Oracle DB / Schema Installation For SAP BO

Nov 29, 2010

I am going to do the SAP-BO Setup in our landscape, how to do the following....

1. How to do the Oracle installation for BO in AIX (UNIX)? Is it a normal installation? or different? BOE-Application will be installed on Windows. So the DB suppose to communicate with the Application.
2. How to do the sizing of database?
3. How to create a database schema in oracle with proper parameters? I need to create 7 schema.
4. What are the parameters we have to maintain in Oracle - init.ora file which is required for BO ?

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Installation :: Install Sample Schema?

Sep 1, 2012

I installed my oracle database successfully but dint install sample schemas.Now i want to install all sample schemas but couldnt find them under $Oracle_home/demo/schema.No **_main.sql is available there. sample scripts as am not in a condition to download companion

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: ORA-03114 / Not Connected To ORACLE Error With Oracle DB Installation

Dec 3, 2012

I am getting "ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE" while installing "Oracle Database 11GR2" on "Oracle RAC 11R2" cluster setup. I am getting this error at the time of "Oracle Database Configuration Assistant" configuration reaches till 39% on HP-UX 11.31 IA64 platform.

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Sequence Name In Oracle Database Schema As Well As Timesten Schema?

Jan 13, 2011

How to use same oracle sequence name in Oracle Database schema as well as timesten schema?

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Installation :: Oracle Database Express And Other Editions Installation Doc Difference?

Mar 20, 2013

My question is; I've been reading the Oracle database 11g R2 documentation at this link [URL]...

I passed a couple of days learning about all installation configuration parts including the desktop class and server class.As I was learning, So I had already downloaded Oracle Database Express 11g R2 for win32.

So as i had finished the installation guide I thought it's time to install the oracle now. I did it, and what I found was that there was not any option during installation that i read in above documentation. While trying to find about this difference i reached on documentation[URL]...

That is for express version only.

My question here is, Express edition, we use for learning purpose, But it doesn't look like it has all the stuff that we should learn during installation And what documentation I should follow from my above given two links?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle RAC Installation With Guest OS OracleLinux6 On Virtualbox / Mac OS

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to install Oracle RAC installation w/ guest OS OracleLinux6 on Virtualbox/Mac OS.But getting problem to set network & ip setting and yum is not able to reach oracle repository.

if anyone tried installing Oracle RAC installation w/ guest OS OracleLinux6 on Virtualbox on intel based Mac OS.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle 11GR2 Rac Installation In Vmware

Aug 28, 2013

I am installing RAC 11GR2 in VMWARE on OEL 6.3. Everything went smooth but when i tried to configure ASM , I get below messages. 

[oracle@RAC1 ~]$ /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure-bash: /etc/init.d/oracleasm: No such file or directory.

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Installation :: Oracle 11G Database For 64 Bit Windows Installation Error

May 6, 2013

I downloaded the 11G 64bit for windows and unzipped the files into one folder and ran the setup.exe as an administrator. It opened up the java screen and I chose, create and configure a database. Next screen I chose, Desktop Class, when I click next it dies. It does not show me teh next screen. I went to the appdata folder and saw this error but not sure what to do EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005).

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle Grid 11g R2 Installation

Jul 11, 2013

I want to install Oracle Grid software 11g R2. What is the Latest Oracle Grid software 11g R2 version available?Is it or it is, is it available in metalink download, because I see only version in metalink download? 

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle Rac 11g Installation?

Sep 16, 2013

 Am planning to install oracle RAC 11g on linux server. Have doubt on installation of clusterware or grid infrastructure first .?I think grid infrastructure covers clusterware and ASM both and then oracle 11g software to be installed. But how to download grid insfrastructure software. Will it come with oracle 11g software..? or need to download it seperately.? Because when i try to download oracle RAC 11g which gives link to download the 11g software not grid. 

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Installation :: Oracle 10g Installation Cannot Continue

Jul 10, 2012

When i am trying to install oracle database 10g, it is giving following error.Error in writing to directory :


ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 55MB of disk space ,installation cannot continue.

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Server Utilities :: Import A Schema From One Database Schema To Another Schema B?

Aug 10, 2010

I want to import a schema from one database schema to another schema b from db STBTST to STATST and from schema CMSSTAGINGB to CMSSTAGINGA

I first want to test this to my own schema (mvanmannekes) CMSSTAGINGA is filled at the moment.

So i've created a dump from STBTST-CMSTAGINGB For importing im using this statement:

impdp mvanmannekes/password schemas=cmsstagingb remap_tablespace=cmsliveb_data:cmslivea_data
remap_schema=cmsstagingb:mvanmannekes directory=expdp_dir dumpfile=cmstagingb.dmp

I'm getting this:

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Master table "MVANMANNEKES"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "MVANMANNEKES"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01": mvanmannekes/********
schemas=cmsstagingb remap_tablespace=cmsliveb_data:cmslivea_data


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Server Administration :: Accessing Single Schema From Multiple Schema Logging?

May 16, 2011

A single master schema where many developers are accessing. all share same password.

now i would like to trace all the changes made by each users. so i create a individual users for all and grant permission to access that i have a possibility of auditing the changes did by each user for that particular schema

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Security :: Schema Consolidation And User Schema Mapping Based On Service

Jul 24, 2011

We have an application with many separate databases (one per customer). Given they share the same business requirements (service hours, change mgmt etc), we're interested in potentially consolidating the separate DBs (which are relatively small) into separate schemas within a fewer no of databases to reduce the overhead.

Our issue is that the application is hard-coded to use a specific administrator and application connection user name. Changing this is unfortunately not an option.

Given this limitation, is there any possibility to map a generic user into a customer-specific schema based on the database service that they connect to? Each customer connects to different database services but may use the same user name. We considered using private synonyms but this seems to acheive the opposite (i.e. many different users could connect and map to a single users schema). One thing to point out is that where there is a single user name, it is acceptable for a single password to be used across the different customer DBs as they will be a single admin/user.

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Client Tools :: How To Create A Table In Another Schema As In Existing Schema

Apr 26, 2010

I would like to create a table in another schema(CBF) as already exist in my schema(TLC) without data but related indexes,synonyms and grants should be include.

How could I do this without using export import. I am using TOAD 9.0.1.

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Server Utilities :: How To Take All Schema Metadata Export Except One Schema (scott)

Jul 5, 2012

how to take all schema metadata export except one schema (scott)

can i use like EXCLUDE=schema:"IN('SCOTT')

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Imp Records Of One Schema Into Another Schema Of Same Table

Nov 3, 2012

I had done following steps,


1) i open the session of toy schema

First i taken backup of table

create table bck20121103_himan as select * from himan;

Backup table is created.

After taking the Backup table

delete himan;(deleting the records)

2) i log in to another session(toys)

exp toys/toys@orcl file=20121103TOYs.DMP TABLES=(HIMAN) /* Particular table is taken*/

3) i log in to toy schema

imp toy/toy@orcl file=<dump file name> TABLES=(HIMAN) INDEXES=N IGNORE=Y

i tried the above statement it taken so much of time..

Later i tried

I log in to toy session

i rename the table with other name.

later i imported

imp toy/toy@orcl file=<dump file name> TABLES=(HIMAN) IGNORE=Y FULL=Y

it's successfully imported.

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Using Oracle XE For RCU Schema

May 2, 2013

I have to install obiee on my new linux server.

two question:

-it's a good idea to use oracleXe as database for rcu schemas (mds and biplatform)? Can Xe reduce the impact on server resources?
-in terms of performance of obiee solution, the rcu database have to be on the same machine of obiee or it's better to have this database on a separate machine?

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Server Utilities :: How To Move Schema To Another Schema In Same Database

Jan 5, 2009

move the tables with data present in the user scott(full) to another schema named test. In my case scott is in user tablespace and for test schema i have created different tablespace named test_tbs.

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Server Administration :: One Schema Versus Multiple Schema

Feb 1, 2010

single schema setup or multiple schema setups for an application development. Which option is recommended and pros and cons of these methods?

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Oracle 10g Installation On OEL 4.5

May 8, 2012

Today I am installing oracle 10g on Enterprise linux 4.5 . I am having some problem while running OUI. Having much confusion with Oracle installation .....

See Error message shows
Checking operating system requirements ...
Expected result: One of redhat-3,redhat-4,SuSE-9,asianux-1,asianux-2
Actual Result: redhat-4
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed

Installing OEL but shows actual result was redhat-4

CODEChecking for libaio-0.3.96; found Not found.Failed <<<<
Checking for shmmni=4096; found shmmni=-2147483648.Failed <<<<
Checking for libaio-0.3.96; found Not found.Failed <<<<
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<

here showing -ve value many times i changed values . Still error is here ....

My question is

1) by default OEL having all required RPM's but why it requires LIBAIO.
2) Installing OEL but shows actual result was redhat-4

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Oracle 11.2 Installation

Mar 12, 2011

I have update from Oracle 11.1 to 11.2 - but i cant see the new version

when i type: `Select * from v$version` in pl/sql developer

i still see the old version.

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Oracle 10.3 Installation On AIX 6.1?

Jul 30, 2012

My business requirement is to in stall ORACLE 10.3 on IBM AIX 6.1 .

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Installation :: Oracle 10g On Win 8

Sep 23, 2013

I want  to install oracle 10  g on win 8 , i found way  for setup  at this link


reach till step  5  and  stop as  i do not found any file   with this  name   databases tageprereqdbrefhost.xml and databasestageprereqdb_prereqsdb refhost.xml. in oracle  source do not  know if  shall i download them and then update  or what ,

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Installation Of Oracle 10g

Jun 15, 2012

I have installed the Oracle 10g at the following location : -


But I was trying to ping Oracle Client from Command Prompt. See Below : -

c:Oracle>tnsping SONIA
ERROR IS COMING no listener

MINE tnsnames.ora File : -

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:oracleproduct10.2.0client_1
etworkadmin nsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = sonia)(PORT = 1521))

What this error means? connecting to the ORACLE 10g. I have studied on the net that for Oracle to connect three ora files need to be there. But in my ADMIN Folder two files are created by Oracle Configuration Tools names SqlNet.ORA , TNSNAMES.ORA. LISTENER.ORA file is not created.

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Creating Schema / Tablespaces Oracle 10g

Apr 29, 2013

I'm supposed to create a database for an application. The server where this will be running previously had a database for a pretty similar app. I don't know much about Oracle so I reused the ZFS filesystems and left them how they were created (because honestly, I didn't knew why they were created that way, but I'm pretty sure it was for a good reason).

CODEapp/oradata_smart_ora1    858M  12.2G   858M  /oradata/SMART/ora1
app/oradata_smart_ora2   7.18M  18.0G  7.18M  /oradata/SMART/ora2
app/oradata_smart_ora3   7.18M  36.0G  7.18M  /oradata/SMART/ora3
app/oradata_smart_ora4   60.6K   400G  60.6K  /oradata/SMART/ora4
app/oradata_smart_redo1   400M  2.61G   400M  /oradata/SMART/redo1
app/oradata_smart_redo2   200M  2.80G   200M  /oradata/SMART/redo2
app/oradata_smart_redo3   200M  2.80G   200M  /oradata/SMART/redo3

Since I reused the filesystems I created my database and placed the controlfiles in the same places where the old database files were (/oradata/SMART/ora1,/oradata/SMART/ora2,/oradata/SMART/ora3). Thinking like MySQL works I created CODEapp/oradata_smart_ora4 60.6K 400G 60.6K /oradata/SMART/ora4 specifically to store the database there.

The databases startups and mounts no problem. Note that this server will manage with millions/billions records throughout its lifetime.

1. Now that my Database is created, whats the next step? Create the Schema or Tablespace?
2. Tablespace Questions: Tablespace datafile(s) is where actual data from tables is stored? how many are needed? Default or Temporary? How much space will I need for it? Autoextend?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle - How To Move Table To Another Schema

Feb 6, 2008

How can I move a table to another schema in Oracle?”

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Schema For Oracle Report Developer 10G Course

Nov 27, 2009

I took the course for "Oracle Reports Developer 10g" but I didn't copy the schema when I took the course.

Now,I have the book "Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Build Reports Student Guide" but I look over the internet and I can't find the schema for this course. I needed the schemas for the following tables:


where I can find the sql scripts for this schema ?

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Install Oracle 10g And 11g On Different Computers / No HR Schema To Use

Dec 12, 2012

I try install oracle 10g and 11g on different computers, at the end of the installation, I find out there is no "HR" schema for me to use, including others. I've been installing the Oracle Database (both the 10g and 11g) I've make the installation over 7 times, yet still the same problem. If you have a book on who to install Oracle Database perfectly,.

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How To Migrate Postgres DB Schema To Oracle 11g

Oct 10, 2012

how to Migrate Postgres DB Schema to Oracle 11 g?

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