I have Oracle 11g XE and Toad installed on Windows 7 64-bit machine. I am able to connect to database from Oracle's SQLPLUS. But when connecting from TOAD i am getting ora-06413 connection not open error.
Our Oracle Application & Database is installed on Windows 2003 R2 32 bit and our development team trying to access this database from windows 2008 64 bit.where we have the Oracle client 10g installed for 64bit but when they are trying to access the instance they are getting below error
TOAD 8.6.1 has an option of showing windows by connection. It is useful when there are multiple connections and, choosing one of these, all windows that belong to other connections are minimized.
Its icon looks like this:
Does TOAD 9.1 have the same option? I'm unable to locate it in options, toolbar customizations or elsewhere.
TOAD 9.5 Release Notes document says that "'Connection list' dropdown button has been restored and can be added to the Toad toolbar.". If I understand it correctly, it says that previous version didn't have that dropdown button, but 9.5 does.
In another words ... 9.1 might not have it at all.
Problem: After completing debug of procedure from SQL Developer, whenever I try to compile that procedure or execute any query from the SQL worksheet, I get the closed connection error message. However I can debug that procedure for any number of times. Any other activity for that database connection gives closed connection error.
I am using dg4msql to connect to SQL server from Oracle(, with AIX 5.3).
#from my laptop sqlplus (
SQL>select count(*) from table1@mssql; #works SQL>select * from table1@mssql; #ERROR
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: [Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation {01004}[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation {01004}
#from my laptop, TOAD Both queries works fine.
i have compared
"select * from nls_session_parameters;" values , TOAD and sqlpus gives same result.
I have installed Oracle 11g R1 and have problem in connecting Oracle SQL Developer.
I have given user name: ora; pswd: ora.
In command prompt it works fine if I gave as below. uid: ora as sysdba pswd: ora
But when I am trying to connect to Oracle SQL Developer it says TNS listener does not know SID.
So I reinstalled this since i have doubt on myself whether I made mistake first time. Also I have doubt whether the un installation completely clears all the files from Registry. - What should I do to clear all the files from registry when un-installing.
1] What is SID. Is it session ID. If so how to find it. 2] Is there any way to confirm the values such HOST NAME: localhost, PORT: 1521, SID: (By default it has 'xe') which I gave for data base connection are correct.
I tried with SID value:135 (I got this value by executing [Select distinct sid from V$mystat;])
3] Is there any editor for practicing sql & pl sql queries. where I can download it.
I am using Oracle 11g version, and i am using plsql developer 7.1.I am able to connect Oracle through sql*plus, But i am not able to connect Oracle through plsql developer from past few days, it is giving me error like: ora-12545 connect failed because target host does not exist...I recently installed oracle dev_suite 10g client first and then i installed oracle 11g server in windows 7. Both tns files are having identical entries.
I have an Oracle database ( installed on a HP-UX server.When trying to access this database from another HP-UX or Linux server, connection is fine. But when trying to connect from a Windows based client, connection is very slow (almost 1 minute to return the result of a 'select count(*)' like query, which is immediate from the Linux client).
Here are some facts I can add :
- Clients and servers are on the same network segment (it is not a network matter)
- No matter which client version I use, there no difference
- I tried to know what happens on the Oracle server when performing my sample query using tusc command : the result is that the server is performing exactly the same actions when sending my query from a Linux client or a Windows client
- The only relevant difference seems to be the client OS
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim oradb As String = "Data Source=CallTaxi; UserName = SCOTT; Password=TIGER ;" Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb) conn.Open() Dim cmd As New OracleCommand
Error msg: The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception.
I am unable to open Oracle 9 iSQL window in internet explorer 6. And i have two oracle version installed in my system are 9i and 10g.Now i am able to open the iSQL windows of 10g but not the 9i. It's happen after installing the Oracle 10g in system.
how i open both the iSQL windows in my system the Oracle 9i and 10g
I am using Windows 7 and oracle 10g; From sqlplus* I can not use editor (using ed). but when I see the variable from DEFINE.. It shows that default editor is notepad..
I can use editor in winxp.How to get (use) editor ?
I recently got a new PC at work which is Windows 7 64 bit.
We run lots of crystal reports(1000's) that pull data from an oracle back end.
I have installed the Oracle Client 32 bit on this machine and have no problem connecting to the database and pulling back data.
However, when I use crystal to access the TNS Name it gives me the following error.
My path variable on the PC has "C:oracleproduct10.2.0client_1BIN;".
I also tried to create and ODBC using the 32bit ODBC on the machine and that connects fine, but when you try to access the DSN from Crystal, I still get the 12154 error.
I work with oracle 10g, on windows 7. sometime when i try to start my sqlplus in prompt command this message display.
C:UsersSony>sqlplus SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly
But the solution people have proposed into the forum are:
1 - check the environment variable Oracle_home and modify if it ending by ""
2 - or try tho run my promt command as Administrator.
I try the both, but only the second works. while now i don't understand why it works when i start the promt command as Administrator and why it no works when i don't run it like administrator. Another thing is i am the only user of my computer, i have only one session (administor session).
why are there in the Administration --> --> Session 2 entries for 1 database connection (here with benthic golden).But if I login in a browser, there is only 1 entry for this database connection
I Develop Application with C# . I want to connect from Client to Server.
my connection string is ""Data Source=;User Id=system;Password=system;Min Pool Size=10;Connection Lifetime=120;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool Size=2;""
When exectue this Connection on Server ، all things OK but when execute on Client this error accure :
"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. The type initializer for 'OracelExperss' threw an exception"
I'm trying to setup ODBC connection for my Oracle client while installing BO. Following are the steps I followed.
1. Downloaded the Oracle Client from the link [URL] . From that downloaded two zip files. “Instant Client Package – Basic Lite" and “Instant Client Package – ODBC”. Extracted the Zip Files to the folder I created under C: as C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2.
2. Since I'm setting up in ODBC in windows 2008 64-bit R2. I was advised to install 32 bit . So in cmd prompt, from the location C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2, ran odbc_install.
3.Created the Environment variables as i) *TNS_ADMIN - C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2* ii) *Oracle_Home - C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2* iii) *Edited the PATH variable with ;C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2*
4. Created the tnsnames.ora file in C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2. Its content are as follows. clarity_dev = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = claritydev.vip.its.ebay.com )(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = clarity) ) )
5. From the folder %windir%sysWOW64odbacd32.exe, Opens ODBC Data Source Adminsitartor. In that I found my Oracle in instantclient_11_2 and added following details.
Data Source Name : claritydev.vip.its.com TNS Service Name : clarity_dev User Id: clarity1
When I test connect it, I get error *ORA-12154:* * TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified*
I've seen FAQs for this error, but couldn't find anything which solves. Is there any steps I'm missing? I've checked in DB properties. It uses SID not the Service Name.
I am trying to run PL/SQL Developer from command line, So it can open with an opened SQL WINDOW by default, with a script (which I specify in the command ) already in it:
I insert a row in it(TOAD) immediately after inserting it, if i try to delete it i am geeting an error saying ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded.
I have tried to to solve this by increasing the value of OPEN_CURSORS. But still i get the same message.
i tried installing oracle sql developer in my laptop and i have problem in setting up a new connection.. Which server am suppose to connect or what's the host no.: i entered the following:
connection name:sethu username:sethu password:sethu connection type:basic and role:default hostname:localhost port:1521 SID:xe and when i give test...
the error shown is "status:failure-test failure: IO Error: The Network could not establish the connection".