SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-30926 Occurs Only With PARALLEL Hint On MERGE Statement

Jun 26, 2013

I am writing below MERGE statement. In this cardinality between table_a and table_b is 1:2. I.e. each record in table_b corresponds to 2 records in table_a based on columns in ON clause.

Well this query throws below error.


ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P011

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

However, the same statement executes successfully when PARALLEL hint is removed altogether. (There are no duplicates in table_b based on unit,group,loc columns.)


INTO table_a a
USING table_b b
ON (a.unit = b.unit AND a.group = b.group AND a.loc = b.loc)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Regarding Parallel Hint Degree?

Jan 3, 2012

I have been told that i should use multiple's of 4 as degree in the parallel hint to get maximum performance, so i am wondering is it true? that i should always use multiples of 4 or i can use any number inside the parallel hint.

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Performance Tuning :: Does Parallel Hint Works In Cursor Queries

Aug 28, 2013

Does parallel hint works in cursor queries? The cursor query is something like :

cursor c is
select /*+ parallel(s,8) */
from table ref_tab s ---- >>
<where condition>;

The table ref_tab hold data for a single day at any point of time and gets truncate before loading the next days data.On average the table holds around 7 million rows and doesn't contains any index (think that's fine as all together we are loading the whole set).And, we are using bulk logic with save exceptions to open the cursor and load the data into the target table.

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Performance Tuning :: Select Query Taking Time Even After Using Parallel Hint?

Sep 25, 2013

serialnumber from product where productid in
(select /*+ full parallel(producttask 16) */productid from producttask where
startedtimestamp > to_date('2013-07-04 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
and startedtimestamp < to_date('2013-07-05 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
and producttasktypeid in


Explain plan output:

Plan hash value: 2779236890
| Id | Operation | Name| Rows| Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time| Pstart| Pstop |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT || 1 | 29 | 9633M (8)|999:59:59 |||
|* 1 | FILTER |||| ||||
| 2 | PARTITION RANGE ALL || 738M| 19G| 6321K (1)| 21:04:17 | 1 | 6821 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter( EXISTS (<not feasible>)
4 - filter("PRODUCTID"=:B1)
5 - filter(ROWNUM<100)
12 - access("MODELID"=:B1)


Note: - SQL profile "SYS_SQLPROF_014153616b850002" used for this statement

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Performance Tuning :: Does Parallel Hint In Query Can Create Bottleneck / Slowdown / Crash Database

Oct 20, 2011

does parallel hint in query can create bottleneck/Slowdown/crash database..??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Update Statement Using Undocumented Hint

Jun 1, 2010

I have been asked to rewrite the following update statement without using the hint BYPASS_UJVC.


if (l_Record > 0) then
-- since at least 1 loan was found with the old type, process the actual update
update /*+BYPASS_UJVC*/ (

I think I am supposed to be using the Merge statement but I am not sure on how to go about it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement From Schemas In MERGE Statement In USING Clause

Sep 13, 2013

In the following merge statement in the USINg clause...I am using a select stament of one schema WEDB.But that same select statement should take data from 30 schemeas and then check the condition below condition

ON(source.DNO = target.DNO
AND source.BNO=target.BNO);

I thought that using UNIONALL for select statement of the schemas as below.


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Why Is OEM SQL Monitoring Showing Parallel On Almost Every Statement

Jan 28, 2013

I'm running Oracle EE and when I look in OEM SQL Monitoring, it shows nearly every sql statement running with a degree of parallelism of *2*.

I've checked dba_tables and the 'degree' for all tables is only 1. I look at the actual sql statement, and there are no hints to tell it to use parallelism. So why and how is the database using parallelism?

I do see that parallel_threads_per_cpu is set to 2, but this is default for our Solaris 10 operating system.

REF: (for 11.2)
PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU specifies the default degree of parallelism for the instance and determines the parallel adaptive and load balancing algorithms. The parameter describes the number of parallel execution processes or threads that a CPU can handle during parallel execution.

The default is platform-dependent and is adequate in most cases. You should decrease the value of this parameter if the machine appears to be overloaded when a representative parallel query is executed. You should increase the value if the system is I/O bound.

how to tell if my database is actually IO bound or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Statement In Oracle

Jun 22, 2012

how to update or insert another (third table ) table with merge statement

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Executing Merge Statement?

Jul 18, 2011

how to use the MERGE Statement. actually I've used oracle Merge Statement before and it works very well. However today I tried to use and perform a command like that:

Merge into myTable mt using ( select 'data' field1, 'data2' field2, ect from dual
select 'data' field1, 'data2' field2, ect from dual


This has not worked.What am I doing wrong?What could I do to solve this problem and axecute this statement sucessfully?

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Forms :: Using Merge Statement In 6i?

May 9, 2011

in Toad I am using this Merge statement , working accordingly.I want to use this merge statement in my form where can I use it.

I created a Procedure in Form Named Proc_merge and call it when validate item of :bankcode

PROCEDURE proc_merge IS
v_com varchar2(5000);
V_COM := '


when matched then

update set
trg.v_chq = src.cheque_no, trg.v_bankcode = src.bank_code ,trg.v_debit=src.debit, trg.v_credit=src.credit, trg.v_narration=src.narration

when not matched then

insert (trg.v_type, trg.v_no, trg.v_date, trg.v_chq, trg.v_bankcode, trg.v_debit, trg.v_credit, trg.v_narration)
values (src.voucher_type, src.voucher_no, src.voucher_date, src.cheque_no, src.bank_code, src.debit, src.credit, src.narration)

no any result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Statement Required With Logic

Jul 10, 2013

Table Name: F_SCENARIO
System : Dataware house
Oracle version : 11g
Record Count : 2 Million records

Correct scenario records

F_Key F_Bridge_key Record_type
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3

Wrong scenario records

F_Key F_Bridge_key Record_type
1 1 1
2 -5 2
3 -6 3

I want to write a Merge statement to update the negative values into 1.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Statement - Intermediate Commit?

Dec 12, 2012

I am using Merge statement to copy data from one table to other,

merge into tabA a
using tabB b
on a.id = b.id
when match
update (
when not matched
(insert )

This is working all fine, as SQL, but when there is large volume, it blows out as there are intermediate commits for this ?

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PL/SQL :: Merge Statement - Update Only When There Is Difference?

Feb 7, 2013

I have two tables have almost the same columns, how can I use merge statement to update the target table only when there is difference between source and target table. Is there any easier way not compare each column one by one? I am using Oracle 11.2

Here is the MERGE statement:

Merge into tb_trgt trgt using tb_src src
on (src.id = trgt.id)
when not matched then insert (trgt.id, trgt.nm, trgt.addr) values (src.id, src.nm, src.nm)
when matched then update set trgt.nm = src.nm, trgt.addr = src.addr
where trgt.nm <> src.nm or trgt.addr <> src.addr

Is there any easier way to specify the where clause in the NOT MATCHED? I don't want compare each column of the tables. Since I may have many columns in the tables.

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PL/SQL :: Merge Statement On Single Table

Oct 29, 2012


i want to apply merge stmt on single table.



My requiremen is if record is exists then i wan to update some value, if record not existes the i wan to insert new record

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PL/SQL :: Merge Statement - Delete Clause?

Mar 14, 2013

I was reading about merge statement and tried some variations,

create table MERGE_TEST(
C1 number,
C2 varchar2(10 char),
c3 number);

insert into MERGE_TEST values(1, 'Name 3', 300);
insert into MERGE_TEST values(1, 'Name 2', 200);
insert into MERGE_TEST values(1, 'Name 1', 100);


why is result different in this querys?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Use Index On (ON In MERGE Statement)

Apr 6, 2011

mbr has 60,000 rows and member has 60,000 rows approx. two tables have indexes on ssn, and citi_no on them.

PK of mbr : mbr_id
PK of member : mbr_id

other columns are not PK, and have no index on it.

I'm wondering why the statment doesn't use index while ssn and citi_no have index.

USING (SELECT mbr_id,citi_no
FROM member) a
ON (t.ssn = a.citi_no)
UPDATE SET t.asis_mbr_id = a.mbr_id
where t.ssn not in(select ssn from mbr group by ssn having count(*) > 1)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Pipelined Function In Merge Statement?

Dec 2, 2010

I am getting a (PL/SQL: ORA-00903: invalid table name) compile error in a procedure using a merge statement. I have seen many examples using this technique and am at a loss as to why I can't compile.

the pipelined function is:

FUNCTION f_crcli_pipe(pi_source_data IN sys_refcursor,
pi_limit_size IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT pkg_crcli_variables.c_cursor_limit_def)


the error is pointing to the TABLE function in the USING clause of the merge statement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Have All Rows In A Table Updated At Once In Merge Statement

Aug 10, 2010

Can I have all the rows in a table updated at once in the merge statement?

MERGE INTO providermaster a

UPDATE ....... I want to update all the other rows at once..

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Forms :: Getting Error While Using MERGE Statement In Application

May 19, 2010

I am using MERGE statement first time in my application but I am facing error.

merge into store.comm_dept a
using factory_data.comm_dept b
on (a.cd_dcode = b.cd_dcode)
when matched then

ERROR IS: encountered the symbol 'INTO' when expecting on of the following:

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Statement In Procedure - Internal Error Code

Feb 9, 2011

I have a merge statement in one procedure , this job runs on daily . It is running successfully since Jan-19-2010 and giving the below error now.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbgcur_9], [4224596], [1],
[4294967250], [2], [], [], []

It is giving error in the beginning of the MERGE statement.

View 11 Replies View Related

PL/SQL :: How To Implement Exception Handling On MERGE Statement In Oracle10g

Jul 19, 2012

How to handle the exception on below MERGE statement?


select  * from   ABC ) SRC

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Statement - Unable To Get Stable Set Of Rows In Source Tables

Sep 15, 2013

When I am executing merge statement I am getting the below error.

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

USING (SELECT * FROM (SELECT row_number () over (partition by TANNO order by null) rn,


The query is fectching below data.

SELECT dno,TANNO,SOL,DESC,class,ct_dt,tcost
63007565ADclass A A12345 08/28/131


Intially thers is no records in the TAN_LIST table. When I run the merge statemnt I am able to insert all 15 records into that table.

When I run the same merge statemment second time I am getting the below error.

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

So that I have used partition by cluase in the slect statement and I am able to resolve the error.

But it's inserting only 14 records not all 15. How to process all 15 records without the error..

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PL/SQL :: Passing String Values To Partition Clause In A Merge Statement?

May 24, 2013

I am using the below code to update specific sub-partition data using oracle merge statements.

I am getting the sub-partition name and passing this as a string to the sub-partition clause.

The Merge statement is failing stating that the specified sub-partition does not exist. But the sub-partition do exists for the table.

We are using Oracle 11gr2 database.

Below is the code which I am using to populate the data.

ln_min_batchkey PLS_INTEGER;
ln_max_batchkey PLS_INTEGER;
lv_partition_name VARCHAR2 (32767);
lv_subpartition_name VARCHAR2 (32767);


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Performance Tuning :: Parallel Index With Non-partitioned No-parallel Table?

Apr 30, 2012

If we have not set parallel degree for a table then we can ( try to ) force parallel execution on a table using a parallel hint Does this 'parallelism' works on the index search in the query as well?

In which situations non-parallel non-partitioned table but parallel index (degree>2) will facilitate a query?

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Performance Tuning :: Merge Statement Tuning For 100M Records In Table?

Oct 31, 2011

I have two tables with 113M records in DWH_BILL_DET & 103M in prd_rerate_chg_que and Im running following merge query, which is running for 13 hrs to update records, which is quiet longer time.

SQL> explain plan for MERGE /*+ parallel (rq, 16) */
USING (SELECT rated_que_rowid,


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How Much Block Will Be Read From Disk When A Single Oracle Io Call Occurs

Jul 10, 2012

The block size of my db(10gr2) is 8k, and the db is on the raw device file system on a aix machine.

OS block size is 512k.

How much block will be read from disk when a single oracle io call occurs? Which one is currect, 8K or 512K?

If the block size for a single io call depends on the os block size (512k), I think os block size need to be tuned for oracle block size (8k). If we use raw device file system, os level block size has no meaning?

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When Index Lock Contention Occurs / How To Know Which Index Is Causing

Aug 27, 2012

We have occurrences of enq : TX - index contentions in the database. Using the SQL ID, we have identified the INSERT statement and the table which they are trying to insert.

This table has almost 25 different indexes, some of which are unique as well.I am wondering how to identify the actual index causing issue, out of these 25 indexes.

Is there any way to pin point to the name of index which is causing the lock?My plan is, once the index is identified, I would like to check the extents and inittrans and other attributes of this index to fix.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Materialize Hint And IOT

Mar 29, 2012

I'm very happy about materialize hint and I use it a lot. But is it possible to set some hint indicating that I want to materialize some inline view results (temp table transformation) as IOT (index organized table)?

IOT must have primary key. Ok, could it be all the columns in listing order? That would convenient. I know I can use global temporary with index, but this forces me to split one statement into parts.

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Can HINT Append Generate Error

Mar 1, 2007

I've got SQL code generated by an HP tool to make an update of itself. This code is not modifiable because was execute 'in background' from the tool updater.

The macro operations made by the updater (through sql code) are:

--create a copy of actual table and rename with '_old' suffix
--create new table, with indexes and constraints
--insert data into new table from old tables

Now, only in one table, when the data were inserted, an ORA-00001: unique constraint (ASSET_SVIL.CFG_CFGSECTIONCFGE) violated, appear.

To insert data is used an insert/select statement with an HINT /* APPEND */. We verify all the data existing in the old table (that is the data to 'migrate') but there aren't duplicate record!


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