Import Oracle 9.2 Exp To 11.2 - How To Change Path

Dec 10, 2012

The source server (9.2) is /oracle/data/xxx the destination will be /u02/oradata/xxx how do I get the imp to change the paths.

I know you can't do db_file_name_convert, as that only works in dataguard with rman, and it looks like you can only set compatible down to 10.2, it's a very small DB, (5Mb) but it's a live license server DB, I need it intact.

I tried a straight import, but that just barfed with "IMP-00015: following statement failed because the object already exists:" on every statement.

EDIT: it's lying, the /oracle path doesn't exist, just FYI.

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How To Change Oracle TNS Listener Path

Oct 29, 2010

how to change this path:


to this path:


in the service ?

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Server Utilities :: Default Path Of Log File After Import Dump In Oracle 10g

Feb 25, 2011

What is the Default Path of Log File after Import Dump in Oracle 10g.

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How To Change Datafile Path

May 13, 2013

I need to change data file path, and i got some document also but one thing confusing me, we need to offline the Tablespace, so my concern is all the table space like system, sys, user, temp etc. need to offline and then alter the database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change External Directory From Server To Local Machine Path

Nov 15, 2012

how change the default directory path from server to our local system directory in external table while loading the data from csv file to table actually my default directory 'abc'(installed oracle server directory) in external tables , now i want to change that default directory to my local(c:Sm(not installed oracle s/w)).

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Impdp Custom Log Path

Oct 18, 2012

I am using the following command for importing data in to oracle database 11g in linux box.

impdp system/test-123 directory=test_dir dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=test.log full=yes remap_schema=test1:test

Here test_dir = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/DATABASE/test/dmp

By default the test.log file is getting created in the above said dir (test_dir) but my requirement is I want to have it in a separate dir.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Get Exact Path Where SQLLDR Got Installed In UNIX?

Nov 1, 2013

How to get the exact path where SQLLDR got installed in UNIX. I am getting a path related issue while executing SQLDR unix command in Oracle

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Server Utilities :: How To Change Table Name While Import

Jan 18, 2010

I wanted to export a table "emp_production" from Production database then import it as "emp_datawarehouse" in Data warehouse database.Both tables has same structure. I have granted IMPORT FULL DATABASE & EXPORT FULL DATABASE privileges to both schema

I tired with the following syntax

$ Expdp u1/p1@h1[/email] tables= emp_production directory=test dumpfile=test1.dmp
$ Impdp u1/p2@h2[/email] directory=test dumpfile=test1.dmp remap_schema=u1.emp_production:u2.emp_datawarehouse

But I am getting the following error

ORA-31631: privileges are required
ORA-39122: Unprivileged users may not perform REMAP_SCHEMA remapping.

Why this ? "emp_production" table has 150 million rows, every week importing this table then inserting into "emp_datawarehouse" table takes long time.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle Traditional Import Overrides Password?

Nov 23, 2012

I had just successfully finished a full importing from Oracle 9i DB to Oracle 11gR2 DB. My export was a full db export.

Prior to this importing, my 11g was a newly created DB with the default SYS, System etc.. schema. Their passwords is different from those in 9i.

However, i realised that after importing... their passwords in 11g was replaced by those passwords in 9i, including SYS and SYSTEM user...

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Forms :: Find Path In Oracle 6i?

Nov 1, 2011

how can i get full path in oracle 6i???

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Dump On Oracle 11g From 10g?

Jan 7, 2013

I have new machine with oracle 11g and i have exported dump from oracle 10g . Now i need to import that dump on oracle 11g.

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Oracle 10g With Developer 2000 - Report Path?

Feb 6, 2011

I am working on oracle 10g with developer 2000 . I have a problem while running reports. when i run a report it goes to a particular path in which my database are not there and hence gives a error 'cannot find server'. everytime i have to physically change the path of the database to run the report.





I had a look at the reports conf file , but couldnt find the path of the database which the report shows for me to change it. It looks like some where the report path has been hardcoded but i am not able to locate it.

There might be some link missing while installing the application and the database.

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Installation :: Environment Variable Path Failed In Oracle 11g?

Dec 13, 2012

i am reinstalling oracel 11g in my window 7 64 bit machine after i uninstalled it. however, i got an issue that is environment variable path failed in the installation process. this didn't happen when i firstly successfully installed oracle.

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Forms :: How To Know Operating System Current Path In Oracle 10g Forms

Apr 19, 2011

How to Know Operating System Current Path in oracle 10g forms ?

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11g - Change ORACLE Home?

Aug 30, 2011

i have requirement to change the oracle home from /u04/....../dbhome_2 to /u03/...../dbhome_4

application version=R12.

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Change Root / Oracle Password In Rac

Mar 16, 2012

I need know the impact in my oracle database 10g R2, if i change root/oracle passwords in my Oracle RAC environment, my database using ASM and the nodes is in Red Hat 4.7.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Oracle Database Language?

Feb 4, 2011

how can i change my oracle database language

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Migrate A DB ORACLE 8i To 10g (things To Change)?

Jul 14, 2010

In this moment, I am migrateing a DB ORACLE 8i to ORACLE 10g.I have read that this version (10g) no need HINT SENTENCE.For this reason I am looking for a SCRIPT to remove (or disable) all of HINTS from the DB (10g), But I could not.

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Oracle Datapump - Table Structure Change?

Oct 19, 2010

we have daily partitioned table, and for backup we are using data pump (expdp). we policy to drop partition after backup (archiving).

we have archived dump files for 1year, few days back developer made changes with table structure they added one new column to table.

Now we are unable to restore old partitions is there a way to restore partition if new column added / dropped from currect table.

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Forms :: How To Change Image Resolution In Oracle 10g

Jul 9, 2013

I am working on oracle forms 10g (Windows7 OS). Can we get the image resolution of an image item in oracle forms? Can we resize the image in terms of resolution? I have a requirement where user can upload only 1280x720 size images. Either i have to validate the image resolution and give them a message saying 'Only 1280x720 size images are allowed' or simply i have to convert the image to be upload to 1280x720 size and save in the database.

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Forms :: Tools To Change Oracle Look And Feel?

Oct 6, 2013

Can I have the list of Tools (By Oracle / Third party) to change the look and feel of Oracle Forms?

The tool should be capable of converting traditional look and feel of my existing forms to a new web based look and feel, without having any physical design changes to my existing form modules.

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Oracle Restart / Change Network Interface Name

Oct 18, 2013

Oracle Restart w/ASM. To improve redundancy we're planning to change the network configuration in our Oracle Restart environment from using 1 LAN interface to a bonded interface consisting of 2 interfaces.So the change will be from using "eth0" to using "bond0" consisting of "eth0" and "eth1". Are there any changes that must be done in the Oracle Restart configuration to reflect these changes?

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Change Default Value Of Certain Column In A Table In Oracle 11g

Aug 18, 2013

I have a table called cust_file, his table consists of a lot of columns (one of these columns called cus_tax) and have a lot of data,I use oracle 11g, I want to change the default value of the column cus_tax to be equal 1, I wrote   

ALTER TABLE cust_file MODIFY(cus_tax DEFAULT 1); table alteredbut

after I inserted new data to test the operation, I found that the new record has a value

= null for the column cus_taxthen 

I tested using the following query select

data_default from all_tab_columns where table_name='CUST_FILE' and column_name='CUS_TAX'; no rows selected...

Change the default value of the column cus_tax.

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Forms :: Change Port 1521 In 6i And Oracle Database 8.1.7?

Jun 4, 2011

How can we change Port 1521 in forms 6i and oracle database 8.1.7

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Server Administration :: Change Parameter Value In Oracle 11gR2?

May 11, 2012

I want to change cursor_sharing, open_cursors and session_cached_cursors parameter values for SPFILE (Only SPFILE) using SQL Query.

I have found following SQL Queries, but I don't know these queries are only for SPFILE or not.

ALTER SESSION SET cursor_sharing='EXACT';
ALTER system set open_cursors=2500;
ALTER SESSION set session_cached_cursors=70;

I need SQL Queries only for SPFILE.

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Server Administration :: Change Character Set For Oracle 8i Databases?

Aug 15, 2013

How to change Character set for oracle 8i database. Is there anyway to change the Character set without affecting the current database.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Change Archive Log Destination In Oracle 10g

Jan 11, 2013

I want to change my archive log destination currently my database its in archive mode and this archive log detail as under

SQL> archive log list
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination F:archivelogs


this my f drive space is full so i want to change this my archive destination to my another g drive so how can i do this.and if i change this my archive destination does its affect any problem while recover my database in future.

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Forms :: How To Change Base HTML Page For Oracle

Feb 29, 2012

how to change base html page for Oracle Forms. I use Weblogic Server. Base html page - I mean this common for all forms as a background html page with "Oracle Fusion Middleware" text. I was looking something about this and I found that it is theoretically possible, but all traces reached me to the <Oracle_Home_path>forms/java directory which have only jars, with .class files.

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Data Guard :: Change Non-SYS Password On Oracle 11g Environment?

Jul 26, 2012

how to change non - SYS oracle users' password in data guard envirnment. We all know that for SYS password change in data guard. DBA has to change in primary database by either "alter user SYS identified by xxxx" or create password file with orapwd.

Then scp password file to standby database. However, if I want to change SYSTEM or DBSNMP passwords, I change on primary with " alter user ....." SQL, then new passwords will be login dictionary. But this new SYSTEM pqssword will be shipped with redo log to standby and SYSTEM password on standby will be updated? I need technical answer on this question

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Performance Tuning :: Change In Explain Plan Due To Oracle Upgrade

Dec 14, 2010

I need to warn readers that I am not a DBA but am heavily involved in application development. Whatever I know about database tuning is whatever I've managed to pick up via self-learning, and I must admit that the sum total of my knowledge isn't a lot.

Anyway, our "DBAs" recently did an upgrade to our 10g database, going from version to Immediately after the upgrade, a particular query has started to under-perform. The query itself was not altered in any way during the upgrade.

We have two explain plans for the query, a before and an after plan. The two plans are similar but not identical. The plans are too massive to post here, so I hope the following synopsis of the differences will do.

The plan:

has a TempSpc column in the explain plan
shows a particular table (EMP_HISTORY) as having ~1700 rows

The plan:

shows SORT GROUP BY instead of HASH GROUP BY does not show a TempSpc column in the explain plan shows the EMP_HISTORY table as having only 25 rows

Other than these points, no other discernible differences can be noted. I'm wondering what would cause HASH to change to SORT. I'm told that stats are up-to-date.

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