I am able to see 1Hr difference in my date fields of SQL output because in UI (User Interface) date field was stored in BST format but DB time zone is in GMT format so how to find a solution for 1 hr difference, here i don't have Privileges to alter DB time zone and i couldn't use function as i have so many SQL's and can't apply that function manually. SO is there any other option to change the DB time zone with out alter it and with out using function.
I have a UI which is java and database in oracle 10g and database resides in India. Now the user use this application across the world. Date related value stores in IST format.
Now the requirement is whenever any user open the application in USA ,then date value should convert into their local time zone. So is there any way in oracle to convert and show the date value according to their local time zone.
I am converting data from an old paradox table to a new oracle table, one of the problems im having is incompatibility with date and time formats:
some columns contain times in the format : "00:00:00" eg..... "15:00:00" some columns have date in the format: "dd/mm/yyyy" eg....... "21/08/2000" some columns have time and date eg.. "05/09/2000 15:49:39"
Currently I have the data held in tables within an access database, and in CSV format.
eg, I have dates like 03/04/2010 which i need to be 03-APR-10....
how I can get the following into Oracle date formats? there is over 1000 records so manual conversion is out of the question
SELECT FROM_TZ(CAST(TO_DATE('1999-12-01 11:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') AS TIMESTAMP), 'gmt') AT TIME ZONE '+05:30' "Time at Time zone" FROM DUAL;
Time at Time zone 01-DEC-99 PM +05:30
My requirement is that
I want to add 2 hours to DateTime i get here i.e. add two hours in result and display the resultant date and tine in time zone '+05:30'. I also want to check that the resultant time falls in business hours (9 am to 6 pm).
will Import into a table I am getting the below error message Error Message
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table MTN_BUNDLES_EXPIRY_MIG, column EXPIRY_DATE_T.
ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format The data client provide in .XLs file 2013-08-31 17:14:56My Table Structure is
CREATE TABLE tmp_mtnuga_3g_expiry_mig ( MSISDN_V VARCHAR2 (50), expiry_Date_t TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE status_date_t TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE GOT_STARTER_PACK_V NUMBER(10) );
I am using 2 option to import into a table First option using Toad ---> Import Table -- option here i am getting error likeThe format is not matched.Second option using SQL Loader-->
create table sand_program1(prog_code varchar2(20), filing_date number(15)); Result : Both the tables are created.
Now I create a procedure below as mentioned, to check if the filing_date is greater than the prog_end_dt or not.If the filing_date is greater than prog_ end_dt, then it should go to the 1st "dbms_output.put_line" message else it should go to the 2nd "dbms_output.put_line" message.
Here's my procedure:
create or replace procedure test_sand(p_program_cd in number) is v_prog_end_dt date; v_filing_date number; begin [code]....
#runs the selected process ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s ${USER_PASS} >${TMP_FILE} <<EOF set pause off set verify off set pagesize 0 set linesize 2000 set timing off [code].........
I am passing a Date to the Oracle Procedure in `date +'%b_%d-%H:%M:%S'` format.
I'm having trouble using interval data types in a procedure. I need to pass a number of minutes as a parameter, and then use them for arithmetic on a timestamp with time zone. This works no problem:
set serveroutput on create or replace procedure tstz(mins varchar) as begin dbms_output.put_line(systimestamp - interval '10' minute); end; [code]...
I've tried a few variations of data type and type casting for the parameter, but I can't make it work.
I am using the client system to change the setting and the time zone differs from that of production. Even though the job is scheduled to run at 5 AM it show the start date as 6:30 PM which is the client system time.
our system admin is changing the time zone on solaris system, how can it effect my DB or as DBA what should i check before he do that and after he change the time zone. he is changing the time zone because of an issue with the DST (Daylightsaving time).
This is unix time where 1075329297 is seconds 572 is milliseconds.
first il store this time in oracle database.when i am retrieving it i want this date into yyyy-dd-mm format. Is it possible to do it in oracle.(using convert function) or is there some other way?
SQL> select xid,start_time from v$transaction where start_time>to_timestamp('08/16/2010 12:15:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); select xid,start_time from v$transaction where start_time>to_timestamp('08/16/2010 12:15:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01843: not a valid month
I have to use the "4*3600" in order to get the date to show up correctly, but even then the date sometimes comes up wrong. If the date occurs in the morning, then the date shows up as the previous day. I am sure this is probably due to the offset I am adding in the above formula. If I don't add the 4 hour offset, then the date shows up 4 hours off.
I want to change a table datatype from date to number where already existing data should get convert.any possibility of doing where i tried like this but no get changing. Even as Julian format is working a bit i want the data to come as GMT format
Scenarios where i tried are like this.
but second statement failing.
Julian fomat like
SELECT sysdate, TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'J'), TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'J'),'J') FROM dual;
I recently became involved with databases, and i've came across with a little obstacle. I have strings that represent a date, they are very oddly formatted and need to store them as dates. the string format looks like this: 'Monday, May the 13th of 2001'
I have been given some data in excel sheet to be uploaded in an Oracle Table. The dates are in Julian. The date in Julian in excel sheet is as :-'110048'.
In the excel file, I found that the cell was formatted as General and when I changed the formatting to Date I got the result as '19/04/2211'.
tell me a way to convert this Julian to mm/dd/yyyy format to be inserted into a table in Oracle.
Tried this :-
SQL> SELECT to_char(to_date(to_char(110048), 'J'),'DD/MM/YYYY') FROM dual;
Due to some business requirements a table field needs to change from date to timestamp in order to handle the millisecs.
1>When i alter the row , for a table with 150 million recs will there be a conversion. Is there a recommended way to convert the field. Mind you this field is used as a part of composite PK.
2> There is a interfacing application which connects and copies the data to its system and is using the date type, will that application be able to continue to work without any changes, if it does not care about the millisecs.
3> Will there be performance impact on an existing application that uses the date field to sort
I can't seem to understand why the hour is incorrect. Below query "dte_computation_on_data" is the old function they use to convert date and insert it to the table. Problem is when I revert it to the actual date the hour is incorrect.
CODE SELECT -- THIS HERE IS MY TEST TO REVERT TIME AND DATE ON THE FORMULA OF WITH RESPECT TO THEIR FUNCTION to_char(TO_DATE('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')+(tb1.dte_computation_on_data/86400),'MM/DD/YYYY') || ' ' || to_char(to_date(mod (tb1.dte_computation_on_data,86400) ,'sssss'),'hh24:mi:ss ') revert_test, systimestamp,tb1.dte_computation_on_data from ( SELECT -- THIS IS THE FORMULA OF THE OLD FUNCTION THEY USE TO CONVERT DATE TO NUMBER AND INSERTED ON THE ROW floor((CAST(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(systimestamp) AS DATE) - TO_DATE('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')) * 86400) dte_computation_on_data FROM dual)tb1;
When I try to extract the date tag value from XML data, the time stored in 20120602153021 format i.e., YYYYMMDD24HHMISS format. The following statement extracts only date as 02-JUN-12 however do not extract the time part.
If I try the same in SQLplus with to_date it works however fails in PL/SQL.
XML data: <?xml version="1.0"?> <RECORD> <REGTIMESTAMP>20120601130010</REGTIMESTAMP> </RECORD>
PL/SQL Extract:
CURSOR c_xml_record IS SELECT extract(value(d), '//ACTIVATIONTS/text()').getStringVal() AS REGTIMESTAMP, FROM t_xml_data x, [code].......
the control file code in this path (c:externalctrl.ctl)
load data infile 'C:externalmy_data.txt' into table emp2 fields terminated by ',' (empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)
this is the error :
C:>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:externalctrl.ctl
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Commit point reached - logical record count 5 C:>