How can in increase the allocated space for a schema in Apex Admin section?
I know you can set this when creating a schema alongsite a workspace and looks like the only way to do it is via raising a service request for more space and loggin in as ADMIN and approving it (in increments of 500MB).
APEX 4.2Oracle 11g Database We are using the standard exception handler that was introduced in APEX 4.1, and we have code in packages & procedures in the database (following proper processes of keeping code in the database where possible). When an exception is found in the procedures/ packages/functions, should the APEX application level exception handler catch any errors that occur or should they be handled in the package/procedure/function they occurred in? Why I ask if, we right now have exception handling code in the pl/code bodies BUT they write their errors to the same table that Apex's Exception handler does, but the errors are NOT presented to the user using the APEX exception handling mechanism.
I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception
when ora_java.java_error then message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error ); ORA_JAVA.CLEAR_EXCEPTION;
when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_JAVA.LAST_EXCEPTION; message( Exception_.toString(ex)); -- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);
I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.
I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.
The following code is working fine,But the thing is if column already exists in the table,then also the other statements should be executed instead of coming out of procedure.SO how can I handle that exception??
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_execparameters(tname IN VARCHAR2, colname IN VARCHAR2,datatype IN VARCHAR2) 2 AS 3 v_sqlstr1 VARCHAR2(1000); 4 BEGIN 5 v_sqlstr1 := 'alter table '||tname||' add '||colname ||' '|| datatype ; [code].........
Am getting the error ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel when am trying to run a query and when i checked the trace file the infromation i got is given below.....
CODEksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [0x363376E] [] [] [] [] Current SQL statement for this session: select count(av_sal)
I am using Oracle 10g Rel 2 and currenly working on a project which creates a repository and bulk inserts data into it using FORALL statment. I am using SAVE Exceptions to save the errors in a table and then report to the user about these errors.
My question is ,can i somehow know the column which caused the exception ? Currently ,we can save only SQLCODE and SQLERRM . Is there any possibility that I get to know the column also which raised the exception ? For example ,during a insert ,if column raises exception
ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column
Is it possible for me know using some programming technique that which column raised this exception ?
when no data found this query generate error ora-01403 but if i count these transaction and then apply this trigger it works very well i am not interested to count because it takes a time i want that when no data found exception clause took control but i am not understand how to add exception clause in this trigger
select sum(nvl(gl_quantity,0)),sum(nvl(gl_amount,0)) into cr_qty,cr_amt from account.glhis where gl_drcr='CR' and gl_account=:prod_consume_auto.store_code and gl_date<=:prod_master_auto.voc_date and gl_voc_no<>:prod_master_auto.voc_no group by gl_account;
I'm trying to connect to multiple Oracle 10g databases (failover) over the JDBC thin client, and when I run the following, I get: java.sql. SQLException: Io exception: NL Exception was generated
I eventually want to put multiple ADDRESSes in that string, but right now I'm trying to get it to work with just one! I've tried multiple variations of this, like changing INSTANCE_NAME to SID or SERVICE_NAME, and using the internal IP address for the HOST dbdev (see below). Here's the tnsnames.ora file used by SQL*Plus on the same client machine:
v_error_code := SUBSTR(v_error_code||':'||SQLCODE,1,30); For i in 1 ..sql%bulk_exceptions.count LOOP v_error_desc := SUBSTR( SQLERRM(SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_CODE),1,400); dbms_output.put_line('The value of Error is '|| v_error_code ||' '||v_error_desc); End loop;
By executing the above i am getting Error SQL> @pkg_rwc_migration_bdy.sql 130 /
Package body created.
SQL> Begin 2 pkg_rwc_migration.pro_rwc_mig; 3 End; 4 / The value of Error is :-1843 -1843: non-ORACLE exception
I trying to Assign XML content to the clob variable inside the pl/sql block, But i am getting the Below Error:
declare t clob; begin t := 'xml content exceeds 32000 characters'
update test clob_cloumn = t; where id =2;
exception when others then null; End;
ORA-06550: line 5, column 4: PLS-00172: string literal too long
I need to handle this exception, i know it length exceeds 32000 characters, but even though i need to handle the exception and to perform other operation after handling the exception.
I'm inserting to a table through a procedure, I want to log the rejected records to a log table with the execption / reason.How can I get the exception name and error text in PL/SQL ?
I am writing a trigger TR_EMP on a table EMP which has columns EMP_ID, EMP_NAME, ALT_EMP_ID.
Now I am updating ALT_EMP_ID for an EMP_ID(PK) which is unique.
If ALT_EMP_ID is null then :new.ALT_EMP_ID = l_alt_emp_id; end if;
As this ALT_EMP_ID is unique, same ID shouldn't be inserted again here. When data being inserted with 2 different sessions for 2 different EMP_ID there is a possible chance of inserting same ALT_EMP_ID for both which results in Unique error. I need to handle this exception. DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX or OTHERS Execption not able to handle this.
I am using for writing text files data to database. The problem here is let us assume there are 6 records in text file and if there is a problem at 2nd record, the later records are not getting inserted.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PROC1 IS temp varchar2(500); tmp_name varchar2(5); tmp_no varchar2(4); . BEGIN WHILE NOT end_of_file LOOP
IF i = 18 THEN tmp_no := temp; END IF;
IF i = 21 THEN tmp_name := temp; END IF;
END LOOP; END; /If i=18 and temp = '12345' here, then tmp_no := temp; won't work (tmp_no varchar2(4);) Similarly, If i=21 and temp = 'ABCDEFG' here, then tmp_name := temp; won't work (tmp_name varchar2(5));
how to handle this through EXCEPTIONS so that even if there is a problem with 1 record, while loop remain working for further records..
I am using Oracle 11g R2 version.I want to import the DB statistics. But i am getting an exception when i execute the command DBMS_STATS.IMPORT_SCHEMA_STATS ('user1','STATS_INFO', '','', TRUE, FALSE).
The error is ORA-20000: no statistics are imported ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 10603 ORA-06512: at line 1.
The privileges 'ANALYZE ANY' and 'ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY' is already given to the user.Also i executed this command as sys. But still error occurs.
Same command is successfully executed in Oracle 10g. Is there any difference in importing the statistics in Oracle 10g and 11g ?
I created my login as you have first to fill the form then login, unfortunately i am getting when i press the button as error frm-40735: when-button-pressed trigger raised unhandled exception ora-04063.
these are the code after fill the form
declare sex varchar2(10); emid varchar2(30); begin if :signup.gender = 1 then sex := 'Male'; elsif :signup.gender =2 then sex := 'Female'; [code]........
Basically I've created a function, when I run it there is a user input. Mine is a customer number between 1-10.
I was wondering is there a way to add in error check so if I typed in an invalid number it would give me a message saying "Wrong customer_number" or something along the lines of that?
I was told I wasn't able to use "DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE" in the function I need to tamper with the function header?
Here is my header -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hours (custid customer.cust_id%TYPE)
I am writing a after trigger for one of my tables on every insert update and delete for my dataware house staging area. The process here is when ever there is a change in the production database we need to capture this change in our changing area through triggers.
I am able to create the triggers but i am stuck with the exception handling portion of the trigger. I want to write an exception in the trigger where when the staging area is locked or for any other matter the data needs to be able to go to a error table when the staging area is not able to accept the data for some reason.
how i can write this excepyion in the trigger or anyother method i can follow to be able to handle this scenerio.
I am trying to execute the below package. While executing i face a problem where when NO DATA FOUND the excpetion is handled and coming out of the loop.but i want to to continue the loop after handling the exception.
Is there anyway i can modify the code
CREATE OR replace PACKAGE BODY pkg_purge_archive_check AS PROCEDURE Purge_archive_tables_check (purgerows IN NUMBER) IS v_num_1 NUMBER(10); v_num_2 NUMBER(10); v_multiplier NUMBER(10);
I was going through the link: URL....Here within the box under the title 'Exception Handling -- Quick Facts and Tips', it states, Once you have handled an exception, normal program execution continues. You are no longer in an "exception" situation.
I wanted to verify this and used the below:The DDL and DMLs:
CREATE TABLE emp(empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7369,'SMITH');
The program:
The first SELECT will raise NO_DATA_FOUND exception. Even though I have handled it, the second SELECT is not executing.But the link says, that normal program execution will continue. So, Iam expecting the second SELECT statement to work.
I'm trying to figure out how to simply check and see if a given item is in a table, and if its not, then raise an exception.
for example i have a table employees and each employee has a primary key employID. I need to write a procedure where employID is given as a parameter and if the one given isnt in the table then raise an exception.
I'm a newbie to PL/SQL. I had a quick query about trapping exceptions.
I have a sample table called my_emp, which contains last name, salary, etc. I have written the following code that takes in an employee salary and if the salary exists it displays the last name and corresponding salary. If two or more rows are returned, the exception handles it. Likewise if there are no records with that salary, the exception takes care of it.
I was trying to input an alphanumeric input, such as 1bbb as the salary and of course ORA-06502 error pops up in the sql command line. I now want to trap this using an exception but whatever I try I still get the ORA-06502 in the calling environment rather than getting the 'Not a number' or 'Some other error occured' message. why the WHEN VALUE_ERROR or the WHEN OTHERS exceptions are not trapping the error?
DECLARE v_sal NUMBER (12) := '&Enter_salary'; v_last_name VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN SELECT last_name
procedure PROC1(id number) is begin.... exception when others dbms_output.put_line('other exception'); when no_data_found dbms_output.put_line('no data'); end;
now I have an other procedure Porcedure PROC2 begin PROC1(23412); end;
now if the PROC1 returns an exception message I would like to assign the message to variable in PROC2 and display.