RAC - Listener - VIP Doesn't Migrate From One Node To Another

Apr 17, 2012

I have the following problem on a Oracle on AIX 1.6..I have 2 RAC nodes as the node # 2 goes down, the VIP migrated correctly to the node # 1, but the listener # 1 do not see the change, and just resolve to the local ip.

The same does not apply in the reverse case, when it drops the node N 1, the listener attends to the fallen VIP node and migrated.The configuration is correct and identical in both nodes, according to the documentation, but I can not find a reasonable answer.

IP node # 1.

IP node # 2

when scm1or02 is down: scm1or01:/cots/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin> lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 11-APR-2012 19:56:46
Copyright � 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
Version TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
Start Date 11-APR-2012 16:50:19

I do not understand the reason, I've rebuilt the configuration of the listener, and netmgr netca tools, but the problem persists

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RAC & Failsafe :: Listener - VIP Doesn't Migrate From One Node To Another

Apr 17, 2012

I have the following problem on a Oracle on AIX 1.6...

I have 2 RAC nodes as the node # 2 goes down, the VIP migrated correctly to the node # 1, but the listener # 1 do not see the change, and just resolve to the local ip.

The same does not apply in the reverse case, when it drops the node N 1, the listener attends to the fallen VIP node and migrated.The configuration is correct and identical in both nodes, according to the documentation, but I can not find a reasonable answer.

IP node # 1.

IP node # 2

Below I write as I detect the problem: when scm1or02 is down:

scm1or01:/cots/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin> lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 11-APR-2012 19:56:46
Copyright © 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))

Also the listener.ora in scm1or01 starts how LISTENER, but the crsstat says:

scm1or01:/cots/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin>crsstat listener_scm1oro1 ONLINE

I do not understand the reason, I've rebuilt the configuration of the listener, and netmgr netca tools, but the problem persists.

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Listener Doesn't Currently Know Of Service Requested

Jul 15, 2010

I am using Oracle 10g and when i start my server then my database is running and my application use this database.But after 15 min automatically application show this error

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

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Localhost Doesn't Work In Listener.ora Or Tnsnames.ora

Jul 29, 2010

I want to be able to use "localhost" in my tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files but for some reason its not working.

just concentrating on the listener, when I have the following in my listener.ora the database doesnt register with the listener:

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

This is even after using the "alter system register" command. I'm checking whether my database is registering using "lsnrctl services".

With the following in listener.ora all is fine:


So why wont it work with localhost?! I'm running Oracle 11G on XP Pro.

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Client Tools :: ORA-12505 - TNS - Listener Doesn't Currently Know Of SID Given In Connect Descriptor

Jul 25, 2011

When i'm trying to connect my already-existing database, i get an error: "ORA-12505,TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor.The Connection descriptor used by the client was: localhost:1521:xe".

i can't loose the builted tables and the information stored in them.My listener.ora file is :

(ORACLE_HOME = C:oraclexeapporacleproduct10.2.0server)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

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Clusterware :: Listener On RAC Node 2 Not Accepting User Connections

Apr 11, 2013

I have a 2 RAC node cluster . The problem is that the second listener is not registering any connections . I have verified the services of listener using lsnrctl status (the default name is LISTENER), i also have verified the local and remote listener parameters they are fine but running the fol query shows count =0 against inst_id=2;

SQL > select count() from gv$session where username='XYZ' and inst_id=2;*


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Real Application Clusters :: Reallocate Scan Listener And Scan Vip In 3 Node Rac?

Apr 9, 2013

We are using oracle with 3 node rac. Earlier 3 scan vip and 3scan listener running on each node.But we found recently node1 running using 2vip and 2scanlistener and in node2 1vip and 1scanlisteners were running.but no longer running scan vip or scan listener in node 3. If i decided to reloacate the scan vip/Scan_listener to node3 from ndoe 1 using below command,does it cause any impact on my transcation?

$ srvctl relocate scan -i 2 -n node03
$ srvctl relocate scan_LISTENER -i 2 -n node03

find the below details

$ bash
bash-4.2$ srvctl status scan
SCAN VIP scan1 is enabled


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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Query On Adding New Node To Existing 2 Node Cluster

Jun 15, 2012

current environment

Oracle VM 2 Node RAC cluster
Oracle 11G
Oracle 11g rel 2 GI

on current 2 node cluster we have GI and RAC db configured Nodes: vmorarac1,vmorarac2

we shutdown vmorarac1 to clone it to vmorarac5

on new node I have changed the hostname to vmorarac5 In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 change ip to new ip and same for /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1,

mad echanges to /etc/hosts on vmorarac1/2 for 2 new IP address assigned to vmorarac5 vmorarac1.pbi.global.pvt vmorarac1 vmorarac1-priv.pbi.global.pvt vmorarac1-priv vmorarac1-vip.pbi.global.pvt vmorarac1-vip


Query is is that all ok to reboot the new node to reflect changes as below and change the hostname to vmorarac2 vmorarac2.pbi.global.pvt vmorarac2 vmorarac2-priv.pbi.global.pvt vmorarac2-priv vmorarac2-vip.pbi.global.pvt vmorarac2-vip

hostname change in /etc/sysconfig/network

On new node vmorarac5, there is alreay software for RAC DB and GUI cloned from vmorarac1

addnode.sh is used to add existing node, but as part of pre-requisite configuratoin is there any config step missing

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Data Guard :: How To Find Apply Node In RAC Two Node Standby DB

Aug 16, 2013

I believe, in a multiple RAC Physical Standby nodes only one node applies the archivelogs to the standby database. How you can find which node is the APPLY NODE using a SQL query?

I know you can veiw this information by querying the standby configuration using DGMGRL but how would you find out this information from a remote client using SQLPlus/PLSQL?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Migrating Single Node Database To New 2-node Environment

Jan 24, 2011

We have oracle database 10g( running on AIX 5.1. we have installed 2-node RAC on another server AIX 6.1 . Now we want to migrate our single node database to new 2-node rac environment. how we can move/migrate/cluster-aware our single node database to 2-node rac?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: VIP Node Application Failing In Second Node

Jul 18, 2013

I am installing Oracle 10g Clusterware in RHEL 5 Server. When i run root.sh in the second node the last step Running vipca(silent) for configuring nodeapps failed. Then i run VIPCA manually in second node and configured vip configuration successfully,but when i checked the post-checks for cluster services the Checking existence of VIP node application,Checking existence of ONS node application and Checking existence of GSD node application in second node failed. I am able to ping both the servers one another with vip name successfully and the CSS,CRS and EVM appears healthy in both nodes. 1. Does the vip configuration is proper? If no what is causing this error and how to rectify it? Find the output below

[root@Rhel52 bin]# ./crsctl check crsCSS appears healthyCRS appears healthyEVM appears healthy[root@Rhel52 bin]#[root@Rhel52 bin]# clear[root@Rhel52 bin]#[root@Rhel52 bin]# ./crs_stat -tName           Type           Target    State              Host------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ora.rhel5.gsd  application     ONLINE    ONLINE      rhel5ora.rhel5.ons  application     ONLINE    ONLINE      rhel5ora.rhel5.vip  application      ONLINE    ONLINE       rhel5ora.rhel52.gsd application    ONLINE    ONLINE     rhel52ora.rhel52.ons application    ONLINE    ONLINE     rhel52ora.rhel52.vip application     ONLINE     ONLINE      rhel52 [root@Rhel52 bin]#./runcluvfy.sh stage -post crsinst -n 


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RAC & Failsafe :: Single Node RAC - Configure Only One Server Instead Of Two Node?

Sep 13, 2012

I would like get more details about single node RAC.. What is single Node RAC?..

1). just configure only one server instead of two node... same RAC installation.. cluster installation and shared disk configuration in single server itself.. in future we can add node to this ...
2). in 11gR2 having new feature Single Node RAC.. Multiple instances running on same node and configure using Cluster...

is there any advantage using single node rac(other than online upgrade to full RAC).

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Add Third Node To Existing Two Node Cluster

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to add the third node to my existing two node cluster. In fact i succeded adding the node but i have the following problem:

-when i start node 1 and 2, everything is ok, but on node 3 startup one of the other nodes fails
-this happens in any combination: start 1 and 3, everything is ok. when i start node 2, node 3 fails

The asm configuration (disks, permissions, etc) is the same on all three nodes.find below the asm and crsd log details from the failure time:

NOTE: enlarging ACD for group 1/0x124851d1 (DATA)
WARNNING: cache read a corrupted block group=DATA dsk=4 blk=1 from disk 4
+NOTE: a corrupted block from group DATA was dumped to /u01/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM3/trace/+ASM3_rbal_4109.trc+
WARNNING: cache read(retry) a corrupted block group=DATA dsk=4 blk=1 from disk 4

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Application Express Listener :: Using PL/SQL Procedure / Function In Resource Template (listener 1.1.3)

Feb 15, 2013

I'd like to call an existing function/procedure from a resource template. For example, I have a procedure called 'rest' with an out parameter of 'p_out' - how do I use this within a resource template?

At the moment I have defined the template as type 'PL/SQL Block' and with the 'GET' defined as:


APEX_PUBLIC_USER has been granted 'all' on the procedure. The p_out is populated with a piece of text.

When I call this resource, I get a '500 Internal Error' returned. I've tried adding p_out as an X-APEX-FORWARD parameter, but nothing seems to work.

Query-based templates seem to work OK.

Using Listener 1.1.3 with Tomcat6.

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Networking And Gateways :: Any Option To Change Default Listener As Listener 1

Mar 11, 2010

I am using oracle 11.2.0 in linux platform.i have created a listener for the asm database. and i am using non default port of 1525 whenever i go for lsnrctl>status always shows for the port 1521. i don't want the default port 1521 and i have changed the local listener as listener1 with port 1525 protool tcp in spfile and registered with the asm database.Is there any option to change the default listener as listener1.

also,everytime when i give lsnrctl>show current_listener it is showing "listener"

i have set the current-listener to listener1 and save_config listener1 and reloaded.After exit and enter lsnrctl>status it will show for port 1521 When i attempt to start listener1 every time. it will prompt listener1 is already running.

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Networking And Gateways :: Add SID In Listener.ora File To Reload Listener?

Jul 5, 2010

In one of our RAC envrionment, we have more than 15 databases in a server running in AIX Operating system.the Listener file I am able to find only one entry (SID). But while trying to execute lsnrctl status it displays all the 15 SIDs in the list hosted in the ser ver. Not sure how it works?

As we created another one new database in the database, where i need to add this SID in the listener.ora file to reload the listener.

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Application Express Listener :: APEX Listener With APEX 3.0 On 11gR2?

Jun 29, 2012

We have many many APEX applications in APEX 3.0 running on a database that needs desperately to be upgraded. As a test, I've set up a clean 11gR2 database and copied the production APEX database into it via datapump. I set up APEX Listener, as I don't have any OAS sitting around and the EPG doesn't seem to be supported for APEX 3.0... the Listener doesn't say one way or the other.

When trying to log in, I get the login page, but it tries to reference files such as apex_get_3_1.js while I only have files such as htmldb_get.js in my images directory in production. I noticed it is looking for what appears to be 3.1 files instead of 3.0 files... which concerns me.

The APEX listener appears to be more than just a Java PL/SQL gateway.

Is there a minimum version of APEX the APEX Listener supports?

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Migrate To Another Disk

Nov 15, 2006

Lets say I have an oracle setup on C: and I decided to delete the oracle in c: and setup a whole new oracle at E: but I want all the data migrate to the new oracle installation in E: How can I perform that?

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How To Migrate Two Tablespaces Into One

Apr 3, 2013

at my Oracle 11gR2 ( Instance i have two tablespaces that i want to "bundle" into only one tablespace. Herre is the problem, that some of the tables in the two tbalespaces has the same title but some rows of the tables could be not the same.

Is it possible with a kind of migration assistent to migrate two tablespaces into one in that way, that theassistent only writes that rows into the new tablespace, that are not in the tablespace at the moment.

Another way i was thinking about is to have an insert statement coupled with a select statement. The select statement selects all the rows, that are not in the table where i want to migrate in and the insert statement put that selectet rows into the new table.

Is something of that possible?

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Migrate 1 Table Only

Jun 14, 2013

I want to migrate only  single 1 big table (with 5M rows and LOB. CLOB columns) from sqlserver to oracle.

I tried migration workbench sqldeveloper but I can not follow thru the guide.

Can you give me a link/doc for single table copy/migration? 

 I tried following this >


But I got stock on the diagram because the one I got is different from the figure in the doc guide.

Ths one is from the doc guide above. Note that it has "Migration" tab menu.[URL]...

And this is the latest sqldev 3.2 I got and there is no "Migration" in the menu. Hence I am stuck. I tried to down load sldev 3.0 and still it has no "migration" option.I wish th doc mentioned what sqldev version


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Doesn't Number Add Up When Do SUM On Column

Mar 21, 2011

I think I am having a rounding issue, but not sure. If I add all 4 rows below I get 1530.06. But when I use SUM, I get 1529.87

where ppet1.regnum = 130402134
and ppet1.pay_period = 2

1530.06 TOTAL


where ppet1.regnum = 130402134
and ppet1.pay_period = 2

1529.87 TOTAL

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How To Migrate Database Using RMAN

Jul 19, 2010

I would like to know how to migrate the database from linux to windows using RMAN.

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Migrate From Oracle To Postgres

May 4, 2011

I want to migrate my database from oracle to postgres.There is a lot of compatibility issues. I heard about the tool ora2pr. have been trying to use it but not able to achieve my goal.Has any one used this tool?

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Migrate Data From Old To New Database

Apr 2, 2008

I need to migrate the data from old to new database. In the old database i have table t_emp

create table t_emp(

1998 02 23 12 01 29

now i have one more new table in new database which contains

Create table t_emp_new
(start_date date);

i need to load all the old historical data into new table using PL/SQL. How can i combine YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MN,SS,HS and insert as a single date.

02:23:1998 12:01:29

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migrate Data From One Schema To Another

Jan 10, 2012

I have a requirement wherein I have to migrate the data from one schema(source) to another(target).The source and target schema contains 50 tables each.For testing purpose two table are shown below

DROP TABLE anchor;

I'm able to migrate the data. On an average the each source table contains 50k to 1 lakh records.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Migrate From 6i To 11g?

Jun 27, 2011

migrating reports 6i to reports 11g. I did some reading up and only found the the document Upgrading Oracle Forms 6i to Oracle Forms 11g 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) E10394-01 which talk about forms migration. I am looking for a reports migration and found no good documentation on it.

1) Can I migrate to 11g directly or should i migrate to 10g first.

2) Can I use the migation assitant for reports migration or is it only for the forms.

3) If i need to recompile the reports in 11g is there a a 11g developer suite that i should use for it.

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Server Administration :: Migrate From To 9.2?

May 20, 2013

I did the following to migrate.

1. After the installtion of Oracle 9.2 I created the service using oradim.

2. Should I need to copy my old datafiles to 9.2 before using the migrate option?

3. Should I need to startup the database before migrate?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migrate Oracle DB To MS/Sql Server?

Mar 5, 2010

We have and oracle 8i database that has an application that has part of it developed by PL/SQL and the other part on portal 309,is it possible to convert to MS/Sql Database,what tool can we use or what steps do we have to go through to achieve this.

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Migrate Tables To MySQL

May 21, 2013

I want to upload my oracle tables to mysql tables.

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PL/SQL :: How To Migrate From Sql Server To Oracle

Aug 8, 2012

My requirement is we are planning to migrate the sql server data to oracle. what is the way to do migration from sql server to oracle. if any tools are there for migration.Previous we used sql developer( which is provided by oracle i.e. freeware ) tool but it was created only table structures not ported any data.

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