Initial And Next Extents

Nov 2, 2010

settings I can make for Initial and Next extents? I am working at a client site where they have an in-house E-Business Suite database that is running very fast. In most cases the initial extent on the big tables is set to something like 64Mb with the next extent set to figures varying between 25Mb and 50Mb. What this means is that we don't have many extents.

They have recently outsourced their database to Oracle on Demand and are getting poor performance. Over at OOD the initial extents remain as set in the local database - taken from a clone. However, all of the next extents are set small to nimbers like 128Kb. Some of the big Oracle EBS tables have more than 128Kb in a single record and we are seeing many 1000s of extents already.

Could the large number of extents and the small size of the next extent be the cause of a substantial decrese in performance? I'm looking for some justification to go back to OOD with a view to asking them to reinstate the settings as they were in the client database before it was migrated.

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Server Utilities :: Importing From 9i To 11g With Compressed Extents Creating Extents On Target

Nov 2, 2010

We are migrating from a 9i db to 11g and we've been testing our apps on a similar (but not exact) machine as our production box.

Normally when we take a full export of the production data (on 9i) and import it into another 9i DB, the tables and indexes are created with the initial size large enough to hold the entire table. We also do our export with the compress extents param set to 'Y'.

However, we've noticed that when we import our data into the 11g DB, that tables are being created with multiple extents...sometimes up to 10 or 15. This seems to happen even with tables that don't even have extents on db that the export was taken from.

There ARE some differences in our 11g DB that i imagine might be the culprit, i've just been unable to narrow one of them down.

the differences i know of are:

a) the target DB has locally managed tablespaces while the source 9i DB had dictionary managed tablespaces
b) the block size is larger on the target 11g DB. 8192 vs 2048
c) the nchar character set on the source DB is AL16UTF16 and the target is UTF8 (we actually only have an nchar column in one of our tables...and also, the UTF8 setting was actually a mistake that we're correcting this weekend with a fresh DB and fresh import)

What would cause the import to produce all these extra tablespaces?

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Table Extents Not Extending

Feb 15, 2013

we have some dictionary managed tablespaces and some tables in that.

we are getting some ticket for that like, one of the table is not able to extend it's next extent.

When i checked in alert log now luck.

Do we have any query to find which table that is. and how we can find what are the maximum extents, and currently how many extents it has used.

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Backup & Recovery :: Clone Large DB To DDL Only DB - EXP / IMP With Extents?

May 12, 2011

I am looking to create a DDL-only clone of a 2TB database. The purpose of this clone is to provide developers a preprod-like environment where they can test the syntax of their code changes before deploying to production. The database will reside on a seperate, small server.

As I only need the structure of the objects and not the data, my first port of call was EXP using rows=n. However, when I IMP to an indexfile I see that the initial extents have been defined on the tables (in some cases 1GB!). As stated my clone environment is small, so I would be looking to have these set at 1mb. how I can achieve this? I will want to be able to automate the cloning of the database as much as possible. Perhaps there's some other way other than EXP/IMP?

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Server Administration :: Allocate Extents To Tables With Zero Rows

Aug 30, 2011

create a procedure or cursor to allocate extents to all tables with zero rows for all the user in the database.I have used the below query to check table with zero rows and no extents allocated.

select onwer,table_name,initial_extent
from dba_tables where initial_extent is null order by owner;
I generated the query to allocate extents by using concatenation in the above query.
select 'ALTER TABLE '||table_name|| ' ALLOCATE EXTENT; '
from dba_tables where initial_extent is null order by owner;

now I want the extent allocation for such table auutomatically for aal the tables with zero rows.

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Server Administration :: Why Temporary Tablespace Have Uniform Extents

Feb 6, 2013

When we are using pga_aggregate_target and sort area is automatically managed by Oracle. Why oracle is not allowing for auto allocating extents in TEMP and still extents of uniform size of 1 MB is used.

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Server Administration :: Check Free Extents In Tablespace

Apr 29, 2012

which data dictionary view would you query to see the free extents in a tablespace.

i use dba_free_space;

SQL> select tablespace_name,sum(bytes),sum(blocks) from dba_free_space where

------------------------------ ---------- -----------
SYSTEM 9830400 1200

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What Will Be Initial Extent Size

Oct 29, 2010

I've read the documentation that describes the storage management.I create a tablespace as:

DATAFILE 'path/filename1.dbf' SIZE 3000M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M MAXSIZE 4000M

As the extent management is local, does it mean that any storage clause of the objects (tables, indexes etc.) placed in it isn't taken into consideration? I mean in a case of placing a table in the mentioned tablespace that has a storege parameters defined as follows:


1. what will be the initial extent size? 1M or 100M?
2. what will be the next extent size? 1M or 20M?
3. will the maxextents parameter be taken into consideration?
4. when i'm sure the tablespace is dedicated to keep only one object [MY_TABLE], what should be the relation between the initial datafile size [filename1.dbf] and the initial extent size? Should they be iqual or doesn't matter?
5. as the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT is AUTO, the PCTFREE param doesn't make sense, right?

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Forms :: Set Run Time Initial Value Of Text Box

Jun 4, 2010

I want set run time initial value of text box...?

what property need to use for that..?

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Replication :: Initial Sync Of CDC Subscriber

Mar 6, 2008

I'm trying to work out how to synchronize a source and target database in an Oracle CDC implementation. We're in the architecture design stage of a near-real-time Operational Data Store style solution. Both the ODS and our pilot source system will be Oracle 10g. Our plan is to use Oracle Asynch Hotlog Change Data Capture to capture change data in near-real-time so that it can be applied to the ODS.

I understand the CDC apply process once the ODS and Source System are synchronized: DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.EXTEND_WINDOW to release the next window of change data, select from the publish views, then DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.PURGE_WINDOW to register the change data is no longer required.

But how do we do the initial synchronization if the source system is live and contains data and the ODS is new (and empty)? The easiest way would be to somehow flag EVERY row as change data. eg. Truncate every table and import. This would not be so good for existing CDC subscribers.

A more logical way would be to:

- Take a hot backup of the live prod database
- Activate CDC (DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION) on the source system to start tracking changes
- Manually build the ODS from the snapshot
- Start applying changes from CDC

if the source system is live, how can we GUARANTEE that the first 2 steps (snapshot and ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION) are performed at EXACTLY the same time (ie. same SCN)?

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Forms :: Set Initial Value As Sysdate Plus 12 Month?

Apr 10, 2010

how can I set initial value as sysdate plus 12 month????

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PL/SQL :: How To Find Out Initial Date Of Creation Of Table

Nov 7, 2013

I have a table which contains some data. But we are dropped and recreated the same table several times. Now I wanted to know that when this table created initially. How to findout the date of creation(very first time). 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Alternative To Filer Initial Using Single REGEXP_REPLACE?

Feb 9, 2011

Any alternative to filer the Initial using a single REGEXP_REPLACE ?
Oracle version 10.2.xxxx

Currently using two REGEXP_REPLACEs.
REGEXP_REPLACE('K I Rajuvan K I', '(([[:upper:]]{1,2})) ','')
, '([[:upper:]]{1,2})$','') CITY
FROM dual;

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Performance Tuning :: Initial Extent For Table?

Mar 19, 2012

1.2 million chained rows, 1.7 million blocks, etc. Initial extent for this table is 64k and next 1 mb. I would try to calculate this out better for efficiency and performance. This will not be efficient as it stands. calculate the size.

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Unable To Create INITIAL Extent For Segment In Tablespace

Jun 12, 2012

ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace

I am getting above error when a batch job is running.Its insterting data in tables. I checked free space i dont know y its not using avalable space.

Database Version: 11202

select sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024, sum(maxbytes)/1024/1024/1024 from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='test_data';

sum(bytes) sum(maxbytes)
---------------- -------------
60 0

select sum(bytes/1024/1024/1024) from dba_free_space where tablespace_name='test_data';


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Server Administration :: Calculation Of Initial Extent Size Of Table

Apr 21, 2010

I need to create table A. which will going have more than 8L records. Daily this table A will truncate and reinsert all 8L records. Also number of records(8L) will we increase 50K per month. what should be storage clause parameters . Mainly initial and next extent.

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Server Administration :: Freeing Tablespace - Returning To Initial Size?

May 9, 2010

Here is my problem : I create a tablespace named ts_photos.I create then a table on this tablespace.Then I insert some blobs records.The space grows up to 2 Gb.

I perform a truncate statment. Then the space grows up to 4Gb.I re-insert the same records and the size stays in 4Gb.The database in in archivelog mode. How can I return to the initial size (2Gb of effective data) : should I drop the tablespace and recreate it?

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Installation :: Wrong Initial Group For Oracle Linux Account

Oct 19, 2013

Before I install the Oracle database in Linux server 2.6.39-400.209.1.el6uek.x86_64, I created the following groups

oinstall, dba, oper, and asmadmin.  groupadd oinstall  # required from training groupadd dba # required from training groupadd oper  # and group asmdba, asmoper from training groupadd asmadmin  #

optional from training I made a mistake when I created Oracle user account. I created it with dba as initial group“ useradd -g dba -G oinstall,oper,asmadmin oracle”, instead of “useradd -g oinstall -G dba,oper,asmadmin oracle” After all I installed Oracle database, now I have concerns and questions. Should I use user mod to update the Oracle user account to install as initial group or just leave it alone? If I now do “usermod –g oinstall –G dba,oper,asmadmin oracle”, will it break anything, any impact to the database?

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Workflow :: How To Revert Back Or Rollback A Process To Its Initial Step

Oct 15, 2012

I have a standard workflow process which was started but got completed without performing all the process.The process had to generate two(Comments & Approval) notifications but generated only one & as the user responded to the notification it got completed without invoking the approval process.Now I need the workflow to be rolled back to the initial step to restart the whole process again.

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Data Guard :: Error Occurred During Initial DB Duplicate To Standby Server?

Mar 20, 2008

i have setup the OEM-Dataguard in order to duplicate the DB instance from the primary to the standby DB in the standby server.At first I installed oracle server in Server A (Primary) created DB instance of SCT, in archivelog mode and then I install the oracle binary in Server B (standby) and made 2 servers ORACLE_HOME the same and also I installed OEM agents on the 2 servers and registered successfully to the OEM server.

I then used the dataguard to do the initial backup of the DB in server A and but when I specify the standby DB location, it prompt me the following error.


Examine and correct the following error(s), then retry the operation.
Remote Operation Error - Internal error occured

Add Standby Database: Database Location

Primary Database SCT
Primary Host Ent
Step 3 of 6

Standby Database

* Instance Name The instance name (also referred to as the SID) must be unique on the standby host. Database Storage File SystemRaw Devices Choose whether the database files will be put on a conventional file system or on raw devices.

Standby Host Credentials

Enter the credentials of the user who owns the Oracle installation in the Oracle Home selected below.
* Username
* Password

Standby Database Location

The standby database can be created in any Oracle Home that has been discovered by Enterprise Manager. Only Oracle Homes on hosts that match the operating system of the primary host are shown. Select the Oracle Home in which to create the standby database.

Search For Host
Select Host Oracle Home Oracle Server Version Operating System Operating System Version
Ent /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 SunOS 5.10
Ent_standby /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 SunOS 5.10

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Windows :: Unable To Start DBCONSOLE After Initial Installation Of Oracle 11gR2?

May 29, 2013

unable to start the DBCONSOLE immediately after installing Oracle 11G R2 onto my Windows 7 box. Here is what I have ran from the command line:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:Userssandifer>emctl start dbconsole
Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined. Please set ORACLE_UNQNAME to database unique name.
C:Userssandifer>SET ORACLE_HOSTNAME=localhost


I checked the above listed file path, and sure enough, OC4J_DBConsole_localhost_orcl is missing.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Manipulation Insert - Procedure / Trigger Should Delete Initial Record Saved

Aug 30, 2012

i have one table ot_ins_item where user will enter the details of item, grade,item qty , later on user will go and update the same table the details of different grades received for the same item in different columns with qty breakup in 3 different fields it_qty_01 , it_qty_02,it_qty_03 respectively with different grades , what i need is i want is whenever he updates this table with different grades based on data entered in 3 different fields , a procedure or trigger should delete the initial record saved and insert three different rows based on newly updated values , it may be 3 or it may be 2 sometime depending upon input values that many records should be inserted same time controlling the qty's entered in breakup not exceeding the main qty.

CREATE TABLE ot_ins_item (it_ins_no NUMBER,it_no NUMBER,it_grade VARCHAR2(12),
it_code VARCHAR2(12),it_qty NUMBER,it_flex_01 VARCHAR2(12),
it_01_qty NUMBER,it_flex_02 VARCHAR2(12),it_02_qty NUMBER,it_flex_03 VARCHAR2(12),
it_03_qty NUMBER);

create sequence s_it_no start with 1 ;


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Server Administration :: ORA-01658 / Unable To Create INITIAL Extent For Segment In Tablespace?

Aug 11, 2011

I have executed the below statement to move a bulk of table from source table space-SHOP3_DATA to destination tablespace -LINUX_CATA. Before executing the statement the source table space was having 85% full message . While executing the statement this is giving the error for the source tablespace means the the tablespace is getting consumed in the source TS. Currently no-one is using the tablespace SHOP3_DATA' . If I add datafile to the SHOP3_DATA the problem may be solved but why the space is getting consumed in the source. Now the tablespace SHOP3_DATA is 95% full

SQL> alter table LINUX_CATA.TST_FOLDERS move tablespace LINUX_CATA;
Table altered.
SQL> alter table LINUX_CATA.TST_SEARCH_TESTS move tablespace LINUX_CATA;
alter table LINUX_CATA.TST_SEARCH_TESTS move tablespace LINUX_CATA
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace SHOP3_DATA


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Server Utilities :: ORA-01658 / Unable To Create INITIAL Extent For Segment In Tablespace USERS

Apr 4, 2013

while importing data i got this error in my log file.and i cannot import my data successfuly

in my log file error i found like this

ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace USERS
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1658:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1658 encountered
ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace USERS
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1658:

i can import my data using imp utility using this syntax

C:UsersAdministrator>imp tiger/****@tcs file=E:DUMP s.
dmp log=E:DUMP s.log fromuser=tiger121 touser=tiger statistics=none

this my user tiger default tablespace its uses and its a auto extend on and locally managed tablespace,and i have enough space on my drive also.

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Application Express :: Prevent Interactive Report From Running Query On Initial Page Load?

Oct 1, 2012

I am on APEX 4.1.1, db 11g and I have a report which is quite slow to retrieve results from its query. The page has some filter fields (e.g. store code, dept code) in addition to the generic search field.

When the user lands on this page (from a menu page), the query runs before the page displays and this typically takes 1-2 mins without any filters yet set. The usual browser loading indicators are not obvious to the user and they might not be aware that it is working on the request.

I want it so that it will only run the query AFTER allowing the user to get to the page, let the user fill in some filter criteria and then click on the GO button. Therefore the query will run after the page is submitted. When you hit the GO button on the interactive report, a nice rotating apex_loader.gif appears, making it obvious to the user that it is working on the request.

I would prefer NOT to create 2 pages, one for user filter, and a second for the actual report as I have many reports/inquiries which fit this category and I would prefer NOT to have to create pairs of pages for each.

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How Oracle Determine Initial Extent And Max Extent Size

Aug 10, 2012

Suppose tablespace allocation_type is system then how oracle determines the initial extent and max extent size?

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Forms :: Expiry Date To Automatically Show A Date 15 Years After Initial Date

Apr 12, 2010

I have a two date fields in my form; valid from date and expiry date.

Currently my valid from date has an inital value property of $$date$$ which automaitcally brings up todays date.

I need my expiry date to automatically show a date 15 years after this date?

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