PL/SQL :: Path Between Two Siblings Node

Dec 31, 2012

I want to find the path between two nodes from oracle Hierarchical Table.

Consider the following case ---
NodeId --- ParentId
1 >>>>>> 0
2 >>>>>> 1
3 >>>>>> 2
4 >>>>>> 3
5 >>>>>> 0
6 >>>>>> 5

Here I want to query in the database table that whether there is a path between node 3 and node 5 ? The previous query you provided work up to root node.

Here my expected result is 3-->2-->1-->0-->5

Again if I query in the table to get the path between 1 and 3 , I want to get the output in the following way -

So the query need to work in both the cases. Where root nod can act as an intermediate node or not.

how I can get it ?

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Forms :: Use Clause SIBLINGS BY On 10g

May 26, 2011

I would like use clause SIBLINGS BY on Forms 10g, but i don't use it how.

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How To Count Siblings In A Hierarchical Query

Sep 24, 2012

How to count siblings in a hierarchical query? I'm trying to get a listing of employees

SELECT LEVEL, last_name||', '||first_name AS Manager, count(employee_id)
FROM employees
CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id
GROUP BY level

This returns 4 levels. I'm wanting to add up the number of siblings under the level 2 instead of listing them all.

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Forms :: ORDER SIBLINGS Keyword No Accepted

Dec 5, 2010

This code run fine in Toad BUT giving me error in forms.


The error is: "Encountered sysbol "SIBLINGS" when expecting one of the following:
The symbol "by inserted before the "SIBLINGS" to continue.

Is the SIBLINGS keyword not acepted in forms? What would be the alternative?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Query On Adding New Node To Existing 2 Node Cluster

Jun 15, 2012

current environment

Oracle VM 2 Node RAC cluster
Oracle 11G
Oracle 11g rel 2 GI

on current 2 node cluster we have GI and RAC db configured Nodes: vmorarac1,vmorarac2

we shutdown vmorarac1 to clone it to vmorarac5

on new node I have changed the hostname to vmorarac5 In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 change ip to new ip and same for /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1,

mad echanges to /etc/hosts on vmorarac1/2 for 2 new IP address assigned to vmorarac5 vmorarac1 vmorarac1-priv vmorarac1-vip


Query is is that all ok to reboot the new node to reflect changes as below and change the hostname to vmorarac2 vmorarac2 vmorarac2-priv vmorarac2-vip

hostname change in /etc/sysconfig/network

On new node vmorarac5, there is alreay software for RAC DB and GUI cloned from vmorarac1 is used to add existing node, but as part of pre-requisite configuratoin is there any config step missing

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Data Guard :: How To Find Apply Node In RAC Two Node Standby DB

Aug 16, 2013

I believe, in a multiple RAC Physical Standby nodes only one node applies the archivelogs to the standby database. How you can find which node is the APPLY NODE using a SQL query?

I know you can veiw this information by querying the standby configuration using DGMGRL but how would you find out this information from a remote client using SQLPlus/PLSQL?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Migrating Single Node Database To New 2-node Environment

Jan 24, 2011

We have oracle database 10g( running on AIX 5.1. we have installed 2-node RAC on another server AIX 6.1 . Now we want to migrate our single node database to new 2-node rac environment. how we can move/migrate/cluster-aware our single node database to 2-node rac?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: VIP Node Application Failing In Second Node

Jul 18, 2013

I am installing Oracle 10g Clusterware in RHEL 5 Server. When i run in the second node the last step Running vipca(silent) for configuring nodeapps failed. Then i run VIPCA manually in second node and configured vip configuration successfully,but when i checked the post-checks for cluster services the Checking existence of VIP node application,Checking existence of ONS node application and Checking existence of GSD node application in second node failed. I am able to ping both the servers one another with vip name successfully and the CSS,CRS and EVM appears healthy in both nodes. 1. Does the vip configuration is proper? If no what is causing this error and how to rectify it? Find the output below

[root@Rhel52 bin]# ./crsctl check crsCSS appears healthyCRS appears healthyEVM appears healthy[root@Rhel52 bin]#[root@Rhel52 bin]# clear[root@Rhel52 bin]#[root@Rhel52 bin]# ./crs_stat -tName           Type           Target    State              Host------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ora.rhel5.gsd  application     ONLINE    ONLINE      rhel5ora.rhel5.ons  application     ONLINE    ONLINE  application      ONLINE    ONLINE       rhel5ora.rhel52.gsd application    ONLINE    ONLINE     rhel52ora.rhel52.ons application    ONLINE    ONLINE application     ONLINE     ONLINE      rhel52 [root@Rhel52 bin]#./ stage -post crsinst -n 


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RAC & Failsafe :: Single Node RAC - Configure Only One Server Instead Of Two Node?

Sep 13, 2012

I would like get more details about single node RAC.. What is single Node RAC?..

1). just configure only one server instead of two node... same RAC installation.. cluster installation and shared disk configuration in single server itself.. in future we can add node to this ...
2). in 11gR2 having new feature Single Node RAC.. Multiple instances running on same node and configure using Cluster...

is there any advantage using single node rac(other than online upgrade to full RAC).

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Add Third Node To Existing Two Node Cluster

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to add the third node to my existing two node cluster. In fact i succeded adding the node but i have the following problem:

-when i start node 1 and 2, everything is ok, but on node 3 startup one of the other nodes fails
-this happens in any combination: start 1 and 3, everything is ok. when i start node 2, node 3 fails

The asm configuration (disks, permissions, etc) is the same on all three nodes.find below the asm and crsd log details from the failure time:

NOTE: enlarging ACD for group 1/0x124851d1 (DATA)
WARNNING: cache read a corrupted block group=DATA dsk=4 blk=1 from disk 4
+NOTE: a corrupted block from group DATA was dumped to /u01/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM3/trace/+ASM3_rbal_4109.trc+
WARNNING: cache read(retry) a corrupted block group=DATA dsk=4 blk=1 from disk 4

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Forms :: How To Set Dynamic Path In 6i

Aug 6, 2008

I am using Oracle Form 6i. I have created pdf file from oracle report. On view button, I have written:

host('C:Program FilesAdobeReader 8.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe C:dailypending.pdf');

I don't want to set this path on every machine. I want to set its dynamic path so that on which even I machine, I run the applicaiton, it will directly find AcroRd32.exe from any drive either C: or D: or anything else...

It might be Acrobat Reader 9.0 or 8.0 whatever version will be installed on client machine...I want to set path according to that..So that whatever version it would be, it doesnt affect the application..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve The Path Of A Directory

Oct 27, 2011

I create a directory using this:

CREATE DIRECTORY xml_data AS 'c:\mytest';

How can I retrieve the 'C:mytest' in a select statement?

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Forms :: Path To Use DLL - Library Not Available

Oct 18, 2013

How to use the DLL? My DLL is loaded on the client host in the C: Documents and Settings USER webutil. When you try turning to the library, I get an error:

WUL-928 [CApiFunctions.set_invokeoncespec ()] EXAMPLE.DLL library is not available or does not contain a function MYFUNCTION

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find The Longest Path

Mar 25, 2013

create table test
insert into test values ('A', 'B');


We want to get the path from "A" to "E". In other words, if we start with any value of the column "a" we have to reach the "maximum" value of the column "b".

"maximum" in sense that we don't find the value of "b" in "a".

Example :
E is not found in the column a, so E is the maximum of A.
- N is the maximum of K
- Z is the maximum of Q and the maximum of S

select ...
from ...
where a = 'A' should return E.

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How To Change Datafile Path

May 13, 2013

I need to change data file path, and i got some document also but one thing confusing me, we need to offline the Tablespace, so my concern is all the table space like system, sys, user, temp etc. need to offline and then alter the database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query With Connect Path

Nov 11, 2011

I am working on a query as below:


I have tried with sys_connect_by_path and wm_concat

with mst as (
select id1,name1,value1 from test_conn c
where ((c.name1='WORKFLOW_TYPE' and NVL2(:p_workflow_type,decode(:p_workflow_type,' SELECT ALL',' SELECT ALL',c.value1),0)=NVL2(:p_workflow_type,:p_workflow_type,0))
or (c.name1='SOURCE_TYPE' and NVL2(:p_source_type,decode(:p_source_type,' SELECT ALL',' SELECT

but unable to group it by Id, all comes under one column

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Import Oracle 9.2 Exp To 11.2 - How To Change Path

Dec 10, 2012

The source server (9.2) is /oracle/data/xxx the destination will be /u02/oradata/xxx how do I get the imp to change the paths.

I know you can't do db_file_name_convert, as that only works in dataguard with rman, and it looks like you can only set compatible down to 10.2, it's a very small DB, (5Mb) but it's a live license server DB, I need it intact.

I tried a straight import, but that just barfed with "IMP-00015: following statement failed because the object already exists:" on every statement.

EDIT: it's lying, the /oracle path doesn't exist, just FYI.

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How To Handle Spaces In Path Name Of File With PL/SQL

Apr 10, 2009

How do I handle spaces in the path name of a file with PL/SQL? This is what I am trying to do.

start f:folder namefolder name with spacesfoldernamescript.sql

I keep getting an error:

"The file 'f:folder.sql' does not exist."

Is there a special character I need to put in there for the spaces? How can I get this to work?

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How To Change Oracle TNS Listener Path

Oct 29, 2010

how to change this path:


to this path:


in the service ?

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Backend Database - Upgrade Path?

Jun 6, 2012

we have a very critical application running and the backend database is we are planing on upgrading to 10g to and looking ways to look with minimal downtime off production. steps for upgrade with very minimal downtime of appliction?

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Windows :: Value For PATH Environment Variable?

Jan 23, 2013

what value exactly I need to give for the PATH environment variable in oracle 11g running on windows xp?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Shortest Path With Visits

Jul 3, 2013

I am find about an algorithm of shortest path with visits certain nodes.I have a table of Links with this fields: ID_Link, City1, City2 and distance...You have informations about shortest path with visits?

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Forms :: Find Path In Oracle 6i?

Nov 1, 2011

how can i get full path in oracle 6i???

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch File Path From A Folder

Oct 4, 2013

We upload a file on our library on weekly basis. I wanted to fetch the latest uploaded file path/URL from a folder through PL/SQL, but not sure if it's possible.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-29280 / Invalid Directory Path

May 13, 2012

I started working on utl_files. When i Am working on this topic I struck with an error: Quote:ORA-29280: invalid directory path. Below are the steps I followed to work on utl_files,

STEP1: connect sys as sysdba

STEP2: @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlfile.sql

STEP3: create or replace directory utl_data_files as '/home/oracle/siva/data/'; --(the directory path is already exists in the OS)

STEP4: below is the code

out_file UTL_FILE.file_type;
linebuf varchar2(1999);
directory_name varchar2(100):='utl_data_files';
for emp_cur in (SELECT * FROM scott.EMP)


STEP5: then it's giving the below result/error info


SQL ERROR MSG IS:ORA-29280: invalid directory path

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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Forms :: How To Set Registry Path Under 6i In CentOS

Dec 26, 2012

How set the registery path under forms6i in Centos

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Forms :: Setting Output Path

Feb 1, 2010

Recently i faced with a situation of redirecting a report output to a particular path in my server, and then opening the output by using web.show_document.

I was successful in redirecting it too a path , however i am not able to open the file using URL. We should setup virtual path in orion-web.xml and proceed further.

I pointed the output to an existing virtual path as below in my orion_web.xml file.

D:OraHome_2 oolswebhtml

and tried opening the output through the url


however i was not able to add new virtual path here .

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Install SQL Developer / Set A Path To Java

Oct 16, 2012

i try to install the sql developer, and i need to set a path to java it show: "Enter the full pathname for java.exe"

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PL/SQL :: ORA-29280 / Invalid Directory Path

Sep 9, 2013

When i am running the below script i am getting error like Invalid directory path. how to check the path by using dbms_ouput.

error : ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-06512: at line 34

l_out_file  UTL_FILE.file_type;
g_convert_crlf  BOOLEAN := TRUE;
  l_buffer    VARCHAR2(32767);
  l_amount    BINARY_INTEGER := 32767;
  l_pos       INTEGER := 1;


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Forms :: Use Only AcroRD32. Exe Without Using Proper Path?

May 10, 2013

i m using oracle d2k i want to open a pdf file given proper path of C:Program FilesAdobeReader 9.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe but i want to use only AcroRD32. exe without using proper path how i use it

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