How the people in production counts the exact position of the data in fixed format of Sql*loader? Isn't it critical especially in a critical and having many column to be inserted.
When I am printing a report in Delimited report format using the default delimiter "Tab", the heading lables is getting printed for all rows( which is fine ) and extra rows of heading labels is getting printed.
Ex: If I have a heading labels Deptno, Dname and Loc and related data which I print in delimited format, the output will be as follows:
Deptno Dname Loc 10 Accounting NewYork Deptno Dname Loc 20 Research Dallas Deptno Dname Loc 30 Sales Chicago Deptno Dname Loc 40 Operations Boston Deptno Dname Loc Deptno Dname Loc
Other report formats are working fine.
The same report in different application server environment is working fine.
i have a problem in my ODI 11g with the load into Oralce table of a fixed width file, i configured all the datasource in ODI and when i do view data i see all correct, the end of file is signed like "0D0A" but when i try my load interface i receive the message that my last field is more big than the one declared.
My file have an header of fields and the last field is a data-field of 2000 characters. I controlled and is really fixed the length cause is a COBOL file from a Mainframe. So it looks that ODI don't understand the end of that field and go ahead to the other, i just tryed to enlarge the limit but is always more big like if the file is shifting on the right.
Have i forgot some configuration in some place? The definition of the file present the end of file like Microsoft hexadecimal \u000D\u000A i try all the combination there but no way to avoid this problem.
A big table of size more than 4 GB from 10g DB needed to be extracted/exported into a text file,the column delimiter is "&|" and row delimiter is "$#".I cannot do it from TOAD as it is hanging while extraction of big table.
I am trying to Spool the data in pipe delimitted csv file but some of the records going on another line from the same records. Currently some of the data going to next line as below oulined in the 2nd and 3rd line (in bold - |Home & Family) . I have following sql setting in my spool file:
set linesize 4000 pagesize 0 trimspool on feedback off verify off echo off set define off spool Stk_hold_Sec_Tsk.csv
I tried increase linesize to 5000 but its not working. Ex.
PSS:Production Manager|ZS:PsS:PP:PROD_TCODES|P2S: PP - Production Transactions|House & street PSS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_MGR|BW PsS Reports Manager [b]|House & street[/b]
PsS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_USER|BW PsS Reports User [b]|House & street[/b]
PsS:Master Data (PDMs)|ZS:GEN:GENERAL_USER|GEN: General User|House & street
Data should be like into the file:
PSS:Production Manager|ZS:PsS:PP:PROD_TCODES|P2S: PP - Production Transactions|House & street PSS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_MGR|BW PsS Reports Manager|House & street PsS:Production Manager|ZC:BW:PsS_RPT_USER|BW PsS Reports User|House & street PsS:Master Data (PDMs)|ZS:GEN:GENERAL_USER|GEN: General User|House & street
I think it should be something with linesize or pagesize but not sure
I have a task to code a procedure and function in sql developer that will extract data within a date range (Jan 1 to April 3) from a source (source_name: expenses)and produce a text-file in pipe-delimited format.
using SQLLDR: Looking for a control file solution to move past or bypass extra data fields which are not on destination table. Basically if you have 8 tab delimited fields(terminated by ' ') on a data record; but only need to load 5 of the values from the delimited record; is there a way to ignore/bypass the not needed data. Obviously, the answer would be to massage the data at the OS and removed the 3 unnecessary fields.
However my hands are tied by volume,time, and compliancy. I am familiar with using 'FILLER' for the reverse scenario; but not where you have more data available on the record then exists on the table.
I need trasform information from table A to table B. Table A is refreshed every day, Table B needs record all the information, including records nolonger existing in TABLE A. I would like to use one SQL to complete the operation. The merge works only for insert and update, but not for delete.
Here are the structure of the tables:
Create TABLE A ( course_number int; course_txt varchar(20); );
The record of tables will be as following:
On May 1, 2012 Table A. 100 math 200 english 500 social Table B. new 100 math May1, 2012 new 200 english May1, 2012 new 500 social May1, 2012
On May 2, 2012 Table A. 100 science 300 social
Table B.
update 100 science May2, 2012 delete 200 english May2, 2012 new 300 social May2, 2012 new 500 french May1, 2012
SQL> desc MTNLMONTHUSAGESUMMARY Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- BILLMONTH VARCHAR2(7) AREA NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) SESSIONS NUMBER USAGEMB NUMBER
I received a POS csv file with XML format that contain a multiple customer column and information within a csv file. I need to extract store number and associate ID from a csv column. I had already loaded the csv file to a external table and I am stuck on how to retrieve the data to a stage table along with other csv column.
For example, I need to pull data from col1, col2, col3, and col4 which col4 contain data for store_numner and associate id from a external table to a staging table which my staging table have col1, col2, col3, store_nbr column, and associate id.
I'm currently busy with database consolidation, so I'm searching for a solution to generate some useful DDL to prepare the new target database before importing the application's data. This should include TABLESPACE DDL and all additional users with their grants.
So first I thought of developing a simple script, which will create the CREATE TABLESPACE DDL but with transformed datafile paths.But my throws some errors and I don't understand why:
ORA-31604: invalid NAME parameter "STORAGE" for object type TABLESPACE in function SET_FILTER declare l_hObject NUMBER; l_Objddl CLOB;
writing the sql, to transform a single row into multiple rows. I am trying to create multiple rows based on a value of a column in the table.In the below example, I am trying to create the rows based on the 'Col2' values. find the below example:
Original table data:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Row1 a1 a,b,c 01 ON Row2 b1 d,e,f 02 OFF Row3 c1 g,h 03 ON
I want the above table to be transformed into below:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Row1 a1 a 01 ON Row1 a1 b 01 ON Row1 a1 C 01 ON Row2 b1 d 02 OFF Row2 b1 e 02 OFF Row2 b1 f 02 OFF Row3 c1 g 03 ON Row3 c1 h 03 ON
Is there any page where I can find a list (with descriptions) of all the bugs fixed in a particular CPU (such as July 2013, #16742095)? The readme for the patchset has "Bugs Fixed by This Patch" in section 6, but that is just some patch numbers, with no description. In oracle support, searching by bug id for any of those numbers, returns a "bug not found" page. I would like to have a formatted table with the bug numbers and a link to a detailed description for each bug.
Even the links on the patch details page go to "page not found".
I have the following 2 SQLs ; one return 1 row, another one is no row returned.
select v.value from v$parameter v where = 'cpu_count';
return value "1"
select o.value from v$osstat o where o.stat_name = 'NUM_CPU_CORES';
No row returned.
combine the above two in to 1 SQL, and return 1 , null or 1, 1. I assume we can get it with left join for the condition "o.stat_name (+) = 'NUM_CPU_CORES'" , but no row returned for the following SQL. How could we get the result for 1, null for this case?
select v.value, o.value -- or NVL(o.value, 1) from v$parameter v, v$osstat o where = 'cpu_count' and o.stat_name (+) = 'NUM_CPU_CORES';
I use sqplus in oracle to output the command output to text file .
I use below set environment variable.
SQL> set echo off; SQL> set linesize 3999; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set termout off; SQL> set pagesize 0; SQL> spool mapping.txt select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN;
In ouput file , it look like
SQL> select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN; 060010007 10007 : : : SQL> spool off;
any setting or command that allow me to remove the first sql command line" SQL>select XXXX" and the last command "SQL>spool off" after start up the "spool mapping.txt"
I have uploaded the text file since format is not fitting here.I have a table called xyz and it has two colums called QU and collectionID..The data is stored in the table is like Scenario 1 but I want to extract the data to look like Scenario 2
I have a repeating frame wich displays each item and its quantity and pricethe second frame is a fixed frame which will display the total and price after discount.both frames are enclosed in the same frame.I made space beteewn the two frames so the second frame always prints in the same placewhen I run the report the second frame appears in the second page and the first frame (items in invoice) appear in the first page.
I've tried to change the vertical and horizental properties of the frames but the report is still the same
I got a issue with a query to fetch records between two dates for fixed timings
Date From 29-09-2011 to 04-10-2011 Time From 00:00:00hrs to 08:00:00hrs
I tried the below queries, it doesnt work select a.detectorid,sum(b.totalvolume),a.updatetime,a.averagespeed from traffic_data a left outer join volume_data b on a.traffic_id=b.traffic_data_id where pollinterval=1 and detectorid=�AIDC_0154� and updatetime between to_date(�29-aug-2011:00:00:00�,�DD-MON-YYYY:HH24:MI:SS�)
Im trying to display a word file from a blob column of table in reports 11g . In reports 6i OLE2 file format was available for that, but in 11g it became obsolete.
I want to stored the excel or ms word document in oracle database. Is it possible to view that file from database. If i export full database it is included in that dmp.
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE CourseList AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(64); CREATE TABLE department ( courses CourseList) NESTED TABLE courses STORE AS courses_tab; INSERT INTO department (courses)VALUES (CourseList('1','2','3'));
The query returns the correct data, CourseList that are not subset of any other CourseList of the table.
I am trying to convert this not exists in a left outer join query to check if the performance is better, but I don't know how to do it.
I was making some variations of this code :
select c_1, c_2 from department d1,department d2 where<>;
I use sqplus in oracle to output the command output to text file .
I use below set environment varialble.
SQL> set echo off; SQL> set linesize 3999; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set feedback off; SQL> set termout off; SQL> set pagesize 0; SQL> spool mapping.txt select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN;
In ouput file , it look like
SQL> select C_SIM_MSISDN,C_SIM_IMSI from RCA_SMART_CARD order by C_SIM_MSISDN; 060010007 10007 : : : SQL> spool off;
any setting or command that allow me to remove the first sql command line" SQL>select XXXX" and the last command "SQL>spool off" after start up the "spool mapping.txt"