SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Column In A Table Which Has 3 Columns Of 16 Million Rows?

Apr 25, 2012

trying to update a column in a table which has 3 columns of 16million rows from column in another table which has 1million rows, there is no relationship between the 2 tables.

Table A has 3 columns of 16million rows, the first two columns have 16million ID numbers, the 3rd colunm is currently NULL.

Table B has 1million Numbers, i need to somehow update column 3 in table A using the numbers in table B, it doesnt how many times each of the 1 million numbers are used but i dont want it to just update every row to the same value.

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Performance Tuning :: Update Million Rows In One Table With Values From Another Tables?

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to update a million rows in one table with the values from another tables.

Table being updated CI_ADJ_CHAR column CHAR_VAL_FK1
Table from which values will be used CK_ADJ columns (cx_id, ci_id)

The CI_ADJ_CHAR.CHAR_VAL_FK1 values match CK_ADJ.CX_ID and should be updated with the value CK_ADJ.CI_ID.

The CK_ADJ table has 1.3 million rows and both the columns have indexes defined. Table definitiuon mentioned below

The CI_ADJ_CHAR table has 14 million rows and will update 1 million rows and has an index on the ADJ_ID column but not on the CHAR_VAL_FK1 column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Million Of Rows And No Of Column More Than 300

Mar 28, 2011

I huge table with million of rows and no of column more than 300.. is it possible to keep this table in some memory where oracle can access it fast as compare to disk memory.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Number Of Rows In Three Columns In Table?

Dec 13, 2011

how to update the middle of plenty rows in the middle of the columns


id name state REGION LOC
1 v A.p 1 1
2 a
3 g K.A 0 3
4 y
5 i T.N 1 0
6 l M.P 0 1
7 c U.P

This is sample data,and i have this kind of large data and i need to fill the rows which are empty. In three columns state,region,loc with data like 0,web_intimation,1,

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Search Over Nvarchar2 (4) Column In 4 Million Rows?

Apr 29, 2011

have a performance problem with a simple query, for example:

WHERE address_k1 = 'L163'

I have an index created in column address_k1. CA_ADDRESS is a 3-4 Million Record table.

I need to improve the performance of the query. How I can improve it?

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Date To Timestamp Conversion Of Column With 150 Million Rows?

Oct 5, 2010

Due to some business requirements a table field needs to change from date to timestamp in order to handle the millisecs.

1>When i alter the row , for a table with 150 million recs will there be a conversion. Is there a recommended way to convert the field. Mind you this field is used as a part of composite PK.

2> There is a interfacing application which connects and copies the data to its system and is using the date type, will that application be able to continue to work without any changes, if it does not care about the millisecs.

3> Will there be performance impact on an existing application that uses the date field to sort

4> Will DB need more space due to the change

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PL/SQL :: How To Update A Table That Has Around 1 Million Records

Sep 21, 2012

Lets take the basic emp table for our Referenece and lets assume that it contains around 60000 Records and all the deptno in that table are Initially 10. Please provide an update statement which would update deptno column of EMP table((based on) order by EMPNO) in for every 120 records incrementing by 1.(DeptNo to be incremented by 1,like 10 ,11 , 12 etc).

First 120 Records deptno should be 10,
Next 120 Records deptno should be 11, and so on.
For Last 120 records deptno should be updated with 500.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update 10 Million Records Table With Certain Condition?

Sep 16, 2013

what are the type of ways to update the 10 million records table with certain condition?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load 10 Million Rows In Table From Another Table Based On Multiple Joins

Sep 24, 2010

We have to load 10 million rows in a table from another table based on the multiple joins. How much tablespace size we allocate to the table and for performance point of view how much should be the SGA size.

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PL/SQL :: How To Transpose A Table From Rows To Columns Or Columns Into Rows

Aug 22, 2012

what are the collections available in Oracle Plsql, what are concepts of collection.

How to Transpose a Table from rows to columns or columns into rows.

DDL and DML concepts.

What is the concepts of statistics in Oracle Plsql.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update When ID Column Is Matched / But One Of Others Columns Not

Mar 12, 2013

my need is to perform merge - update when id column is matched, but one of others columns not.When id column is not matched then I perform insert.

It works fine for matched or not matched id column.

Commented code is my try to perform check for others columns, The code should not update when all columns match. It should update only when on of columns doesn't match (except id column of course, because it's key column).

merge into copy.table1 rr
ID ,

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Best Way To Update 8 Out Of 10 Million Records?

Jun 21, 2013

I want to update a table 8 million records of a table which has 10 millions records, what could be the best strategy if the table has a BLOB column with 600GB worth of data. BLOB itself is 550GB.  I am not updating the BLOB column. Usually with non-BLOB data i have tried doing "CREATE TABLE new_table as select <do the update "here"> from old_table;" method .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rows To Columns With Dynamic Allocation Column Names

Nov 16, 2012

I want the output from two tables with rows to columns and generate dynamic basing on the columns.

For example: Table A (a1) , Table B(a1,b1)

Data: A B
------ ----
a1 a1 b1
--- ---- ----
1 1 x
2 1 y
3 2 a
2 b
2 c

o/p: Columnname col_1 col_2 col_3
a1 b1_1 b1_2 b1_3
----- ---------------------
1 x y
2 a b c

Columns should be generated based on the second table second column.

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PL/SQL :: Concatenating Columns (in Multiple Rows) To One Column In Single Row

Nov 28, 2012

column1    column2            column3    column4

12                Mar-21-2005 BDW        blah blah blah
11               Feb-07-2001    ZV            ha ha ha
12                Jan-02-2002   YM           zuck zuck zuckI want a view that has that data like this:

column1    column2         

12                Mar-21-2005 - BDW - blah blah blah; Jan-02-2002 - YM     -      zuck zuck zuck
11               Feb-07-2001    ZV            ha ha haCan you help with SQL ?

I tried to use this Oracle LISTAGG function in the SQL, but got a "string concatenation limit exceeded"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Joins On Two Tables With 10 Million Rows Each

Jun 11, 2010

We have two tables, TableA and TableB that contain list of accounts and balances.The requirement is to compare the balances of accounts in both the tables, and if there is a difference, then record that difference with account number in another table.

Both TableA and TableB contain more than 10 million rows.What is the best way to do this task in PL/SQL? A join on TableA and TableB to know the differences has become very slow due to large volume.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Columns To Rows With Extra Hard Coded Column

Mar 30, 2012

I've a query that sum up data from one table. But I've to convert them into rows.

Summary query result.

1000 2000 3000 4000

Test Table creation script.

COL1 NUMBER(14,2),
COL2 NUMBER(14,2),
COL3 NUMBER(14,2),
) ;

INSERT INTO TEST_TBL VALUES( 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 ) ;

Expected result

A1 1000
A2 2000
A3 3000
A4 4000

A1, A2, A3, A4 are hard coded fixed values.

I could have done this but not a good idea in case table TEST_TBL is not a single row table but an inline query on 1,00,00,000 records with summary functions. In my table I've a summary query instead of single row table.


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Performance Tuning :: Update Columns Of One Table Using Another Table

Feb 6, 2011

I am trying to update columns of Table A with the columns of Table B. Both these tables have 60,000 rows each. I tried this operation using following 2 queries:

Query 1

Update TableA A
(A.col1,A.col2,A.col3)=(select B.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from TableB
where A.CODE=B.CODE)

Query 2
Update TableA A
(A.col1,A.col2,A.col3)=(select B.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from TableB
where A.CODE=B.CODE)
where exists
A.code = (select B.code
from TableB B
where A.code=B.code)

When i execute these two above queries, it keeps executing indefinitely.

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Convert Rows To Columns In A Table?

Apr 24, 2012

How do I convert rows in oracle table to columns by writing a query?

Here is my table.

101 1 B.Tech 2004
101 2 M.Tech 2006
102 1 B.Tech 2003
102 2 M.Tech 2005
102 3 MBA 2007

Now I want the above table in the following format......

EID Qual1 YOP1 Qual2 Yop2 Qual3 Yop3
101 B. Tech 2004 M.Tech 2006
102 B. Tech 2003 M.Tech 2005 MBA 2007

I have maximum of 8 Qualifications, how to achieve this in oracle.

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Displaying Rows Into Columns In A Table

Oct 20, 2012

I have table having below records.

empno ename deptno
101 a 10
102 b 20
103 c 10
104 d 20
105 e 30

Normal Output

deptno count(*)
10 2
20 2
30 1

I want to display like this(rows into columns)
Required Output
10 20 30
2 2 1

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Oracle SQL - Update Table Value By Matching Columns

Mar 15, 2010

I have two table and trying to update tableA with data from tableB but gives an error. My TableA has columns - colA,colB,colC,colX and table B has columns - colA,colB,colX. Sample data looks like this:

XXYY, local,3/19,48

Table B:

this is the query I wrote
update tableA a
set (a.colX)=(select (b.colX) from tableB b where a.colA=b.colA and a.colB=b.colB);

When i run it gives this error:single row subquery returns more than one row.

tableB has only 1 value for colX for each colA,colB record but tableA has mutiple colA and colB repeated but for all of thsoe in table A i want to update the tableB.colX value for matching colA and colB.

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Converting Rows Into Columns And Updating A Table?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a table A, whose table structure is in the below format.

Table A

123 A 454
123 B 1111
123 C 111
123 D 222
124 A 123
124 B 1
124 C 111
124 D 44

Now i need to insert the data from this table to another table B, the sturcture of which is as below

Table B


How do i frame a query to fetch data from table A and insert that into table B? I don't want to use max and decode combination. as it would return only single row for an ID. I need all the id's to be displayed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Multiple Columns According To Rows From Same Table

Aug 25, 2011

I am new to oracle, I have request to build a query,

we have table that generates data from 7am to 20pm for eavery hour it generates 4 rows and has 43 session values as 43 columns.

Now i want to find for every hour which is the hights session value at what time. in one hour it runs four times like 7, 7:15, 7:30 and 7:45 and each row has date, time and 43 session columns in table...

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How To Convert Table Data From Rows To Columns

Mar 11, 2013

I have a Employee table of the following format:

Emp_id | Emp_name | Salary
101 | James | 1000
102 | Julia     | 200

I have to convert or transpose the table data as follows using a SQL statement/function -

Emp_id | 101     |     102
Emp_name | James |     Julia
Salary     | 1000 |     2000
How do I achieve this?

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PL/SQL :: How To Convert Rows To Columns Data In A Table

Dec 5, 2012

I have the situation like i want display the data from table which is storing in rows into a columns....

My table structure will be like this(Here i am taking only one part but have N no. of parts in my system)

Partno Purchase date Qty
111 02-DEC-2012 15
111 03-DEC-2012 25
111 04-DEC-2012 20
*** **** ****
111 31-DEC-2012 28

So i am expecting my query out put should be in column wise, that should make columns dynamically based on dates.

like example

__Partno     01-Dec-12     02-Dec-12     03-Dec-12 04-Dec-12     ----     ----     ---     31-Dec-12__
111     0 15 25 20 28     

Here columns should be created based purchase dates dynamically with respect to quantity. Query out put will be like matrix format. So i feel that PIVOT & SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH will not serve my requirement.

My system comparability is

oracle 10g database.
oracle 6i forms.                         

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Stored Procedure To Update Columns In Table

Dec 8, 2010

I have three tables fixtures, fixture_teams and team_tbl

fixtures consists of:

create table Fixture_tbl(
fixt_id varchar2(8),
fixt_date date,
fixt_time varchar2(10),
fixt_location location_t,
umpire_id varchar2(8),
player_of_match player_of_match,
home_team varchar2(20),
away_team varchar2(20),

creating a stored procedure that updates the points column in the teams_tbl , the value that is updated in to the points column will be retrieved from the fixture_team table. so if team a has more goals than team b then the points column for team a will be increased by 6 else if the scores are equal they get 4 points each.

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Forms :: INSERT Record - Update Columns Of Table

May 31, 2010

I would like to UPDATE the columns p1 and p2 of my table student (studentid:pk,name,p1,p2,...) for a given studentid.and I have a when-button-pressed trigger with this

UPDATE student
SET student.p1=:validation.proj1,
where UPPER(student.studentid)=UPPER(:validation.studentid);commit_form;

when I run my form with a correct studentid, I got this error: FRM-40508: ORACLE error: UNABLE to INSERT record

but it is cworking correctly in sqlplus; and I have all priveligies.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Columns Dynamically By Depending On The Rows In A Table In 11G?

Nov 27, 2012

Is there any way to generate columns dynamically by depending on the rows in a table in 11G .

Ex: If the deptno in DEPT table is not constant,then how to generate the N numbers of columns based on the deptno. Below query is working when we hard coded the deptno (10,20,30,40).What else if we more number of departments and we don't know the departments also.

Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Connected as dbo

FROM (SELECT deptno, job, sum(sal) sal
FROM SCOTT.emp GROUP BY job, deptno) PIVOT(sum(sal) FOR deptno IN(10,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Construct Query To Fetch Different Rows From Same Table In Different Columns

May 25, 2013

Lets say I have a table in ORACLE database like:

111 | 10000
111 | 12000
111 | 14000
222 | 25000
222 | 30000
333 | 18000
333 | 27000
333 | 13000
333 | 15000

I want to get the output as:

ACC_ID_1 | ACC_AMT_1 | ACC_ID_2 | ACC_AMT_2 | ACC_ID_3 | ACC_AMT_3
111 | 10000 | 222 | 25000 | 333 | 18000
111 | 12000 | 222 | 30000 | 333 | 27000
111 | 14000 | null | null | 333 | 13000
null | null | null | null | 333 | 15000

I need each different ACC_ID with ACC_AMT in different columns. The table may have other different ACC_ID also, but I will fetch only what I need. What is the best way to do this?

So far I have tried this:


But I am not getting the desired result.

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Forms :: Update Random Rows In Table?

May 24, 2010

I have this requirement in Oracle FORMS ver 6i where I populate some records in a table in a datablock and display them on the screen. A facility needs to be provided to the end users to select the records randomly by just entering the count of the records in a non-d/b text field. The number entered in the count field will decide how many records are to be selected randomly.

I tried using the query -

UPDATE <table a>
SET <col 1> = <value 1>
WHERE <col 2> = <value 2>)

which I found on the link [URL] but while compiling, the Form gives a compilation error for the ORDER by clause - i'm sure there's no syntax error in the way I have written it...

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All Columns Of A Table Are Part Of Primary Key Column Of That Table?

Feb 22, 2011

if a table contains two columns and both are part of the primary key of that table (Kind of obvoius).

should i opt for a index organized tbale in this case ?Or should i opt for another running sequential colum which would serve as a primary key of this table and define the actual two columns of the system as unique keys.

there is a drawback if a most of the tables of a database contain composite primary keys?

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