I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception
when ora_java.java_error then message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error ); ORA_JAVA.CLEAR_EXCEPTION;
when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_JAVA.LAST_EXCEPTION; message( Exception_.toString(ex)); -- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);
I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.
I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.
how can i track the exception for three select statement in one pl-sql block. here is synario.......
begin select * from emp where empno=1234; --statement 1 select * from cusotmers where cust_id=125; --statement 2 select * from products where product_id='a-3'; --statement 3 end;
i want to track exception any one for ex no_data_found for all these three different statement.
I know if i put this three statement in three different pl-sql sublock then i can trap it....
APEX 4.2Oracle 11g Database We are using the standard exception handler that was introduced in APEX 4.1, and we have code in packages & procedures in the database (following proper processes of keeping code in the database where possible). When an exception is found in the procedures/ packages/functions, should the APEX application level exception handler catch any errors that occur or should they be handled in the package/procedure/function they occurred in? Why I ask if, we right now have exception handling code in the pl/code bodies BUT they write their errors to the same table that Apex's Exception handler does, but the errors are NOT presented to the user using the APEX exception handling mechanism.
declare ret_val number; begin exec p_buildinfo('252657020001', to_date('20120820','YYYYMMDD'),to_date('20120928','YYYYMMDD'),ret_val, 0); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Value Returned Is : '||ret_val) ; end;
I getting the below error
ORA-06550: line 3, column 10: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "P_BUILDINFO" when expecting one of the following:
:= . ( @ % ; The symbol ":=" was substituted for "P_BUILDINFO" to continue.
the procedure structure is
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_buildsinfo ( var_p_cod CHAR := NULL, var_p_dat_from DATE := NULL, var_p_dat_to DATE := NULL, po_var_l_nxt_seq IN OUT NUMBER, var_p_consol_flg NUMBER default 0 )
I am getting an error when trying to run this DECLARE statement and I'm not sure why. I'm fairly new to PL/SQL and have looked up how to format a DECLARE statement and this seems right to me.
The error is stating "encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following... " and is refering to the beginning of this statement.
Can I declear a variable in PLSQL as the row type for a table, who's name is unknown during compile time, but will be determined when the PLSQL is runnning. The code is like following:
Procedure operTable( tableName IN VARCHAR2) IS TYPE ty_Row IS tableName%ROWTYPE v_Row ty_Row; CURSOR v_quey_cur
i just what to understand the differnce between the variable declared under the Begin and variable declared under Declared. to understand this i tried a sample plsql procedure as show below
create or replace PACKAGE BODY TEST_DEV AS PROCEDURE TESTING(I_NAME VARCHAR2, I_AGE NUMBER) AS INTEGE binary_integer := 100; [Code] .......
the Line L_nums1 NUMBER := 100/0; is throwing error(PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "NUMBER" when expecting one of the following:)
if i remove the line L_nums1 NUMBER := 100/0; and just declare the variable out side the begin , and using inside the same variable inside the begin works fine
Why question is why we are not able to decalre, initialize and use the same Number variable insde the begin
In package head I declare a variable , which reference 'level' type , but I don't know how to declare the variable , because I don't know what type of 'level'.
I want to call a value from one from to another form in d2k forms 4.5. I think this can be done only by declaring a global variable. I don't know how to declare global variable and also calling the same in other forms.
I want to know how we can declare a Global Variable in Package body(Not Spec), So that i can use it in any procedures or function(Defined in same package).
I have a package which has couple of Procedures and functions. I use some constants between the functions and procedure and also functions r called from the other procedure and stuff...
So I declared all these in the header
Like this
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE "PROCESS_HISTORY" IS type table_name_i is varray(100) of VARCHAR2(30); c_add constant number := 1; c_del constant number := 2; c_select_frm_tmp constant number := 1; [code]......
Now is there anyway I could hide the stuff that I don't want outside people to see? or can I declare them (constants and some functions) some where inside the body and use them?
I am getting some odd results from a Database Insert Function. The function receives an Array of elements. The elements are a defined structure (containing around 21 data items). I need to insert these records into an Oracle table.For each element of the Array the function reads the structure into a local c structure of the same type.
I then go through this local structure and get a copy of the data into local variables declared in the EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION of the function. I then use the local vars to do the insert, using null INDICATOR variable to handle those variables that could be empty. The local variables look like this....
EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int dbServiceTypeId; int dbRecordType; char dbRbmCustRef[MAX_CUST_REF_LEN]; int dbServiceSeq;
BUT.. when I uncomment the dbCOS variable (even though I don't populate it or try to include it in the insert) I get the following in the table (The RATE value goes missing completely and the multiplier is wrong)...
ID SERVICE CODE R/T RATE MULTI 41325-SCODE-1084 1 542139762 11326-SCODE-1086 1 542139762 11326-SCODE-1086 2 542139762 21327-SCODE-1087 1 542139762 21327-SCODE-1087 2 542139762 21327-SCODE-1087 3 542139762 21327-SCODE-1087 3 542139762
However, a printf statement just before the insert based that returns the variables shows the following...
Service Type ID: '4' Record Type ID: '1' Service Cust Ref: '1325-SCODE-1084' Service Unit Rate: '1200.00'
Indeed, for this record the Multiplier doesn't even get populated. The other odd thing is if I recomment the dbCOS but remove the dbOraDateFmt variable definitions, it corrupts the data again, though different fields. I can't understand why individual local variables are behaving this way. Is this a problem with the way variables are declared in this section?
i want if user is not type the @ in email text box than from show the message "check your email address" but i cant do that
declare ok_flag number :=0; begin ok_flag :=instr('emailaddress','@'); if ok_flag < 1 then message('invalid email'); else message('thanks'); end if; end;
i have multi data block filed. and checkbox field which based on control block...My task is when i check checkbox only one field should enabled and my mouse goes to that field
My item field based on data block and checkbox based on control block,while i checked chkbox1 , only item31 on that current record should be enabled and i changed value only on that field
when i checked chkbox1 , my cursor goes to item31...not item32
i have a master detail form, In Master block we have one field cheque amount and in Detail block we have field receiveable amount invoice wise. if company paid us a cheque amount we will enter this amount in Master block field Cheque amount and in detail block there will be invoice wise receivable amounts. i want to distribute the cheque amount in detail block invoice wise for example
Cheque amount in master block = 291
Invoice wise receiveable amount is as follows
Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount
10, 196 , 0 20 , 95 , 0 30 , 54 , 0
Result should be as follows:
Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount
10, 196, 196 20 , 95 , 95 30 , 54, 0
Received amount field should be distributed according to the receivable amount when recevied amount = cheque amount then remaining will be 0.
I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.
I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".
Write a program to declare a date variable and assign it to the current system date. Depending on the day of the month the program should print the following:
If day is 1-10 then print "It is day<day number> of <month name>. It is early in the month". If day is 11-20 then print "It is day<day number> of <month name>. It is the middle of the month". If day is 21-31 then print "It is day<day number> of <month name>. It is nearly the end of the month".
For example, if the day is November 30, then print "It is day 30 of November. It is nearly the end of the month".
The following code is working fine,But the thing is if column already exists in the table,then also the other statements should be executed instead of coming out of procedure.SO how can I handle that exception??
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_execparameters(tname IN VARCHAR2, colname IN VARCHAR2,datatype IN VARCHAR2) 2 AS 3 v_sqlstr1 VARCHAR2(1000); 4 BEGIN 5 v_sqlstr1 := 'alter table '||tname||' add '||colname ||' '|| datatype ; [code].........
Am getting the error ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel when am trying to run a query and when i checked the trace file the infromation i got is given below.....
CODEksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [0x363376E] [] [] [] [] Current SQL statement for this session: select count(av_sal)
I am using Oracle 10g Rel 2 and currenly working on a project which creates a repository and bulk inserts data into it using FORALL statment. I am using SAVE Exceptions to save the errors in a table and then report to the user about these errors.
My question is ,can i somehow know the column which caused the exception ? Currently ,we can save only SQLCODE and SQLERRM . Is there any possibility that I get to know the column also which raised the exception ? For example ,during a insert ,if column raises exception
ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column
Is it possible for me know using some programming technique that which column raised this exception ?