SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS Job Commit Other Sessions Automatically

Apr 14, 2011

I am calling one procedure through job and after submitting the job i am using commit. problem is when job close the session it commit the code which is inside procedure and as per my understanding in another session also, which i want to avoid .

my procedure is

Create My_proc is
Insert into my_table values(1,2,3);

And my job proc is

Create my_job_proc is

now i am calling my job proc is


Now problem is once it finish, it will insert the data into my_table which i don't want until I call Commit.I already try 'Set autocommit off'

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Oct 4, 2012

I need to identify, whether my current session is one of slave sessions scheduled as Oracle scheduler job via DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE or not. I already succeeded using join of dba_scheduler_running_jobs, user_parallel_execute_chunks and v$session, but I feel that this is not optimal approach.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Dbms Jobs Initiates Many Sessions

Sep 11, 2012

We created a job yesterday which will call the below procedure. if we start this job, it initiates 92 sessions parellely. How it is initiating 92 sessions parelley?

procedure prc_HECTOR_CIDB_IN_PURGE
cursor CUR_PROC is
select rowid from CUSTMODEL.HECTOR_CIDB_IN where PROCESS_FLAG in ('Y','F');

v_typ_cur_data typ_cur_data;

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Dbms Job Is Not Executing Automatically

Aug 11, 2011

Database 1(sm01):

there are 4 jobs scheduled in oracle dbms_job. 3 jobs will run everyday at 4.00AM. 1 job will run at every hour.Daily jobs are running fine. But hourly job is not executing automatically. If forced (exec dbms_job.run(<enter here job number>), this execute fine.

total jobs in schema=2503
total jobs in db = 2614

Even there are many jobs scheduled, next_date for 2234 jobs are lesser than the sysdate. Again in 269(2503-2234) jobs, 2265 are having NULL in the interval column.

Database 2(sm02):

there are 4 jobs scheduled in oracle dbms_job. 3 jobs will run everyday at 4.00AM. 1 job will run at every hour.All the jobs are not running automatically. If forced (exec dbms_job.run(<enter here job number>), these execute fine.

total jobs in schema=7
total jobs in db = 7

I planning to follow the below steps to avoid the above issue.

1.) Restart the job queue process by executing alter system set job_queue_processes=0

2.) Increase the value for the job_queue_processes.

3.) Restart the database

But I got stuck in the 2nd step. what value I need to put for this job_queue_processes parameter?

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How To Kill Invalid Sessions Automatically

Jul 3, 2013

On the oracle 11g, we see too many invalid sessions. Because of which, login is getting restricted. What do i need to do to kill those invalid session periodically, which will avoid of restarting of system.

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Forms :: Commit Record Automatically?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a master detail form based on two tables and i want to save the record automatically when the user exits the last field.how i can do it.which trigger is appropriate and what is the code.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS Job Scheduler

Apr 23, 2012

How to pass parameter value to a procedure in schedule jobs ?

--procedure :
create or replace procedure updating_temptable(empcode in varchar2) is
update ts_employee_master mas
set mas.last_accessed = sysdate
where mas.employee_code = empcode;


sys.dbms_job.submit(job => :job,
what => 'updating_temptable;',
next_date => to_date('24-04-2012 00:30:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),
interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1+30/1440');

How to pass employee_code in the procedure[updating_temptable ] in dbms job scheduler ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error Using Dbms-lob?

Mar 6, 2013

I am begginer programing oracle and I have a issue to resolve but I can't resolve it.I have a procedure that upload a image from a directory. But when I pass the path, the function bfilename put a slash "/" in the path. I don't know why.Here my code.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_grava_assinatura_gestor AS
-- Crio o Cursor dos Nomes dos Arquivos JPG. --
CURSOR cursor_nome_arquivo IS
SELECT p.id, (p.empresa || '_' || p.chapa || '.JPG') AS noarq


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Oracle 9i Dbms-redefinition?

Oct 29, 2010

I am trying to redefine a table as to get clear of the thousands of chained and migrated rows. The darn table contains a lob column.I am trying to complete the process with the dbms_redefinition package.

I've createad the temporary table with all option to nologging. I've started the redefinition at midnight and it not yet completed and I can't find why it is taking so long. I've done the process with a table, similar in size in a Dev environement and it took at most two hours. In production, the process has been going on for 10h30 now.

I can see my tablespace size increase from time to time and when I querry the dba_segments to find out the size of both tables my temporary table is now 4 times the size of the original table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create DBMS-SQL Procedure?

Oct 7, 2010

I am creating the following dbms_sql procedure...

CREATE or replace PROCEDURE table_demo
(tabname IN varchar2)
cursor_name INTEGER;
rows_processed INTEGER;


There are no compilation errors.I call this code from the following anonymous block...

X CHAR:='T';

This also compiles successfully and without any errors. It runs properly as wellHowever when I run 'select * from T'. Then system throws up the error of table or view does not exist.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get DBMS-PIPE Package?

Sep 24, 2012

SET serveroutput on size 1000000
SET wrap on
SET linesize 80

v_text VARCHAR2 (4000);
v_res NUMBER;
v_num NUMBER;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execution Details Of DBMS Jobs?

Sep 7, 2010

Under what userid(privileges) does a scheduled DBMS Jos run, is it under the same user that scheduled the job?

Does oracle internally log in(opens a new session) in order to run a scheduled DBMS Job?

some reference websites where I can get some details about how the scheduled jobs are executed?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using DBMS-METADATA To Transform Tablespace DDL?

May 18, 2010

I'm currently busy with database consolidation, so I'm searching for a solution to generate some useful DDL to prepare the new target database before importing the application's data. This should include TABLESPACE DDL and all additional users with their grants.

So first I thought of developing a simple script, which will create the CREATE TABLESPACE DDL but with transformed datafile paths.But my throws some errors and I don't understand why:

ORA-31604: invalid NAME parameter "STORAGE" for object type TABLESPACE in function SET_FILTER
l_hObject NUMBER;
l_Objddl CLOB;


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Where Value Of Systimestamp / Sysdate Comes From And Dbms-scheduler

Mar 27, 2013

I saw bunch of other posts but I could find the post that exactly explaining about where the value returned as systimestamp / sysdate comes from or impacted Here is my situation I have an access to this db (let me call db A) and when I access it, I get following result. I don’t have full access to this db so I cannot experiment a lot here.

--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------- ----------------------------
27-MAR-13 AM +00:00 26-MAR-13 PM -07:00 26-MAR-13 PM +00:00 -07:00

I’m in PST timezone.I have my db which I have full access as well as its host.I can make result like db A on my db if I started up db and its listener while TZ environment variable equal to UTC.Now I saw in other post that someone was trying to retrieve systimestamp value in a job executed via dbms_scheduler.run_job.

So I did that in two ways. 1 with use_current_session = true and 2 is false for the same.On my db, results are the same (both returns time in UTC) but on db A, I got UTC time when use_current_session = true and PST when use_current_session = false.

So questions are:
What could be the difference in setup between my db and db A?
Is there a query, logfile, or anything I should check to find out what can be the difference?

I tried to find the cause with my db and I could see the same result as db A which is to see UTC time if use_current_session = true and PST time if use_current_session = false by bringing up the db listener after I set TZ environment variable equal to PST8PDT. However this causes systimestamp from sqlplus session become also a PST time.

The reason I’m playing around with the setup and checking systimestamp value is because we are facing the situation where everywhere except pl/sql job submitted by enterprise scheduler service is pointing wrong timezone (PST instead of UTC)

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PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g On Windows - Dbms-scheduler?

Jan 2, 2013

We have oracle 10g On windows....

i have created a schedular like below
  DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
    job_name        => 'TEST_JOB',
    job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',

what is the repeat_interval of above. I have specified MINUTELY but it's not firing after each minute.

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Dbms-scheduler - Third Program Finishes Before Second?

Oct 26, 2010

I've written a chain with four programs. The third program is depend on the output of the second. However the third program finishes before the second. How do I wait for the second to finish.

(chain_name => 'SATURN.SHRROLL_CHAIN',
condition => 'TRUE',
rule_name => 'RULE_100',
comments => 'START GRADE ROLL');


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Enterprise Manager :: Cannot Access EM Of DBMS 11g R2 On Windows 64

Nov 14, 2010

I have successfully installed Oracle DBMS 11g R2 on Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate. I can only access the EM using only one user which SYSTEM. Although, I created different users which are unlocked but no success in accessing the EM even with the user name 'SYS'.

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Client Tools :: Way To Enable Dbms Profiler

Mar 4, 2010

i want to tune my plsql code using dbms_profiler.

but dbms_profiler is disabled in my TOAD.

i have GRANT on this pkg. even though i have it disabled. how should i enable it??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dbms-scheduler - Stop Jobs When Database Down?

Nov 13, 2011

How to stop all jobs(dbms_scheduler) when ever database down or power failure and I need to restart all jobs when ever database is up.

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Performance Tuning :: DBMS Stats Is Gathering

Oct 26, 2010

Oracle 10g has the feature of automatic stats gathering in this case is it necessary to run DBMS_STATS on tables manually. Does the stats gathered become stale when the auto stat runs ?

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Server Administration :: DBMS-STATS And ORA-20000?

Dec 20, 2011

I've just installed an Oracle 64 bit server on my windows 7 machine in order to play around while using attempting to run

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('eii','v2x4e')

I get the following:
ORA-20000: Unable to analyze TABLE "EII"."V2X4E", insufficient privileges or does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 20327
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 20360
ORA-06512: at line 1

My initial google searches indicate that I need the select any table and analyze any privileges. I don't think that can be right/appropriate - but I've granted them anyway to no avail.

Select * from user_tables

returns tables in the System and sysaux tablespaces, but not my own schema/tablespace?

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Server Administration :: DBMS-SCHEDULER For Particular Instance?

Apr 29, 2013

How to create DBMS_SCHEDULER job for particular instance,we have 3 instance we want to schedule few jobs in Instance 2,how to schedule in Particular instance.

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Server Administration :: Tracking DBMS Job Timing

Jul 20, 2010

I have a database job to ANALYZE TABLES,, it takes more than 40 hours. I want to know exactly how much time does it take..

My job has started on 19th Jul at 02:32 hrs.. What is the way to know the exact time when the job ends.

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PL/SQL :: Sending Mail When DBMS-SCHEDULER Job Fails?

Feb 1, 2013

I have scheduled a job as below.
   n1 NUMBER :=7369;
       job_name        => 'APPS.SCHE_JOB_TEST'

I want to maintain the log table for the job with the following fields.

SCHE_JOB_TEST    1                02/02/2013 00:00:00  02/02/2013 00:05:00   completed  null

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Scheduler :: DBMS JOB - Interval Related To Next Date?

Sep 17, 2012

I studied the documentation and many websites about DBMS_JOB but I am still confused.How do I schedule a procedure to run i.e. every sunday 10:00 AM ?This is what I tried:

      job        => X

Is the Interval related to next_date ?

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PL/SQL :: DBMS-SCHEDULER Program Not Executing As USER But Does As SYS?

Jul 18, 2013

 I'm using Oracle DB 10g EE I have created a program to be executed with scheduler. however when I execute the job it fails due to a permissions error.

   program_name           => 'Billing_files_organise_prog',
   program_action         => '/home/ora10/data/organise.sh',


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Sessions Value Always Seems To Be Higher Than Set Value

Jul 23, 2010

I have set my processes and session value in my database as 1000 and 1248 respectively. I am using but when I restart my DB it showing me sessions=1524...its too high value then what I set.I don't know why it showing higher value than the value I set...


Starting up:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options.
Using parameter settings in server-side spfile /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/spfileeng11g02.ora
System parameters with non-default values:
processes = 1000
sessions = 1524

And one more thing is there any recommended formula for calculate sessions in 11g? [ I found one formual from google:
SESSIONS derived: (1.1 * PROCESSES) + 5

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Sessions Based On SQL ID

Aug 31, 2012

One of our DB server is high on CPU utilization, as per the AWR we found couple of queries are running many times and taking huge CPU, hence we need to know from which user these queries are runnings.find the session information as per the sql id?

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Server Utilities :: DBMS-DATAPUMP Import Error?

Oct 25, 2010

have a requirement to load .dmp files into existing staging tables and there is package to load the ODS tables from staging.So,I thought of using DBMS_Datapump utility to import the data from .DMP files to the Tables and this need be automated.

--Create Directory

--grant Access to the User

--Script to import
l_dp_handle1 NUMBER;
l_dp_handle1 := dbms_datapump.OPEN(operation => 'IMPORT',



ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31634: job already exists
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 79
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 938
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 4590
ORA-06512: at line 4

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Server Administration :: DBMS Scheduler Jobs Are Not Running

Jan 12, 2011

I have scheduled few jobs (scheduled for each day) which has not run today, which was running successfully till yesterday. When I query dba_scheduler_jobs, i could see last_run_date as yesterday's date 6am and next_run_date is still showing today's date and time (it should show tomorrow's date/time).

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