SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Table Replica Dynamically
Oct 22, 2013
i need to create a replica of an existing table in same schema dynamically so as to reflect the modifications on replica table which has been done on primary table.this table we need to maintain as snapshot,like if a column is added or deleted then it should automatically be added or deleted on the replica table.how should i approach this.
In a pl/sql procedure code, I created a normal table (create table) using dynamic sql. Then I used that table in procedure for further processing. But while compiling, it gave error that table does not exist. I can understand that he table is not present in DB, so the error came. But at the same time I need to create a table dynamically, use it and drop it. Does it mean that I need to make every query referencing that table as dynamic ??
We have certain records like SQL, PL/SQL, Reports, Forms, OAF etc in a table. We wanted to capture rating for each of these criteria. So we want a form to be displayed dynamically..
I have created a procedure to build trigger dynamically using Dynamic SQL. Here procedure created successfully, when we execute the procedure to build trigger getting the following error.
Note: We are able to create a Trigger, but it is INVALID. if we get the code of a trigger and execute, trigger created a successfully with Valid Status.
ERROR: ORA-24344: success with compilation error ORA-06512: at "APPS.CREATE_TRIGGER", line 28 ORA-06512: at line 2
SQL*Plus internal error state 2087, context 47:0:0 Unsafe to proceed
how I can create an index dynamically? The DBA wants me to put this code below in the beginning of a PL/SQL package. At first, I tried by just putting the below syntax in the code, but I get an 'Alter' is not a valid identifier.
alter index ZZAP_selected_invoices_n1 rebuild online;
whether i create first a lov and record group at design time or not? if i create a lov and have the recordgroup column then what is the benefit of dynamically lov.?
I need to load data from a CSV file where one of the CSV values determines how many records should be inserted.
Example of the input data:
KEYWORD;2;REC1_COL1_X,REC1_COL2_X;REC2_COL1_X;REC2_COL2_X KEYWORD;3;REC1_COL1_Y;REC1_COL2_Y,REC2_COL1_Y;REC2_COL2_Y;REC3_COL1_Y;REC3_COL2_Y KEYWORD;4;REC1_COL1_Z;REC1_COL2_Z,REC2_COL1_Z;REC2_COL2_Z;REC3_COL1_Z;REC3_COL2_Z,REC4_COL1_Z;REC4_COL2_Z If the KEYWORD is found, then the next value determines how many value pairs will follow, and therefore how many rows should be created in the affected DB table.
The Oracle machine A (11R1) is placed in San Jose. The Oracle machine B (10R2) is placed in Sydney.
I need to develop a daily replica from A to B. I don't need the entire db, but only some single schema.
The entire DB size is 1TB.The exp pump gzipped dump size will be 5+GB.Tnsping from A to B takes 500+ ms.The regular A exp pump -> ftp -> B imp pump will be too slowly because of the poor network.Which way it would be the best to implement it?
I would like to develop a form which will be replica of windows explorer.It should be able to read all files or files from a specific folder from an unix platform.
if yes can i have a template. I do not want to start from the scratch since I do not have much time.
I am new to PL/SQL, worked mostly on SQL server, I have to change the table name dynamically based on the parameter.and used a ref_cursor to display the results in a report. when I execute it throws me an error.
create or replace procedure test1 ( p_eod_date IN VARCHAR2, p_link IN NUMBER, c_rec IN OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) [code]....
i need to get values from lookup table dynamically,i am getting the missing keyword error.
create or replace procedure xyz(cur1 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS vsql varchar2(2000); CURSOR CURSOR1 is SELECT DQS_SRC_COL_NM,LDIC_SEQUENCE FROM look_up WHERE LDIC_SOR ='friend'; BEGIN [code]....
Is there any way to generate columns dynamically by depending on the rows in a table in 11G .
Ex: If the deptno in DEPT table is not constant,then how to generate the N numbers of columns based on the deptno. Below query is working when we hard coded the deptno (10,20,30,40).What else if we more number of departments and we don't know the departments also.
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as dbo
SQL> SELECT * FROM (SELECT deptno, job, sum(sal) sal FROM SCOTT.emp GROUP BY job, deptno) PIVOT(sum(sal) FOR deptno IN(10, 20, 30, 40));
I need to write a code which dynamically reads the table name from user_tables (starting with cd) & load the data from remote database which has the same table name & structure based on the load number..
Static PLSQL statement would be :
PROMPT CREATE TABLE tst_fetch_vendor_data CREATE TABLE tst_fetch_vendor_data ( vendor_data_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, study_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, vendor_record_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, control_column_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, resolved_value VARCHAR2(4000) NULL, original_value VARCHAR2(4000) NULL, transaction_user VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, [code]....
Its just a temporary table, in which data comes and goes. I am using this in middle of a process.I am using it in a process like below--
insert /*+ append */ into tst_fetch_vendor_data (select * from vendor_data vd where vd.control_column_seq_no in (select control_column_seq_no from temp_control_column)); dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('EPDSYSREP','TST_FETCH_VENDOR_DATA',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>100, METHOD_OPT=>'for all indexed columns size auto',CASCADE=>True);
code to use that table..This table can contain data from 0 to 108000000 records.Now my questions are-
1. How much should I select sampling size (currently its 100%)Can I use dbms_stats.auto_sample_size, what will be the effect?
2. dbms_stats is good approach or should I use dynamic sampling.
3. what about the approach using CTAS instead of inserting data through insert.
4. What about pl/sql table with index or with clause query.
5. Do I need to rebuild index after inserting data into table.
I have a requirement to list the data month wise dynamically where month data is also in the same table, hopefully the below posts should bring more clarity to my requirements.
I am trying to execute dynamic SQL in Stored Function and I don't know how to do this.
In the function I am calling pr_createtab is procedure which will create a physical table and return the table name in the out variable v_tbl_nm.
I need to query on this dynamic table and return the result as return result. But i am not able to do it.
Here T_web_loylty_report_table is a type.
CREATE OR REPLACE function CDW_DSS.f_ReturnTable(i_mrkt_id in number, i_cmpgn_year in number) return T_web_loylty_report_table is v_tbl_nm varchar2(50); i_cntry_cd varchar2(20); v_sql_str varchar2(32567); [code]......
We have a table in the client database that has two columns - column parent and column child. The whole hierarchy of DB table dependencies is held in this table.If Report 1 is dependent on Table A and Table A in turn is dependent on two tables Table M and Table N. Table N is dependent on table Z it will appear in the db table as,
Hierarchy Table Parent Child Report1Table A Table ATable M Table ATable N Table NTable Z
Requirement :
From the above structure, we need to build a table which will hold the complete hierarchy by breaking it into multiple columns.The o/p should look like this
-ParentChild 1Child 2 Child 3 -Report1Table ATable M -Report1Table ATable N Table Z
Child 1, Child 2, Child 3 ....and so on are columns.The number of tables and the no of hierarchical relationships are dynamic.
SQL Statements to create hierarchy table:
create table hierarchy (parent varchar2(20), child varchar2(20)); insert into hierarchy values ('Report1','Table A'); insert into hierarchy values ('Report1','Table B'); insert into hierarchy values ('Table A','Table M'); insert into hierarchy values ('Table B','Table N'); insert into hierarchy values ('Report2','Table P'); insert into hierarchy values ('Table M','Table X'); insert into hierarchy values ('Table N','Table Y'); insert into hierarchy values ('Report X','Table Z');
Approached already tried :
1) Using indentation : select lpad(' ',20*(level-1)) || to_char(child) P from hierarchy connect_by start with parent='Report1' connect by prior child=parent;
2)Using connect by path function : select * from (select parent,child,level,connect_by_isleaf as leaf, sys_connect_by_path(child,'/') as path from hierarchy start with parent='Report1' connect by prior child =parent) a where Leaf not in (0);
Both the approaches give the information but the hierarchy data appears in a single column.Ideally we would like data at each level to appear in a different column.
I have to create a table which contain history of a main table. like this:
if the main table is ======================== nametypelengthnot null Avarchar5Y Bvarchar5N Cvarchar5N Dvarchar5N ======================== [code]....
I've plan to so this by create a trigger in main_table. my problem is my main table have a lot of fields and I can't write a code to control it 1 by 1 like :
if old.A <> new.a insert into history("A",old.A,new.a) if old.B <> new.B insert into history("B",old.b,new.b) ......
I decided to select column name from the data dictonary using this SQL:
SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = '<<Table Name>>';
and then do a loop over the resultset and use the column name I've got , like this (its just an idea, may be not a write syntax):
BEGIN ..... FOR i IN 1..:result.COUNT LOOP if ld.colname[i] <> :new.colname[i] INSERT INTO history VALUES ( colname[i], ld.colname[i], :new.colname[i]); END LOOP; END;
but I can't write a "old.colname". I try with " old.'colname' ", " ld.'colname' " but it won't work.how to create a history file like I've describe.
I want to create a new table 'b' from table 'a'.I know the query will be " create table b as select * from a;" But there is some twist in my question. I do not know how many table are there in table 'a' all I know is that there is one column named "timestamp" in table 'a'.
Now I want to create table 'b' with the difference that the column "timestamp" should contain the value "sysdate" instead of the earlier values which were there in table 'a';
Note: I have to do this in single query. I can not first create table 'b' from 'a' and then update the values of column "timestamp" to sysdate.
I am trying to create a table that will increment my ID by one using the following commands:
/*Creates the log needed to increment ID*/ create sequence seq_log; CREATE TABLE MESSAGE_LOG_TABLE ( IDNUMBER(10)NOT NULLPRIMARY KEY,
When I run the above my create sequence completes successfully but I get a ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object error message on the create table. I have dropped all tables and sequences before running my command but I still get the same error message.
After it bombs out it appears that SQL+ want's more information for it begins to give me line numbers as if it is looking for a ";" to end the above command. I have to exit SQL+ and log back in to continue working.