RAC & Failsafe :: Fast Application Notification With OCI Based App

Feb 14, 2006

We have an application that is written in C/OCI, and we want to use FAN on the database. Can we write C APIs that will work with FAN (monitoring)?

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PL/SQL :: How To Get Database Notification To C++ Application

Dec 3, 2012

We are developing a C++ server which will process based on time based events. For example if a particular user has configured a particular task that has to be processed at a particular time, then an event or notification needs to be sent to the C++ server from the database, to initiate the task. The timming configuration is stored in the database, and the C++ server shouldnt poll the database at an interval, but event should be notified from the database at the configured timming.

We are using odatabase and odynaset libraries to connect and access the oracle database 11g.

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Application Express :: Exit Icon On The Notification

Jan 24, 2013

I am using the notification from COM.ORACLE.APEX.GRITTER_NOTIFICATION but i am trying to make the exit button/icon be displayed all time. By default the exit / close button only appears when mouse over it what about if i want the icon to be displayed all time?

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Performance Tuning :: Application Slow In EE But Fast In XE

May 22, 2012

My ERP Application is responding fast while running reports or saving entries, if Oracle 10g Express Edition (XE) is installed. But in Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition or Standard Editions the same application is running very slow.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Installing / Configuring Real Application Cluster Using NFS Instead Of ASM?

Feb 28, 2012

i want to install oracle real application cluster using shared file system and not using ASM. we are not creating LUN for our data to kept and SAN admin will give us NFS share where we will place the database.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle 9i - Difference Between Real Application Cluster And OPS

Jul 17, 2002

What is the different between the new RAC feature - real application cluster and OPS... for me it sound the same..

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Notification In Workflow

Jun 6, 2011

My PO notification is showing only 5 lines even PO contains more than 5 lines. new to workflows.

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Application Express :: Change LOV Based On Another Field Value?

Sep 26, 2012

I have a need to change the LOV of a page item's select list based on the selection in another page item's select list. So in other words, for a page item that is a select list, I need to use one LOV normally, and a different LOV if the value of a different page item is set to X.

A dynamic action would be useful here (on change where Select List 1 = x), but I don't know how to take the action of changing LOVsfor Select List 2 based on that action.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dbms_scehduler Email Notification

Sep 13, 2012

I have set up my dbms_scheduler schedule and all run fine. I have set up the smtp server for outgoing email and it all looks good just like multiple of our other boxes here.The problem is that the event (SUCCESS) for a job is raised yet the email notification is not sent. My question is this: Is there somewhere where the actual log of email notifications sent (and/or failure there-of) is actually kept?

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Application Express :: Creating A Report Not Based On A Table?

Jun 10, 2013

In APEX I've always created form on report so as to have the list of records of a table and the possibility of inserting/updating every sinle record by means of the form on it, ok?I have an application concerning classic costumers, orders, ... with a table for every item.

The problem is that I have to gather all information ao as to produce a classic bill with a typical layout where you have on your left some descriptions and on your right an amount but of course the layout is not based on a classic table, do you mean?Do I have to create a table in which I'll add data and null values so as to get the layout desired

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Application Express :: Highlighting Accordion Based On Selection

Nov 19, 2012

I have created three accordians where there will be sub tabs under each Accordian. There will be two logins. Where when i login with Admin all the 3 accordians will be shown. But in the user logins 1st Accordian will be hidden and only 2nd & 3rd will be shown with their sub tabs.

In order to highlight the tab & also for Accordian to be open based on the selection, i wrote code as follows


in the page under the Execute When Page Loads region where ('activate',0) means the position of the accordian which will be taken as 0,1,2..etc.But when i login as user then as the 1st accordian will be hidden & the 2nd and 3rd accordians will become 1st & 2nd. So 1st & 2nd accordian wil be consider as 0,1 positions here.

So when i click on the 2nd accordian tabs then the accordian is not opening because in the pages of this accordian tabs i have given the code as


as the active is 1 so the accordian in position 1 is opening but i want the accordian in 0 position to be opened as i selected the tab under that accordion only.

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How To Implement Change Notification Database

Sep 3, 2013

how to implement change notification database in oracle forms?

I want to display some data to user،when change a table in database . now Can i do this work with change notification database in oracle form10g?

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Create Notification For Blocking Session

Aug 1, 2013

I want to create notification/ or triggered mail to my client and my dba group which will occur while session and user has been blocked. I want to create this procedure in 12c OEM.

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Enterprise Manager :: OEM 10g Backup Notification

Oct 16, 2007

I have been starting to use OEM 10g and am configuring backups through the maintenance portion. Is there a way to get backup success / failure notification sent to an email address?

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Loader Throughput (rows Per Second) Gives Out A Notification?

Feb 22, 2013

the Metric "Loader Throughput (rows per second)" gives out a notification on my Oracle 11gR2 instance:

Loader Throughput (rows per second) for <hostname>:1158_Management_Service,XMLLoader0 exceeded the critical threshold (3000). Current value: 3695.652173913043478260869565217391304348My problem is, that I can't interprete this value and don't know, if that is really terrible so I have to do something.

which and what this value belongs and what does that mean?

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Application Express :: Default Value Of Radio Button Based On A Condition?

Oct 1, 2013

i have used radio button under dynamic conditions for an interactive report.eg: radio button values are like a) front end b)middlware c)back end.so based on the selected value of the radio button, interactive report appears. and each fields in radio button have separate set of users. now my issue is,based on the user logging in, the default value should set up while the page is loaded...[i.e... if a front end user logs in, the default value of tat radio button shd be front end...] 

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Application Express :: Automatic Row Fetch Based On Select List

Oct 27, 2013

db11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24. I want to do automatic row fetch when the value of a select list changes ?but first i should ofcourse create a tabular form to fetch the data into it , but what i want is ,if i fetch 2 rows then the report contains only two rows , if i fetch 3 , the report contains only 3, if i fetch nothing , the report has nothing ? 

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Based On Dynamic Query

Aug 29, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and have a requirement to create an interactive report based on a dynamic query. This option is available in Classic report but in Interactive this feature is not there. Tried using collections or just a view (thought of changing the view definition during "On load", but structure of the report is already defined based on the definition of the view at design time).

Is there any way of achieving this?

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Application Express :: Disable Report Columns Based On Item Value

Jul 25, 2013

I've got a report with two lov's, where the user is able to change the lov value and submit it. After submit the status of the item P100_status will be changed in Disable. Based on this value the lov's must be disables with apex_disabled.  How can I disable these columns based on the value of P100_status?

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Application Express :: Enable / Disable Of Button Based On LOV Not Working

Oct 10, 2012

I have a Select list which when null should disable a button and when not null should enable it. For which I tried the Advanced DA. Strangely, in the final page where we select the item that is going to be controlled, the button is not listed! I can see other display items etc which I can select but not the button.

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Application Express :: Redirect To Different Pages Based On User Input Value?

Feb 5, 2013

I am trying to redirect to different pages based on user inputs. I have a form in which I have one text item and a submit button. For example consider text item to be empno; So once the user enters a empno and hits submit button; I need to redirect to different pages based on this job.

For Ex:

if user inputs empno whose job is 'ANALYST' then redirect to page 1

if user inputs empno whose job is 'MANAGER' then redirect to page 10

For this scenario. i wrote a pl/sql process for the submit button; but no luck -- its not at all redirecting instead its in the same page. Below is the process.

v_job varchar2(20);
select job into v_job from emp where empno = :P9_EMPNO_R;
if v_job = 'ANALYST' then


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email Notification Using Oracle Advance Queue

Nov 28, 2012

I want to send an email notification using oracle aq for events like when a message goes to error queue. Similarly,Can I send an email notification when I create a queue or drop a queue?

How can I do this?

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Enterprise Manager :: Configure Gmail ID For Notification?

Aug 25, 2010

how to configure gmail id in enterprise manager.

it has smtp address but still i'm getting a error message

smtp.gmail.com: Test failed with message: "Sending failed; nested exception is: javax.mail.MessagingException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. t18sm1156251qco.20 "

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Email Notification To DBA When Threshold Of 80% Reached For Archive Log?

Jul 10, 2013 I want the database to email me when the threshold of 80% is reached for the archivelog and backup piece at recovery_dest folder how to do this. Is this the dict table  I will check for threshold? 

select * from v$recovery_area_usage;

 FILE_TYPE            PERCENT_SPACE_USED PERCENT_SPACE_RECLAIMABLE NUMBER_OF_FILES -------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- --------------- CONTROL FILE                          0 0               0 REDO LOG                              0 0               0 ARCHIVED LOG                       2.02 1.06              21 BACKUP PIECE                       4.76 0              11 IMAGE COPY                            0 0               0 FLASHBACK LOG                         0 0               0 FOREIGN ARCHIVED LOG                  0 0               0  7 rows selected.

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Workflow :: Notification Timeout When Requested For Information?

Feb 21, 2013

We have implemented a approval notification for our customer which on a high level is as follows

requester -> Approver 1-> Approver 2

Once a request is submitted, the 'approval' notification goes to Approver 1 followed by Approver 2. The request is approved when both approves approve the request. If no action is taken by the approvers, the original notifications are cancelled and escalation notification is sent to supervisor of approver 2.

We have a timeout of 48 hours set for the initial approval notifications sent to the approvers (1 & 2). In case Approver 2 requests for more information using the 'Request information' button, the TIMEOUT clock does not seem to reset and the notification is cancelled after 48 hrs even if the notification is in the queue of the requester.

This is causing the escalation notification to be supervisor of approver 2.

The question here is why does the timeout clock not reset when the notification goes back to the requester for additional information. Is this how the standard oracle workflow notification behaves ? Is there a way to customize and achieve this ?

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Application Express :: Tabular Form (select List Query Based LOV)

Jul 10, 2012

I have this situation:

a tabular form with two "select list (query based LOV)" fields. The first one must affect elements in the second one. And so the second query based LOV field should has a "where attr1 = first_list_selected_value" in the query.

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Application Express :: Navigate From A Report To Different Updatable Forms Based On Condition?

Oct 11, 2013

navigate from interactive report to different forms.. 

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Application Express :: Display Only Value Not Save To Database Based On Dynamic Action?

May 22, 2013

I have a select box with products, and a dynamic action that updates a display only element with the price, based on the product selection.After the selection is made and the page is submitted, I have noticed that the price is not stored in the database. If I change the display only value to a text box, the data is saved. Is this expected behavior? If so, can I add something to the text box to make it not editable?

Version is Application Express

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Running Form Based On Table?

May 10, 2013

I thought this was the easy bit in APEX when you just create a form based on a table, with some validations etc. and use it to insert,update data. However on inserting the first record, I get the following error:

is_internal_error: false
ora_sqlcode: 100
ora_sqlerrm: ORA-01403: no data found


The form is based on a table with a primary key and the primary key is populated from an APEX-generated sequence.

I tried recreating the form, but still no good and now I get the no data error even when clicking "RUN" at page level, so the page does not even display.

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Application Express :: Populate Text Field Based On LOV Selection With AJAX

Apr 24, 2013

I would like to populate a text box based on selection from a LOV. If someone selects a LOV value and then tabs off off of that element, I would like the text box populated from a sql statement based on the LOV value in the predicate.Application Express

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