SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Insert Template For Any Given Table
Jun 21, 2010
I would like to know how to get an insert template for any given table.
For example
SQL> @insertTemplate
Enter Table Name: emp
) ;
For any given table the script should create an insert template like above?
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Jan 17, 2011
I want to insert a formatted template into a table column. Is there any function for this requirement.
want is this format
Best Regards,
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Apr 20, 2010
We have many customized forms built on 6i (11i Template) and deployed to EBS 11i, We want to Upgrade to R12, what shall i do with the customized form which already applied to 11i Template ?I know i have to migrate 6i to 10g then deploy, but my problem in the Template, shall i remove 11i Template and apply R12 Template from the beggining?
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Oct 24, 2011
I created table Rang pertitionned, and List subpartitionned. My table is Interval partitionning. My subpartition is template based as is :
i would have the same repartition with 10 differents tablespaces, one for each subpartition.
I search on Oracle documentation this morning, but the only thing i've found is that this option is possible with the STORE IN clause, but only for HASH partitionning.
Is there a way to specify STORAGE clause with a template for my indexes ?
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Jun 12, 2012
primary key constraint on transaction_dtl_bk is affecting the insertion of next correct rows.
v_sql_error VARCHAR2 (100); -- added by sanjiv
v_sqlcode VARCHAR2 (100); ---- added by sanjiv added by sanjiv
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Jul 17, 2013
Oracle 11gI have a large table of 125 million records - t3_universe. This table never gets updated or altered once loaded, but holds data that we receive from a lead company. I need to select records from this large table that fit certain demographic criteria and insert those into a smaller table - T3_Leads - that will be updated with regard to when the lead is mailed and for other relevant information. select records from this 125 million record table to insert into the smaller table.
I have tried a variety of things - views, materialized views, direct insert into smaller table...I think I am probably missing other approaches. My current attempt has been to create a View using the query that selects the records as shown below. Then use a second query that inserts into T3_Leads from this View V_Market. This is very slow. Can I just use an Insert Into T3_Leads with this query - it did not seem to work with the WITH clause? My Index on the large table is t3_universe_composite and includes zip_code, address_key, household_key.
CREATE VIEW V_Market asWITH got_pairs AS ( SELECT /*+ INDEX_FFS(t3_universe t3_universe_composite) */ l.zip_code, l.zip_plus_4, l.p1_givenname, l.surname, l.address, l.city, l.state, l.household_key, l.hh_type as l_hh_type, l.address_key, l.narrowband_income, l.p1_ms, l.p1_gender, l.p1_exact_age, l.p1_personkey, e.hh_type as filler_data, 1.p1_seq_no, l.p2_seq_no , ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY l.address_key ORDER BY l.hh_verification_date DESC ) AS r_num FROM t3_universe e JOIN t3_universe l ON l.address_key = e.address_key AND l.zip_code = e.zip_code AND l.p1_gender != e.p1_gender
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Feb 20, 2013
I have a table with a BLOB column ;
I want read data from table and insert to another table with a cursor
My code is :
procedure read_data is
cursor get_data is
select id,image from picture1;
id1 number;
pic blob;
open get_data;
when I run form , error FRM-40734 occurred
error in line " fetch .... "
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Aug 24, 2013
My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.
So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).
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Dec 28, 2010
I need to take a snapshot of a table before insert or update happens to that table.... in oracle 10g. I am reading the MV docs from oracle and below link..
how MV should be written for this and how to schedule it in dbms_jobs for auto refresh?
assuming that t1 is the table where DML operation are goin to happen so before any insert or update, snapshot has to be taken, and I am assuming that to do this it would look something like this?
create materialized view my_view refresh fast as select * from t1;
create materialized view log on my_view;
and then schedule in a dbms_jobs?
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Mar 25, 2013
following is the requirement
External Table
Export Table
Step 1.Insert all records from the external table into the export table. Truncate the export table first
Step 2.Read in a record from the export map table
Step 3.Search through export table records looking for the key words BRANCH =. Compare the branch code with the branch code form the map table
Step 4.If a match is found mark all records in the export table for the worksheet with the global ID from the export map table as follows..The first line of a worksheet is marked by the words WKSHTS..The last line of the work sheet is marked by the words COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL..We will need to capture the line break so also mark the next line after the COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL line
Step 5.Continue with Steps 2 - 4 until all records have been processed from the export map table.
first I have to create a procedure ti insert data from external table to export table.Global id will be blank.it will be updated by the mapping table's Global Id when The EB COLUMN's data(i.e 8p,2Betc ) will match with the BRANC=NA,2Betc of the datasheet loaded from the external table.. FOLLOWING IS THE SAMPLE DATASHEET
THERE ARE 2 pages..I have to split this LONG REPORT STORED IN WKSHT_LINE COLUMN OF EXPORT TABLE to 2 records..like wise 500 pages are there means 500 records.. AND THEN FIND BRANCH= after that which two words will come i.e NA,2B etc if it will MATCH WITH MAPPING TABLE"S EB COLUMN"S DATA,THEN MAPPING TABLE's GLOBAL ID WILL BE UPDATED TO EXPORT TABLE's GLOBAL ID WHICH IS BLANK
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Mar 9, 2004
Trying to auto insert the newest records from one table into another Table. I have a vendor provided table that is part of my database (running Oracle 9i) so I can't change the underlying structure to it or their process stops fluxing. However, I can add a trigger to it. What I want to do is this:
When the vendor's software inserts a new row (through their own automated process) I want to insert data from that same new record into another table of my own. (where of course I can re-format it, etc., and make the data my own)
The original vendor table does not have a insertion timestamp field to work off of.What is the best way to trigger an insert off the latest inserted record? It works to replace all the records in the entire vendor table but I only want to insert one record at a time.
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Aug 2, 2012
I have table t1 and t1 , I want a procedure that will insert all records from t1 into table t2 and after successfull insert table t1 should be truncated .
If their is any problem in insert in to table t2 , the truncate command should not work .
Truncate command should work only after successfully insert command .
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Oct 19, 2010
Not sure if its an issue or just an Oracle "feature" of some sort. So I create a table with a specified partition/ sub partition template as follows:
CODEcreate table sr_part_test
part_key NUMBER,
subpart_key VARCHAR(10)
tablespace NORKOM_DATA
partition by range ( part_key )
subpartition by list ( subpart_key )
Then when I split the MAX VALUE partition, all is hunky dorey and as expected:
CODEalter table sr_part_test split partition sr_part_max at (4) into
partition sr_part_4,
partition sr_part_max
select * from user_tab_subpartitions where table_name = 'SR_PART_TEST' and partition_name = 'SR_PART_4';
But - what if I want to have new generated names and possibly even new subpartition keys? Won't work:
CODEalter table sr_part_test
set subpartition template
subpartition sp_1_NEWNAME values ('foo'),
subpartition sp_2_NEWNAME values ('bar'),
subpartition sp_3_NEWNAME values ('baz')
Notice that the sub partition names are still using the old names (which I do NOT want), and still using the old keys! C .
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May 15, 2012
I am having a template file (only .dbt file) to create the database instance.I Kept it in $ORACLE_HOME/assistant/dbca/template/,after running DBCA it was loaded with details mentioned in it ,but at the second last step when i try to see initialization parameters control file ,datafile and tablespace detail was not mentioned.when it started database creation ,got hanged on 5% completion showing failure in processing system parameters. Is it the right way to create database using DBCA?what should I do to create database using template?
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Mar 17, 2011
i am using this syntax but its going in error, <?if:number(DAY_1)>=1 and number(DAY_1)<=25?><?attribute@incontext:background-color;'LightGreen'?><?end if?>
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Nov 7, 2013
During the database installation the two nodes after all the prerequisite check and copy of files i am getting the below error message
"Template4 General_Purpose.dbc does not exist. Please specify an existing template for database creation".
How can i overcome this error ? I am installing Oracle 11g R2 11.2.0 On Oracle Enterprise Linux (5.1.19) running on [Oracle Virtual Box 4.1.12 ]. Also what are the steps to uninstall the previously installed db_home1 which failed due to this error.
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Oct 31, 2013
i have a xml sheet which contain 30 attributes,and only because of one attribute i got this error when i preview my xls sheet and the rest 29 attribute is working correctly.
Start Excel Previewonly open: falsemTemplate: C:Documents and Settingsesys36Local SettingsApplication DataOracleBIPublisherTemplateBuilderforExcel mp mp mp.xlsmTmpTemplate: C:Documents and Settingsesys36Local SettingsApplication DataOracleBIPublisherTemplateBuilderforExcel mp/tmp.xlsjava.lang.NumberFormatException: multiple points at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Double.valueOf(Unknown Source) at oracle.xdo.template.excel.render.BookDataWriter.copyCell(BookDataWriter.java:766) at
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Oct 12, 2011
Are there some oracle views about subpartition template?
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May 8, 2012
how to create database instance using database template file(.dbt) while running DBCA?
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Jul 3, 2007
I am in the process of customising the Oracle Sourcing Notifications template/stylesheet - PON_SOURCING_XSLFO.xsl - to add a logo (done) and change the text (problems!?).
I would like to remove some of the dynamic text and replace it with some boiler plate by either hard coding it in the template or feeding modified data to the placeholders.
Where I can access the Sourcing Notifications text definitions or alternatively let me know how, if it is possible, to hard code text into the XML template.
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Oct 19, 2012
I have a requirement to create an applications with company standard layout,logo and colors.
What is the best way to start. Should I change Page Template or Region template.
There are some standard .css files.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am about to start on a new application where I intend to include some major custom css formatting.
Now with previous applications and themes I have experienced, that some elements are very hard to adjust (like placing a table in the center of the screen instead on the left edge), also when importing other libraries like Twitter Bootstrap, often there are conflicts between the styles, that cause unpleasant results.
Now my question to you is, which theme in the 4.0-respository has a rather new page-html, and is best suited for further customization? E.g. when importing jquery UI.
I know, I still could kick out the theme-css out of the page template entirely, but then some functionalities, like the actions menu on an interactive report, stop functioning.
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Aug 8, 2012
how to adjust a total (counter) after a record is inserted into a table.
the dilemma i am facing is we are using third party software for our fundraising operations so I have no control over what gets done in the background as users process their daily batches into the system. below is the scenario:
create table paytable(
idnumber number(12),
appealcode varchar2(20),
batchno number(8),
trantype varchar2(3),
transnum number(8),
split_transnum number(8));
---------- -------------------- ---------- --- ---------- --------------
16084 DVFG1206 20120808 PP 23853576 1133821
16084 DVFG1206 20120808 PPO 23853577 1133821
1234 DVFG1206 20120808 PP 23853578 1133822
create table appealtable
(appealcode varchar2(20),
total# number(9),
total$ number(13,2));
-------------------- ---------- ----------
DVFG1206 100 2500
during batch posting records are inserted into the paytable, on some pledge donations donors will send overpayments when fulfilling a PLEDGE(as is the case with donor 16084) therefore the system will split the payment during the process and will assign a trantype of 'PP' to the exact pledge amount and a 'PPO'(pledge payment overage) towards the balance. additionally as records get inserted into paytable there is counter of those paytable records going into the appealtable for that particular appealcode so in the case above when batchno 20120808 is completed appealtable.total# will show 103 and total$ will show $2532($10,$12,$10,,,I did not include payment$ since that is not the focus of this issue and will not change).
mgt wants the counter into the appealtable to be 2 instead of 3 records since the two records that were split(same split_transnum) should be recorded as one response not two.
I have tried writing an after insert trigger(dreaded mutating table error) and can't seem to figure out how to update the counter to the appealtable after records are inserted into paytable. below is some code I've been working with but it's not working.
p_cnt NUMBER :=0;
show errors
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Sep 6, 2013
I want to update a row in a table say Table A and the updated row should be inserted into another table say Table B. I need to do it in a single SQL query and i don't want to do it in PL/SQL with triggers. And i tried with MERGE statement but its working with this scenario.
(Note: I'm using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
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Jul 4, 2010
i am developing a application using oracle forms 10g. i can't use the standard template.fmb because my application does not run in ebs. there comes the problem: i want to implement the lov button function like the template does, such as :
1. when the text item get focus, lov button display.
2. when the text item lost focus, lov button disappear.
3. when scrollbar scrolls, the position of lov button adjust accordingly.
4. there is only one lov button in one form and the lov button was created dynamically.
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Aug 6, 2010
i am having requirement that i want a total record on single page.is there any option at report level or template level.
(if on header has 2 to 3 lines then it will come in one page but if there is one header with above 20 line then it will not come in one page if there any option to be set to full fill such a requirement.)
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Nov 2, 2012
I have one issue regarding this column values displaying ,in one column value has contains big length ,total i have 8 columns ,now i want to show all columns with fixed width even data in particular column had big length will display next line not next row.
example: oracle and "oracle,Business,intelligence" are the data in two columns these two columns data column 1 and column 2 now i want to display in column1 'oracle' and column2 first line 'oracle' ,second line 'Business ' and next line 'intelligence' like below
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Nov 14, 2012
I'm trying to modify my dbca template to include two control files. One on ASM +RECO and we we're thinking of adding the second one on the database filesystem $ORACLE_BASE/something/something Within the template there are references to controlfiles two places:
<initParam name="control_files" value="("{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/control01.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE}/fast_recovery_area/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/control02.ctl")"/>
<ControlfileAttributes id="Controlfile">
<image name="control01.ctl" filepath="{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/"/>
<image name="control02.ctl" filepath="+RECO"/>
With this configuration there is only one controlfile created and that is on +RECO. What am I doing wrong and also should I add the second controlfile to +DATA instead of fielsystem $ORACLE_BASE?
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Oct 2, 2012
I actually have tried to read the Customizing Templates chapter of the Users Guide. According to that guide, the following substitution strings are supported in the the Error Template Control section of page templates.
#MESSAGE# and #ADDITIONAL_INFO# - Places the error message.
#TECHNICAL_INFO# - Displays detailed internal error information which will just be visible for developers.
#BACK_LINK# - Displays a link back to the previous page.
#OK# and #RETURN_TO_APPLICATION# - Returns to translated text strings.
However, if I enter the follow code
<p> message: #MESSAGE# </p>
<p> additional info: #ADDITIONAL_INFO# </p>
<p> techie stuff: #TECHNICAL_INFO# </p>
<p> back link: #BACK_LINK# </p>
return to application: Return to application.
It appears that only the first substitution string is doing anything. I'm especially interested in additional info and technical info. The back_link just looks like an html snippet, not sure why I would use a substitution string for this. I imagine the last two could facilitate site translation, but that doesn't work much if there is no machinery for translating error messages themselves.
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Jul 31, 2013
I have just implemented a "Data Load" function which is the OOTB page type in apex 4.2 which allows the end user to go through a wizard and import csv data into a table.
When the user is viewing the data to be imported - they have to scroll across the length of the screen (depending on how many columns you are loading). I noticed there is a Region template called "Scrollable Content Region". I tried applying this template to my region, and when this didn't work, to a container region.
The scrollbars appear (horizontally and vertically) but they are greyed out as the region is still at max width and you have to use the browser to scroll instead.I think this looks untidy as the header colour-styling ends, as well as other regions being stretched.
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