Memory Management - Choose Parameters For Server With A Fixed RAM?

Apr 18, 2011

the erelationship between sga_max_size,sga_targt,shared_pool_size,pga_aggregate_target and the server memory.

In short how shud i choose the above parameters for a server with a fixed RAM.

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Server Administration :: Automatic Memory Management

Apr 7, 2013

I have read this article:


And i see:

If MEMORY_TARGET is set to non zero value:
SGA_TARGET, SGA_MAX_SIZE and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET are set to 0, 60% of memory mentioned in MEMORY_TARGET is allocated to SGA and rest 40% is kept for PGA.

So, I have set:
alter system set sga_target=0 scope=spfile;
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=0 scope=spfile;
alter system set sga_max_size=0 scope=spfile;
alter system set memory_max_target=512M scope=spfile;
alter system set memory_target=300M scope=spfile;

, and then bounced the instance.
After startup, I see:

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 272027648 bytes
Fixed Size 1384012 bytes
Variable Size 100663732 bytes
Database Buffers 163577856 bytes
Redo Buffers 6402048 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

But Total System Global Area should't be in that case 60% of memory mentioned in MEMORY_TARGET? Memory mentioned in MEMORY_TARGET was 300M, and 60% of 300M is 180M, which is not 272027648 bytes.

I just want to use automatic memory management, so I've set the other parameters above to 0. My instance is on my local machine, so just for my own personal use.

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Automatic Memory Management In 11g

Nov 27, 2012

I have a quick question about Automatic Memory Management in 11g. I know that it combines the SGA and PGA components together, but the pga_aggregate_target (in 10g) was a target, rather than a strict limit. In certain circumstances you could (and we have) exceed the pga_ aggregate_ target by quite some way.

If I use AMM, does this enforce a limit on the PGA usage – or if I through enough bind variables at it, can I still exceed the ‘target’?

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Performance Tuning :: Queries On PGA Settings And Related Memory Management?

Feb 11, 2011

I have few queries on PGA memory management.Since these queries are based on 2-3 examples not exactly same by nature I am summarising it after my understanding for the same

As I understand many workareas can be allocated to a single sql statement and number and sizes of theses workareas is controlled internally by Oracle when Automatic Memory management (PGA_aggregate_target and workarea_size_policy=Auto are set) Since many sessions share the PGA memory, the amount of memory available to each session may vary and if less amount of memory is available for a session for sorting then TEMP tablespace is used

[1] Can we say paging happens and can be checked at this time?

[2] Is there a difference in handling memory while populating pl/sql tables?

As I have encountered ora-04030 while some our developers were populating pl/sql tables but never encountered this error for sorting, hash joins etc Though I don't remember the width of pl/sql table, I am sure the developer used 'LIMIT' clause during bulk collect and still faced the issue.

With a single session on the server, I noticed that the difference in values displayed issuing 'free' command in linux and output values from sesstat did not match at all while there wasn't any heavy OS process involved during the period. I was expecting 'used' and 'free' values displayed by free command (linux) will change and difference would be approximately equals 'before and after values of session pga memory.

[3] Isn't it expected to match?

[4] Can we say in dedicated server, at any moment of time, the SUM of 'session pga memory' represents all the memory used by Oracle SGA, at that point of time?

select sum(value)/1024/1024 "memory in MB" from v$sesstat where statistic#=20;

During one of the tests I got following output (divide value by 10 for my visibility and avoid formatting)

SQL> select, to_char(b.value/10, '999,999,999') value
from v$statname a, v$mystat b
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and like '%ga memory%'; 2 3 4


The above query is showing above values even when the pl/sql block execution is completed 30 minutes back

[5] Do we call this as 'memory leak' where memory is not released even while some time has passed since session has done something?Of course I am not checking at OS level as mentioned in question [3] above the values won't match!

Still the output of free command for reference(After the pl/sql block executed)

SQL> !free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3016796 2999660 17136 0 4308 1173260
-/+ buffers/cache: 1822092 1194704
Swap: 1048568 636124 412444

--(After the pl/sql block executed)

SQL> select * from v$pgastat;
aggregate PGA target parameter 524288000bytes
aggregate PGA auto target 456256512bytes
global memory bound 26214400bytes
total PGA inuse 17328128bytes


[6] What could be the significance of negative values of 'session pga memory/max'?

Last We have an OLTP system and in the night we run batch processes in 2-4 sessions

Suppose I have 10 GB RAM and with PGA setting of 3.5 GB Now I want the batch process sessions to use max possible memory during nighttime and toggle the setting back in the morning

[7] With above settings (10 GB RAM and 3.5 GB PGA) how can I divide the memory among 4 sessions?

Shall I set 1) PGA_aggregate_target=0 2)Workarea_size_policy=manual 3) Sort_are_size 4) Hash_area_size

[8] What would be approx values for parameter 3 and 4? will it be straight 3.5 GB/ 4?

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Database Connection And Memory Parameters

Sep 4, 2012

I have 3 questions.

I have database on Windows 2008 R2 SP1.

1) While connecting to the database as sysdba (sqlplus "/as sysdba"), it takes about 12 to 15 seconds what things I need to check/change so that connection will be faster?

2) Also, I have read somewhere that changing the sga/memory parameters connecting to the database. is it true?

3) This is not concerned with above 2 questions. What should be the memory parameters size for a 8 gb database?

What I have is:

Total System Global Area 1068937216 bytes
Fixed Size 2182592 bytes
Variable Size 1027605056 bytes
Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
Redo Buffers 5595136 bytes

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Performance Tuning :: Memory Parameters In Oracle Database

Nov 18, 2012

I have a question regarding memory parameters in oracle database, especially sga_max_size and db_cache_size. Database server has 32G of ram. Oracle parameter on server shmmax is set to 16G. Is reasonable to set sga_max_size to the same value, and db_cache_size to 80% of that size?

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Server Administration :: Settings Infringe On Any Available Memory On System That Is Already Tight On Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

I have the following setup

SQL> show parameter sga;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3G
sga_target big integer 2G

from what I read I beleive this will initially grab 2GB of memory on startup and will grab up to to 3GB of memory total for the SGA. The "total" memory can be allocated to different peices of the SGA when needed but will never exceed 3GB. Is this correct or would these settings infringe on any available memory on a system that is already tight on memory?

Secondly, what happens if both these values are set to the same value?

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Server Utilities :: Counting Position Of Data In Fixed Format?

Sep 5, 2010

How the people in production counts the exact position of the data in fixed format of Sql*loader? Isn't it critical especially in a critical and having many column to be inserted.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Choose First And Second Row Value

Jun 21, 2011

if i have table contains the following

r_nu record_s value time
1 11111 1 33904
2 30119 4 33904
3 70119 3 33904
4 11111 2 33904
5 20219 1 33920
6 11111 3 33920
7 50119 4 33935

if i want sql statement to select the first value of record_s and the second (both same value) and ignoring the rest

maybe to subtract its value from its second value

got it ?

so will choose
record_s 11111 and value 1
record_s 11111 and value 2
to do : value of second one - value of first one

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Server Utilities :: Tablespace Management?

May 22, 2012

how we can perform the tablespace management? monitor the tablespace and tune the tablespace space.

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9i - Login With Oracle Management Server

Aug 1, 2008

i have install 0racle 9i its working fine .I can access data from launch standalone but when i tried with login to oracle management server i can't login .

how can login with oracle management server .

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Server Administration :: Segment Space Management?

Oct 13, 2010

am using Oracle on win 2008 server SP2. I would like to know if we can set the Segment Space Management feature to AUTO for RBS and Temporary tablespaces. As the data is not permanent in these tablespaces, will it manage automatically?

Presently its Segment Space Mgmt is manual for System, RBS, Temporary tablespaces.

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Forms :: How To Choose Tab In Focus

Oct 7, 2011

I have created a form in Oracle Forms 6i that utilizes a tabbed interface. Each section of the form has different modules to create a quote on the end page. As far as the logic goes, I have it complete. However, I would like to choose the tab that is in focus, and I can't find a place to change this in the property panel. What am I missing? I don't want it to focus on the last tab which is the totals page, when it should focus on the first page where you enter the data.

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RAC & Failsafe :: ORACLE Server Failover Parameters In Windows Server Machine.config File

Jan 17, 2012

working on setting up connection between a Windows 2008 server and a pair of Oracle 11g DBs in a RAC Cluster. One Database (let's say DatabaseA) is in one data center, and the other (DatabaseB) is an a secondary, backup database. The RAC Cluster is all set up, working fine, etc. However, I Need to set up the machine.config file on my Windows Server, to go only connect to DatabaseA, unless it fails, in which case, we want it to connect to DatabaseB. Think we could do this if the host app server was Linux/Unix, but it is windows, and I just don't have the background as to the parameters to set up in the machine.config file. They are similar, but different, and we want a very specific behavior (use DatabaseA, unless fails, then DatabaseB). Application is .NET 4.0 app.

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Enterprise Manager :: Backup In Oracle Management Server

Dec 6, 2009

when i want to do backup in oracle management server for my database (repository)that i created give me an error message

<< using perferred credentials , the following error occurred: ORA-01031 :insufficent privileges>>

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Server Administration :: Segment Space Management Is Auto?

Oct 18, 2010

the syntax to make a tablespace's segment space mnagement auto which is segement management is *manual* and exent management is *local autoallocate*.

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Server Administration :: How Oracle Implements Undo Management

Jul 31, 2010

I have been reading various articles about the undo management. This basic concept of undo management is simple but how oracle implements it is bit harder for me to grasp.

What i have read and understood is that whenever a DML(Update, Delete, Insert) statement is issued by a user, the data is fetched from datafile to database buffer cache and at the same time a copy of the original data is saved in undo segment. Now if other users requests the same data, they are presented with the unchanged copy in the undo segment.

Now I have the following questions:
1) In case of Insert statement, what data is saved in undo segment. Is it the complete data in the table to which we want to insert the new row?
2)When the user issues DML statement, there are three copies of the same data, one in Memory (which is changed and not the same as original data), second in Undo segment (Which is unchanged copy of original data) and third in datafile file ( which is original data). What is the difference in the data in undo segment and data in datafile at this stage. Why are the other users presented with the data from undo segment rather than original data from the datafile to maintain read consistency.
3)When the user issues rollback, the changes made to the copy of data in memory are undone.The copies of data in memory and undo segment are now same?. What happens to the before change copy in undo segment. Is it still there or deleted.

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Security :: List Of All Bugs Fixed In A CPU

Aug 13, 2013

Is there any page where I can find a list (with descriptions) of all the bugs fixed in a particular CPU (such as July 2013, #16742095)? The readme for the patchset has "Bugs Fixed by This Patch" in section 6, but that is just some patch numbers, with no description. In oracle support, searching by bug id for any of those numbers, returns a "bug not found" page. I would like to have a formatted table with the bug numbers and a link to a detailed description for each bug.

Even the links on the patch details page go to "page not found".

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Forms :: Choose Fields From Left

Feb 16, 2013

Is there any possibility of creating a selection interface similar to our report or forms wizard where user can select single fields or multiple fields together and when he clicks on the arrow those fields data to be inserted into another table.Please refer attachment.

--this is the main table
create table batch_item (batch_no varchar2(12),item_batch varchar2(12),total_batch_qty number);

insert into batch_item ('0001','a',300);
insert into batch_item ('0002','b',200);
insert into batch_item ('0003','a',102);

--after inserting the data i should be able to move this data to corresponding batches by manually selection and pushing them to a batch.create table ct_item (item varchar2(12),item_nm varchar2(20),item_qty number);

insert into om_item values ('a','alpha',2);
insert into om_item values ('b','beta',3);
insert into om_item values ('c','gama',4);

--left side is om_item and right will have batch items where batch qty will be accumulated upon choose arrows.

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Process Of Initialization Of Database Into Memory

May 23, 2013

Can i know the internal process of initialization of DB into memory in timesten , when a new connection is establishing? Will timesten create tables and indexes in RAM when first connection is established if the RAM policy is default?

want to know the internal functional flow of timesten when any command is fired against it.

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Server Administration :: Space Management - Unable To Resize Datafile?

Feb 13, 2013

I have one generic question about space management. I have one table with size of 1TB. This table stored in ORC1 tablespace. This tablespace contains 70 datafiles.

Since it's database. I have dropped this table by using purge

drop table <<table_name>> purge;

Once table drop was completed. When I check the tablespace space it was 100% free but due to HWM was unable to resize the datafile from current size to small size. What was the reason behind this. Is there any process needs to follow when dropping big tables ? like instead of dropping the tables do I need to truncate first & then drop .

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Server Administration :: Space Management In 10g / High Water Mark

Jun 10, 2013

I have one tablespace called U01. This tablepspace contains 31 data files. Due to high water mark I was unable to most datafiles. Since my database running onair application they will not provide me downtime to move the tables. Is there anyway to fix the high water mark without getting downtime window? almost 700+g space unused. I need to reuse them asap because running out of space with in asm diskgroup.

SQL> SELECT A.TABLESPACE_NAME,round(SUM(A.TOTS)/1024/1024) "Tot size MB",
2 round(SUM(A.SUMB)/1024/1024) "Tot Free MB",
3 round(SUM(A.SUMB)*100/SUM(A.TOTS)) "%FREE",
100-round(SUM(A.SUMB)*100/SUM(A.TOTS)) "%USED",
4 5 6 FROM (

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Left Join With Fixed String Failed?

Jun 17, 2010

I have the following 2 SQLs ; one return 1 row, another one is no row returned.

select v.value
from v$parameter v
where = 'cpu_count';

return value "1"

select o.value
from v$osstat o
where o.stat_name = 'NUM_CPU_CORES';

No row returned.

combine the above two in to 1 SQL, and return 1 , null or 1, 1. I assume we can get it with left join for the condition "o.stat_name (+) = 'NUM_CPU_CORES'" , but no row returned for the following SQL. How could we get the result for 1, null for this case?

select v.value, o.value -- or NVL(o.value, 1)
from v$parameter v, v$osstat o
where = 'cpu_count'
and o.stat_name (+) = 'NUM_CPU_CORES';

no row returned

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Choose Explicit Cursor To Loop Through At Runtime?

Nov 1, 2011

Oracle Version: I have two explicit cursors and I would like to choose at run time which one to run. Here is a simplified code snippet of what I am doing today:

RUNA CHAR(1) := 'Y';


I want to avoid maintaining the same long list of transformations. I also want to avoid, if possible, an explicit FETCH INTO, because there are hundreds of fields in both tables. I'm looking for something like this (and I know this doesnt work):

RUNA CHAR(1) := 'Y';


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Transform Fixed Delimited File To XML Format

May 8, 2013

Need to transform a fixed delimited file to an XML format.

A WSDL file is given which is composed from a header and body. We need to map the fixed file to the body node.

Let me know the steps and also a sample xml for the same if possible.

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TUNED_UNDORETENTION Undo Tablespace Is Not Fixed Size

Apr 14, 2013

rdbms 11gr2 undo tablespace is not fixed size. and the undo guarantee is not set.should we set undo_retention to

select max(tuned_undoretention) from v$undostat ; to avoid 1555 error?

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Choose Right Raid Level For Oracle Database

Aug 10, 2010

Tell me the right raid level for oracle database and why? The best companies that makes raid servers?


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How To Choose Best Stripe Size For A RAID10 Array - 10gR2

Oct 7, 2010

I have been studying possible ways to calculate the best size for the stripe size on my new storage. From what I have seen it appears that there is no straight answer but I believe there must be good way of estimating it. I am deploying a new storage that uses 16 x 600GB 15k RPM 6Gbps SAS drives, it is supposed to be very fast but I think if I get the stripe size on the RAID10 array right I should be able to get even more out of it. I am running oracle (10gR2) on 64bit Linux with 32GB of RAM, the SGA is set to 20GB.

What I read said that the "stripe size must be at least as large as the I/O size." The I/O size is calculated from DB_BLOCK_SIZE * DB_ FILE_ MULTIBLOCK_ READ_COUNT, which is my case is "db_block_size = 16k * db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16 = 256k." The current RAID10 array that I am using which will be decommissioned soon has a stripe size of 128k, and if I understood it all correctly it is undersized for my Oracle instance.

With an I/O size of 256k the smallest stripe that I should choose is 256k but how do I know what is the best combination of db_file_ multiblock_ read_ count and db_block_size?

We are planning to create new table space with a block size of 32k as this has been recommended by a number of DBAs but with "db_block_size = 32k * db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16 = 512k".

Is this a viable size? Do you think this will actually improve performance on my system? Note that this database gets about 1500 insertions per second and peaks around 3000 insertions per second, it is a mixture of OLTP and data warehousing.

After doing a lot of research I came across an article by "Don Burleson" which says that starting in Oracle 10gR2 the "Oracle recommends not setting the db_file_multiblock_read_count parameter, allowing Oracle to empirically determine the optimal setting." References: URLs.....

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Reports & Discoverer :: Fixed Distance Between Two Frames Enclosed In Same One?

Apr 13, 2013

I have a repeating frame wich displays each item and its quantity and pricethe second frame is a fixed frame which will display the total and price after discount.both frames are enclosed in the same frame.I made space beteewn the two frames so the second frame always prints in the same placewhen I run the report the second frame appears in the second page and the first frame (items in invoice) appear in the first page.

I've tried to change the vertical and horizental properties of the frames but the report is still the same

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Query To Fetch Records Between Two Dates For Fixed Timings

Sep 28, 2011

I got a issue with a query to fetch records between two dates for fixed timings

From 29-09-2011 to 04-10-2011
From 00:00:00hrs to 08:00:00hrs

I tried the below queries, it doesnt work
select a.detectorid,sum(b.totalvolume),a.updatetime,a.averagespeed from traffic_data a left outer join volume_data b on a.traffic_id=b.traffic_data_id
where pollinterval=1 and detectorid=�AIDC_0154� and updatetime between to_date(�29-aug-2011:00:00:00�,�DD-MON-YYYY:HH24:MI:SS�)


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