PL/SQL :: Search For Same Character Combinations

Oct 30, 2013

We are having this problem of entering duplicated inventory parts in the system which physically refers to the same part. Need to create a select query to search through the list of inventory parts to find out existing parts with similar names. 

Requirement is to have a search on a specific character set and it should list even records with 50% of the characters they have entered. Characters can be anywhere in the part name with any case. 

For example: input of 'abcd1234' should return the parts with the following name... A nut 234 R49SE B12 A22Hub 156 65 a2 But not... abc 89998AK 47Xbox 360Mauser K98b 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Character As Parameter To Search

Apr 30, 2010


create or replace procedure procedure_name(p_like VARCHAR2)
cursor cursor_name
is select last_name from employees
where UPPER(last_name) like '%p_like%';
emp_rec cursor_name%rowtype;
open cursor_name;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combinations Of Numbers

Nov 1, 2010

Earlier, we had a discussion how to generate the permutations. generating the code for combinations

For eg: if I have input as [1,2,3,4,5] then 5c2 = 20 combinations should be generated as pairs


Total of 10 combinations

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Different Combinations Of A Value

Sep 12, 2011

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

How i can get all possible combinations of a given value using SQL or PL/SQL

for example:

1234 - input value


and so on

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Application Express :: Enable IR Search Field To Search In Hidden Columns

Jul 15, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?

if not, that means I have to :

1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE
2- edit my report query to something similar to
> Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null
3- add button to refresh the report.

but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this.
I am using theme 23
page template without sidebars
Report template : Reports Region.

how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.

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Oracle Materialized Views - Refresh Combinations

Dec 10, 2012

I'd like to set up a new Oracle Materialzed View to automatically default to refresh FAST every hour. I have no trouble setting this up in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. However, we will occasionally be performing table maintenance on the table referenced by the MV. At that time I would like to use dbms_mview.REFRESH to execute a refresh ON COMMAND (either F or C depending on the operation weperformed on the table). I have read that this will override the automatic refresh every hour that was set up for the MV when it was created. However - wil the override be permanent? Or will the MV continue to automaticaly FAST refresh every hour after the ON COMMAND refresh is completed?

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Server Administration :: How To Know Character Set As Single Character Or Multi Character

Sep 26, 2013

how do we know database character set is either single character set or multi character set?

While changing character-set from AL32UTF8 to WE8MSWIN1252 got "ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set".

Below are steps taken to resolve the issue -


i got this error: ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set

below are the commands executed by me:


And its working...

I have not done it in proper order. Neither have done ccsscan. Still, no user reported any issues. Do my changes truncated the data?

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Count Number Of Combinations Of Country / State Invalid For Driving Licenses

May 21, 2012

I'm trying to do a count on the number of combinations of country/state codes that are invalid (in Australia) for driving licenses.

select COUNTRY_CODE, STATE_CODE, count(*) from
where DRIVING_LICENCE is not null
and not (COUNTRY_CODE in ('AUST') AND STATE_CODE in ('VIC', 'NSW', 'SA', 'QLD', 'NT', 'TAS', 'WA', 'ACT')))

The output is okay...for example I get these results:

NZ <null>

However, what I am missing is the combination of "AUST" & <null> for country/state respectively. Am I writing the code correctly?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Special Character / ORA-00911 / Invalid Character

May 25, 2010

We have Oracle 10g and user trying to Insert following in one of our table field and getting error:

'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda'

Getting follwoing error:

ORA-00911: invalid character
create table Employee
(Emp_ID Varchar2 (10),
Company_Name Varchar2 (40)
Insert into Employee
values ('Emp1', 'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda');

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Inserting Character From Extended ASCII Character Set?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm trying to insert a character from the extended ascii character set. Specifically, there's a company that has an accented e (�) in the name. Right now, the company name doesn't have the e at all, accent or no accent. So I'm trying to do an update, something like

update table1 set company_name='blah�" where company='blah'

It runs, but doesn't do the update. Even when I try to forcefully do an insert (instead of an update) I get nowhere; the accented is simply dropped. So the basic question is, how do you insert extended ascii characters into oracle?

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PL/SQL :: How To Select String Between Nth Specific Character To Nth+1 Character

Aug 9, 2012

I have one string 'SWAP_20120224_MEGAMART_MAR_Sales.csv'

I want to get the string between second underscore and third underscore i.e. 'MEGAMART'

How to achieve this in sql statement?

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Globalization :: Character Encoding - LATIN-1 Character In UTF-8 DB?

Feb 9, 2013

I am using C++ OCI LIB, to insert some report data from remote OCI client to oracle 11 server. This data is read by another process to create the report.The DB CHARSET is UTF-8. But the report tool expects the data to be ISO08859-1 encoded. So while inserting the data into the database i specify the following LANG and CHARSET for my table colulmn in client:

size_t csid = 871; // UTF-8
OCIAtrSet((void *) bnd1p, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_BIND,
*(void *)&csid*,
(ub4) 0,
(ub4)OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID, errhp);

This solution works for almost every case of ASCII and Extended ASCII Charest but we are facing issues if we have few specific characters to be inserted.f we are trying to insert single beta character [β] through client, the data goes empty to the column.

Beta Character details:
DEC     OCT     HEX     BIN     Symbol           Description
223     337     DF     11011111     ß     Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed

DB Output after insert single β:
select rawtohex(NAME) from PERSONS where EID=333;


But if the string is *"ββ"* everything work fine:
DB Output for "ββ":
select rawtohex(NAME) from PERSONS where EID=333;


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How To Search For A Particular Value In The View

Dec 27, 2009

Which is better to use of Views and Materialized views so as to have good performance ? Also I need to search for a particular value in the view. Any function in sql to implement this ?

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Search For A Field

Mar 19, 2010

I'm wanting a query that will look up a named field and return all of the tables that it is held in. I've tried looking through manually but the database has hundreds of tables

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search For Column Name?

Jul 5, 2010

Can we search for a column name if we have some value with us, and we are not sure which column it belongs to.

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Forms :: How To Set Lov Search Value

Jan 23, 2012

I am using oracle 10g . I want to set lov search value means when we open lov then in search text box it show % but i want to set 1% .

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PL/SQL :: Search Items One By One

Oct 12, 2012

i have a text field search_part1 in which i put the item for search another text field i send_by which contains items a single item comes in list many times.i have to find the item one by one.i have make this statement for seraching items

typ varchar2(200);
if :BLOCK3.SEND_BY = L_NAME then

bt the problem is that if a single items comes more than one time then it search only one time and next time it exit.

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Script To Search For Value In All Tables?

Dec 27, 2006

I would need a SQL script or a command for PLSQL that would search for a keyword %keyword% in all tables of a database instance and in a sepcified schema of a user.

how to do this interactively, without preparing a SQL script with all exisiting tables?

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Search All Columns In A Table

Jan 15, 2009

I have an application which deploys the data to Oracle database. It has more than 25 tables and many columns. It does not have any document explaining the deployment, so I am kind of doing reverse engineering here.

I need a script which will fetch the column name or at least table names which will match with either some string or number? I found few examples on net to find out number. But I am struggling to make it work for string.

I can not work on stored proc, as I do not have access to create that on server. So, any script will work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Search - Group By

Sep 27, 2010

I have a table emp where empid,employee name,job,salary are three columns.I need to retrieve empid,count of emp,emp name,emp salary of job = manager and total salary of all employees with grouping by job in one query.

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Forms :: Search And Update?

Mar 11, 2012

i hav a table in database with name that table there are 25 to 30 columns.its a material details using add material form i insert all the details of the material in the table.2 colums have primary key(material id and material code).

now iam making search and update form.on material code item i have WHEN-MOUSE-CLICK-TRIGGER and calling LOV and displaying record.

but the problem is when iam making changes in some fields its giving error ...UNABLE TO INSERT....FRM-40508:ORACLE error:unable to insert record.

when i check display error its showing

ORA-00001: unique constraint (DETA.SYS_C006356) violated..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Selective Search Within A String

Nov 8, 2010

Assuming I have the following table with its data:


| code | description |
| A | $abc + xyz = $cba - 2 |
| B | ($12345 + $12345)/3 |
| C | $poke + $abc = $abc + 456 - 789 |

How can I do a selective search on "description" column for any word that starts with the "$" sign? In the end, this is the resultset that I am expecting:

| $ | count of $ |
| $abc | 3 |
| $cba | 1 |
| $12345 | 2 |
| $poke | 1 |

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search B If Not In A - But Only Use Results From A If In Both Tables?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to select from table "A" where value1 and value2 match. If the values are not in table "A", try table "B". If the values exist in BOTH tables - only look at the results from table "A".

Table "A" may or may not have "new" data coming into the system.
Table "B" may or may not have "existing" data.

The code I am writing needs to find the "newest" data row for value1 and value2. Eventually the data in table "A" gets "Merged" into table "B" further on in the process.

Supposedly this can be done in a single query using a left outer join and the NVL function, but the person I inherited this from isn't available.

I've been able to get the row back if it exists in "A" or "B", but end up with two rows or no rows if the row exists in both... Arrrg...

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PL/SQL :: Search Rows Between Timestamps

Apr 24, 2013

I ran this following query and somehow i feel the results are wrong.

SQL> select to_char(starttime,'dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') from report where dateofmonth between to_timestamp_tz('22-Apr-2013 12:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') and to_timestamp_tz ('23-Apr-2013 14:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss');

23-04-2013 22:43:59
23-04-2013 13:43:37

SQL> select to_timestamp_tz(starttime,'dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') from report where dateofmonth between to_timestamp_tz('22-Apr-2013 12:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') and to_timestamp_tz ('23-Apr-2013 14:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss');

23-APR-13 10.43.59 PM -07:00
23-APR-13 01.43.37 PM -07:00

I am not sure why the 10 PM time is coming up in the result.

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PL/SQL :: How To Search For One Value In Any Column Of Any Table

Aug 9, 2013

I am trying to find a value in any column of any table ? How can i do that ? A value example would be 'FEDERAL' Using Oracle 11g and SQL Developer. 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search Based On Column

Nov 18, 2012

can we make a search based on column , actually i have one requirement where the data is stored in column as comma seperated values like below


I want to filter only 123455 and 123456 from this list, is it possible to get a range as i want to use it as report parameters , i can do it by using like operator as below

create table prd_mast ( prd_cd varchar2(12), prd_desc varchar2(3000));
insert into prd_mast values ('1','arif,123455,123456,77777');
insert into prd_mast values ('2','sait,123455,123456,66666');


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Search Spaces In Column

Mar 15, 2010

in my databse i have column name as email_id

in this column email id of cutomers are stored but in some emaild contains space

i want to find out such email id

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PL/SQL :: Reverse Search In String

Aug 13, 2012

I have table having a single column a, which contain the values "HP Laptop", can search it in either way , i mean to say either user input the HP Laptop or Laptop HP? is it possible via SQL query ?

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Date Search By Last Week / Month?

Nov 2, 2011

I have a create a report for our dept with certain criteria. So far what I need is a report that shows last weeks numbers or sign ups. I can't get the date search or between to work.

What I need is one for month end and one for last 7 days.

here's what I have so far.


to_char(ap.opendate,'MM-DD-YY') "Open Date"

from [databasname]

where ap.opendate between databasename-7 and databasename-1

I really don't want to change the date myself I want the system to know when the 7 days or month is.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Search For A Particular Text In String Column

Oct 18, 2012

I have one table for eg. TB_Fruits.

In that i have one column FruitsName(Varchar)

In that column i am storing string in comma separated values.

Select FruitsName from tb_fruits;
Result: orange,banana,apple

Now the issue is suppose if i try to insert any of these fruits name again then it should not allow me to insert.

Suppose now if i try to insert ('grapes,banana')

the orange,banana,apple can be in any position.

How to check if any of these names already exist or not in the column fruitsname?

I cannot use like or INstr function here. because the position is not fixed not even string.

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