procedure PROC1(id number) is
exception when others dbms_output.put_line('other exception');
when no_data_found
dbms_output.put_line('no data');
now I have an other procedure
Porcedure PROC2
now if the PROC1 returns an exception message I would like to assign the message to variable in PROC2 and display.
I have a functional index.. which doesn't allow duplicate based on condition.I want to catch the exception and print the customized message but it always override my message.
create or replace function i_func (tt_id in number, d_date date, stat in varchar2) return varchar2 [code].....
APEX 4.2Oracle 11g Database We are using the standard exception handler that was introduced in APEX 4.1, and we have code in packages & procedures in the database (following proper processes of keeping code in the database where possible). When an exception is found in the procedures/ packages/functions, should the APEX application level exception handler catch any errors that occur or should they be handled in the package/procedure/function they occurred in? Why I ask if, we right now have exception handling code in the pl/code bodies BUT they write their errors to the same table that Apex's Exception handler does, but the errors are NOT presented to the user using the APEX exception handling mechanism.
I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception
when ora_java.java_error then message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error ); ORA_JAVA.CLEAR_EXCEPTION;
when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_JAVA.LAST_EXCEPTION; message( Exception_.toString(ex)); -- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);
I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.
I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.
I have to update a table by getting values from two other tables. While doing that the inner query returns more than one value. I am not sure how to implement the logic without returning more than one row in sub query.
My query: update buf_office_str o set o.manager_ident = (select sp.ident from se2_r_src_sourceperson sp , (select distinct director_name, team_name from buf_sales_dump )t where SP.SRCNAME = upper(substr(t.director_name,instr(t.director_name,' ')+1,length(t.director_name))||', '||substr(t.director_name,1,instr(t.director_name,' ')-1 ) ) and o.office_descr = t.team_name )
Basically the query gets the manager id from sp table where sp.srcname = The office_descr should be equal to the team_name.
This is the logic I am working towards:
For each office, i get the office_descr and get corresponding team_name. Match the team's director_name (from table t) with the and return the employee's id (sp.ident) for that office_descr. I need to update all 50 offices with corresponding managerid for that office in buf_office_str table.
Is it possible to get done in one update? Or, does this need a plsql proc to do this logic.
I am returning the ORA-01427 after running the query below. why I am returning the error and how to address it.
select b.value ,, p.value ...... (case when p.value <> 'G2' then null else (select c.oldvalue from ad_changelog c where c.record_id = b.c_bpartner_id and c.ad_table_id = 291 and c.ad_column_id = 4216 ) end) as oldtradeName from c_bpartner b, zz_receipt r, zz_recp_alloc a, m_product p, ad_user us where a.c_bpartner_id = b.c_bpartner_id and a.zz_receipt_id = r.zz_receipt_id and us.ad_user_id = r.createdby and p.m_product_id = a.m_product_id
Just trying to update a table in which the sales amount is inserted when the sales amount is null.
I have
UPDATE ph2_customer_temp SET sales_amount = ( SELECT sl.sales_amount FROM PH2_CUSTOMER_TEMP pct join sales_limit sl on substr(pct.site_code,1,2) = sl.state where pct.credit_limit is null )
I can't seem to wrap my head around this problem I'm having with a query. I need to update all rows in my ps_ntsr_gf_stufile tables with the concatenated values from the ps_classes_tbl table where a.CLASS_NBR = b.CLASS_NBR. I tried to limit it to emplid from the ps_stdnt_enrl table but no luck.
when i am trying to run this query i am getting an error'single row subquery returns more than one row'.
My problem : I Wrote a package(a function), this function just return a varchar2 , but in this function I wrote a cursor , when I call this function in this manner :
I have written the below sql select loc,(select ename from emp where emp.deptno = dept.deptno) from dept
It results in the below error.
[Error] Execution (1: 13): ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
I have modified the SQL and got the required output select em.ename,dep.loc from (select loc,deptno from dept) dep , (select ename,deptno from emp) em where dep.deptno=em.deptno(+)
I have written the below sql to fetch all loc for emp which got executed
But as i need all locations irrespective of any emp in the locaton so i tried to put emp side (+) which resulted in error.
What i'm trying to do is count the number of rows those sub-queries return.
As i understand it, that error happens when more than 1 row is returned.
Here is my query:
SQL> SELECT 2 a.ssg_nme, 3 b.sftw_prod_nme, 4 COUNT((SELECT db_srvr_id FROM inv.db_srvr_t WHERE node_id = (SELECT node_id FROM inv.node_t WH ERE node_loc_cde IN (5, 7, 8)))), 5 COUNT((SELECT db_srvr_id from inv.db_srvr_t WHERE row_status_cde = 2)), 6 COUNT((SELECT db_id from inv.db_t WHERE row_status_cde = 2 AND db_srvr_id = 1207)) 7 FROM 8 inv.cde_ssg_t a, inv.sftw_prod_t b, inv.db_srvr_t c, inv.appl_t d, inv.db_t e 9 WHERE d.appl_id = e.appl_id 10 AND e.db_srvr_id = c.db_srvr_id 11 AND d.appl_ssg_cde IN (6, 9) 12 GROUP BY b.sftw_prod_nme, a.ssg_nme; COUNT((SELECT db_id from inv.db_t WHERE row_status_cde = 2 AND db_srvr_id = 1207)) * ERROR at line 6: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
F1 F2 F3 ---------- ---------- ---------- 1200015 0 1200.015
In above result F3 represent the actual result, which is nearest value where mod returns the 0, but i want nearest integer value which is 1206. how it is possible. In above case consider 1200 as Kgs and 45 as Grams.
If it returns a value, I want to print the value returned; If it returns no value, I would like to return a string like 'NO_DATA'.
I have already tried several things, and the last one is: ================================================================== Select NVL2(dnh.DiaNoHableData, dnh.DiaNoHableData, 'NO_DATA') From (Select Dia_No_Habil || '#' || Trim(Descripcion) DiaNoHableData From Dias_no_Habiles Where Dia_No_Habil = To_Char(To_Date('20080704', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'YYYYMMDD')) dnh; ==================================================================
The subquery returns no data, so the first query should print 'NO_DATA', but it returns nothing.
I have an existing database with several hundred tables and triggers on the tables in the schema S1. Most of the triggers are for storing audit information USER and SYSDATE in the respective columns.
We have built procedures what will accept incoming XML parameters from a BPMS application on the intranet which will have information about which table to update, which columns to update, what values to update and what the O/S user id is. The O/S user ids are mapped to oracle user ids in a specific table. Therefore when we receive the request we can easily figure out the oracle user id. The application always connects to the database using a specified user id S2.
The trouble is, the existing tables have triggers which read :NEW.userid := USER;and whenever a DML is fired from the procedure, the function USER always returns S2, since that is the user id the BPMS application connects to and therefore the audit columns do not capture the correct information as required.
The impact of changing all the existing triggers/procedures will be a mammoth task including regression testing and will certainly not be approved by the project sponsor.
override the value that USER returns? Using session contexts, etc? If so, we can possibly set it at the point of connect and have to do nothing else.
when i executr the query it gives a error message "ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row"
select distinct a.CUSTOMER_NAME, a.CUSTOMER_NUMBER,b.BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID,b.TRX_NUMBER,b.TRX_DATE,b.STATUS_TRX,c.ATTRIBUTE1 product,C.PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER, (SELECT(SUM(E.AMOUNT))FROM RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL E WHERE 1=1 GROUP BY E.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID) from ra_customers a, ra_customer_trx_all b, ar_cash_receipts_all c, ar_payment_schedules_all d, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all E where a.CUSTOMER_ID=b.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID and a.customer_id=c.PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER and c.CASH_RECEIPT_ID=d.CASH_RECEIPT_ID AND B.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=E.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID;
I am relatively new to SQL and I am getting the below error, how to resolve this issue for my query?
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
nvl ( ( select add_qual_code from crm_add_qual WHERE tlc=q.tlc AND valid_since=q.valid_since AND ac_type_code=q.ac_type_code) , ' ') as add_qualification from qualification q
insert into test1 values ('12', '111') insert into test1 values ('13', '222') insert into test1 values ('14', '333')
The condition is to fetch userid. If a userid is provided and not null then it should return the userid provided. In this eg. '1TESTX01' If there is no userid provided then it should fetch userid from table tt with some condition...for simplicity I have not written condition but the inner query 'SELECT userid from tt' would return multiple records. And "userid IN" should be matched with the returning number of userids.
SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM tt a, test1 b WHERE a.aban8 = b.aban8 AND userid IN ( SELECT NVL2 ('1TESTX01', '1TESTX01', (SELECT userid FROM tt)) FROM DUAL);
This gives the error :- ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
Even running the query :- select NVL2('1TESTX01', '1TESTX01',(select userid from tt )) from dual gives the same error.
how to write the above query conditionally. I used case & decode too but got the same error.
In a not normalized table loaded with data from an excel file, I have a column containing a long string with many carriage returns so that after each of them it begins a new string I have to manipulate. I mean, in the column PERSON I've got something like this:
PERSON _______ Jonh Taylor Software developer ...
Of course I have to write a Pl/Sql procedure extracting each string and I know that each string ends with a carriage return chr(13)||chr(10)
I think I should use the INSTR built-in function but I it'd be useful whether some of you had something ready.
select rl.org_rollup_skey from (select fc.org_skey as "FC_ORG_SKEY" from IA.HIST_FCT_FCST_SLS fc inner join IA.DIM_ORG do on fc.org_skey = do.org_skey where do.org_nam IN ('101', '485','486')) p INNER JOIN IA.DIM_ORG_HIER h ON p.fc_org_skey = h.desc_org_skey inner join IA.FCT_FCST_SLS_ORG_ROLLUP rl on h.GPRNT_ORG_SKEY = rl.org_rollup_skey
Above join is taking is running forever even as subquery
(select fc.org_skey as "FC_ORG_SKEY" from IA.HIST_FCT_FCST_SLS fc inner join IA.DIM_ORG do on fc.org_skey = do.org_skey where do.org_nam IN ('101', '485','486'))
returns no rows and this subquery give result in 10 seconds according to me Full query should not take more tha 20 secs.