Is that right? or can it be avoided and be done from the application schema? This user CTXSYS is locked by default and I had to unlock it. Is that ok to do in production?

2) What is the value that I should use for the max_index_memory should it be 500 mb - my SGA is 2 GB in Dev/ QA and 3GB in production. Also in the index creation what is the value I should set for index memory parameter  - I had left that at default but how should I change now? Should it be 50MB as shown in example above?

3) The white paper also refer to rebuilding an index at some interval like once in a month:   ALTER INDEX DR$index_name$X REBUILD ONLINE; We are on Oracle 11g and the white paper was written in 2003.

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Forms :: Text Box To Accommodate Large External File Text

Dec 30, 2010

I have a requirement in one of my forms screen.I have a text box(large text area) which should display a help text file when i move my cursor on the topics displayed on the screen.know the code and the properties to be changed in the text box to accommodate large external file text.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Cursor And Normal For / While Loop?

Mar 7, 2011

what is the difference between using a cursor and using a normal for/while loop to retrieve and process the result set.

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PL/SQL :: Convert Normal Subquery Into Join

Nov 1, 2012

Convert normal subquery into join.

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PL/SQL :: Difference Between Materialized And Normal View?

Aug 29, 2012

the difference in detail with an example.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting HTML Format Text To Plain Text?

Dec 23, 2009

Is there any way to convert HTML format text to Plain Text ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Normal And Cluster Index On Table?

Aug 4, 2010

Difference between Normal Index on Table and Cluster Index on Table?

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Select Statement Gives Different Results Using Bitmap Or Normal Index

Jan 10, 2012

we have a strange symptom in a database Oracle EE. Following question comes from our application developers.

The following SQL statement:

sum(v.f_s) "REV_S",
sum(v.f_f) "REV_F",
sum(v.f_c) "REV_C",

gives different result when we exchange the index ksr_valid_until_i on table kreditkarten_sets_rs. For some reasons we changed the index from bitmap to normal and are getting different results. Switching back gives us the same results as before. When we avoid the usage of this index in the statement than we are getting the same results as when we are using the normal index.

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Text :: Number Search Using Oracle Text

Jun 19, 2012

I'm new to Oracle Text. I want to implement search for the unique ids. Like google search when the user start typing 123 it need to brings anything starting with 123 and has show like entries how google will shows. When I add number 4 to like 1234 then it has bring numbers starting with 1234.

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Server Administration :: Oracle Normal And Application DB In Single Machine

Apr 26, 2012

I have already installed oracle 10g version in my Desktop. Now i want to install APPLICATION SERVER 10g version.

Should I Un install the Normal Database.
Or else can I have both in a single machine.

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Forms :: Login As SYSDBA In Oracle From Normal Logon Procedure?

Apr 24, 2012

is it possible to login as SYSDBA in oracle forms from normal logon procedure?

logon(sys_acc, sys_pwd||'@'||:GLOBAL.db_conn);

The reason behind this is to make a form which will alter user's password. But all the users are in SYS account and it is necessary to login as SYSDBA in forms to execute alter statement.

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PL/SQL :: Normal Insert Proc - Bulk Collect Taking More Time

Feb 4, 2013

I am working on oracle 11g...I have one normal insert proc

     INSERT INTO first_table
     (citiversion, financialcollectionid,
     dataitemid, dataitemvalue,

I am processing 1 lakh rows.tell me the reason why bulk collect is taking more time. ? According to my knowledge it should take less time. do i need to check any parameter?

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Automatic Storage Management :: RAC 11gR2 - Normal Or External Redundancy

May 20, 2013

My comp is running with RAC 11gR2 with ASM on external redundancy. we are planning to move on normal redundancy.

which will be better normal redundancy or external redundancy.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Normal Redundancy Disk Group

Oct 3, 2013

One of my collegues created an ASM disk group with normal redundancy using 2 disks. But the disks are not of same size, one disk is 100GB and another one is 10GB. Now the usable space out of diskgroup is showing 55GB. When I checked the diskgroup properties it is showing 2 fail groups one is DATA1_ 0000 with 10GB and other is DATA_0001 with 100GB.  My question is why it is showing 55GB as usable space? My assumption is as it is having 2 fail groups with different disks of different sizes. For the failgroup 2 even it is of 100GB size, in order to maintain the redundancy with other small FG(10G) it will consider only 10GB out of 100GB. So, the 2nd FG size also should be 10GB. So that the usable space should show as 10GB as opposed to 55GB (not (100+10)/2). 

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