ORA-06413 / Connection Not Open

Jul 1, 2011

Our Oracle Application & Database is installed on Windows 2003 R2 32 bit and our development team trying to access this database from windows 2008 64 bit.where we have the Oracle client 10g installed for 64bit but when they are trying to access the instance they are getting below error

ORA-06413: connection not open

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Ora-06413 Connection Not Open Error

Jul 13, 2013

I have Oracle 11g XE and Toad installed on Windows 7 64-bit machine. I am able to connect to database from Oracle's SQLPLUS. But when connecting from TOAD i am getting ora-06413 connection not open error.

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Client Tools :: ORA-06413 - Connection Not Open Error Oracle On 64-bit Windows

Jul 11, 2013

I have newly installed Oracle 11g R2 64 bits to window 8 PRo 64 bits. Able to connection successfully Oracle NEt Configuration Assistant service name.

But when I try to connect it Toad 9.6 32 bits its show error message

ORA-06413: Connection not open

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ODP.NET :: Connection Open But No Tables Views Or Procedures?

Oct 5, 2012

Going through my first attempt ever to connect to a Oracle database with a .Net application. Using Visual Studio 2012, I have downloaded and installed the latest version of odp.net, actually both the 32 and 64bit versions.

Application is targeting the 4.5 Framework, Latest version of Entity Framework installed (but not important I think at this point) Added a reference in my project to the Oracle Data Provider ( tried with both 2.0 and 4.0 )

Created a connection string with EZ Connect, stored in web.config file. I have tried 2 different projects to use EF and one without. Trying to create a edmx or using a datasource adapter brings up the connection wizard or prompts to use the existing one, but no matter what I try, there are no tables, views or procedures listed.

From Server Explorer, I can open the Data Connections and verify that the connection to the Oracle database is Open. During the Connection Wizard, there were no errors, and all the databases available were listed. Yet, connecting to and opening the connection to this specific database or anyone for that matter no tables, views or procedures are listed.

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Real Application Clusters :: Unable To Open Wallet / ORA-28353 / Failed To Open Wallet

Jul 11, 2012

I want to create a wallet on RAC setup.I have two node setup.I have created the wallet directory under shared folder /u01/oradata/$ORACLE_SID/wallet

I am Unable to open wallet.I tried this using the below command

SQL> alter system set encryption key identified by "aryabhat";
alter system set encryption key identified by "aryabhat"
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28353: failed to open wallet

Following is the content of sqlnet.ora file

(path : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/network/admin/sqlnet.ora)
ADR_BASE = /u01/app/oracle
(DIRECTORY = /u01/oradata/$ORACLE_SID/wallet/)))

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Can't Open Archived Log

May 16, 2012

My database is in open and noarchive log mode which was working fine but since from last 2 to 3 days it is throwing me an error
ORA-00308: cannot open archived log with ora -00600

ORA-00308: cannot open archived log 'D:\HFTEST\ARCHIVE\ARC1_779994432.1'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kewrsp_split_partition_2], [87], [902828405], [11905], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

I dont understand why it so, i googled it but i didnt find anything.

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Forms :: Open 6i In 11g?

Oct 13, 2012

I install Forms 11 g . how i an use my Old Fmb files ? (my forms designed in forms6 i )

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Getting Error When Try To Open PL / SQL Developer

Jul 3, 2012

i try to open PL/SQL Developer and i get this error:

Could not locate OCI dll
OracleHomeDir: d:\app\...................\product\11.1.0\client_1

what can be the problem ?

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Standby Not Open Read Only

Feb 12, 2012

i, I've Two database one for primary(GISC) and one for standby (GISCST) when i start open standby database i appeare erro :

ORA-16004: backup database requires recovery
ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup

I take the copy the datafiles from primary database and Pase them to the Standby database and the Enviroment of two database is :

SPfile for primary(GISC) IS:

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ORA-00308 / Cannot Open Archived Log

Mar 5, 2010

My database is in open and noarchive log mode which was working fine but since from last 2 to 3 days it is throwing me an error

ORA-00308: cannot open archived log with ora -00600
ORA-00308: cannot open archived log 'D:\HFTEST\ARCHIVE\ARC1_779994432.1'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kewrsp_split_partition_2], [87], [902828405], [11905], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

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Forms :: How To Open PDF Files Using 6i

Feb 17, 2006

How can I open any pdf(Acrobat Reader) file thru Oracle Forms 6i through procedure. I have written procedure to open .Doc & .XLS files by using OLE2.Create_Object but unable to do for .PDF files.

I m attaching the code in txt file , how i have done it for word
open_word is the name of the procedure/program unit

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SQL & PL/SQL :: OPEN FOR Cursor Handling?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a snippet of code


And I'm trying to figure out how to catch a error from a loop such as:

FETCH a_variable INTO ResultCount;
WHEN My_cursor % NOTFOUND ;
--Stuff done
End Loop;

So right now I have a error in the SQLCODEBLOCK, but I can't catch that error. I've tried putting the exception in various places but it wont compile.

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Forms :: How To Open URL From Oracle

Mar 14, 2012

How to open a URL from oracle forms ?

Select APP_SERVER_URL into p_url
where FACILITY_ID =facility_id;

SELECT appl_user_password INTO p_user_password
FROM sm_appl_user
WHERE appl_user_id = P_Login_User;

Above coding throws a error unable to open a link..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Excel File Can't Open

Aug 17, 2010

im sending email with attachment of report output in xml format. file was attached but cant opened.

it show me error at the time of opening that

XML ERROR in Unknown
REASON: Illegal Tag
FILE: C:Documents and SettingsTxisDesktopAR_AGING_DETAILS_1186958_1(3).XML
VALUE: ?B/to{??C

i face this problem when i send mail on yahoo and from outlook. but it opened in gmail, from incredimail

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Forms :: Open PDF Files

Jan 4, 2011

I have a PDF files in my file Server, i want to open it through Forms 10g .

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Forms :: Open Dialog Box On From

Feb 19, 2013

i have oracle from 10g installed. i have added webutil libraries.and its has been complied succesfully.now i have a one button on form. on that button triggerd i want open dialog box to select the file.like browse.

for that i have used below command.
webutil.Client_Get_File_Name('C:','file_name.xls','XLS Files (*.xls)|*.xls|',NULL,OPEN_FILE,TRUE);

but it showing me error i.e 'Client_Get_File_Name muse be declare'..

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PL/SQL :: Open / Return Cursor?

Oct 31, 2013

Oracle 11g For a procedure, if I use the hard-code  procedure

sp_test(    p_rc out sys_refcursor,    p_1...     p_2 ...  )  is   begin          open p_rc for        select *          from TEST_TABLE...  But now, I want to use the dynamically constructed sql, such as if condition1 then v_sql := ... elsif condition2 then v_sql := ... execute immedite v_sql 

 How can I return the the cursor p_rc in this case?

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Forms :: DDE Package With Open Office?

Jul 10, 2011

I am trying to read/write Open Office scalc.exe(which is replacement of Excel file) file using DDE Package as like Excel File. But it is giving me non oracle Exception Error when it focused or initiate.

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Forms :: How To Open Tiff Images

Apr 18, 2011

I have a folder "c:Images" which has around 5 image files they all are Tiff Images. now from forms i want to open this images one by one.


file 1: SIGN.TIFF
file 2: FORM.TIFF
file 3: FORM_1.TIFF
File 4: FORM_2.TIFF

I have the form and in that I have only one Image Item and two buttons with name "Previous" & "Next"

Action to be Done:

-> Initially when i start form SIGN.TIFF has to open.
-> when i press next FORM.TIFF has to be replaced with SIGN.TIFF
so on...

Note: There is a chance of keeping 10 more files.

How can this be achieved in forms.

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Server Administration :: Not Able To Open Database

Mar 8, 2013

I am using oracle 10gXE just for basic practice but its showing following Errors

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Mar 8 11:46:34 2
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password:
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup;
ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down fir
SQL> select * from dept;
select * from dept

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Forms :: Open New Excel Application From 10g?

May 6, 2008

How can i open a new Excel application from Forms 10g?

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Forms :: How To Open PDF File In Oracle 10g

Nov 25, 2010

i am trying to open a .pdf file in oracle forms 10g which had stored in oracle 9i.10g database.

so which method shall i use to do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Used Variable In Open Cursor Statement

Mar 1, 2012

open cp_cursor for 'Select curtailprogramkey from curtailProgram where curtailprogramid like 'l_rec.curtailprogramid%'';

NOTE: l_rec.curtailprogramid is varible. what is wrong in the above statement?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Open Cursor Statement Getting Stuck?

Apr 18, 2013

I would like to mention that I won't be able to give the data,specific information(like query or table names) about the issue as this concerns the privacy of some multinational company(where I work).

We have windows server and we are currently using Oracle 10g.


We have a ProC, which has a SQL statement where it is trying to OPEN a cursor. The cursor query is huge and fetches data from 3 tables. 3 tables have 5k, 600k and 1.7 millions records respectively but the 'where' condition in cursor query makes the total count to 3k lines only.

Now the problem is , we have a schedule reboot of the server every Saturday night and the next day(Sunday night) when the program runs it gets stuck in the query --> OPEN <cursor> . We wait for 5 hours but this OPEN cursor query never executes or completes, that means our program gets stuck here.Eventually we have to kill the program.We have tried running it after killing as well but it again gets stuck.

Now the interesting part. On Monday business happens as usual but in the night when we again run this program it runs within minutes. The records in the tables are more or less same. Open cursor does not get stuck at all. It runs every night properly but every Sunday night it gets stuck. note that the program does not run on Saturday nights. So on Sunday night it runs for the first time after server reboot.

So there is something with Open cursor statement(with so much data) after server reboot. What exactly Open cursor does in memory or database.

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Forms :: Open FMX File In Oracle 10g?

Apr 4, 2013

how can i open the .fmx file in oracle 10g?

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Forms :: Open Fmx On Text Editor?

Mar 7, 2011

i have fmx file and i want to open it in any text editor

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Forms :: Can't Open Library - D2KWUT32.DLL

Jan 26, 2010

I working in windows environment and using form 6i. Everyone have used the same form and they are getting properly. But when i run the same form i am getting the following error.

PDE-DFF003: Can't Open Library : D2KWUT32.DLL

I am getting the above error when i execute the following line on when - button - pressed

w_user := Win_Api_Environment.Get_Windows_username(False)

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Forms :: FRM-10043 Cannot Open A File

Jul 11, 2011

When I am trying to open a PLL[5i] through Form5i Builder , Getting Error message like "FRM-10043 Cannot open a File".

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Enterprise Manager :: Can't Able To Open In Oracle 10g

Nov 28, 2010

i have installed oracle 10g. but not able to start the Enterprise Manager, i am getting the error when ever i enter the url in the browser (//home:5560/ isql plus) .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Of Months The Contract Was Open

Aug 21, 2012

I have a contract that has several categories with payments in each one. If there is a payment=0, then a category is considered closed. The contract is considered closed when all categories are closed.

Date Category Payments
01/01/07 1 5
01/01/07 2 7.5
01/01/07 3 6
05/01/07 2 0
09/01/07 1 0
11/01/07 3 0

(date here is in mm/dd/yy)

I need a SQL that will return the number of months within the year that contract was open. In the example above, the last category closed on 11/01, so the result should be 10. If the last line was not there, the contract would still be open in 2007 and the result should be 12.

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