PL/SQL :: Oracle Web Service - Dynamic Parameters

Apr 4, 2013

Oracle - newbie on web services! Currently we have a pl/sql web service taking in 2 static parameters and returning a varchar2 response.

I was asked today if it's possible for a web service to take in a dynamic set of parameters and return a corresponding set of results. It's as if I need to pass the web service a table with two columns and return a table of one column.

For example:

                    Input                          Output
          1 2                             3
          3 4                             7
          5 6                            11output being in XML of course. It is possible?

I posted this in OC4J also - no response hence the re-post !

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Passing Parameters In A Dynamic Query

Jul 31, 2009

I have a Pro*C program, which uses a dynamic query. The dynamic query is opened using result of another static cursor( 5 fields say , :a, :b , :c, :c, :d).

I am modifying the dynamic query and adding UNION for some requirement , which makes this dynamic query exactly double in size. ( means 2 set of prev. queries are joined by UNION, with one extra condition though).

The question is , Do I need to pass 2 set of variable to open the dynamic query now?

Like earlier , program was passed with (:a, :b , :c, :c, :d)
so now i should pass (:a, :b , :c, :c, :d , :a, :b , :c, :c, :d)?

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Application Express :: Using Dynamic Report Parameters With BI Publisher?

Sep 3, 2012

available for doing reporting in BI Publisher? For example, I would like to use the same report for one person or for many people. This would mean that a where clause should be added when it is for the individual and would not be needed for the whole population. I do not see a way to dynamically build the report using "Report Queries" in Shared Components.

It is easy to build a sql query based on different selection criteria in the Region Source of a pagethat then gets displayedd on the page but I am not seeing much flexibility in creating a report with BI Publisher in Apex.

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Windows :: Oracle Service Not Starting?

Oct 23, 2012

I'm using Oracle 11g running over a Windows 7 OS. The service OracleServiceORCL doesn't start. Listener.log has the following registry:

23-OCT-2012 19:45:29 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=MBA-DB$))(SERVICE_NAME=orcl)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * orcl * 12514

TNS-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

When I try to start in services, is returned the OS error 1067. This error starts to occur when I did the follow. I executed a PLSQL command to fill a (big) table with a lot of data. More than 1 day after and while the program still running, I broke the program. After that, Oracle was consuming lot of disk. I broke the process (using taskkill /f) and, after that, the database stopped working.

What I can do to recover my database?Below I list my listener.ora and tnsnames.ora




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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Send SMS Through Oracle - Service Not Available Error

Jul 2, 2010

I am learning How to send sms thru PLSQL gateway?

I have searched for it on internet & got 1 procedure on OTN. I also tried it. But it is giving me the Errors .

The procedure is as below :

create or replace procedure SEND_SMS(p_sender in varchar2,
p_recipient in varchar2,
p_message in varchar2) as
mailcon utl_smtp.connection;


I also tried to Execute the same Procedure. The execute statement is below :

EXECUTE send_sms('', '', 'My Subject', 'My Message');

But i got the errors as :

begin send_sms('', '', 'My Subject', 'My Message'); end;

ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 21
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 97
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 139
ORA-06512: at "ADMIN.SEND_SMS", line 13
ORA-06512: at line 2

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Windows :: Oracle Service Doesn't Start

Oct 3, 2012

I've installed oracle 11.2 in Windows 7 - 64 bits. Everything was working fine until suddenly stops working. Oracle Service (OracleServiceORCL) doesn't start and when I try to start manually, returns OS error 1067. Listener starts well. Below I list my listener.ora, sqlnames.ora and sqlnet.ora

# listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:appmbaproduct11.2.0dbhome_1
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


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Server Administration :: Oracle 8i Service Did Not Start

Apr 27, 2013

I have oracle8i database on windows 2008 but not a domin server now i have domin server and i want to join this server on domin network i try to join domin it fine but my oracle8i service did not start what to do ?

old hostname=bagmati

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle RAC 11G - Service Configuration?

Jul 9, 2012

I have been reading a lot of documentation regarding oracle services and I have an ok understanding of how they work. However, I have a general question regarding configuring services using Oracle RAC. For instance, if I have a 2 node oracle 11GR2 RAC on a Linux Redhat server. I have an application that connects to a service I have created. I create the service as follows.

srvctl add service -d ORCL_RAC -s APP_SERVICE -r ORCL_RAC1,ORCL_RAC2

The tnsnames contains:



My questions are as follows:

1) When I do a 'srvctl status service -d ORCL_RAC', should I see the service running on both nodes of the RAC? Or does it run only one node, then it will fail over to the other when needed?
2) If I have a RAC environment where I see two services created (RAC_SRV1 and RAC_SRV2). I see that RAC_SRV1 is only running on node1 and RAC_SRV2 is only running on node2. There are two applications sharing the same database, one application is using RAC_SRV1 and the other application is using RAC_SRV2. Am I correct in thinking that there is no failover available here? If node1 goes down, the application connecting to RAC_SRV1 will not be able to connect to node2 right?
3) In the case of the scenario in question 2 above, would it be best practise to simply create one service and have both applications connecting to the one service? Could I configure the one service to point connections from one application to node1 and connections from the other application to node2?

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Enterprise Manager :: Oracle DB Consoleorcl Service Not Starting?

Dec 5, 2011

I saw this thread:[URL]....

and checked to see if I could start:[URL]........

using Firefox 8.0 and found that I was "unable to connect". I found that although my OracleDBConsoleorcl service was set to automatic, it was not started. So, I attempted to start it from the Windows services menu, but received a message that Windows could not start it and it said to see the System Event Log. So, I checked the Windows System Event Log and found:

"The OracleDBConsoleorcl service terminated with service-specific error The system cannot find the file specified."but it does not tell me the name of the file or directory path. So, where do I go from here? I did not want to hijack the other thread, so I started a new one, especially since the original poster was able to start this service. Is there a different way to try to start the service that might provide more information?

I have been using this installation for a long time and seem to remember this working once upon a time, but I could be wrong. I don't usually use Enterprise Manager, so this is not something critical, just a curiosity, and something that I might like to explore. I have provided version and system info below.

-- Oracle version info:
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

5 rows selected.

-- partial systeminfo (some lines like product key removed):
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
OS Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601


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TNS Listener Service Disappeared After Restart Windows 7 X64 Oracle 11g

Dec 22, 2012

I just finished my first course in SQL for Oracle 11g at my local community college. We used SQL*Plus for the coursework and for the next class I need to use SQL Developer. Initially, I installed the Developer and was unable to establish a test connection due to the listener not being installed. I fiigured out that I needed to use the Network Configuration Assistant to add and configure the listener. After doing so, I was able to connect using Developer. The issue, however, is that any time I restart my computer, the TNS Listener service disappears from the list of services in Task Manager and I have to delete and then add and configure the service again using Network Configuration Assistant. Obviously, the Listener still exists because I can delete it and then recreate it.

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Size Of Typical Oracle Database Install Plus Service Pack?

Aug 25, 2011

I was just asked by one of the sysadmins what the typical size of an oracle database install plus service pack be?

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Installation :: 11g On Windows 2008 R2 - Unable To Start Oracle Service

Aug 30, 2012

I tried to reinstall oracle 11g on windows 2008 R2 and couldn't complete the installation as i am unable to start the oracle service. The system gives the following error message

Instance created.
DIM-00019: create service error
O/S-Error: (OS 1053) The service did not respond to the start or control request
in a timely fashion.

I try to manually create the service and it gives me the same error.I also tried to start the service using the net start as follows

C:UsersAdministrator>net start oracleserviceprod
The service is not responding to the control function.

Having looked at the event viewer in windows, I noticed three different error messages as followsr

Application popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library : Runtime Error!

Program: c:appadministratorproduct11.2.0dbhome_1inORACLE.EXE

An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.and then A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the OracleServiceprod service to connect.

The OracleServiceprod service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

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Cloud Service :: Installing Oracle Management Agent In 11g Database (

May 6, 2013

Error occurred, While installing the agent in 11g database.
Error is listed below

[oracle@grid agent]$./ AGENT_BASE_DIR=/ebiz/oracle RESPONSE_FILE= agent.rsp
Validating the OMS_HOST & EM_UPLOAD_PORT
Executing command : /ebiz/oracle/core/ -classpath /ebiz/o


Executing agent install prereqs... Executing command: /ebiz/oracle/core/ -ignoreSys rereqs -prereqchecker -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -waitForCompletion -prereqlogl c /ebiz/oracle/core/ -entryPoint oracle.sysma .top.agent_Complete -detailedExitCodes PREREQ_CONFIG_LOCATION=/ebiz/oracle/core -J-D


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Picking Up Parameters For Oracle Procedure

Mar 6, 2012

My Oracle procedure works on two parameters, file type and file name.

exec xml_trans.load_xml('OMG','Sample.xml');

First parameter is xml file type and second parameter is xml file name. XML file is generated by by a web service and keep in a particular location.

Now the requirement is my procedure should pick up the in parameters, once the xml file is generated and my procedure should be running as per schedule. I can execute the procedure in schedule but how can i pick the file name and pass to procedure as soon the xml file is generated?

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PL/SQL :: Calling Oracle Procedure With Two OUT Parameters

Jun 20, 2012

I am having an Oracle procedure which return ref cursor. I also want to result one more out parameter result. How Can I call the procedure in SQL. Below is the way I am calling my stored procedure with one parameter.

proc_Test (p_resultset=> My_cursor)

How can I call the procedure when I have one more OUT parameter. Second parameter returns 0 or 1.

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Networking And Gateways :: ORACLE Error 12154 Encountered - Could Not Resolve Service Name

May 13, 2013

I have overwritten tnsnames.ora file with newone. In new tnsnames.ora file I have added new host string, remaining all unchanged.

after that, when trying to connect using sqlplus(from windows machine, sqlplusw.exe), working fine. But when trying to connect through putty getting error.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name

for the same reason my scheduled cron tab can not run export backup. cron tab error is

EXP-00056: ORACLE error 12154 encountered
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

I am suspecting problem may be due to file accessing permission related issue. But cant solve it. Current tnsnames.ora files permission is

# ls -l admin
total 112
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 14661 Apr 26 2002 libnk59.exp
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 643 Apr 26 2002 libnk59.imp
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 5728 Apr 26 2002 libnrad9.exp


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Networking And Gateways :: Accessing MS-ACCESS From Oracle Using Heterogeneous Service Agents

Nov 13, 2011

I have a requirement wherein I need to access the MS ACCESS database table from Oracle Client.I have created ODBC data source and have configured tnsnames.ora and listener.ora for the same. As a next step I am trying to configure HS init file for hsodbc connection but couldn't find the directory hs in $ORACLE_HOME (<ORACLE_HOME>hsadmininit******.ora). Any patch that needs to be applied for hsodbc connection in the server.

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Oracle 10g - Create A Stored Procedure Without Parameters

Oct 11, 2010

Iam using oracle10g . when i created a simple stored procedure,got an error

PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement

here is my code

create or replace procedure sp_TrialLiswt
as begin
select * from mivrs_studyinfo;

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Client Tools :: Setting Oracle Parameters

Apr 24, 2012

I am setting the oracle_home,oracle_sid on windows server2008.

oracle client 10g and oracle server are installed on my machine and i have created 2 database on my machine.

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Performance Tuning :: Memory Parameters In Oracle Database

Nov 18, 2012

I have a question regarding memory parameters in oracle database, especially sga_max_size and db_cache_size. Database server has 32G of ram. Oracle parameter on server shmmax is set to 16G. Is reasonable to set sga_max_size to the same value, and db_cache_size to 80% of that size?

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Client Tools :: Pass Parameters To Oracle SQL Query?

Oct 9, 2012

I am trying to pass the parameters to query and I need to pass few parameters to query. Can I make it like like then I run it, then it come up and ask the parameter like this:

SQL> @text
para1 XXXXX
para2 XXXXX

And then the result of query will come up. I would like to put label for each parameter( likepara1).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 10 G / Dynamic SQL

Nov 22, 2011

I am using Oracle 10g. I ran a procedure which is in dynamic sql. Once the procedure gets completed, it comes up with a warning message -

"Warning: unable to execute Dynamic SQL for adj_id: 02773"

Is there anyway to suppress the above message.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: DMP File In Oracle XE - Failed To Process Parameters

Jul 18, 2012

I am getting the following error while trying to import dmp file in oracle xe:

D:>imp system/manager file=pune_ucf.dmp tables=(ARR_TOT, DE
P_TOT) grants=no indexes=no rows=yes ignore=yes log=loc.log buffer=100000000;
LRM-00104: '100000000;' is not a legal integer for 'buffer'

IMP-00022: failed to process parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully.

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Forms :: Dynamic Report By Using Oracle 6i?

Jul 18, 2006

Here is good code and tips to run Dynamic Report from Oracle Forms 6i This utility uses tables and Views to design dynamic report. Just download zip file and unzip all files in a filder. Create database procedure attached, comile the form and use this.

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Storing The Values Of Dynamic Columns In Oracle

Nov 18, 2012

I have a requirement to execute the query only once for all the columns mapped to a particular table. Lets take an example..

table t1 has the following columns mapping.

col1 col2 col3 col4
variable 1 table abc col1_abc ----
variable 2 table abc col2_abc ----
variable 3 table xyz col1_xyz ----
variable 4 table xyz col2_xyz ----
variable 5 table xyz col3_xyz ----
variable 6 table xyz col4_xyz ----

In col4 , we have to update the values of col3 (column) ... it is very easy to update the values by executing the query for each column but my requirement is ... I want to execute the query once for a table ( example select col1_abc,col2_abc from table_abc ... this will return always a single value after adding other conditions in where clause) and why I want to do this? .. because there can be multiple (might be 30 variables values)
from a single table.

I have converted the columns into rows by using listagg function now I have lets a dynamic query ( for the above example).

for i in 1.2

l_query := ' select col1_abc, col2_abc from table_abc';
open c1 for l_query;

end loop;

my problem is : how to hold these values and update the above table?

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Dynamic Wrapping Of Source Code In Oracle

Feb 3, 2008

I want to wrap the source code in oracle, i am able to do it using wrapping utility (through DOS prompt command i.e wrap iname= inputfilename.sql oname=outputfilename.plb).

Other option is using DBMS_DDL package as follows


This above will replaces the original function source code with wrapped code, but here they are concatinating the code manually.

My requirement is i will get the source code (text) from user_source view in a cursor and line by line code will get in a loop. I am sending that output to above function dynamically , but it raising this error.

ORA-24230: input to DBMS_DDL.WRAP is not a legal PL/SQL unit.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Dynamic Query Returning To Out Sys_refcursor

Nov 8, 2011

I'm trying to build a dynamic sql inside an Oracle procedure, and return it as a SYS_REFCURSOR to ADO.NET using ODP.NET in Oracle 11R2. Below is my table:


Below is the procedure I build to SELECT it:

create or replace procedure spfwdb_sl_entidade_1(
p_cd_entidade in number,
p_dc_entidade in varchar2,
p_nm_entidade in varchar2,
p_cd_tipo in number,
p_id_status in char,

I'm calling this code from C#, and I get an empty Result Set. What am I doing wrong? Can I output the dynamic sys_refcursor that I created? Below is my C# code using ODP.NET:

string pConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ORASERVER)(PORT=1521))
(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ORASID)));User Id=user;Password=password;";
OracleConnection oConn = new OracleConnection(pConnectionString);
string pNomeProc = "spfwdb_sl_entidade_1";

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Returning Value Of Dynamic Select In Oracle Function?

Jul 20, 2011

I am trying to run a dynamic select statement form a function and return the result into a variable, everything goes fine but the return is always null!


--Actually any table can do



B.S. I didnt delete the commented lines to have your review comments.

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Application Express :: 4.0 - Dynamic SQL Report On Oracle

Sep 21, 2012

I have two reports in one page.One is the Interactive and other is Sql report. Based on the selection of the row(using checkbox) in the interactive report, the sql report has to display the selected columns.

Note :The report has to be loaded whenever a row is selected and without submitting a button.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Want To Define Dynamic Type For A Variable In Oracle 10g

Jul 17, 2013

I m trying to give table name as parameter to this function. It is compiling properly.But when an anonymous block is created to call this table value, it has to be fetched into a variable of Rowtype of this inputted table. So I am not able to create any ROWTYPE variable for this table dynamically.

create or replace function instant_tabula(tabula in varchar) return sys_refcursor
cur sys_refcursor;
str varchar2(20000);
str := 'select * from ' || tabula;
open cur for str;
return cur;

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