SELECT FROM_TZ(CAST(TO_DATE('1999-12-01 11:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') AS TIMESTAMP), 'gmt') AT TIME ZONE '+05:30' "Time at Time zone" FROM DUAL;
Time at Time zone 01-DEC-99 PM +05:30
My requirement is that
I want to add 2 hours to DateTime i get here i.e. add two hours in result and display the resultant date and tine in time zone '+05:30'. I also want to check that the resultant time falls in business hours (9 am to 6 pm).
will Import into a table I am getting the below error message Error Message
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table MTN_BUNDLES_EXPIRY_MIG, column EXPIRY_DATE_T.
ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format The data client provide in .XLs file 2013-08-31 17:14:56My Table Structure is
CREATE TABLE tmp_mtnuga_3g_expiry_mig ( MSISDN_V VARCHAR2 (50), expiry_Date_t TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE status_date_t TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE GOT_STARTER_PACK_V NUMBER(10) );
I am using 2 option to import into a table First option using Toad ---> Import Table -- option here i am getting error likeThe format is not matched.Second option using SQL Loader-->
I'm having trouble using interval data types in a procedure. I need to pass a number of minutes as a parameter, and then use them for arithmetic on a timestamp with time zone. This works no problem:
set serveroutput on create or replace procedure tstz(mins varchar) as begin dbms_output.put_line(systimestamp - interval '10' minute); end; [code]...
I've tried a few variations of data type and type casting for the parameter, but I can't make it work.
I am able to see 1Hr difference in my date fields of SQL output because in UI (User Interface) date field was stored in BST format but DB time zone is in GMT format so how to find a solution for 1 hr difference, here i don't have Privileges to alter DB time zone and i couldn't use function as i have so many SQL's and can't apply that function manually. SO is there any other option to change the DB time zone with out alter it and with out using function.
I have a UI which is java and database in oracle 10g and database resides in India. Now the user use this application across the world. Date related value stores in IST format.
Now the requirement is whenever any user open the application in USA ,then date value should convert into their local time zone. So is there any way in oracle to convert and show the date value according to their local time zone.
I am using the client system to change the setting and the time zone differs from that of production. Even though the job is scheduled to run at 5 AM it show the start date as 6:30 PM which is the client system time.
our system admin is changing the time zone on solaris system, how can it effect my DB or as DBA what should i check before he do that and after he change the time zone. he is changing the time zone because of an issue with the DST (Daylightsaving time).
I currently have a problem where I have two date fields with time stamps. The only bit i am currently interested in in these fields is the time factor. When i display them in their field they have a format of HH24:MI .
I have a start time and end time as well as a duration and duration type. What I am trying to do is the following: when the user inputs the start time, along with the duration say 1 for example and the duration type of say HRS for example I would like to have the end_datetime default to 1 HR from the current start time. This is the code I use on a when validate item trigger to acheive this:
case :blk.duration_type when 'HRS' then :blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24)* :blk.duration); when 'MINS' then :blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24/60)* :blk.duration);
However, every time it triggers the value put into end_datetime is 0:00 is it something to do with the datatypes im using .
I have a column where I have time stamp with date and time(8-May-10 10:20:55 Am) from that i will get only time(10:20:55 Am)[query for this mentioned below] Now i need to append the time to current date and insert into a Timestamps column only .
so my result should be 17-May-11 10:20:55 Am(Assuming current Date is 17-May-11) . I tried search it by i found a way in sql server by using DataAdd and DataDiff .
query to get the time is:select to_char(to_date('11-MAY-11 05.00.00 PM', 'DD-Mon-YY HH:MI:SSAM'),'HH24:MI:SS') "Time Now" from dual
SELECT CASE WHEN currentstep.step_id IN (100) THEN currentstep.start_date ELSE (SELECT start_date FROM audt.os_historystep WHERE ID =
here is the completed query
select EAG.AUDIT_NUMBER Audit_Nbr, ( SELECT CASE WHEN currentstep.step_id IN (100) THEN currentstep.start_date ELSE (SELECT start_date FROM audt.os_historystep
when I try select from this query I get ORA-00904: "DATE1": invalid identifier.
I Have three field and first field for START TIME ,Second END TIME & Third DURATION AND Putting START TIME AND END TIME i am getting duration in minutes by using code
Oracle VM 2 Node RAC cluster Oracle 11G Oracle 11g rel 2 GI
on current 2 node cluster we have GI and RAC db configured Nodes: vmorarac1,vmorarac2
we shutdown vmorarac1 to clone it to vmorarac5
on new node I have changed the hostname to vmorarac5 In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 change ip to new ip and same for /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1,
mad echanges to /etc/hosts on vmorarac1/2 for 2 new IP address assigned to vmorarac5
I'm trying to figure out, based on total scheduled shift time and scheduled breaks what the effective schedule time is by hour for a particular employee.
So I have a shift query that gives me this (using a cross-day shift here because they do happen-not sure if that will impact things):
I want to know how I can find which query is taking more time , for example some query's are run from unix, java and from toad,sqlplus. and one query is taking much more time to execute, so how i can get that query and all the details.
I have a query which is executing fast in dev env,but very long time in qa env.What is the criteria when this behaviour occurs.Though qa is having more data than dev.But still it is taking long time for 1 rows also.When I am using the query rownum<=1.So What to check for this.
in the above, for job 1 ,on 19/08/2010 the time difference should be calculated as
01:23:12-00:56:00 and the difference should be in minutes.
for end_time. i can't take the substring as the length of the date varies for 19 and 7. In case of start date, the time has to be in format, hh:mm:ss, to calculate the difference.
Is there a way to know how much time will a query take to execute without running it, just like using the autotrace (traceonly) and explain plan utility.
My Oracle DB server time is in UTC. which lags by 9:30 mins to to get tHe IST time (Asia/Kolkotta) time for that UTC timezone? I can not hard code +9:30 to UTC as this difference varies as per Daylight savings every 6 months.