SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Multiple Columns According To Rows From Same Table

Aug 25, 2011

I am new to oracle, I have request to build a query,

we have table that generates data from 7am to 20pm for eavery hour it generates 4 rows and has 43 session values as 43 columns.

Now i want to find for every hour which is the hights session value at what time. in one hour it runs four times like 7, 7:15, 7:30 and 7:45 and each row has date, time and 43 session columns in table...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Rows On A Table To Multiple Columns On One Row

Nov 26, 2010

I am attempting to select back multiple values for a specific key on one row. See the example below. I have been able to use the sys_connect_by_path to combine the fields into one field but I am unable to assign them to fields of their own. See the example below

Policy id plan name
111 A Plan
111 B Plan
111 Z Plan
112 A Plan
112 Z Plan

My desired result is to be able to show the output as follows

Policy ID Plan_1 Plan_2 Plan_3
111 A Plan B Plan Z PLan
112 A Plan Z PLan

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PL/SQL :: Merge Multiple Rows Into Single Row (but Multiple Columns)

Oct 17, 2012

How to merge multiple rows into single row (but multiple columns) efficiently.

For example

IDVal IDDesc IdNum Id_Information_Type Attribute_1 Attribute_2 Attribute_3 Attribute_4 Attribute_5
23 asdc 1 Location USA NM ABQ Four Seasons 87106
23 asdc 1 Stats 2300 91.7 8.2 85432
23 asdc 1 Audit 1996 June 17 1200
65 affc 2 Location USA TX AUS Hilton 92305
65 affc 2 Stats 5510 42.7 46 9999
65 affc 2 Audit 1996 July 172 1100

where different attributes mean different thing for each Information_type. For example for Information_Type=Location

Attribute_1 means Country
Attribute_2 means State and so on.

For example for Information_Type=Stats

Attribute_1 means Population
Attribute_2 means American Ethnicity percentage and so on.

I want to create a view that shows like below:

IDVal IDDesc IDNum Country State City Hotel ZipCode Population American% Other% Area Audit Year AuditMonth Audit Type AuditTime
23 asdc 1 USA NM ABQ FourSeasons 87106 2300 91.7 46 85432 1996 June 17 1200
65 affc 2 USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 5510 42.7 46 9999 1996 July 172 1100

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grouping To Be Done By Comparing 2 Rows In A Table?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm using oracle 10g.I have a table with 4 columns


i need to group the id's which are having overlapping dates and the output should be


I can give you the logic first i'll sort the start_date(already sorted in given example), then i'll compare the 2'nd id start date with 1'st id end date if it is less than the 1'st id end date, which means overlapping is there, then i'll group those 2 id's in to same group if not group them into 2 different groups.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Date Ranges Against All Rows In Same Table

Oct 30, 2011

I'm looking to see if there's a solution to my problem that I can use within the context of my business application interface into an Oracle RDMS. I have access to write custom SQL statements and functions, but I am NOT able to create stored procedures using the interface I have.

The challenge I am having is comparing date ranges. I have a table containing two columns labelled START TS TIME and END TS TIME, both of type 'Date'. I have figured out how to query each row against a given Next Session Start and Next Session End and determine if each row overlaps that row.

I need a procedure that will be recursive: that is, set Next Session Start and Next Session End to START TS TIME and END TS TIME of the first row, compare all rows against it, then set Next Session Start and Next Session End to the next row, compare all rows, ... for all rows in the table. I want to know what the maximum number of matches is (i.e. the most time periods that overlap).

If I could use a stored procedure I could complete this query easily. Is there other techniques (i.e. functions) available to leverage in order compare each row of date ranges against ALL rows in the same table?

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Convert Rows To Multiple Columns

Aug 30, 2004

I have a table called N1

N1_no Srvarea_type_cd
1 P
1 P
2 C
2 C
2 C
3 I

Another table N2

N1_no srvarea_txt

Can i get a query so that the data can be displayed in the following way ..


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split Multiple Columns Into Rows

May 2, 2012

I have data like :


I want output like


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PL/SQL :: How To Transpose A Table From Rows To Columns Or Columns Into Rows

Aug 22, 2012

what are the collections available in Oracle Plsql, what are concepts of collection.

How to Transpose a Table from rows to columns or columns into rows.

DDL and DML concepts.

What is the concepts of statistics in Oracle Plsql.

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PL/SQL :: Concatenating Columns (in Multiple Rows) To One Column In Single Row

Nov 28, 2012

column1    column2            column3    column4

12                Mar-21-2005 BDW        blah blah blah
11               Feb-07-2001    ZV            ha ha ha
12                Jan-02-2002   YM           zuck zuck zuckI want a view that has that data like this:

column1    column2         

12                Mar-21-2005 - BDW - blah blah blah; Jan-02-2002 - YM     -      zuck zuck zuck
11               Feb-07-2001    ZV            ha ha haCan you help with SQL ?

I tried to use this Oracle LISTAGG function in the SQL, but got a "string concatenation limit exceeded"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Values Into Another Column By Comparing Values Of Two Columns Of Same Table

Dec 23, 2010

My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.

The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.

fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.

i_e NUMBER(10);
FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL)
FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing 2 Char Columns Using Trim?

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to compare 2 char columns using trim to avoid space padding

(ABC CHAR(6));


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PL/SQL :: Outer Join When Comparing Trimmed Columns

Jul 29, 2013

Oracle v11.1 Standard edition. I am trying to use TRIM function around the columns which are used for outer join and it's not working. However, if I use ANSI syntax, it works. Please check the SQL below.Is there any way, I can use old syntax and TRIM and get the outer join to work?I know, I can fix/trim the data in the tables, but for some reason (need to keep the data exactly same as we received it), that is not possible here.

SQL>SQL> desc tabaName Null?   
Type----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------COL1                                              
VARCHAR2(20)SQL> desc tabbName                                      Null?   
Type----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------COL1                                              
VARCHAR2(20)SQL> select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a, tabb b where a.col1 = b.col1 ;
no rows selectedSQL> select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a, tabb b where trim(a.col1) = trim(b.col1) ;

COL1                 COL1
-------------------- --------------------
A                    AC                    CD                   

DSQL> select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a, tabb b where trim(a.col1) (+)= trim(b.col1) ;
select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a, tabb b where trim(a.col1) (+)= trim(b.col1)                                                            

*ERROR at line 1:ORA-00920: invalid relational operator

SQL> select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a, tabb b where trim(a.col1) = trim(b.col1) (+);
select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a, tabb b where trim(a.col1) = trim(b.col1)                                                                            

*ERROR at line 1:ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

SQL> select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a left outer join tabb b on trim(a.col1) = trim(b.col1) ;

COL1                 COL1
-------------------- --------------------
A                    AC                    CD                    DB

SQL> select a.col1, b.col1 from taba a right outer join tabb b on trim(a.col1) = trim(b.col1) ;

COL1                 COL1
-------------------- --------------------
A                    AC                    CD                    D                     E 

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PL/SQL :: Multiple Indexes Using Same Columns On One Table?

Oct 4, 2012

I have a table like MyTab(a int, b int), and I am required to create a primary key index and a non-unique index on this table using columns (a,b) in a specific table space.

The back end database is Oracle 10g.

Here's what I have tried so far, needless to say, unsuccessfully.

Alter Table MyTab
Add Constraint c_1 primary key (a, b)
Using Index (Create index mytab_idx on MyTab(a, b))
Using index tablespace results_index

So my question are:

1. is this is possible? if so, what is the correct syntax.
2. assuming it is possible, using this sort of construct before? it appears to be conflicting and inconsistent to me.

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Convert Rows To Columns In A Table?

Apr 24, 2012

How do I convert rows in oracle table to columns by writing a query?

Here is my table.

101 1 B.Tech 2004
101 2 M.Tech 2006
102 1 B.Tech 2003
102 2 M.Tech 2005
102 3 MBA 2007

Now I want the above table in the following format......

EID Qual1 YOP1 Qual2 Yop2 Qual3 Yop3
101 B. Tech 2004 M.Tech 2006
102 B. Tech 2003 M.Tech 2005 MBA 2007

I have maximum of 8 Qualifications, how to achieve this in oracle.

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Displaying Rows Into Columns In A Table

Oct 20, 2012

I have table having below records.

empno ename deptno
101 a 10
102 b 20
103 c 10
104 d 20
105 e 30

Normal Output

deptno count(*)
10 2
20 2
30 1

I want to display like this(rows into columns)
Required Output
10 20 30
2 2 1

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Forms :: How To Create A Table With Multiple Columns

Dec 27, 2011

to create a table using forms with multiple columns

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Multiple Columns To Table Type?

Mar 1, 2013

I have requirement on table type. without using bulk or %rowtype is there any possible to create table type with two or more columns.

I got with single column,but I am unable to create with multiple columns.

T T1;
FOR I IN 1..100 LOOP


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load 10 Million Rows In Table From Another Table Based On Multiple Joins

Sep 24, 2010

We have to load 10 million rows in a table from another table based on the multiple joins. How much tablespace size we allocate to the table and for performance point of view how much should be the SGA size.

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Converting Rows Into Columns And Updating A Table?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a table A, whose table structure is in the below format.

Table A

123 A 454
123 B 1111
123 C 111
123 D 222
124 A 123
124 B 1
124 C 111
124 D 44

Now i need to insert the data from this table to another table B, the sturcture of which is as below

Table B


How do i frame a query to fetch data from table A and insert that into table B? I don't want to use max and decode combination. as it would return only single row for an ID. I need all the id's to be displayed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Number Of Rows In Three Columns In Table?

Dec 13, 2011

how to update the middle of plenty rows in the middle of the columns


id name state REGION LOC
1 v A.p 1 1
2 a
3 g K.A 0 3
4 y
5 i T.N 1 0
6 l M.P 0 1
7 c U.P

This is sample data,and i have this kind of large data and i need to fill the rows which are empty. In three columns state,region,loc with data like 0,web_intimation,1,

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How To Convert Table Data From Rows To Columns

Mar 11, 2013

I have a Employee table of the following format:

Emp_id | Emp_name | Salary
101 | James | 1000
102 | Julia     | 200

I have to convert or transpose the table data as follows using a SQL statement/function -

Emp_id | 101     |     102
Emp_name | James |     Julia
Salary     | 1000 |     2000
How do I achieve this?

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PL/SQL :: How To Convert Rows To Columns Data In A Table

Dec 5, 2012

I have the situation like i want display the data from table which is storing in rows into a columns....

My table structure will be like this(Here i am taking only one part but have N no. of parts in my system)

Partno Purchase date Qty
111 02-DEC-2012 15
111 03-DEC-2012 25
111 04-DEC-2012 20
*** **** ****
111 31-DEC-2012 28

So i am expecting my query out put should be in column wise, that should make columns dynamically based on dates.

like example

__Partno     01-Dec-12     02-Dec-12     03-Dec-12 04-Dec-12     ----     ----     ---     31-Dec-12__
111     0 15 25 20 28     

Here columns should be created based purchase dates dynamically with respect to quantity. Query out put will be like matrix format. So i feel that PIVOT & SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH will not serve my requirement.

My system comparability is

oracle 10g database.
oracle 6i forms.                         

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Columns Dynamically By Depending On The Rows In A Table In 11G?

Nov 27, 2012

Is there any way to generate columns dynamically by depending on the rows in a table in 11G .

Ex: If the deptno in DEPT table is not constant,then how to generate the N numbers of columns based on the deptno. Below query is working when we hard coded the deptno (10,20,30,40).What else if we more number of departments and we don't know the departments also.

Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Connected as dbo

FROM (SELECT deptno, job, sum(sal) sal
FROM SCOTT.emp GROUP BY job, deptno) PIVOT(sum(sal) FOR deptno IN(10,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Construct Query To Fetch Different Rows From Same Table In Different Columns

May 25, 2013

Lets say I have a table in ORACLE database like:

111 | 10000
111 | 12000
111 | 14000
222 | 25000
222 | 30000
333 | 18000
333 | 27000
333 | 13000
333 | 15000

I want to get the output as:

ACC_ID_1 | ACC_AMT_1 | ACC_ID_2 | ACC_AMT_2 | ACC_ID_3 | ACC_AMT_3
111 | 10000 | 222 | 25000 | 333 | 18000
111 | 12000 | 222 | 30000 | 333 | 27000
111 | 14000 | null | null | 333 | 13000
null | null | null | null | 333 | 15000

I need each different ACC_ID with ACC_AMT in different columns. The table may have other different ACC_ID also, but I will fetch only what I need. What is the best way to do this?

So far I have tried this:


But I am not getting the desired result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Column In A Table Which Has 3 Columns Of 16 Million Rows?

Apr 25, 2012

trying to update a column in a table which has 3 columns of 16million rows from column in another table which has 1million rows, there is no relationship between the 2 tables.

Table A has 3 columns of 16million rows, the first two columns have 16million ID numbers, the 3rd colunm is currently NULL.

Table B has 1million Numbers, i need to somehow update column 3 in table A using the numbers in table B, it doesnt how many times each of the 1 million numbers are used but i dont want it to just update every row to the same value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Joining One Row To Multiple Rows In Same Table?

Feb 8, 2011

I have two tables. The first contains all Segment information within Oracle i.e;

Table 1
Segment Description Flex_Value
1 North 1234
1 South 1235
1 East 1236
2 Car C001
2 Boat B001

and the second table contains financial data, but only the segment code;

Table 2
Date Segment1 Segment2 Value
01/01/11 1234 C001 10,000
02/01/11 1235 C001 10,000

what I want to return is some of the columns within table two as well as additional columns for the segment descriptions.

Below is an extract of what I have put together, and it does return what I need, but I'm sure there is a much more efficient way of creating the query;




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Replication :: Selection Of Multiple Rows In OAF Table

Sep 7, 2012

how to select multiple rows in an OAF table and access them in the code.

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Inserting Into A Table By Selecting Multiple Rows Into A Single Row

Jul 27, 2012

I have a flat file as source wherein I am getting values like

Comp_id, Comp_name, ISIN, column_name, column_value

The structure is like this may contain multiple records like Comp_id, Comp_name, ISIN will be same, but column_name will contain the column_name to which its corresponding column_value needs to be populated to.

E.g. of Feed File -

Comp_id, Comp_name, column_name, column_value

1,HSBC,branch_add,24-Lajpat Nagar

Target table structure

Comp_id, Comp_name, branch_name, branch_add, branch_phone, branch_postalcode

I need to insert the above data to a table by selecting data from above scenario.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Using Pointer To Structure For Selecting Multiple Rows From Table

May 11, 2010

I am working on Pro*C and i have a requirement where i need to select all the rows from a table into a c - structure variable. Since i get to know the no of rows in the table which is getting selected only at run time, i need to create a pointer variable to the structure and i'll allocate the size to it based on the count of rows in the table using malloc or calloc.I tried allocating memory using calloc and it does not show any error. But when i when the exec select statement run it shows an error.

Statements i have used:
struct common *comp;
struct common_ind *comp_i;

comp = (struct common*) calloc(rowcount, sizeof(struct common));
comp_i = (struct common_ind*) calloc(rowcount, sizeof(struct common_ind));

exec sql at db1 select * into :comp indicator :comp_i from tab1;

Error i get :

Stop Error: -2112
Stop Error: -1012
Stop Error: -1012

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Server Utilities :: Control File To Update Multiple Rows In Database Table?

Dec 22, 2010

The following control file updates multiple rows in database table.

INTO TABLE temp_tab
(Data LOBFILE(CONSTANT cadd_pass.xml) terminated by eof

There are 21 lines in the xml. So 21 rows are updated in table.update only one row?

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