PL/SQL :: Update Two Columns In TABLE2 From TABLE1

Jan 25, 2013

I know this is a simple question for some of you, but I am new to SQLs,

I have two tables TABLE1 & TABLE2 as below, both tables contains more then 50million records:

ID                        BUS_FID                WORKID                  STATIONID                 
---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
28400000117234         245                    13461428.25           16520877.8            
28400000117513         403                    13461428.25           16520877.8            
28400000117533         423                    13461428.25           16520877.8            
28400000117578         468                    13461428.25           16520877.8            
28400000117582         472                    13461428.25           16520877.8            

BUS_FID                    ID                 TRPELID                RELPOS                 WORKID                 STATIONID               
---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
114                    28400000117658         28400000035396         23.225                                                              
115                    28400000117659         28400000035396         23.225                                                              
116                    28400000117660         28400000035396         23.225                                                              
117                    28400000117661         28400000035396         23.225                                                              
118                    28400000117662         28400000035396         23.225                                                              
119                    28400000117663         28400000035396         23.225                                                              
120                    28400000117664         28400000035396         23.225                                                              


Now I tried to use following SQL to update WORKID & STATIONID columns in TABLE2 but failed. BUS_FID in both tables have been UNIQUE indexed and they can be used as primary keys to join these two tables.

          p.STATIONID py,
          p.BUS_FID pid,
          temp.WORKID tempx,
          temp.STATIONID tempy,

with above code, Oracle returned following errors:

SQL Error: ORA-00904: "TEMPID": invalid identifier
00904. 00000 -  "%s: invalid identifier"

BTW, both two tables contains over 50 million records. So, if you have a better SQL to perform the same task.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Update Table1 Based On Condition Of Values In Table2

Feb 20, 2012

I have two tables as

Column Type Null Description
APP_NO Number(6,0) Not Null PK Leave Application Number
ECN Number(6,0) Not Null FK Employee Code Number
APP_Date Date Not Null Date of Application
From_Date Date Not Null Date from which the leave starts
TO_Date Date Not Null Date upto which the current application leave remains i.e. end of leave applied for date
NO_OF_Days Number(2,0) Not Null Difference between TO_Date and From_date
LEAVE_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) Not Null Can be one of SL, CL, LWP or LTA
Status VARCHAR2(25) Not Null Can be one of Saved, Rejected or Approved
Remark VARCHAR2(100) Nullable Reason to be put if status is rejected

What I really want to do is that when a record is inserted in the LEAVES table (an application for leave is submitted by any employee and if it is approved) then I want to update the _USED values of the corresponding LEAVE_TYPE in the LEAVEENTITLE table which holds values of types of leaves entitled to employee.

For example if 3 rows are inserted in the LEAVES table as
(1,1234,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'SL','APPROVED',null);
(2,1235,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'CL','SAVED',null);
(3,1236,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'LTA','REJECTED','Clash with the annual meet, revise dates');

Then the value of SL_USED in the LEAVEENTITLE table of record corresponding to the ECN = 1234 should be updated with +5 and naturally the SL_ UNUSED value of the record should be updated as SL_ENTITLED - SL_USED. For the APP_NO 2 and 3 none of the values in LEAVEENTITLE should be updated as the STATUS is not 'APPROVED'

I tried with the following trigger, but is compiling with a warning (not showing what the warning is)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inserting Row From Table1 To Duplicate Table2

Aug 3, 2010

there are a number of ways I can do this, but I'm just posting this here incase any of you plsql experts know of the best way to program this.

Basically I have 2 tables



Both these tables have exactly the same number of fields and field types - both tables are literally the same. The primary key in both tables is a field called 'cash_id'

How can I transfer a record from INT_CASH_RECORDS into TMP_CASH_RECORDS based in a cash_id, I'm looking for the query string, something like

insert into tmp_cash_records (select * from int_cash_records where cash_id='3342' ...)

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PL/SQL :: Dump Values From One Table1 To Table2

Sep 14, 2012

table1-- EMPLOYEE
empno          ename        dept
001            david             20
002            thomas         30

I need query to dump all the values to below table as show below

table2 -- DEPT
empno      info
001          david
001          20
002          thomas
002          30

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Total Of Details - Table1 In Table2?

May 17, 2011

I got table alpha

(alpha_id NUMBER
alpha_cash NUMBER,
alpha_other VARCHAR2(20)


What is the best/a good way to display in alpha the total regarding the alpha_id ?

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PL/SQL :: Update Multiple Columns With Single Update Statement

May 30, 2013

i am reading the columns value from different table but i want to update it with single update statement. such as how to update multiple columns (50 columns) of table with single update statement .. is there any sql statement available i know it how to do with pl/sql.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Update Multiple Columns

Dec 12, 2011

how to over come this error, because i need to update only 3 columns in the table and iam getting error when iam updating like this

update country1 set cname='japan','usa'
where cid=100,101


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update When ID Column Is Matched / But One Of Others Columns Not

Mar 12, 2013

my need is to perform merge - update when id column is matched, but one of others columns not.When id column is not matched then I perform insert.

It works fine for matched or not matched id column.

Commented code is my try to perform check for others columns, The code should not update when all columns match. It should update only when on of columns doesn't match (except id column of course, because it's key column).

merge into copy.table1 rr
ID ,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Cursor To Update Multiple Columns

Oct 22, 2011

I need to write a script which copies 4 col data from one table to another table. there are three tables

cwat_curr_mst and cwat_assigned_customer and cwat_assignment_mst.
Cwat curr mst has PK curr_id and cwat_assigned_customer has PK assignment_id.
Also cwat_assigned_customer has customer_id.
In cwat_assignment_mst has Curr_id and Assignment_ID.

cwat_curr_mst and cwat_assigned_customer tables has 4 cols in common
they are

So from curr_mst all these 4 cols data needs to come/copy into cwat_assigned_customer.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Remaining Empty Columns

Dec 20, 2010

My requirement is that under table name like A I have to update remaining empty columns as A and under B remaining null columns as B and so on.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Writing A Procedure For Updating Table2 Based On Table3?

Sep 14, 2011

In my application i have a requirement as follows.I have 3 tables table1,table2,table3.I have 4 tickets for one license number which is related to client table as follows.

license_nbr(pk) name address
=============== ===== =======
LicNo1 test testing

ticket number(pk) amountto be paid balance_amount license_nbr(fk table2)
tk1 200 200 0 LicNo1
tk2 300 300 0 LicNo1
tk3 400 400 0 LicNo1
tk4 500 500 400 LicNo1

payment table
ticket_number(fk table2) amount paid payment status license_nbr(fk table1)
tk1 1000 excess paid. LicNo1

so now the excess paid amount to be adjusted for the remaining tickets through tk2 to tk4.and only tk4 should remain with 400 the balance amount should be updated accordinglyand i have a license number which is a foreignkey of client table. writing a procedure for updating the table2 based on the table3.

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Oracle SQL - Update Table Value By Matching Columns

Mar 15, 2010

I have two table and trying to update tableA with data from tableB but gives an error. My TableA has columns - colA,colB,colC,colX and table B has columns - colA,colB,colX. Sample data looks like this:

XXYY, local,3/19,48

Table B:

this is the query I wrote
update tableA a
set (a.colX)=(select (b.colX) from tableB b where a.colA=b.colA and a.colB=b.colB);

When i run it gives this error:single row subquery returns more than one row.

tableB has only 1 value for colX for each colA,colB record but tableA has mutiple colA and colB repeated but for all of thsoe in table A i want to update the tableB.colX value for matching colA and colB.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Number Of Rows In Three Columns In Table?

Dec 13, 2011

how to update the middle of plenty rows in the middle of the columns


id name state REGION LOC
1 v A.p 1 1
2 a
3 g K.A 0 3
4 y
5 i T.N 1 0
6 l M.P 0 1
7 c U.P

This is sample data,and i have this kind of large data and i need to fill the rows which are empty. In three columns state,region,loc with data like 0,web_intimation,1,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Collect - Update Two Columns Without Any Filtration

Jun 19, 2013

I have more than 10 lakhs records in the table for which i am going to update two columns without any filtration. i have pasted my query in's taking more time to there any way to fine tune this block.

l_fallback_page Au_Case_Parallel_19062013.page_num%TYPE;
l_fallback_kwd Au_Case_Parallel_19062013.Fallback_keyword%TYPE;
lv_type varchar2(1000);


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PL/SQL :: Merge / Update With Multiple Tables And Columns

Sep 6, 2013

I am trying to update multiple columns from one table based on the results of another table So I have 3 tables as follows 

My SQL code is loosely SELECT SUM(H.HIS1),

 This works, and I am able to SUM the column as I need with the right numbers.  I altered the SUMM_SNAP table and now I want this summarized column to be in the table I tried using UPDATE, but there is no FROM clause to let me do the table join/group by 


The above is obviously wrong - but just trying to show whatI was thinking What would be the best method to get the numbers from the SUM into a table?

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PL/SQL :: ORA-00001 / Unique Constraint Because ID Is Primary Key On TABLE1

Jun 27, 2012

I have in a plsql block somewhere a statement like

SELECT id, col

This statement returns an error ORA-00001: unique constraint because id is a primary key on TABLE1. I would like to know what is the value of id that raised the exception.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Stored Procedure To Update Columns In Table

Dec 8, 2010

I have three tables fixtures, fixture_teams and team_tbl

fixtures consists of:

create table Fixture_tbl(
fixt_id varchar2(8),
fixt_date date,
fixt_time varchar2(10),
fixt_location location_t,
umpire_id varchar2(8),
player_of_match player_of_match,
home_team varchar2(20),
away_team varchar2(20),

creating a stored procedure that updates the points column in the teams_tbl , the value that is updated in to the points column will be retrieved from the fixture_team table. so if team a has more goals than team b then the points column for team a will be increased by 6 else if the scores are equal they get 4 points each.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Select For Update / Multiple Columns Of Different Tables

Apr 8, 2010

i have two tables test1 and test2. i want to update the column(DEPT_DSCR) of both the tables TEST1 and TEST2 using select for update and current of...using cursor.

I have a code written as follows :

v_mydept1 TEST1.DEPT_CD%TYPE;
v_mydept2 TEST2.DEPT_CD%TYPE;

The above code when run says that it runs successfully. But it does not updates the desired columns[DEPT_DSCR].

It only works when we want to update single or multiple columns of same table...i.e. by providing these columns after "FOR UPDATE OF"
I am not sure what is the exact problem when we want to update multiple columns of different tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Forall Update With Bulk Collect For Multiple Columns

Jan 25, 2013

I am trying to update a table column values if any change occurs using bulk collect and for all update not able to get idea. below is the proc working is for insert and update using the cursors.



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ODP.NET :: ORA-54017 - UPDATE Operation Disallowed On Virtual Columns?

Sep 2, 2013

I am usingOracle 12cODAC 12.1.010 and when make an update on table with virtual column i have this error:ORA-54017: UPDATE operation disallowed on virtual columns. I have seen that on edmx file the virtual column, the StoreGeneratedPattern property is not setted as Computed. Setting it (handly) works ok. Is a bug of ODAC? 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Column In A Table Which Has 3 Columns Of 16 Million Rows?

Apr 25, 2012

trying to update a column in a table which has 3 columns of 16million rows from column in another table which has 1million rows, there is no relationship between the 2 tables.

Table A has 3 columns of 16million rows, the first two columns have 16million ID numbers, the 3rd colunm is currently NULL.

Table B has 1million Numbers, i need to somehow update column 3 in table A using the numbers in table B, it doesnt how many times each of the 1 million numbers are used but i dont want it to just update every row to the same value.

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Forms :: INSERT Record - Update Columns Of Table

May 31, 2010

I would like to UPDATE the columns p1 and p2 of my table student (studentid:pk,name,p1,p2,...) for a given studentid.and I have a when-button-pressed trigger with this

UPDATE student
SET student.p1=:validation.proj1,
where UPPER(student.studentid)=UPPER(:validation.studentid);commit_form;

when I run my form with a correct studentid, I got this error: FRM-40508: ORACLE error: UNABLE to INSERT record

but it is cworking correctly in sqlplus; and I have all priveligies.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Table1 Rows Where 3 Fields To Join With Another Table

Aug 13, 2011

I need to delete all the registers where the table 1 does join with table 2 in 3 fields... for example:

delete taba1 t1
where t1.campo1 in ( select distinct(tr.campo1)
from tabla1 tr,
tabla2 t2
where t2.error = 0
tr.campo1 = t2.campo1
and tr.campo2 = t2.campo2


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Performance Tuning :: Update Columns Of One Table Using Another Table

Feb 6, 2011

I am trying to update columns of Table A with the columns of Table B. Both these tables have 60,000 rows each. I tried this operation using following 2 queries:

Query 1

Update TableA A
(A.col1,A.col2,A.col3)=(select B.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from TableB
where A.CODE=B.CODE)

Query 2
Update TableA A
(A.col1,A.col2,A.col3)=(select B.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from TableB
where A.CODE=B.CODE)
where exists
A.code = (select B.code
from TableB B
where A.code=B.code)

When i execute these two above queries, it keeps executing indefinitely.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Create A Report By Using One Field / Text As Columns Name In Layout But Display All Columns

Jun 16, 2010

I want to create a report by using one field and one text as columns name in layout but display the all the columns. I mention the 5 column names in can I write function in summary column.

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Performance Tuning :: Index 15 Columns When Cannot Predict Columns Will Be Used In Where Clause?

Apr 4, 2011

I am running a fairly busy Oracle 10gR2 DB, one of the tables has about 120 columns and this table receives on average 1500 insertions per second. The table is partitioned and the partitioning is based on the most important of the two timestamp columns. There are two timestamps, they hold different times.

Out of these 120 columns, about 15 need to be indexed. Out of the 15 two of them are timestamp, at least one of these two timestamp columns is always in the where clause the queries.

Now the challenge is, the queries we run can have any combination of the 13 other columns + one timestamp. In reality the queries never have more than 7 or 8 columns in the where clause but even if we had only 4 columns in the where clause we would still have the same problem.

So if I create one concatenated index for all these columns it will not be very efficient because after the 4th or 5th column the sorting would no longer be very useful and I believe the optimiser would simply not use the rest of the index. So queries that use the leading columns of the index in sequence work well, but if I need to query the 10th column the I have performance issues.

Now, if I create multiple single column indexes oracle will have to work a lot harder to maintain all these indexes and it will create performance issues (I have tried that). Besides, if I have multiple single column indexes the optimiser will do nested loops twice or three times and will hit only the first few columns of the where clause so I think it will kind of be the same as the long concatenated index.

What I am trying to do is exactly what the Bitmap index would do, it would be very good if I could use the AND condition that a Bitmap index uses. This way I could have N number of single column indexes which the optimiser could pick from and serve the query with exactly the ones it needs. But unfortunately using the Bitmap index here is not an option given the large amount of inserts that I get on this table.

I have been looking for alternatives, I have considered creating multiple shorter concatenated indexes but this still would not address the issue since many queries would still not be served properly and therefore would take a very long time to complete.

What I had in mind would be some sort of multidimensional index, I am not even sure if such thing exists. But essentially it would be some sort of index that could serve a query efficiently regardless of the fact that the where clause has the 1st, 3rd and last columns of the index.

So considering how widely used Oracle is and how many super large databases there are out there, this problem must be common.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select All Columns From Table Except Those Columns Which Type In Query

Jan 21, 2011

I have a two question.

Question 1:How to select all columns from table except those columns which i type in query

Question 2:How to select all columns from table where all columns are not null without type each column name which is in empty data

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Forms :: Insert And Update Directly Into Table From Pre Update Trigger Of Block?

May 14, 2010

I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:

If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.

Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?

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Update Statement Versus Cursor Based Update

Sep 7, 2010

I have to update 20 and 60 million records of a table. The update statement are

1> 20 million recs
update mycustomer set update_time=add_months(sysdate,240) where seq_num = 1;


2> 60 million recs
update mycustomer set update_time=sysdate-seq_num where seq_num <> 1;


Q1> Is there any way to improve performance
Q2> Will parallel dml improve performance
Q2> Would a pl/sql cursor make any difference in speed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Statement With Join Only Update Matching Rows

Aug 17, 2010

This is my query:

UPDATE t_tt_hours a
SET a.sak_request = (
SELECT b.sak_request
FROM t_requests b, co c


The problem I am having is that it is updating all rows even when it is pulling back a null value for b.sak_request. I've tried adding b.sak_request is not null to the select statement like this:

UPDATE t_tt_hours a
SET a.sak_request = (
SELECT b.sak_request
FROM t_requests b, co c
WHERE b.nam_eds_tracking_id = c.id_dir_track_eds


but it doesn't seem to make a difference. The reason I need to do this is that the difference between where it matches with a valid (non-null) value is 396 rows vs. 12,484 rows which is too time consuming to run on my page.

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