PL/SQL :: Query To Find Single Row?

Oct 5, 2012

i have a requirement where i have to get the id who are only subscribed to only one course based on the below provided data.

ID Course
103812     CFH     
102968     REP     
103812     DFH     
102968     DFH     
103071     DFH     
102968     CFH

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PL/SQL :: How To Find Special Characters In A Single Query

Sep 12, 2012

My query is "How to find all special characters like (%$*&@,;'/+- etc. in a single query?"



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Find Situations Where Single Unique Value Of Field A Has Both Values Z AND X In B?

Feb 19, 2011

In literal terms, I'm interested in two fields, I'll call them Field A and Field B. I want to find all situations where a single unique value of Field A has both values Z AND X in Field B (not either or, but both together).

To go into some detail -

I need to make a query that finds ONLY occurrences where one employee id has a certain set of values together (without going into specifics, I'll say PermissionA, PermissionB, PermissionC). I can easily make a query that returns all user id's and all permissions belonging to them, and I can use criteria to filter the results to Permission A B and C only so as to exclude other permissions from getting returned (since there are hundreds),

however my objective is to get ONLY results where the same employee ID has all of those permissions (not just any one or two of the three). However, I don't want to have any criteria that limits the employee ID (I want to search all employee id's, and get a list of those with permissions a and b and c, not just any combination thereof, but all of them). I'm currently able to organize the output using a pivot table by employee id > role,

so that I can easily look at each employee and the roles they have, but I want to undertake a project that will involve searching a much larger number of employees (a # that makes it impractical for me to look through the list, I need to have a query that limits the results to the combinations that I'm looking for, as in this example - permission a b and c together).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Single Row Query Returns More Than One Row?

Oct 3, 2010

I am getting an error "Single row query returns more than one row" in an Exception block.

But in subqueries I am using IN operator not using =.

And I don't have duplicates rows in tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Total And Single Name In One Query?

Oct 29, 2013

I want to get any employee name of deptno 10 but total count of number of employees under dept 10.

l_deptno NUMBER:=10;
l_count NUMBER;
l_ename varchar2(20);
SELECT count(*) OVER(order by empno) ,ename INTO l_count,l_ename FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM=1 and deptno=l_deptno;
dbms_output.put_line(l_count||' '||l_ename);

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PL/SQL :: Single Row Query Returns More Than One Row?

Mar 12, 2013

this is my sql=


"what i want is add subselect something like this (select card_number from REGISTRATION_CARDS x where ( )as card_number,

but it returns error single row query returns more than one row, because one people can have more that one card_number.

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PL/SQL :: Single Sub Row Query Returns More Than 1 Row?

Apr 19, 2013

I am trying to update values in a table from another table and getting the error: Single Sub Row Query Returns More Than 1 Row.

I want table B's PRV_NAME updated into table A's PRV_NAME where A.PRVID = B.PRVID where B.PRV_TYPE = M'

Both tables have all unique PRVID's, however, table B has PRVID's that have the same name. So table B data can look like this:

1235 SAC MED
1236 SAC MED

So, as you can see the PRVID's are unique, but not the PRV_NAME's. Is this the reason why I get this error?

I did not build the tables and have no control over what is put in them. If this is the reason for the error, is there any way to resolve this?

For reference, here is the query.

update msb_prv_source ps
set ps.prv_name =
(select prv00.prv00_prv_name
from prv00_prv prv00
join msb_prv_source ps
on prv00.prv00_prv_id = ps.prvid
where prv00.prv00_prv_type = 'M')

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PL/SQL :: Select Top Row In Single Query?

Sep 19, 2013

write a query to get the first row after order by clause using single query alone.Example:I can write following query to select first rowselect * from (selec * from t order by col1) where rownum = 1;But here I should not use inline view to get the result. Because my original requirement needs to use this query in select list and it needs to use a column (of a table from the FROM clause) in the where clause of inline query. Because there is restriction that we can not use the column (of a table from the FROM clause) more than one level of inline query.

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All Employee Types In Single Query

Jul 7, 2011

I have four employee types such as 'C' for consultants, 'S' for staffs, 'W' for workers ,, ('E','S','W') for all types of employees. i have write four queries for showing four types of employees. can it is possible in a single query.

I have written this in oracle forms . I have taken a list item for workers i have taken 'W' , for staffs i have taken 'S' , for consultants i have taken 'C' and for all i have taken 'A'. my column name is emp_type in( :block.list_item ) but it is not taking the value from the list item when the value is emp_type in('C') etc etc..

like this for workers ,staffs . when it is 'A' it will take emp_type in ('E','S','W')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Procedure To Single Query

Jul 26, 2012

I want to replace below multiple call to procedure with a Single query. Currently this proc is getting called multiple times from application.

FUNCTION f_get_shows_info(i_booking_wk_id IN NUMBER, i_screen_id IN NUMBER)
v_act_shows booking_wk_screen.act_shows%TYPE;
v_expected_shows booking_wk_screen.expected_shows%TYPE;
v_return VARCHAR2(50);
SELECT NVL(act_shows, 1), NVL(expected_shows, 1)
INTO v_act_shows, v_expected_shows
FROM booking_wk_screen
WHERE booking_wk_id = i_booking_wk_id

Is there anyway through which we can achieve this in Oracle 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Single Return Sub Query Returning More Value

Aug 21, 2013

i am trying to update below statement that has multiple rows but giving the error like :

update test t
set (t.org_id) =
(select o.org_id
from organisation o inner join test t
on (

error:- single return sub query return more value.

how to write update join query base on multi[ple ow.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop All Views With Single Query

Jun 8, 2010

In scott/tiger user total 30 view tables are stored.Right now i want to drop all views with using query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Single Query And GroupBy Together?

Jul 8, 2011

i have a problem in the following query. i need to fetch the rows such that i want to fetch all the records keeping "segment1" column as distinct and sum all of the corresponding "quantities" column.

select prha.segment1 --as requisition_no


i tried to use the partition technique. using partition solved the problem apperently. the sum function worked but redundancy in "segment1" column still persists. i used the sum function only to extract the distinct "segment1" column and summing its corresponding "quantity" column (only quantity column differs in the redundant rows...)

the second query was like:

SELECT prha.segment1,
SUM(prla.quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY prha.segment1) AS qty,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query - Get Details Of Each Employee In Single Row?

Jun 7, 2012

I have three tables as shown in the image. Need to get the details of each employee in a single row..

EMployee_id BaseSalary Bonus Hike shares

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Update Two Tables In Single Set Or Query

Nov 22, 2011

How to update two tables in single set or single query ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Selects In Single Query

Apr 10, 2012

how does this query execute? what kind of a query is this called?

mysql> select ename,(select dname from dept where deptno=e.deptno ) as dname -> from emp e;

| ename | dname |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Incorporate Two Counts In A Single Query?

Sep 26, 2012

User table

id | name
2 | Harry
3 | Mary

Course_User table

summer_course_completed | winter_course_completed | user_id | attendance
y | n | 2 | 20
y | n | 2 | 40
y | y | 2 | 30
n | n | 3 | 20
n | y | 3 | 60

I wish to list each student's name with the number of summer courses he has completed and the number of winter courses he has completed. I am trying this :

select, count(*)
from user u, course_user cu
where and cu.summer_course_completed = 'y'
group by;

but I can get only the number of summer courses OR the number of winter courses that each student has completed, but never both simultaneously, through a single query. Is there a way to do that ?

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PL/SQL :: Single Query Return Multiple Value

Sep 6, 2012

I have a sql query as below :

select order_number,
(select decode(hcp.contact_point_purpose,'ABC',hcp.email_address,'CDE',hcp.email_address,null)
from hz_contact_points,
hz_parties hz
WHERE hz.party_id=hcp.owner_table_id) Email
FROM oe_order_headers_all h
WHERE h.order_number='102'

Actually the problem i am facing is the inner select query is returning multiple row , so my main query is erroring out, i need to capture the multiple row.

In the above example the inner decode statement returning two mail address, I need to capture that, but while executing the whole query it is erroring out as saying single query returns multiple values. capture multiple values

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Same Record Twice With A Single Query?

Sep 24, 2012

I have a scenario for which I need to show same record twice.


101 - Rahul
102 - Ravi
101 - Rahul

Is this possible with a single query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Single Quote(') In Query Not Working?

Jan 5, 2013

I have table say Messages. In which there is a column msg_text varchar2(900).My requirement is to fetch the very last character of the msg_text for a single row identified by its msg_code(primary key).

The problem is, whenever msg_text contain second last character as single quote( ' ), it doesn't give me the last character i.e. after the single quote.For example if msg_text is "Congratulations, you opted for 'A'." and if its message_code is 10 then query

SQL> SELECT SUBSTR(msg_text,LENGTH(msg_text),LENGTH(msg_text)) AS LAST_CHAR
FROM messages
WHERE msg_code = 10;

returns nothing.

Whereas if msg_text is "Are you sure to continue?" and if its message_code is 20 then query

SQL> SELECT SUBSTR(msg_text,LENGTH(msg_text),LENGTH(msg_text)) AS LAST_CHAR
FROM messages
WHERE msg_code = 20;

returns character '?'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query On Single Column To Display As Rows

Aug 5, 2010

I has a table of structure of varchar2 datatype.


desired output is:


The table has single column & the values may differ,that is, they may have 1-2-3-...-n in a single row, but the desired output is to be in the rows as shown above.

I tried concepts of SQL up to my knowledge, but I failed. The query to be done only in SQL.complete this query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA 01427 - Single Row Sub Query Returns More Than One Record?

Oct 10, 2013

I am not able to update a table cloumn using below query and getting ORA 01427: single row subquery returns more than one record error.

update fuctions f set id = (Select g.fn_id from access g where g.level = 'A' )
where f.u_id = "ABC";

I understand that problem is there with inner select query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Space In Every Character Of A String With Single Query

Mar 19, 2012

How can we get 'space in every character of a string with Single select query'

for example:-
string 'INDIA'
result should be 'I N D I A'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cross Referencing Query From A Single Table

Mar 21, 2012

I have a employee table with the below format



Now I need to start with the employee 1 . As we can see the emp 1 is mapped to dept A and also with multiple dept. Similarly dept id is mapped to multiple emp.

I need the output as below (many to many I.e. cross referencing)

1A A1
2A A1
2B A1
1B A1
4A A1
5B A1
5A A1
6C B1 -- new group as the emp and dept are not mapped previously
7A A1
8D C1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Convert Data In Single Column?

Oct 11, 2012

I have a below requirement let me know the optimized query.

Create table test_123 ( sr varchar2(1000));

Insert into test_123 values ('1,2,3,4,5');
Insert into test_123 values ('6,7,9,10,11');
Insert into test_123 values ('9,2,3,8,5');

I need output as :



I need all the values in the column sr in a single column and mutiple rows.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Two Table Column In Single Query

May 25, 2012

How to update two table column in single query ?

example :

update table1 t1 ,table2 t2
set t1.column = 'Yes',t2.column='Yes'
where t1.emp_code =t2.emp_code ;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Multiple Table In Single Query

Jan 27, 2012

Actully i am updating two table of data.. but below error message came..

update (select ename, dname
from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno
and empno = 7788)
set ename = 'X', dname = 'Y'

Error at line 1
ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view

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Fetch Records In Single Select Query And Display

Mar 15, 2011

I have 3 tables, Emp(Emp_id,emp_name),dept(dept_no,dept_name),emp_dept(emp_id,dept_no). Emp tabl ehas some 20 employes id who belongs to different departments.There are few employee who belongs to multiple departments as well. I want to fetch records of emp_id, emp_name, dept_no in the following format.

Name id dept_no
Ram 101 10
Ani 201 10

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Query To Exclude All Rows Based On Single Row Filter?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm using Oracle 10g.

Question: How can I write query to return just ID only if all the codes for that ID end in 6.

If I use
SQLselect id from table_a where code like '%6'
then I also get ID=1, which I don't want.

ID code
1 100
1 106
2 206
3 306
3 336
4 400

Desired Result

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SQL & PL/SQL :: All Selected N Consecutive Rows Retrieved In Single Query

Nov 11, 2011

I have table T with 50,000 rows

create table T
(student_id number,
class_id number,
quiz_id number,
marks number)

some sample rows like

INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 1, 50);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 2, 40);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,1, 3, 34);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 4, 10);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 5, 30);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 6, ‘29);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,2, 7, 34);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,2, 8, 33);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (3,2, 9, 56);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 7, 90);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 8, 0,);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 8, 80);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 8, 65);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,1, 9, ‘34);
INSERT INTO T VALUES (2,2, 9, 11);

each student belongs to one class_id. each student participates in many quizes. each quiz has its unique id. each student can appear once in a quiz_id

I am doing the below analysis and query:

1. with below query I am finding which student_id had most marks in any 3 successive quizes (see the 3-1 part below) in the query..



SQL> /

---------- ---------- -----------
7 1 170
6 1 166
8 1 129
5 1 106
8 3 89
8 2 76
3 3 68
7 3 67
8 2 65
1 1 60
9 3 56
9 1 49
2 2 40
4 1 40
9 2 11

15 rows selected.

With above query, I can play around and find for any 'n' number of consecutive quizes, like marks in 2 consecutives quizes, 3, 4 and so on but for each 'n' value I've to run a seperate query mentioning (2-1) or (3-1) or (4-1) and so on..

since my table is big and there are about 400 quizes so what I want to find out is for each 'n' consecutive quiz (from 1 to 400) which student had most marks for each consecutie 'n' quiz. Like in 1 (consecutive) quiz which student had the highest marks and then 2 conseuctive quiz who had most marks and then in 3 consecutive quiz who had most marks and so on till 400 consecutive quiz who had most marks... rather than running query for each 'n' value seperately i want a single query that can give me a summary of most marks in each n consecutive quizes...

my sample output is:

Nth consecutive quiz student_id sum(marks)
1 1 90
2 1 170
3 1 246
400 ? ?

Is this possible to get the above output from one single query? If there are two or more students with equal most marks for any 'n' conseutive quizes then both should come in the summary.

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