Migrate To Another Disk

Nov 15, 2006

Lets say I have an oracle setup on C: and I decided to delete the oracle in c: and setup a whole new oracle at E: but I want all the data migrate to the new oracle installation in E: How can I perform that?

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Adding ASM Disk With Header Status MEMBER To Existing Disk Group

Aug 26, 2010

We have a Production Oracle 10g R2 RAC on HP-UX v2 IA64 servers.We have Two Disk Groups one for Archive (ARC_DISK - 100 GB) and other for Database(DATA_DISK - 1 TB]. We wanted to add more space to the DATA_DISK disk group.Unix admin configured 200 GB from SAN and changed the ownership of the Disk to oracle and permissions to 775 on 1st Node.I opended DBCA from 1st Node and was able to see the disk in 'Show Candidate'.

I added this disk to the DATA_DISK disk group and clicked OK but got ORA- error with some message like some operations could not be performed. I exited DBCA.We realized that we had forgotten to change the ownerhip and permission from the 2nd Node.Unix admin changed the ownership of the Disk to oracle and permissions to 775 on the 2nd Node.

I opened DBCA again from 1st Node and selected the DATA_DISK disk group but could not find the Disk in 'Show Candiate' open. I clicked on 'Show All' and this disk was shown with Header_Status - MEMBER but not allocated to DATA_DISKGROUP. When I clicked the 'Show Member' option, this disk is not shown for DATA_DISK disk group. I exited DBCA at this point.As this is a critcal Production database I didnt proceed any further and exited DBCA.

Now I need to add this Disk to the DATA_DISK disk group but not sure which option to select. I got one reply from another forum to run DBCA select the DATA_DISK Disk Group and then click 'Show All' and select this Disk (which already has MEMBER as Header Status) and select Force Option and click OK to continue.

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Server Administration :: Disk Group With Two Disk For Normal Redundancy

Jan 16, 2013

I Configured an ASM instance and a disk group with two disk for normal redundancy.

> Here .. each disk is 2gb

The disk group has two disks...

SQL> select group_number, name, type, total_mb, free_mb
2 from v$asm_diskgroup;

------------ ------------------------------ ------ ---------- ----------
1 DATA NORMAL 4000 3898

as the group has two way mirroring (Normal redundancy) How much data (2 GB or 4 GB) can i keep in the disk group? My conception is I can keep 2 GB data in the disk group... (as the disk group keeps every extent in another disk as mirror)

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How To Create Ocr Disk Or Voting Disk On Windows Server 2008

Feb 17, 2011

I have 2 servers both having windows server 2008 64 bit as operating system installed on both I need to install oracle clusterware 11g r1 on both servers with clustering on external storage. I have configured the network(private,public and virtual) for both servers and have started the installation.

In the installation of oracle I add both servers but then I reach to a point where they ask me for voting disk or ocr disk in the cluster configuration storage but no disk is present how can i create ocr disk or voting disk on windows server 2008? And the external storage should I buy a special type of storage that supports clustering to continue my work?

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To Add One Disk Group Space To Another Disk Group

May 9, 2011

Is there any way to add one disk group space to another disk group. Because One of my disk group is full i want to add space in to that group.

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How To Migrate Two Tablespaces Into One

Apr 3, 2013

at my Oracle 11gR2 ( Instance i have two tablespaces that i want to "bundle" into only one tablespace. Herre is the problem, that some of the tables in the two tbalespaces has the same title but some rows of the tables could be not the same.

Is it possible with a kind of migration assistent to migrate two tablespaces into one in that way, that theassistent only writes that rows into the new tablespace, that are not in the tablespace at the moment.

Another way i was thinking about is to have an insert statement coupled with a select statement. The select statement selects all the rows, that are not in the table where i want to migrate in and the insert statement put that selectet rows into the new table.

Is something of that possible?

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Migrate 1 Table Only

Jun 14, 2013

I want to migrate only  single 1 big table (with 5M rows and LOB. CLOB columns) from sqlserver to oracle.

I tried migration workbench sqldeveloper but I can not follow thru the guide.

Can you give me a link/doc for single table copy/migration? 

 I tried following this >


But I got stock on the diagram because the one I got is different from the figure in the doc guide.

Ths one is from the doc guide above. Note that it has "Migration" tab menu.[URL]...

And this is the latest sqldev 3.2 I got and there is no "Migration" in the menu. Hence I am stuck. I tried to down load sldev 3.0 and still it has no "migration" option.I wish th doc mentioned what sqldev version


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How To Migrate Database Using RMAN

Jul 19, 2010

I would like to know how to migrate the database from linux to windows using RMAN.

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Migrate From Oracle To Postgres

May 4, 2011

I want to migrate my database from oracle to postgres.There is a lot of compatibility issues. I heard about the tool ora2pr. have been trying to use it but not able to achieve my goal.Has any one used this tool?

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Migrate Data From Old To New Database

Apr 2, 2008

I need to migrate the data from old to new database. In the old database i have table t_emp

create table t_emp(

1998 02 23 12 01 29

now i have one more new table in new database which contains

Create table t_emp_new
(start_date date);

i need to load all the old historical data into new table using PL/SQL. How can i combine YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MN,SS,HS and insert as a single date.

02:23:1998 12:01:29

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migrate Data From One Schema To Another

Jan 10, 2012

I have a requirement wherein I have to migrate the data from one schema(source) to another(target).The source and target schema contains 50 tables each.For testing purpose two table are shown below

DROP TABLE anchor;

I'm able to migrate the data. On an average the each source table contains 50k to 1 lakh records.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Migrate From 6i To 11g?

Jun 27, 2011

migrating reports 6i to reports 11g. I did some reading up and only found the the document Upgrading Oracle Forms 6i to Oracle Forms 11g 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) E10394-01 which talk about forms migration. I am looking for a reports migration and found no good documentation on it.

1) Can I migrate to 11g directly or should i migrate to 10g first.

2) Can I use the migation assitant for reports migration or is it only for the forms.

3) If i need to recompile the reports in 11g is there a a 11g developer suite that i should use for it.

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Server Administration :: Migrate From To 9.2?

May 20, 2013

I did the following to migrate.

1. After the installtion of Oracle 9.2 I created the service using oradim.

2. Should I need to copy my old datafiles to 9.2 before using the migrate option?

3. Should I need to startup the database before migrate?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migrate Oracle DB To MS/Sql Server?

Mar 5, 2010

We have and oracle 8i database that has an application that has part of it developed by PL/SQL and the other part on portal 309,is it possible to convert to MS/Sql Database,what tool can we use or what steps do we have to go through to achieve this.

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Migrate Tables To MySQL

May 21, 2013

I want to upload my oracle tables to mysql tables.

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PL/SQL :: How To Migrate From Sql Server To Oracle

Aug 8, 2012

My requirement is we are planning to migrate the sql server data to oracle. what is the way to do migration from sql server to oracle. if any tools are there for migration.Previous we used sql developer( which is provided by oracle i.e. freeware ) tool but it was created only table structures not ported any data.

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Migrate Install From RHEL4 To RHEL5

Oct 14, 2010

I need to build a new server for my Oracle 10gR2 due to compatibilities with the new storage system that we have purchased, this server will run RHEL5 x64 and will replace a RHEL4 x64. Since doing an upgrade poses greater risk as the upgrade may fail, I am thinking about building a new server with RHEL5 x64 doing all the config/tuning and then simply running the same Oracle installation (after a full backup) which I was running on the RHEL4 x64.

For this to work I will just need to mount the SAN drives on the new server but and this may be a big but, considering that some versions of some libraries will change do I need to relink anything in my Oracle? I have never manually relinked anything but Oracle may have done so during the initial install.

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Migrate Database To Linux And Apply Inc Changes Afterwards

Mar 3, 2012

I need to migrate a 500 GB 10.2 database from windows to linux. Of course I found Alejandro Vargas paper on how to do that ("Database Migration From Windows to Linux Using RMAN"). My problem is that the source database will be up again for 7 days and I need to apply all changes made to the source database to the migrated linux database.

Can I just take all redo log files generated from the source database and apply those to the destination database? I might have a problem with a) file conversion and that the redo log are not in sync with the target database (different check points?).I just found that on an exotic website: "The contents of a redo log file depend on a combination of Oracle version, operating system and server architecture. In general redo logs written on one architecture cannot be read on another. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, in Oracle 10.2 a redo log written in Linux can be read by a Windows database."

So if this is true, does it also work the other way AND will the database migration from window to linux create a perfect clone of the database where those redo log files actually can be applied to?

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RAC - Listener - VIP Doesn't Migrate From One Node To Another

Apr 17, 2012

I have the following problem on a Oracle on AIX 1.6..I have 2 RAC nodes as the node # 2 goes down, the VIP migrated correctly to the node # 1, but the listener # 1 do not see the change, and just resolve to the local ip.

The same does not apply in the reverse case, when it drops the node N 1, the listener attends to the fallen VIP node and migrated.The configuration is correct and identical in both nodes, according to the documentation, but I can not find a reasonable answer.

IP node # 1.

IP node # 2

when scm1or02 is down: scm1or01:/cots/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin> lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 11-APR-2012 19:56:46
Copyright � 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
Version TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
Start Date 11-APR-2012 16:50:19

I do not understand the reason, I've rebuilt the configuration of the listener, and netmgr netca tools, but the problem persists

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Migrate Database From Linux To Solaris?

Sep 12, 2011

We are planning to migate Oracle database from Linux 10gR2 (non-ASM) to Solaris (ASM) and then Oracle upgrade that database from 10gR2 to 11gR2 on Solaris.

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Migrate MySQL 5.0 Objects To Oracle 11g

Jan 23, 2013

I`m migrating a mysql 5.0 database to Oracle 11g. I used Oracle's Sql developer and with a workaround i could convert tables, constraints, indexes, some triggers and created sequences.

My question is, what happen with stored procedures and functions, they didn't pass. I've been searching and i found here hey have to be rewritten. Is there any way to convert those objects ? I can't afford to do it manually because the mysql database has almost 400 of them and they aren't small.

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Forms :: Migrate Reports 6i To 11g Screen

Mar 21, 2013

I migrate some forms&reports 6i to 11g, i have some issues on screens. they are

1.In some of the migrated screens the prompts are not properly aligned. In some cases the Prompts which were in bold are converted to regular fonts.
2.The font size have increased, due to this the data are not completely visible in the fields. Do we have any provision for reducing the font size so that this gets applied for all the screens instead of changing the font size in each screen?
3. In case of Push buttons the names of the buttons are not fully visible.
4.The reports are not getting generated if we access the Application using Google chrome.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migrate Sybase To Oracle Conversion

Apr 23, 2010

i want to migrate sybase stored procedure to oracle stored procedure.

sybase stored procedure:

create proc checkcontract @titleid tid
delete from titile where titile_id=@titleid
return 0

we need to migrate this procedure to oracle stored procedure. If we are using return 0 in SP in oracle means, it returns the end of the procedure statements(according to oracle statements). but sybase indicates that return 0 does not return 0 value during the run time. The return 0 implies that SP completed successfully. In oracle, i have converted stored procedure into SP and also stored functions.

Oracle Scripts:
Stored Procedure:

create or replace procedure checkcontract(v_titile varchar2)
delete from titile where titile_id=v_titleid;

Stored Functions:

create or replace functions checkcontract(v_titile varchar2)
return number
delete from titile where titile_id=v_titleid;
return 0

Give the comments which one is correct or accurate.

Oracle SQL developer also recommeds STORED FUNCTION. But in my application code, don't assign any output variable to this procedure. If i am using Stored Functions, we need to assign value and assign the output of the SF. we don't want to change the application code.

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SYS.DBMS_METADATA - Error After Migrate To 11gr2

Feb 21, 2013

I am receiving a SYS.DBMS_METADATA error after migrating to 11gr2 RAC from 10gr2 RAC. its worked well in 10g but now throwing error.

onnected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options

SQL> select object_name,object_type from dba_objects where object_name='STUDENT';
-------------------- -------------------
STUDENT            TABLE

ORA-06512: at line 1How could we resolve this error. I have already given select_catalog_role to SCOTT but id did not work.

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Forms :: To Migrate 6i To 10g On Vista Machine

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to migrate 6i forms to 10g on vista machine . If i compile pll or fmb files in 10g,I am able to run the form only once. If i close the form and try to open it again,form builder crashing.

nothing is opening after compiling once in 10g. I reattached all the pll files to forms after compiling..This even does not worked.

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Migrate A DB ORACLE 8i To 10g (things To Change)?

Jul 14, 2010

In this moment, I am migrateing a DB ORACLE 8i to ORACLE 10g.I have read that this version (10g) no need HINT SENTENCE.For this reason I am looking for a SCRIPT to remove (or disable) all of HINTS from the DB (10g), But I could not.

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Application Express :: 4.0 And 4.1 - Migrate / Copy A Tab

Jun 28, 2012

Apex 4.0 and 4.1

I have 2 apps App1 and App2.I create a tab "TAB1" with 4 pages (1,2,3,4) in App1.I want to import it to App2 but its has already its own pages(1,2,3,4)

Will the import handle this issue?

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Oracle Documentation To Migrate RAC To NON-RAC Keeping ASM

Aug 29, 2013

Oracle Documentation to Migrate RAC to NON-RAC keeping ASM.

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How To Migrate Postgres DB Schema To Oracle 11g

Oct 10, 2012

how to Migrate Postgres DB Schema to Oracle 11 g?

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Migrate MySQL And Access Databases Over To Oracle 9i

Oct 2, 2008

I need to migrate MySQL and Access databases over to Oracle 9i. Is there a tool that will do this and also migrate sql scripts?

I heard of Oracle Workbench as one tool I could use?

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