Server Administration :: Subpartition Template View
Oct 12, 2011Are there some oracle views about subpartition template?
View 3 RepliesAre there some oracle views about subpartition template?
View 3 RepliesI have created a partition table using template,how can i add a subpartition named p_default which store default values for all pattitions ?
create table tb_p_test
RECDATE NUMBER(8) not null,
PROVCODE NUMBER(5) default 0 not null,
count number
I create a range-list partition table using the subpartition template,and there is a default subpartition p_default,when i insert a row which provcode values is 6 into the table,and it belong to the default subpartition,how can i spilt it into a new subpartition such as p_6, and make the row belong to the subpartition p_6?
create table tb_hxl_user_split
statedate date not null,
provcode number not null,
usernumber varchar2(13) not null,
rem1 varchar2(1024),
create_date date,
create_by number,
last_update_date date,
last_update_by number
We have a table which is already partitioned by list and now we would like to add a subpartition.
Create table Item_mst
ccn varchar2(10),
Flag varchar2(1),
Item varchar2(10),
status varchar2(1)
Now I could like to alter the above table for adding a new subpartition on each partition on status.
Above alter gives ORA-14253: table is not partitioned by composite range method.
However dropping and recreating the table with subpartitions is working fine.
But Dropping and recreating the table in production is very cumbersome as it has huge data and many indices.
can we change the existing materialized view to normal view? if yes how?
View 2 Replies View Related I can desc the view,but i can not get the ddl of the view,how can i do?
SQL> desc oss03.VW_OSS_PM_MONTH_3_201112;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------
I created a view with parameters l_id and l_name, how can i find them in oracle view?
Create Table tb_test
Id Number,
Name Varchar2(64)
Create Or Replace View vw_tb_test(l_id,l_name)
Select Id,Name From tb_test;
There are some sys views can not found. why?
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> show user;
SQL> desc dba_users;
ORA-04043: object dba_users does not exist
We have many customized forms built on 6i (11i Template) and deployed to EBS 11i, We want to Upgrade to R12, what shall i do with the customized form which already applied to 11i Template ?I know i have to migrate 6i to 10g then deploy, but my problem in the Template, shall i remove 11i Template and apply R12 Template from the beggining?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen you create a MAV, you automatically get a hidden column and an index. Here's an example,drop user jon cascade;
grant dba to jon identified by jon;
conn jon/jon
create table emp as select * from scott.emp;
create materialized view mv1 enable query rewrite as
select deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno;
select object_name,object_type from user_objects;
select index_name,column_name from user_ind_columns where table_name='MV1';
select column_name,hidden_column from user_tab_cols where table_name='MV1';
select deptno,"SUM(SAL)",sys_nc00003$ from mv1;
I know that you can view all constraints in a table using $USER_CONSTRAINTS or $USER_INDEXES view. What i find difficult is that the information in those views is not really well presented.
I find it very hard to follow. For example, just to find out which columns are foreign keys and which tables they refer to is really tedious. Is there a simpler way to view all the constraints especially foreign keys of a table and including which table columns they refer to in the child table.
I like to see a diagramatic representaion of all the tables involved so i like to see both the parent and the child tables, which columns are related and using which FKs etc. is there an easier way to view this information?
How to find the base table of a view,such as a view:
create or replace view vw_test as select * from tb_test;
Is there dic view to get the base table of view?
SQL> drop MATERIALIZED view log on afccv.tbl_voicechat;
drop MATERIALIZED view log on afccv.tbl_voicechat
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
i dont want to kill the sessions or anything is there any way to set prority to do this task?
Im facing the problem whenever I try to drop a user. Following thing that I m trying..
system@vahan> drop user knp cascade;
Error at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occured at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at line 7
why Oracle is saying my sub partition does not exist when I can clearly see it?
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
SQL> SELECT table_name,
2 partition_name,
3 subpartition_name
4 FROM user_tab_subpartitions
5 WHERE table_name = 'DAY_NETWORK_AGG'
6 AND subpartition_name = 'P_USER_1_P_201302010000';
ORA-14251: Specified subpartition does not exist
This is what I used to create the table and I have yet to put any data in it, so I am wondering if Oracle doesn't really create the subpartitons from the template until there is actual data.
CREATE TABLE day_network_agg(
partition_date DATE,
user_id NUMBER,
I have a strange problem when creating a view in user from another user
I have a user called "Cash_tst"
its syntax creation is
-- Create the user
create user CASH_TST
identified by ""
default tablespace CASH
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT
quota unlimited on cash;
-- Grant/Revoke object privileges
grant connect to CASH_TST;
grant dba to CASH_TST;
grant resource to CASH_TST;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant create any view to CASH_TST;
grant unlimited tablespace to CASH_TST;
I want to create a view
"AROFL" is another user on the same database
when try to create the view "tamer" i got message of
"insufficent privilege"
although i granted "create any view" to the user "cash_tst"
I would like to know how to get an insert template for any given table.
For example
SQL> @insertTemplate
Enter Table Name: emp
) ;
For any given table the script should create an insert template like above?
Not sure if its an issue or just an Oracle "feature" of some sort. So I create a table with a specified partition/ sub partition template as follows:
CODEcreate table sr_part_test
part_key NUMBER,
subpart_key VARCHAR(10)
tablespace NORKOM_DATA
partition by range ( part_key )
subpartition by list ( subpart_key )
Then when I split the MAX VALUE partition, all is hunky dorey and as expected:
CODEalter table sr_part_test split partition sr_part_max at (4) into
partition sr_part_4,
partition sr_part_max
select * from user_tab_subpartitions where table_name = 'SR_PART_TEST' and partition_name = 'SR_PART_4';
But - what if I want to have new generated names and possibly even new subpartition keys? Won't work:
CODEalter table sr_part_test
set subpartition template
subpartition sp_1_NEWNAME values ('foo'),
subpartition sp_2_NEWNAME values ('bar'),
subpartition sp_3_NEWNAME values ('baz')
Notice that the sub partition names are still using the old names (which I do NOT want), and still using the old keys! C .
I am having a template file (only .dbt file) to create the database instance.I Kept it in $ORACLE_HOME/assistant/dbca/template/,after running DBCA it was loaded with details mentioned in it ,but at the second last step when i try to see initialization parameters control file ,datafile and tablespace detail was not mentioned.when it started database creation ,got hanged on 5% completion showing failure in processing system parameters. Is it the right way to create database using DBCA?what should I do to create database using template?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am using this syntax but its going in error, <?if:number(DAY_1)>=1 and number(DAY_1)<=25?><?attribute@incontext:background-color;'LightGreen'?><?end if?>
View 1 Replies View RelatedDuring the database installation the two nodes after all the prerequisite check and copy of files i am getting the below error message
"Template4 General_Purpose.dbc does not exist. Please specify an existing template for database creation".
How can i overcome this error ? I am installing Oracle 11g R2 11.2.0 On Oracle Enterprise Linux (5.1.19) running on [Oracle Virtual Box 4.1.12 ]. Also what are the steps to uninstall the previously installed db_home1 which failed due to this error.
i have a xml sheet which contain 30 attributes,and only because of one attribute i got this error when i preview my xls sheet and the rest 29 attribute is working correctly.
Start Excel Previewonly open: falsemTemplate: C:Documents and Settingsesys36Local SettingsApplication DataOracleBIPublisherTemplateBuilderforExcel mp mp mp.xlsmTmpTemplate: C:Documents and Settingsesys36Local SettingsApplication DataOracleBIPublisherTemplateBuilderforExcel mp/tmp.xlsjava.lang.NumberFormatException: multiple points at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Double.valueOf(Unknown Source) at oracle.xdo.template.excel.render.BookDataWriter.copyCell( at
how to create database instance using database template file(.dbt) while running DBCA?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am in the process of customising the Oracle Sourcing Notifications template/stylesheet - PON_SOURCING_XSLFO.xsl - to add a logo (done) and change the text (problems!?).
I would like to remove some of the dynamic text and replace it with some boiler plate by either hard coding it in the template or feeding modified data to the placeholders.
Where I can access the Sourcing Notifications text definitions or alternatively let me know how, if it is possible, to hard code text into the XML template.
I want to insert a formatted template into a table column. Is there any function for this requirement.
want is this format
Best Regards,
I have a requirement to create an applications with company standard layout,logo and colors.
What is the best way to start. Should I change Page Template or Region template.
There are some standard .css files.
I am about to start on a new application where I intend to include some major custom css formatting.
Now with previous applications and themes I have experienced, that some elements are very hard to adjust (like placing a table in the center of the screen instead on the left edge), also when importing other libraries like Twitter Bootstrap, often there are conflicts between the styles, that cause unpleasant results.
Now my question to you is, which theme in the 4.0-respository has a rather new page-html, and is best suited for further customization? E.g. when importing jquery UI.
I know, I still could kick out the theme-css out of the page template entirely, but then some functionalities, like the actions menu on an interactive report, stop functioning.
i am developing a application using oracle forms 10g. i can't use the standard template.fmb because my application does not run in ebs. there comes the problem: i want to implement the lov button function like the template does, such as :
1. when the text item get focus, lov button display.
2. when the text item lost focus, lov button disappear.
3. when scrollbar scrolls, the position of lov button adjust accordingly.
4. there is only one lov button in one form and the lov button was created dynamically.
i am having requirement that i want a total record on single there any option at report level or template level.
(if on header has 2 to 3 lines then it will come in one page but if there is one header with above 20 line then it will not come in one page if there any option to be set to full fill such a requirement.)
I have one issue regarding this column values displaying ,in one column value has contains big length ,total i have 8 columns ,now i want to show all columns with fixed width even data in particular column had big length will display next line not next row.
example: oracle and "oracle,Business,intelligence" are the data in two columns these two columns data column 1 and column 2 now i want to display in column1 'oracle' and column2 first line 'oracle' ,second line 'Business ' and next line 'intelligence' like below