Forms :: Create Lov And Record Group Dynamically At Run Time?

Apr 10, 2013

i want to create a lov and record group dynamically at run time. i have the code in when-form-instance..

v_lov lov;
rg_id recordgroup;
gc_id groupcolumn;


whether i create first a lov and record group at design time or not? if i create a lov and have the recordgroup column then what is the benefit of dynamically lov.?

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Forms :: Dynamically Changing The Record Group?

Nov 17, 2011

I am working on forms 6i, ebs 11i and data base 9i. I have below requirement to achieve.

I want to create a lov for a column called 'FORM'.

I have lookup for this as follows

lookup code meaning description


in the description, it's value set name.

I am manually checking the value set name and writing static record group.

Right now, i have static record group for this like below.

select ffvv.flex_value "FORM"
from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv
where ffvs.flex_value_set_id=ffvv.flex_value_set_id
and ffvs.flex_value_set_name='XXSMCINV_FORM' order by flex_value;

It's working fine.

But in the lookup, they can add one more FORM like below.



Now i have to change the record group query manullay like below.

select ffvv.flex_value "FORM"
from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv
where ffvs.flex_value_set_id=ffvv.flex_value_set_id
and ffvs.flex_value_set_name='XXSMCINV_FORM' order by flex_value;
select ffvv.flex_value "FORM"
from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv
where ffvs.flex_value_set_id=ffvv.flex_value_set_id
and ffvs.flex_value_set_name='XXSMCINV_FORM1' order by flex_value;

Is there anyway i can make this automatic whenever they add new FORM lookup.

Is this possible to achieve using dynamic record group.

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Forms :: Changing Record Group For LOV At Run Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have 2 record groups names RG1,RG2 , I attached RG1 record group to LOV1 at design time,I want to change the record group RG1 to RG2 for LOV1 at run time.

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Forms :: Populating Values To Record Group From Multi Record Datablock

Jul 26, 2012

My procedure proc_ex is in when_validate_item trigger

I have one Multi Record data block in my form with values in its items

I need to Populate multi record block values to one Record Group using

set_group_char_cell to populate values to record group

Let us suppose my multi record data block looks like

item1 item2 item3 item4
10 20 50 70
25 15 30 45
45 90 47 38
75 25 85 90
30 56 78 80

how to populate these multi record datablock values to Record Group ???..Eagerly waiting for your Replies

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Forms :: How To Create Folder Dynamically Using Oracle 6i

Oct 12, 2013

How to create folder using oracle form. I used HOST command but its not working.

HOST ('md C:Emp_Photo2013');

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Forms :: How To Create Form Dynamically At Runtime

Dec 26, 2011

I am working with forms 6i..Is it possible to create form dynamically at run time..

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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group For LOV?

Feb 22, 2011

I want to create a Dynamic record group and associate it to a LOV.for example: I want that for a set of people A, i want to fire the query in lov:

select * from emp where (condition 1)
and for another set of people B, I want to fire
select * from emp where (condition 2)...

How could I achieve it?

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Forms :: Query In Record Group

Mar 6, 2011

I am calling one record group to get the security permissions. That RC is associated with one SELECT query. That RC is already created and used before i call. I m just re-using the same. But my form/module dont have privilages to see the QUERY in that recrod group. I just want to see the query in side that record group. how to print the SELECT query from the record group.

p.s: That record group is built in run-time.

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Forms :: Get Record Group Query

Apr 3, 2010

How can I get record group query in code and chang it ?( for example change its where clus). I need to get its Query.

the record group exists and I must get its query not make it.

and I know about Populate_Group_With_Query for changing but cant I have the query to change?

my record group query is :
select a ,b from A where A.c=1;

and I use it in an LOv.

Now i want get this record group in code and change its WHERE cluse after pressing A BUTTON How can I do it?

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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group

Aug 25, 2012

i have a question regarding dynamic record group creation.I have a text item(department) attached with LOV ,and a list item is also there.i want whatever the department name i will select from ma LOV according to that corresponding manager name should be display in the list item.

my table structure is :-
table- QRY

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Forms ::create History Record For Each Record Whether Updated Or Not

Sep 13, 2011

I have a fairly standard Purchase Order form which contains pre-loaded data (been uploaded from an XML file).When the Purchase Order is processed, the form updates a Price History table only if the Price on the PO_Details changes.The code for updating the price history table is contained in a PRE_UPDATE trigger on the PO_Details Data Block.

No other data changes on the PO_Details table.I now want to change this so that the Price History table is updated even if the price does not change i.e I want to create a history record for each record on the PO_Details irrespective of whether it was updated or not.

Is there an alternative trigger that I can move my code to (ie move it from PRE_UPDATE) to some other trigger that is fired for each PO_Details record even if there is no change.

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Forms :: FRM-30058 - Invalid Name For A Record Group Column

Feb 2, 2010

earlier the query was running on same record group but i hav to delete some code so i did but after made such changes itreturns this error.but still query is correct i complied on toad.

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Forms :: FRM-41334 Invalid Record Group For List Population

Apr 23, 2010

i want to populate value into list item from below record group

channel recordgroup;
banks recordgroup;
errcode NUMBER;
errcode1 NUMBER;
m_stmt VARCHAR2 (100);


but i'm getting following error in forms FRM-41334 Invalid Record Group for list population

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Forms :: FRM-41334 / Invalid Record Group For List Population

Jul 5, 2010

I created 3 radio buttons and one list item. Different options will appear according to the radio button the user has clicked on. i've created 3 recordgroups and 3 LOV. the first two for seven_eleven and mannings work fine, but not for GNC. is it because there is only one option for list item in GNC? Must it be more than one? I've tried to another option as space but it still doesnt work.

it_id1 item;


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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group To Filter Selected Values In A Multirecord Block From A LOV

Jul 9, 2013

I am working on Oracle forms 10g (Windows 7 OS).I have got one requirement to show one LOV for COLOR table. Say i have three colors BLACK, RED, BLUE in color table. Suppose in a multi record block if a user selects BLACK from a lov for one record then for the next record lov it should show only RED and BLUE. How to filter the COLOR from a LOV record group query which are already selected?

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Forms :: FRM-41072 Cannot Create Group List

Oct 26, 2010

I am having one list item Source_Name, combo box Column_name.

Source_Name list item which shows the table/view name. Upon selecting this table name, next combo box should populate columns of this selected table/view.

Passing below SQL to populate columns:

||' ORDER BY 1'

I am writing this code in when-list-changed of source name.It is compiling but while running the form, when source name is selected, it is giving error:

FRM-41072: Cannot create group list
FRM-41076: Error populating group.

If i use USER_TAB_COLUMNS instead of all_tab_columns but i want to write all_tab_columns because tables are present in different schema.

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Forms :: New Record With Same ID Inserted Every Time - Duplication

Mar 4, 2013

I have a form that used to enter new employees , if the employee ID already registerd then the user can ONLY update the information and NOT adding the same ID with new info.

int the ID item in when-validat-item trigger I put this code


declare --chg#13-3169 nada


in the save button the code is : commit;

The problem Is : a new record with same ID is inserted every time !! Duplication is happining

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Forms :: Lock Record When Two Users Updating Existing One At Same Time

Aug 22, 2013

I am using Forms 6i and developed a Master Detail Oracle Form for Oracle EBS 11i application.

I was asked to write a pl/sql program so that.. When a user updating an existing record at the same time another user query the same record and try to update the same time, the record should be locked and a message should popup saying the record is being updated by another user.

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Forms :: Insert / Update And Delete Single Record At A Time?

Aug 10, 2005

I have multirecord block and I want to disable Inserting/Updating/Deleting more then one record at a time.

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Forms :: Firing Of When-create-record Trigger

Nov 5, 2012

I am navigating from a Master form to a child form. The when-create-trigger in the child form is sometimes executing and sometimes not. Not firing of this trigger is causing the child form to open without any initially assigned values. What is the root cause and also the scenarios where the when-create-trigger fires.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Out Time Variance Dynamically

Mar 28, 2012

I wanted to calculate the time variance dynamically as below.I have one table called process_status where we can see the process name, start time, end time and the status .

1. Now i wants to calculate the duration(end_time - start_time) in hh:mi:ss format and i got the output using below query.

select name, start_time, end_time, status, to_char(trunc(sysdate) + (end_time - start_time), 'HH24:MI:SS') duration from process_status ;

I got currect oupput but i am stuggling with the below step.

2). Actually the process expectaiotn time is 2 hours only(fixed time). Now i wants to calculate variance b/w expected time and the duration time(end_time - start_time)

i.e variance = expected_time - (end_time - start_time ) ;
here expected time is 02:00:00(fixed).

I tried using with to_char and to_date function but no luck.

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Forms :: Create Menu Item In Run Time

Apr 22, 2010

can i create menu item in the run time ?

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Create Table Dynamically

Oct 14, 2011

In a pl/sql procedure code, I created a normal table (create table) using dynamic sql. Then I used that table in procedure for further processing. But while compiling, it gave error that table does not exist. I can understand that he table is not present in DB, so the error came. But at the same time I need to create a table dynamically, use it and drop it. Does it mean that I need to make every query referencing that table as dynamic ??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Table Replica Dynamically

Oct 22, 2013

i need to create a replica of an existing table in same schema dynamically so as to reflect the modifications on replica table which has been done on primary table.this table we need to maintain as snapshot,like if a column is added or deleted then it should automatically be added or deleted on the replica should i approach this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Create Trigger Dynamically

Dec 3, 2010

I have created a procedure to build trigger dynamically using Dynamic SQL. Here procedure created successfully, when we execute the procedure to build trigger getting the following error.

Note: We are able to create a Trigger, but it is INVALID. if we get the code of a trigger and execute, trigger created a successfully with Valid Status.

ORA-24344: success with compilation error
ORA-06512: at "APPS.CREATE_TRIGGER", line 28
ORA-06512: at line 2

SQL*Plus internal error state 2087, context 47:0:0
Unsafe to proceed

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Query That Returns Record By Record A Field

Apr 21, 2010

I have the following case to solve:

Example Table:

O4018510000107 170,00
O4018520000107 30,00
O40651010000107 500,00
O40651020000107 50,00
O4114510000107 300,00
O31141010000107 50,00
O3114520000107 50,00

I need to create a query that returns record by record a field qty_progr with the cumulate qty considering previous records. The result should be the following:

Nr_ordPos1Pos2Itemqty qty_progr
O4018510000107 170,00 170,00
O4018520000107 30,00 200,00
O40651010000107 500,00 700,00
O40651020000107 50,00 750,00
O4114510000107 300,00 1050,00
O31141010000107 50,00 1100,00
O3114520000107 50,00 1150,00

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Dynamically ALTER INDEX Command

Nov 15, 2010

how I can create an index dynamically? The DBA wants me to put this code below in the beginning of a PL/SQL package. At first, I tried by just putting the below syntax in the code, but I get an 'Alter' is not a valid identifier.

alter index ZZAP_selected_invoices_n1 rebuild online;

And then once the job completes...

alter index ZZAP_selected_invoices_n1 unusable;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Interval Group

Mar 28, 2011


1/20/2011 7:26:00 AM | 3/28/2011 10:34:51 AM | 1
3/23/2011 12:53:00 PM | 3/28/2011 10:34:51 AM | 2
3/14/2011 10:44:00 AM | 3/14/2011 3:05:00 PM | 3
2/24/2011 2:31:00 PM | 2/25/2011 9:02:00 AM | 1
2/22/2011 1:32:00 PM | 2/23/2011 9:56:00 AM | 2
2/22/2011 1:30:00 PM | 2/22/2011 1:32:00 PM | 1
12/9/2010 6:42:00 PM | 12/11/2010 1:38:00 PM | 3
3/8/2011 4:48:00 PM | 3/28/2011 10:34:51 AM | 1

Here I need an out put like below

room 1 2 3 Total
date 7am-12pm 12pm-7pm 7pm-7am 7am-12pm 12pm-7pm 7pm-7am 7am-12pm 12pm-7pm 7pm-7am

01/20/2011 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 4 1
01/21/2011 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0

i have to divide into 3 groups and take a count 7am-12pm, 12pm-7pm, 7pm-7am groups

It looks so complicated to me, because IN time and OUT time together how we do it.

suppose one person 6am IN and out 8PM means he will be in 7am-noon , noon to 7pm, 7pm-7am -- 1, 1 1 on 3 interval another scenario is if one person in 2am in the morning it has to be previous days count. Is this possible to do it in query.

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Dynamic Record Group Not Working When Apostrophes Used?

Aug 14, 2012

I have developed a Form for the most part everything is working as expected. However, there is a search functionality that is giving me problems. The issue is that when the user enters search criteria for last_name that has an apostrophe (O'brian) the search lov doesn't get populated because the dynamic record group is not getting created when the string has an apostrophe (ie O'brian). I have a dynamic record group that takes the user's search criteria and populates an LOV on the screen with the records that matched their criteria.

Here is the code that is behind my search button where the dynamic RG gets created. It works fine for all searches that don't contain an apostrophe.

p_where_debtor varchar2(2000);
p_where_liab varchar2(2000);
rg_id RecordGroup;


errcode := Populate_Group(rg_id);

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link File Dynamically In Oracle 6i

Oct 27, 2012

how to create link file dynamically in oracle reports 6i

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