Query To Fetch Records Between Two Dates For Fixed Timings

Sep 28, 2011

I got a issue with a query to fetch records between two dates for fixed timings

From 29-09-2011 to 04-10-2011
From 00:00:00hrs to 08:00:00hrs

I tried the below queries, it doesnt work
select a.detectorid,sum(b.totalvolume),a.updatetime,a.averagespeed from traffic_data a left outer join volume_data b on a.traffic_id=b.traffic_data_id
where pollinterval=1 and detectorid=�AIDC_0154� and updatetime between to_date(�29-aug-2011:00:00:00�,�DD-MON-YYYY:HH24:MI:SS�)


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Fetch Records In Single Select Query And Display

Mar 15, 2011

I have 3 tables, Emp(Emp_id,emp_name),dept(dept_no,dept_name),emp_dept(emp_id,dept_no). Emp tabl ehas some 20 employes id who belongs to different departments.There are few employee who belongs to multiple departments as well. I want to fetch records of emp_id, emp_name, dept_no in the following format.

Name id dept_no
Ram 101 10
Ani 201 10

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PL/SQL :: Query To Fetch Parent Records Only If No Child With Particular Status?

Sep 16, 2012

I need to fech parent records only when no child record with status 'N' exists. There are only two possible values for status column of child table 'Y' / 'N'.

Below are table structures and insert statements for data.



COMMIT;Query I framed is below

select * from master where exists (select null from child where child.col2 = master.col1
group by child.col2 having count(distinct col3) =1 )

Output in above case would be 3 as for 1 there's one record with status as 'N' and for 2 there's no child record. I am on 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Build Query To Retrieve Records Between Dates With Same Field?

Mar 17, 2010

i have a doubt in building a query.

I have a table with fields

job_no activity Date
101 anchorage 20/01/2010
102 berthing 25/01/2010
103 sailing 29/01/2010

If i want to know the status of the ship on the date '22/01/2010' It has to show as 'anchorage', becoz on '25/01/2010' only it came to berthing from anchorage. How to write a query to achieve this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Age From Birth-dates?

Jul 28, 2013

Im supposed to fetch first names, last names and age of some people based on their birthdate. In my code so far i manage to get the names and the birthdates but what i actually need is a name and lastname and age for example 65 years.

here is the code :

CURSOR C_kundålder IS
v_fnamn bilägare.fnamn%TYPE;


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Forms :: How To Fetch Records When Tab Page Changes

Jun 13, 2011

I have created two tab pages.when i change tab then it should be display automatically all the records in that tab without pressing any.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Records Based On 2 Status

Jan 25, 2013

create table test_exp (oid number, ioid number, status varchar2(20));

Below are the insert statements.

Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (1, 100, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (1, 101, 'DISCO');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (1, 102, 'CANCELLED');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (2, 103, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (3, 104, 'DISCO');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (4, 105, 'DISCO');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (4, 106, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (5, 107, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (5, 108, 'CANCELLED');

Now my problem is we should fetch the data based on the below rules

If an OID contains 2 IOIDs for which there is a NEW and DISCO status attached, then fetch the 2 records
If an OID has only 1 of these status, then ignore the same
If an OID has none of the 2 status, then ignore the same.

The expected output will be like below:

1 |100 |NEW
1 |101 |DISCO
4 |105 |DISCO
4 |106 |NEW

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PL/SQL :: Fetch Records From Employee Table

Oct 28, 2012

I am having one table Employee. Employee table having 50 records. I want to fetch 5 records every timeone the query is executed. But it should be like below.

1-5 records
6-10 records
11-15 records
16-20 records
46-50 records

Any one can give the query.

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Fetch And Display Records?

Aug 21, 2013

I am using Oracle 11g

The procedure is compiled without any errors.

The select statement retrieves records well when executed at SQL promt.

But the same records are not displayed in this procedure by fetch from cursor.

The last message in the procedure 'completed' is also displayed.

create or replace procedure disp_rec(vid IN varchar2, vfeat IN number)
cursor c1 is select gid, listagg(vindex, ',') within group (order by tid) idx from ridrecords where idarpt=vid and feattype=vfeat group by gid;
type vg is table of number;
type vi is table of varchar2(3500);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Records Based On Status Priority

Dec 20, 2012

I have a table with below syntax and insert statements.

-- Table creation
create table order_test (oid number,
orderno number,
ordername varchar2(100),
orderstatus varchar2(50),
orderseq number);
-- Insert statements


The Output looks like below

1 |100 |ORD1 |INPROGRESS |1
7 |100 |ORD1 |START |4
3 |100 |ORD1 |START |2
4 |100 |ORD1 |INPROGRESS |3
6 |101 |ORD2 |CANCELLED |3
2 |101 |ORD2 |INPROGRESS |2
5 |101 |ORD2 |COMPLETE |1
8 |102 |ORD3 |COMPLETE |1
9 |103 |ORD4 |CANCELLED |1
10 |103 |ORD4 |CANCELLED |2

Now, the below rules should be applied to get the output..

1) If status is same, then fetch max(seq) record
2) If status is different, then apply below priority to fetch the records

Start - Priority 1 (High)
In Progress - Priority 2
Cancelled - Priority 3
Complete - Priority 4 (Lowest)

Means, the output for each order should look like below.

3 |100 |ORD1 |START |2
2 |101 |ORD2 |INPROGRESS |2
8 |102 |ORD3 |COMPLETE |1
10 |103 |ORD4 |CANCELLED |2

how to do it.

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Client Tools :: Several Short Fetch To Retrieve Records

Dec 28, 2010

I have a big database, I want to retrieve its records in several tries; first I use "select * from dbname where rownum <1000" but for 2'th try how can I get next 1000 records but not previous records?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i - Block Logic To Fetch Records From Table And Compare

Dec 26, 2011

the following proble.The emp table is having 14 records.




The emp table is having 10 records.

SELECT * FROM emp_10 ORDER BY empno;



I have written the following PL/SQL block logic tofetch the records from the emp table and compare the records with emp_10 table to perform insert if the records are newelse to perform update the existed records in the emp_10 table.

CURSOR tranche_balance_cur
SELECT empno,


Execution scenario 1:

I have commented insert and update statements in that case I got the following out put.

Inserted Records4
Updated Records10

As per the logic it's giving the correct output because the cursor is fetching 14 records in that already 10 records are existed in emp_10 tableand 4 are new records.so that it's showing the count for inserted records as 10 and updated records as 4.

Execution scenario 2:
I have uncommented insert and update statements in that case I got the following out put.

Inserted Records13
Updated Records1

As per the logic it's not giving the correct output.

I tried with using TRIM function in the comparision logic to avoid spaces.

TRIM(emp_10.empno) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.empno)
AND TRIM(emp_10.ename) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.ename)
AND TRIM(emp_10.sal) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.sal)
AND TRIM(emp_10.deptno) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.deptno)

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Forms :: Fetch Single Record From Multiple Records Based On Condition

Jan 27, 2012

I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms

1)Travel Booking form
2)Reservation Form
3)Cancellation Form

Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.

Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.

What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.

For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.

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Generate AWR Report Between Two Timings (Not Snapshot ID)

Aug 12, 2013

I have a requirement to create a generic script to generate awr report on the basis of two timings . We are planning to do load test on multiple server. The user will key in the start time and the end time of the load test and the script should round off the user entered time to the nearest snapshot id and generate a awr report. I have tried using the dba_hist_snapshot table fields begin_interval_time and end_interval_time column. However it failed.

The servers are running on 11g as well as 10g and few are in RAC and few single instances.



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Performance Tuning :: Different Timings Between 2 Nodes?

Jun 26, 2013

A select statement in our Performance environment running through toad/sql developer takes 1 min in NOde1 and same select takes 2 mins in Node2.

I have run multiple times on both the nodes and making it run first on 2 then on 1 and vice versa, timings remains same.. Node2 takes more time.

Configs,parameters,SGA and other settings are same between 2 Nodes, This is on 2 Node 11g RAC Oracle 11g Release 2.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Date Format To Other (International) Timings

Oct 31, 2011

the below request.

My company has many products, whenever customer purchase any product purchase timestamp should be inserted into product_details table .

Note: timestamp of UK, Philippines, Singapore, India time should be inserted automatically as my company is world based company .

I have tried to convert the date format to other(uk,singpore,manalia) timings but i couldn't get proper reply.

SELECT to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') INDIA,
to_char(new_time(sysdate, 'EST', 'GMT'),'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') D2 ,
to_char(new_time(sysdate, 'PST', 'GMT'),'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') D3 ,
to_char(new_time(sysdate, 'EST', 'PST'),'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') D4
FROM dual

I got the below output.

----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
31-OCT-2011 06:06:16 PM 31-OCT-2011 11:06:16 PM 01-NOV-2011 02:06:16 AM 31-OCT-2011 03:06:16 PM

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Parallel Query ORA-01002 - Fetch Out Of Sequence

Feb 16, 2013

While executing parallel query we are getting the below errors.

(SQLState = HY010) - java.sql.SQLException: [tibcosoftwareinc][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence"
(SQLState = HY000) - java.sql.SQLException: [tibcosoftwareinc][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-12842: Cursor invalidated during parallel execution

Database Version: Release (Non-RAC)

SQL Query:

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Application Express :: Sql Query To Fetch Session ID

Feb 18, 2013

I am to trying to fetch session id of a previously submitted process of a search button......so that i can display the search results in a different page.....so is there any sql query or pl/sql procedure to fetch the session id.

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PL/SQL :: Query With Group By - Fetch Data From Database

Jul 26, 2013

I am trying to write a proper query to fetch data from database. Scenario:

I need to retrieve employees who are not working in multiple departments. scott@TESTCRM> select * from emp1;     

---------- ----------     
7654         30      7698         30      7788         20      7788         30      7876         20      7900         10      7900         30    7902     20    7934     10 


Ouput Expected is      

---------- ---------- 
7654         30      7698         30      7876         20      7902         20      7934         10

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PL/SQL :: Query To Return Next 7 Dates

Oct 5, 2012

is there a way to return the next 7 dates just using a query... for example, I need a query that returns:

select (I don't know that put here) from dual


If possible, I would like to know if there's a way to pass a date and based on it, the query returns the next 7 dates based on the passed date... for example:

select (I don't know that put here) from dual where date > '2012-10-15'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Display Next Ten Dates

Apr 28, 2010

When i had a interview last week they ask me to write a query to display the next ten dates using sql query ( without using PL/SQL).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Construct Query To Fetch Different Rows From Same Table In Different Columns

May 25, 2013

Lets say I have a table in ORACLE database like:

111 | 10000
111 | 12000
111 | 14000
222 | 25000
222 | 30000
333 | 18000
333 | 27000
333 | 13000
333 | 15000

I want to get the output as:

ACC_ID_1 | ACC_AMT_1 | ACC_ID_2 | ACC_AMT_2 | ACC_ID_3 | ACC_AMT_3
111 | 10000 | 222 | 25000 | 333 | 18000
111 | 12000 | 222 | 30000 | 333 | 27000
111 | 14000 | null | null | 333 | 13000
null | null | null | null | 333 | 15000

I need each different ACC_ID with ACC_AMT in different columns. The table may have other different ACC_ID also, but I will fetch only what I need. What is the best way to do this?

So far I have tried this:


But I am not getting the desired result.

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PL/SQL :: Sql Query To Get Multiple Dates In Rows

Oct 1, 2013

i need a query to get dates for last 7 days and each dates should be in one row... but select sysdate from dual..gives one row...

Expected Output Dates: 01-oct-201330-sep-201329-sep-201328-sep-201327-sep-201326-sep-2013

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Fetch Steps Of Test Having Recursive Calls To Other Tests

Jul 17, 2012

I am working on the quality center oracle database to write a query that fetches all steps of a test case including the ones having calls to tests. Structure of table is explained below. I've made up an example and attached it as an image to this post. This image also has the expected result of the query I want to write.

Table Name: STEPS (This table contains steps belonging to tests. Some steps are simply calls/links to other tests)

STEP_ID (primary key - integer)
STEP_NAME (char)
STEP_DESC (char)
ORDER (integer)
TEST_ID (reference to table TEST.test_id)

Referring to the example (see attached image), I'm looking to write a query that gives me all steps (including steps from called tests) of the test - "Empty trash from mailbox" in the correct order.

To start with I can write the following query to get steps of the test - "Empty trash from mailbox".
SELECT * FROM steps WHERE test_id = (SELECT test_id FROM test WHERE test_name = 'Empty trash from mailbox')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Describe Results / Define Output And Fetch Rows Of A Query

Jun 2, 2010

There are several stages for sql processing in 10g2 database concept document.The following stages are necessary for each type of statement processing:

■ Stage 1: Create a Cursor
■ Stage 2: Parse the Statement
■ Stage 5: Bind Any Variables
■ Stage 7: Run the Statement
■ Stage 9: Close the Cursor
Optionally, you can include another stage:
■ Stage 6: Parallelize the Statement

Queries (SELECTs) require several additional stages, as shown in Figure 241:

■ Stage 3: Describe Results of a Query
■ Stage 4: Define Output of a Query
■ Stage 8: Fetch Rows of a Query

Stage 3: Describe Results of a Query The describe stage is necessary only if the characteristics of a query's result are not known; for example, when a query is entered interactively by a user. In this case, the describe stage determines the characteristics (datatypes, lengths, and names) of a query's result.

Stage 4: Define Output of a Query In the define stage for queries, you specify the location, size, and datatype of variables defined to receive each fetched value. These variables are called define variables. Oracle performs datatype conversion if necessary.

I still don't understand what's Stage 3: Describe Results of a Query and Stage 4: Define Output of a Query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Oracle Query To Fetch Information Using PIVOT Option?

Feb 27, 2013

creating Oracle SQL query to fetch the information using PIVOT option.We are populating audit table using triggers. For every update, there will be two rows into audit table, one row with all OLD values and another with all NEW values. Also every updated is uniquely identified by Sequence No. Example for phone audit is mentioned below :

CREATE TABLE test_audit_phone
emplid VARCHAR2(10),
seqno NUMBER,
action VARCHAR2(3),
office NUMBER,
mobile NUMBER

Insert some rows into table.

INSERT INTO test_audit_phone VALUES ('100',1,'OLD',1111,9999)
INSERT INTO test_audit_phone VALUES ('100',1,'NEW',2222,9999)
INSERT INTO test_audit_phone VALUES ('100',2,'OLD',2222,9999)
INSERT INTO test_audit_phone VALUES ('100',2,'NEW',2222,8888)

Table will look like the following :

SQL> SELECT * FROM sysadm.test_audit_phone ;

---------- ---------- --- ---------- ----------
100 1 OLD 1111 9999
100 1 NEW 2222 9999
100 2 OLD 2222 9999
100 2 NEW 2222 8888

Now we have to present data in different format. For each field, display OLD and NEW values in column format.

----- ------ ---- -----

Challenges :

1) Make pivoting with old and new values

2) For each field we have to show old and new values

3)if old and new values are same, dont show in report.

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SQL Query - Return Operation Over Multiple Dates

Feb 16, 2011

I am new to SQL and I am just wondering if there is a solution to a problem I am having.I am using the piece of code below.Essentially what I am doing is selecting a field from a table and ordering that field in descending order. Using the Row_Number feature I then specify which Row I want to return.

Every day the row I will want is the Count of field1 for that day divided by 100 minus 1. This returns a single value of field1 and a single value of R.

I perform this operation every day. The only fields I change every day are the dates and the value of R. I use a seperate piece of SQL code to calculate R each day.

My problem is I have to often populate historical tables with this data. I can only run the code once for each day and for each value of R. Is there anyway I can alter this code such that it can return multiple values of field1 over several dates?The only way I can think of is to repeat the code multiple times using UNION but I am hoping there is a more efficient way.

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY field1 desc ) R
FROM table
WHERE date >= TO_DATE ('20110215', 'YYYYMMDD')
AND date < TO_DATE ('20110216', 'YYYYMMDD')
WHERE R = 1227
--Note: 1227 = (count(field1)/100)-1

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PL/SQL :: Tuning Greater Than Predicate Query On Dates

Aug 2, 2012

I have the below query which is doing FTS and is very expensive causing load to timeout.

I did my analysis and found that table is having large number of records and hence FTS is taking long time causing timeout from app side.

I proposed to have this table partitioned but this is still pending with business and they in meantime want some solution other solution to fix this issue.

below is the query and plan


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Returning List Of Records That Do Not Have Associated Records From A Sub-query

Sep 6, 2010

I am running a query in our Clarity PPM database to return a list of all Support projects. This returns a simple list of project code and project name:

The query has the project resource tables associated with it, so I am able to list all resources allocated to the project. But for now i am only selecting a DISTINCT list of projects.

Query for anyone interested:

Select distinct
niku.nbi_project_current_facts nbip,
niku.odf_ca_project cst,
niku.prtask t,

I have a separate query which returns a list of support resources.

select res.full_name, res.unique_name , dep.description
from niku.srm_resources res,
niku.pac_mnt_resources pac,
niku.departments dep
where res.unique_name = pac.resource_code
and pac.departcode = dep.departcode
and res.is_active = 1
and description like 'IMS%'
and UPPER(dep.description) like '%SUP%'

What I need to be able to do in the first query, is return only projects that do NOT have a resource that appears in the resource list in the second query.

(the res.unique_name field in the second query can be linked to the same in the first query)

Logically, the process would be:
1. Identify Support Project
2. Identify Resources allocated to the project team
3. Compare with List of Support Resources
4. If any Resources in that list do NOT appear on the project, then return project.

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Oracle 11g - Record Query And Time To Fetch Results For A Specific User ID

Jul 22, 2013

I have an application connected to Oracle 11g that sends its own querys to the db based on what the user is clickng on. The applicaiton is connected via one user id and I was wondering, is there a way that I can capture the tiem each query starts, the sql itself, and the amount of time it took to fetch the data?

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