SQL & PL/SQL :: Eliminating Timestamp From Third Party Input

Sep 13, 2012

I had third party reporting system,in which i could not avoid time selection in the screen. So if a user selets date and time or date alone .i should get only in date foarmat i.e(DD-MM-YYYY)

i had tried from third party tool liket0_char (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY').But i get error ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

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PL/SQL :: Return Past Timestamp Values On Base Of Input Hour To User Function

Nov 22, 2012

resolve issue while modified the user function code for returns the values as timestamps

---function code

create or replace
function fun_test_timestamp(P_HOUR varchar2) return varchar2
sql_stmt varchar2(1000);


select fun_test_timestamp('5') from dual;



Modified Fun Code:

create or replace
function fun_test_timestamp(P_HOUR varchar2) return timestamp
sql_stmt varchar2(1000);


select fun_test_timestamp('5') from dual;


ORA-00911: invalid character
00911. 00000 - "invalid character"

*Cause:    identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than letters and numbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first character. Identifiers enclosed by doublequotes may contain
any character other than a doublequote. Alternative quotes (q'#...#') cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL Language Reference Manual.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query For Eliminating Union

Apr 24, 2011

I have one scenario in which i want to write the sql,but not able to write correct qry,


i want to retrieve data from the emp and hist able based on some conditions,but if data is not present in emp and dept tables.then fetch data from emp_hist and dept_hist.I have written below qry which is working fine,but my prob is i want to provide my emp_id only one place.
else i have to change my java code.

select * from emp,dept where emp.emp_id=dept.dept_id and emp_id=5
select * from emp_hist,dept_hist where emp_hist.emp_id=dept_hist.dept_id and emp_id=5

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How DISTINCT And UNION Eliminating NULL Values

May 3, 2012

As per NULL values concept

One NULL value is not equal to other NULL value.

But how DISTINCT and UNION eliminating NULL values.

Then how UNIQUE key constraint accepting more than one NULL value..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View Of Item Hierarchy By Eliminating NULL Levels

Aug 22, 2013

Here is the table structure I will be speaking of below:

SELECT lvl_1_id, lvl_1_dsc,
lvl_2_id, lvl_2_dsc,
lvl_3_id, lvl_3_dsc,
lvl_4_id, lvl_4_dsc,
lvl_5_id, lvl_5_dsc,
lvl_6_id, lvl_6_dsc,
lvl_7_id, lvl_7_dsc,
lvl_8_id, lvl_8_dsc
FROM item_hier_tbl;

I have a table that mimics an hierarchy of items (parent-child relationship). The top level (level 1) never has a NULL value, but it is possible for any of the lower values to have a NULL value. For example, levels 1, 2, 5, 7, & 8 may have values, but 3, 4, & 6 may all be NULL.

I need a View that can return the same data, but with out NULL values. The View would move the NOT NULL values up the levels, so there is consecutive data on each level starting at level. So using the example, the View would move value in 5 up to 3, 7 up to 4, and 8 up to 5. Then level 6 to 8 would have NULL.

I have done this already by creating a 2nd table and using a stored proc to copy the data over to the new table they I want it. But I was told a View or Materialized view "may" work, and perform quicker during the queries. I looked at the Oracle functions LAG and LEAD, but by definition they work by rows, I need to work by columns on the same row.

LAG (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)
LEAD (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)

Is what I am asking possible in a View or Materialized View?

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SQL Either Or Statements In Third-party Software

Dec 27, 2010

I'm in a bit of a pickle with some SQL syntax, and while my Oracle-fu is weak, an associate with SQL skills is also stuck. I am developing a database for my department that is backed by Oracle Enterprise 11g and the front end is ChemAxon (basically, chemistry database software). The short of it is that I have one large table with every compound from different groups. Each row has a flag (column PI) on it that indicates which group it belongs to (let us say 'Smith' and 'Jones' for example). The software can apply row-level filtering which will basically only show the rows that a particular username are allowed to see.

I have a FLAG_TABLE table, which contains two columns: USERNAME and FLAG. An example set up is this:

------------- ----------
smith_minion Smith
jones_minion Jones
jones_minion Smith

The software automatically applies a SQL filter that begins with:


I can set up filtering to work dandy, such that when smith_minion logs in, he can only see rows with the Smith flag (or jones_minion can see both Jones and Smith) by using the filter:


('__IJC_USERNAME__' is how the third party software passes the logged in username into SQL)

But we have a new problem: there also exists a master user (chemaxon) who needs to see every row no matter what the flag. The row filtering is applied no matter who logs on, so we need to set up the SQL filter to basically say "If chemaxon, then select all rows, otherwise, select rows based on the username". This is proving a problem as the select statement must be prefaced with SELECT DISTINCT CHEMAXON.STRUCTURES."ID" FROM CHEMAXON.STRUCTURES WHERE.

I've tried using DECODE in a few capacities, but I am always thwarted. My last attempt was:


But this throws a ORA-00936 missing expression error, with a * under the != portion (I test it by replacing '__IJC_USERNAME__' with 'CHEMAXON').

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Capture Queries Run By 3rd Party Tool?

Dec 7, 2011

I have this 3rd party tool, which are running SQL queries. I need to see what queries the tool is running and capture them. I enabled tracing but that's not working, as the tool doesn't establish connection, it connects when it has to run the query and then gets disconnected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Party Names Contains Standalone Four Length Keywords Of Consecutive Letters

Aug 16, 2011

How to Check for party names contains standalone four length keywords of consecutive letters(both upper and lower case)

For.e.g. "VMWARE ABCD"

"Jack XWyz jon"

output shoud be: abcd

like this i want to remove the consecutive characters.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Upgrading 9i Database To 11g That Supports 3rd Party Software

Apr 30, 2013

Upgrading one of the 9i database to 11g that supports a 3rd party software - ***Vendor provided an over-simplified documentations*** and recommends moving from 9i to 10g before going to 11g. A few changes from 9i to 10g.

1) db_block_size
2) character sets

Anyway, created the database DBUPGTEST on (ultimately moving to 11gR2, so no point patching to, is there?) with all the parameter changes. At this point, these are the 2 db in play:

Current production db: Oracle 9i - PROD dbname => 2048K db block size
Current migrating db to: Oracle10g - DBUPGTEST dbname => 8192k db block size

According to vendor notes / documentation,
1) create db
2) exp full from 9i
3) imp full to 10g

1) import ended with completed unsuccessful.
2) user accounts are imported (because their default tablespace is USERS - which had already been created during DB creation); but, user accounts (schema accounts) with a different default tablespace are not imported.
Looking at the imp.log - seems like it's complaining about the db_block_size during tablespace creation - which explains why the schema accounts are not imported; because the tablespace was not created.

My questions
1) How do I import to 10g? Can I create all the tablespace in 10g first? Then import? Will it crap out because it already exists? Or will it import the objects in the schema?
2) How do I refresh data from PROD? Remember this is 9i and most of the expdp functionalities are not available. And I cannot re-exp and re-imp because there are steps (sql to run) after moving to 10g to fix some software upgrade table mappings. If I re-exp from 9i and re-imp to 10g, won't I have to re-run all those steps before the apps will run?

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Product User Profile - Restrict User From Running Queries On DB From Third Party Tools

Apr 25, 2011

There is a requirement in my database that I want to restrict the user from directly running queries on database from third party tools such as pl/sql developer and toad.

There is a utility in SQL product_user_profile through which this can be done but it is only restricted if you run the query through sql plus. If I want to restrict and (give suppose select,insert) to a user for directly running queries through PL/SQL.

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Timestamp From A Row

Oct 17, 2012

I am working on a table what has duplicate id with different data set. The problem is this table does not have any time stamp. and this table is created long ago. now I need to remove those records with duplicate id. I want to keep the oldest one. How can retrieve the time stamp of those old data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Timestamp To Date

Jul 26, 2011

From ETL to Oracle, I have stored the timestamp in varchar2 as '30-MAY-11 PM'. Now I need to convert this varchar2(timestamp format) to date. I used:

select TRUNC('30-MAY-11 PM','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from dualBut, it doest work. get date format?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Of Sub Seconds In Timestamp

Feb 11, 2011

What is the exact usage of the SUBSECONDS in Timestamp data type.

Especially it has range upto 9 decimal places?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Trigger For Timestamp

Aug 13, 2010

Create a trigger that stamps the date_created and the date_updated column with current date on new and updated records?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Subtract Minutes From Timestamp

Mar 31, 2010

I need below proc like...

procedure p1
i_time_min number -- minutes to be substracted from timestamp
v_end_timeinstamp timestamp(6);


The problem with above procedure is passing parameter is in minutes and i need to substract the same from sys_extract_utc(current_timestamp) and store result in v_end_timeinstamp in timestamp format only... substracting directly will reduce the days and not the minutes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fraction Of Secs In Timestamp

Mar 12, 2011

where exactly the FRACTION of seconds being used, in the TIMESTAMP Data Types.

Example in the below result.

-----------------------------------------------------------------12-MAR-11 PM +05:30

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Timestamp Parameters

Sep 13, 2013

In my task I am trying to pass a timestamp datatype as one of the input parameter to a procedure in the package.But I am not sure how to give data for it while executing and testing it from anonymous block.

PACKAGE body ac
PROCEDURE ac_ex_wbdb_keycats(
In_Sale_Location_Id IN NUMBER,
In_Start_Datatime IN TIMESTAMP,
In_Stop_Datatime IN TIMESTAMP,
v_refcur OUT sys_refcursor)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extracting Date From Timestamp?

Jan 18, 2012

How to extract date from a timestamp data

for example

Input-15/06/2010 05:30:00.000000
output: 15/06/2010

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ora-04062 Timestamp Changed

Apr 4, 2012

I had follwoing function

Create Or Replace Function Fin_Prd(V_Dte In Date) Return Number Is
V_Fin_Str Number;


The above function was running well. Today i have made some change as under

Create Or Replace Function Fin_Prd(V_Dte In Date,V_Rtn_Flg In Number Default 0) Return Number Is
V_Fin_Str Number;


Above function is created and working well when i use it in query in sql prompt or Toad. But problem is this that all function which used this are invalid and when i run report whose query use FIN_PRD then error is "Ora-04062. Timestamp of Fin_Prd has been changed".

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Distinct Timestamp - One Entry Per Day?

Apr 21, 2010

how can I distinct this query to get just one entry for one day.

this query:

select to_date(to_char(TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24.MI.SS'), 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24.MI.SS') datum from event_table where id=15 ORDER by timestamp


but i want to have:


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Timestamp Of A Command Executed

Sep 17, 2012

OS:Linux 5

how to find out the timestamps of a OS command executed previously. "history" command doesn't show the timestamps. I checked "man history" but i couldn't able to find the proper option.

1222 db
1223 oh
1224 cd dbs
1224 cd $TNS_ADMIN

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PL/SQL :: Check If Time Is In Between Two Timestamp

Jun 17, 2013

I have a simple query which will return either A or B depending on the projected oven out date and time. If the projected oven out date and time is between 6am and 6pm, A should be returned. Otherwise B if time is between 6pm and 6am of the next day. My problem is that I do not know how to display A or B depending on the projected oven out date and time. I am using the query below to get the projected oven out date and time.  

to_char((ti.txndate + pm.baketime/24),'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS PM') FCSTDOvenOut  


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PL/SQL :: Timestamp With Time Zone

Sep 7, 2013

will Import into a table I am getting the below error message Error Message

Record 1: Rejected - Error on table MTN_BUNDLES_EXPIRY_MIG, column EXPIRY_DATE_T.

ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format The data client provide in .XLs file  2013-08-31 17:14:56My Table Structure is  

CREATE TABLE tmp_mtnuga_3g_expiry_mig
    MSISDN_V            VARCHAR2 (50),
    expiry_Date_t         TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE
    status_date_t          TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE

I am using 2 option to import into a table First option using Toad ---> Import Table -- option here i am getting error likeThe format is not matched.Second option using SQL Loader-->

INFILE 'D:ssTT-ProjectsCustomer AppsClient Dump3GBundle.csv'
BADFILE 'D:ddTT-ProjectsCustomer AppsClient Dump3GBundle.bad'
DISCARDFILE 'D:ddTT-ProjectsCustomer AppsClient Dump3GBundle.dsc'


how solve the TimeStamp

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Last Modified Timestamp Of A Table

Jul 8, 2013

Provide me a query to find the last modified timestamp of all the tables present in a schema? 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Subtract Timestamp Values

Apr 18, 2012

Oracle version:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

how to subract the timestamp values.

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP ('10-Sep-02 14:10:10.123000', 'DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF') FROM DUAL;

This is my output.

10-SEP-02 PM

Now how to subtract the FF value in sysdate.(ex:10000 this is the input of FF value )

example output like: "18-APR-12 AM"

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How To Append Timestamp To Log File In SQL*Plus

May 9, 2013

Platform : RHEL 5.8 (But I am looking for platform independant solution)

I want to append the timestamp to spooled log file name in SQL*Plus.The spooled log filename should look like

WMS_APP_23-March-2013.logI tried the following 3 methods found in the google. But none of them worked !

I tried this

col sysdt noprint new_value sysdt_var
SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd_hh24miss') sysdt FROM DUAL;
spool run_filename_&sysdt_var.Logas suggested in


and this

spool filename with timestamp
col sysdt noprint new_value sysdt
SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd_hh24miss') sysdt FROM DUAL;
spool run_filename_&sysdt..Logas suggested in


and this

column tm new_value file_time noprint
select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD') tm from dual ;
prompt &file_time
spool logfile_id&file_time..logas suggested in

Creating a spool file with date/time appended to file name

None of the above worked in RHEL or MS DOS.

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How To Get Shorter Date Format (without Timestamp)

Sep 11, 2009

I get data from one table into a gridview and one of the columns is a date. I get it with date and time stamp but I want solely the date in my gridview.

This is what I get: 2009-08-04 00:00:00

This is what I want: 2009-08-04

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TIMESTAMP Parameter In Procedure / What Format Would It Take

Jan 30, 2009

I am wanting to write a procedure which takes in a TIMESTAMP datatype as a parameter. I only really want the time, not the date part.I am struggling to understand however what format the inserted TIMESTAMP would take. E.g

function_name( 'timestamp')

--would this be;


--or something along those lines?

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Select All Rows And Order By Timestamp

Dec 27, 2006

I have 3 tables that I want to select all rows from and then order by the timestamp of when the row was inserted.

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Getting Timestamp For Existing Records In Table?

Nov 15, 2010

I need to get the timestamp for all the existing records in my table...I am having one user definition field, is this possible?

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