Security :: Schema Consolidation And User Schema Mapping Based On Service
Jul 24, 2011
We have an application with many separate databases (one per customer). Given they share the same business requirements (service hours, change mgmt etc), we're interested in potentially consolidating the separate DBs (which are relatively small) into separate schemas within a fewer no of databases to reduce the overhead.
Our issue is that the application is hard-coded to use a specific administrator and application connection user name. Changing this is unfortunately not an option.
Given this limitation, is there any possibility to map a generic user into a customer-specific schema based on the database service that they connect to? Each customer connects to different database services but may use the same user name. We considered using private synonyms but this seems to acheive the opposite (i.e. many different users could connect and map to a single users schema). One thing to point out is that where there is a single user name, it is acceptable for a single password to be used across the different customer DBs as they will be a single admin/user.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Master table "MVANMANNEKES"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully loaded/unloaded Starting "MVANMANNEKES"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01": mvanmannekes/******** schemas=cmsstagingb remap_tablespace=cmsliveb_data:cmslivea_data
How can in increase the allocated space for a schema in Apex Admin section?
I know you can set this when creating a schema alongsite a workspace and looks like the only way to do it is via raising a service request for more space and loggin in as ADMIN and approving it (in increments of 500MB).
Is there a way to have separate wallets for each windows user? Well, I have found a way, but does not seem to work always properly and that is with %USERNAME% environment variable.
This is how our customer want's to have - so separate wallet for each windows user, how to accomplish this without using %USERNAME%?
We are trying to implement the following security to our database.
As of now, the access rights are same for all the windows users logging into the Oracle application with the same Oracle user Id.
But now, we want to improve our security by granting different levels of rights to the users based on their Network Id even though they use the same Oracle User Id to log into the application.
We are not looking for the users to be identified externally.
I need to create a structure DATABASE=>SCHEMA=>TABLE as
DB=>SC=>EMPLOYEE ...but after connecting database i could create table only user my user schema(own schema)only . I want to create a new schema called SC as public and need to create a table .
I do a schema in oracle ... an m my question is if I can create 2 o more users for access to a schema..for example i have schema Project and i need that one administrator and 2 more users with others permission.
how can i grant a user permission to create tables and indexes in other user schema.Grant create table permits the user to create tables in his own schema which is part of Resource role.Grant any table will permit him to create table in any schema including system which i don't want.
A single master schema where many developers are accessing. all share same password.
now i would like to trace all the changes made by each users. so i create a individual users for all and grant permission to access that i have a possibility of auditing the changes did by each user for that particular schema
I would like to create a table in another schema(CBF) as already exist in my schema(TLC) without data but related indexes,synonyms and grants should be include.
How could I do this without using export import. I am using TOAD 9.0.1.
at an Oracle 11gR2 ( Enterprise Edition (fully licensed) with RHEL 6 as OS
I'm trying to generate a statistic, that shows me a weekly or monthly report over the traffic on a tablespace or a schema. Until now, I've worked with the
HIST_VIEW dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage
(I mean there is also one nearly called so for schema), but that view show me only the grow of a tablespace in a timeline of 1 week.
But that would not be the hole traffic. Because SELECT statements will nothing do on the grow of the tablespace but it generates traffic. In that case it wouldn't be so important, if it is more tablespace or schema sided because at this database each tablespace has it's own schema and timeline would be nice if it is weekly or monthly.
move the tables with data present in the user scott(full) to another schema named test. In my case scott is in user tablespace and for test schema i have created different tablespace named test_tbs.
Would using a blob based schema load noticeably faster than a binary_double based schema?
CODEBlob Scenario:
Load 1 row: 5 columns (1 integer column, 4 blob columns) of size X VERSUS
CODEDouble Scenario:
Load 10,000 rows: 5 columns (1 integer column, 4 binary_double columns) of size X
While the benefit of using the rows approach is obviously the capability to query the values, I'd like quick answer concerning the loading/insertion performance. Associative array binding is used for loading from a .NET client. Also, would the answer also hold true for 200 columns instead of just 5 columns.
On the database instance where you want to install Coeus, create a user who will be the owner of Coeus schema. This user should have at least the following privileges. CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM, CREATE USER, CREATE ROLE, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE SESSION CREATE TRIGGER, AND CREATE TYPE. If you choose, you can grant DBA role to this user.
Note: Coeus Schema owner should have CREATE USER and ALTER USER right explicitly granted to it, not through a role like DBA.
Through sql*plus, how can I copy a user-defined type from other schema to mine?
I've granted the execute object privilege over the user-defined type to my user, so I can use the type.
I know I can manually write and create the type, but I wanna learn (if exist) a statement to copy the user-defined type, something like: CREATE TABLE x2 AS (SELECT * FROM x1);
I'm testing ORACLE DATABASE 11g R2 over Windows O. S.
I have database in on windows 2003 R2 one server and i have serve with 64 bit on windows 2008 R2 64 bits. I want to move database from to new server on
!)should i do the cold backup of and then create db instance on new server and then use dimutility to create new instance and then run the patch upgrade.
!!) I would like to do export all schema and user permision (is if possible?)export and then import to new server?
I need to see all schema users password in a text.I am database admin,but it difficult to remember the password of all users created in single database So we also dont want to change password of all time,table to view password in text. Also we all know we can see using dba_users, but it was showing in hash value i need it in a text
i want to find the name of user who make changes in the table structure or create any index or constraint or unique key or alter the column? Is there any way to find in Oracle. in which table what change has been done as well?
following Output needed
userid, username, schemaname, schemachangetime, "what_change_has_been_made", IP address or Computername