I want to change a table datatype from date to number where already existing data should get convert.any possibility of doing where i tried like this but no get changing. Even as Julian format is working a bit i want the data to come as GMT format
Scenarios where i tried are like this.
but second statement failing.
Julian fomat like
SELECT sysdate,
TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'J'),
TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'J'),'J')
FROM dual;
I have a table datatype number (12,10) that I am reading out of. I am taking the value from this source table and inserting it into a destination table of datatype number (12,15).
I do not have the ability to alter the tables. How can i convert this number so i can insert. I am currently getting the error "ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column"
I am trying to use the to_number, but it not working. How can i format this number field so i can read it from source where i have number (12,10) and insert it successfully in a higher precision table of number(12,15)
I have 2 tables.The column in table A is number and Column in table B is a varchar2 datatype.I have to use the Column of table B as a filter to column of Table A.Below is the example.
create table A(Col1 number); Inert into A values(1); Inert into A values(2); Inert into A values(3); Inert into A values(4);
Create table B(Col1 Varchar2(100)); Insert into b value ('1,2,3');
Select * from A where col1 in (select col1 from b) Error: Invalid Number
Is there a way to convert the varchar to number.The varchar field have multiple characters (numbers) seperated by commas.
When I try to convert numeric values � number(19) p.s 111111111111111111, the to_char function returns �1111111111111110000� because the to_char functions doesn�t support precision bigger than 15.
I have to use the "4*3600" in order to get the date to show up correctly, but even then the date sometimes comes up wrong. If the date occurs in the morning, then the date shows up as the previous day. I am sure this is probably due to the offset I am adding in the above formula. If I don't add the 4 hour offset, then the date shows up 4 hours off.
I am converting data from an old paradox table to a new oracle table, one of the problems im having is incompatibility with date and time formats:
some columns contain times in the format : "00:00:00" eg..... "15:00:00" some columns have date in the format: "dd/mm/yyyy" eg....... "21/08/2000" some columns have time and date eg.. "05/09/2000 15:49:39"
Currently I have the data held in tables within an access database, and in CSV format.
eg, I have dates like 03/04/2010 which i need to be 03-APR-10....
how I can get the following into Oracle date formats? there is over 1000 records so manual conversion is out of the question
I recently became involved with databases, and i've came across with a little obstacle. I have strings that represent a date, they are very oddly formatted and need to store them as dates. the string format looks like this: 'Monday, May the 13th of 2001'
I have been given some data in excel sheet to be uploaded in an Oracle Table. The dates are in Julian. The date in Julian in excel sheet is as :-'110048'.
In the excel file, I found that the cell was formatted as General and when I changed the formatting to Date I got the result as '19/04/2211'.
tell me a way to convert this Julian to mm/dd/yyyy format to be inserted into a table in Oracle.
Tried this :-
SQL> SELECT to_char(to_date(to_char(110048), 'J'),'DD/MM/YYYY') FROM dual;
create table sand_program1(prog_code varchar2(20), filing_date number(15)); Result : Both the tables are created.
Now I create a procedure below as mentioned, to check if the filing_date is greater than the prog_end_dt or not.If the filing_date is greater than prog_ end_dt, then it should go to the 1st "dbms_output.put_line" message else it should go to the 2nd "dbms_output.put_line" message.
Here's my procedure:
create or replace procedure test_sand(p_program_cd in number) is v_prog_end_dt date; v_filing_date number; begin [code]....
#runs the selected process ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s ${USER_PASS} >${TMP_FILE} <<EOF set pause off set verify off set pagesize 0 set linesize 2000 set timing off [code].........
I am passing a Date to the Oracle Procedure in `date +'%b_%d-%H:%M:%S'` format.
I have written a stored procedure that has started returning the error:
Error starting at line 1 in command: call p_glpost('DSTUK', 'L', '2008-01-01', '2008-01-01', '2011-02-18', 1, 1, 1, 0, 'Hi there')
Error report: SQL Error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error ORA-06512: at "CLARITY.P_GLPOST", line 173 06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"
I can't seem to find a tool that will let me step into the actual stored procedure line by line to see where the error occurs. It mentions line 173, which seems to be a red-herring, as line 173 is simply one of the 'END IF' lines within this block:
IF NVL(r_dist.transtype,'wild') = 'wild' THEN NULL; elsif r_wip.transtype = r_dist.transtype THEN v_matchCount := v_matchCount+1; elsif r_wip.transtype <> r_dist.transtype THEN [code]......
Tell me if it is possible to trace through a SP, and which tool is best (I am trying to use Oracle SQL Developer).
I got a string in the form 1+2+4.If we write select 1+2+4 from dual;then we get o/p as 7.but the same thing iam trying to do in a bit of pl/sql program by passing the string 1+2+4 value to a number variable as below.
TASK6_STATUS value is 1+2+4 (this thing i got by replacing the string and lots of stuff) but i need the result after adding these 3 numbers in the string. and i declare COUNT_TASK as NUMBER;and i am very well aware that it gives me the error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
how to add these numbers in my program to get the result 7.
Due to some business requirements a table field needs to change from date to timestamp in order to handle the millisecs.
1>When i alter the row , for a table with 150 million recs will there be a conversion. Is there a recommended way to convert the field. Mind you this field is used as a part of composite PK.
2> There is a interfacing application which connects and copies the data to its system and is using the date type, will that application be able to continue to work without any changes, if it does not care about the millisecs.
3> Will there be performance impact on an existing application that uses the date field to sort
I can't seem to understand why the hour is incorrect. Below query "dte_computation_on_data" is the old function they use to convert date and insert it to the table. Problem is when I revert it to the actual date the hour is incorrect.
CODE SELECT -- THIS HERE IS MY TEST TO REVERT TIME AND DATE ON THE FORMULA OF WITH RESPECT TO THEIR FUNCTION to_char(TO_DATE('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')+(tb1.dte_computation_on_data/86400),'MM/DD/YYYY') || ' ' || to_char(to_date(mod (tb1.dte_computation_on_data,86400) ,'sssss'),'hh24:mi:ss ') revert_test, systimestamp,tb1.dte_computation_on_data from ( SELECT -- THIS IS THE FORMULA OF THE OLD FUNCTION THEY USE TO CONVERT DATE TO NUMBER AND INSERTED ON THE ROW floor((CAST(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(systimestamp) AS DATE) - TO_DATE('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')) * 86400) dte_computation_on_data FROM dual)tb1;
In my Project, there are many queries have join conditions between Number and Vrahchar2. Will it give any wrong results or Invalid Number exception even the varchar2 column always contains the number data?
Example: Select * from Table_t1 t1, table_t2 t2 where t1.num_col = t2.var_col -- Here var_col always hold only numaric data.
CREATE TABLE TEST ( X NUMBER(8), SNUM NUMBER ) SET DEFINE OFF; Insert into TEST (X, SNUM) Values (20100409, 1); Insert into TEST (X, SNUM) Values (20100317, 1);
For some reason, column x is a number data type, but the data is actually date.
My aim:
1. select the maximum of the dates stored in column x (in numeric data)..for a given snum.
2. check if it is within 3 days range and return 1 or 0
My program
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_chk (in_num number) RETURN NUMBER IS v_chk NUMBER; v_max_dat number; BEGIN SELECT COUNT (*) INTO v_chk
I have following assumptions, correct me if I am wrong:
SELECT max(x) INTO v_max_dat FROM test WHERE snum = in_num;
1. The above will actually give me the maximum date for a given snum (correct result), since the data is stored in yyyymmdd format, it does actually picks up the maximum date (stored in number format) for a given snum ... or should i use to_date to convert it to date and declare v_max_dat as date ?
I have a column defined as Number( 8 ) which is supposed to have date values. I would like to check if all the rows in that table have valid dates. We could use to_date(coulmn_name, 'YYYYMMDD') and catch the rownums for error conditions using pl/sql. I would like to know if we could just do it using sql only and return the row numbers for those that are invalid dates?
One table ACCOUNT_T.CREATED_T is number (38). It is mapped to /ACCOUNT's PIN_FLD_CREATED_T, which is timestamp. ACCOUNT_T table has one record, CREATED_T = 1362063600. This field is displayed at the GUI (Customer Center) as Feb 28, 2013 So my question, how to convert the number value (1362063600) to a date value (Feb 28, 2013)?
I am trying to get the month number from this date format '19-OCT-12' . when i try to run the below statement i am getting an error like "not a valid month"
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'IN','24-APR-13 02:10:43',10); insert into call values(1,9818764535,9898324234,'IN','24-APR-13 05:06:78',10); insert into call values(1,9818764535,9215468734,'IN','24-APR-13 15:06:78',10); insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'OUT','25-APR-13 01:06:78',10); insert into call values(1,9899875643,9899875643,,'OUT','25-APR-13 22:06:78',10);
Query : need to find first and last call of '9818764535' mobile number and of call_date between '24-apr-13' and '25-apr-13';