How To Copy Tables And Querys From Client To Server

Feb 28, 2011

im using in oracle program navicat for tables and query. but now i have a problem how copy tables and querys from client to server.

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Forms :: Generate File From Database Into Server And Copy It To Client Machine

Feb 2, 2012

I have a forms that generate a file from database into database server and copy it to client machine by the follow process:

IF webutil_file_transfer.Is_AS_readable(V_server_way || V_file_name) THEN

l_success := webutil_file_transfer.AS_to_Client
(clientFile => :V_screen_way


But is showing the erro ora-105100 in one client machine

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Client Tools :: Load Tables From SQL Server To Oracle

Jan 31, 2013

best method (easy and efficient) to load tables from sql server database to oracle database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Joining Tables - Copy Values Of One Row To Other?

May 20, 2010

consider the following

WITH table1 AS
SELECT 345 id, To_Date('1/31/2010', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 123 cid, 'test' txt FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 345 id, To_Date('2/1/2010', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 121 cid, 'test2' txt FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 345 id, To_Date('2/2/2010', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 112 cid, 'test3' txt FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 345 id, To_Date('2/3/2010', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 162 cid, 'test4' txt FROM dual UNION ALL


i want to output the following:



as you can see, i want to join both tables (table1 and ov_dates) and take dt from ov_dates table look it up in table1 and thengrap ov_dt and looking up in table1 and copy values of one row to the other.

for example, in ov_dates i have 3/31 dt and 4/7 ov dt. i will look for 3/31 and 4/7 row in table 1 and copy columns values from 4/7 to 3/31you can see that cid for 3/31 stay the same (since i dont want to replace the value) but txt value was replace with value from 4/7

another examplein ov_dates we have 1/31 dt and 2/5. so i go into table1 get 1/31 and 2/5 row and copy values from 2/5 into 1/31/ as you can see the txt column value for 1/31 becametest6 since it was taking from 2/5. the same thing for the rest ofdata

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Supplemental Login Information From Renamed Table To New Tables?

Oct 19, 2010

I renamed 100 tables and recreated them, now I need to copy supplemental login information from renamed table to new tables. Environment is oracle 10G.

OS - Solaris

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Related Data From / To Same Tables - Combined With Changed String And Unique ID

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to copy a particular set of rows into two tables. I want to change one varchar column to a different string in one of the tables, and create a new unique ID for the copied rows that will match on both tables. I also want that new unique ID to be one digit higer than the current highest unique ID being used across the tables as a whole.

create table testing_query_dtl
(query_is number not null, query_type varchar2(20) not null, area_code varchar(4), stn_code varchar2(3))
create table testing_query_hdr
(user_name varchar2(30) not null, query_indicator varchar2(1) not null
, query_created date not null,
query_last_used date not null,
query_name varchar2(40) not null
, query_is number not null)

I then used 'mymax+test_seq.nextval' but that won't avoid the unique constraint issue on the table testing_query_hdr and on the table testing_ query_ dtl increments the ID on EVERY row even when I don't want it to.

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Client Tools :: Insufficient Privileges Error While Using Copy Command

May 11, 2012

When i try to copy a table within the database i get insufficient priv error.

Enter FROM password:

Array fetch/bind size is 15. (arraysize is 15)
Will commit when done. (copycommit is 0)
Maximum long size is 80. (long is 80)

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

what privilege is required to perform this copy command ?

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Client Tools :: No Longer Have Right-click Copy / Paste Option

Oct 14, 2011

I was a very contented software tester with SQLPlus skills when I had access to the classic version. I guess all things must come to an end as we have started seeing our systems under test migrate to 11g...and along comes the DOS prompt SQL*Plus.

Where I could previously ignore the cries that TOAD was better, I no longer have my right-click copy/paste option, and I don't know alot about the DOS prompt command line.

Our test lab administrator would like us to start working with SQL Developer for our testing needs...I am guessing because it installs automatically with the database. I read TOAD has a bit more functionality at this point(correct?)

What is better for a general database user with background of classic SQL Plus- the dos prompt SQL Plus or the more visual SQL developer?

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Client Tools :: Handling DATETIME Format Using SQLPLUS COPY Command

Jul 29, 2012

I am using the SQL*PLUS COPY command to move the data from my database to another remote database. The data in my database also contains DATETIME format. But since COPY command cannot handle DATETIME format, I am wondering is there any workaround for this.

Note: Due to some limitations, I cannot use other methods like DATABASE LINK or EXPDP/IMPDP commands.

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Copy DBF Into New Server?

Feb 24, 2013

I am using oracle 11g XE.

My server hard disc crashed yesteday and i don't have any backups / I am able to recover the .dbf by using a recovery tool.

is it possible to use this .dbf into new server and recover my data.

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Server Utilities :: Append Tables Content To Existing Tables?

Nov 9, 2010

problem on oracle 11gR2 where i have to import data from a source database to an existing table without truncate or drop the target table in the target database.

we have found something called table_exist_action=append in impdp.

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Server Utilities :: Copy Data From One DB To Another?

Mar 15, 2010

we have a prod DB and an Backup DB. I have been asked to copy selected tables from prod Db to anaylsis DB on a weekly basis. Db version is 9i.

Can I use Db links here?, but the data is huge.

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Server Administration :: How To Copy RAC Database

Feb 2, 2012

how can i copy to a RAC database which managered by ASM to another new host? just as clone.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Copy Tables From One User To Another User

Sep 22, 2011

how to copy tables from one user to another user using pl/sql

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Some Archivelog Files Between 2 Database Server

Sep 27, 2011

I wanted to copy some archive log files between 2 DB Server.Steps:

1) Edited the Local and Remote DB's TNSNAMES file and modifyied like below.

bookstore =

2) Created a Source Directory --> DR1
3) Created a Target Directory --> DR2
4) Created a DB Link
CREATE DATABASE LINK LINK1 CONNECT TO <username of the Remote DB> IDENTIFIED BY <Password> USING '<Remote DB Name taken in the TNSFILE>.
5) In the Local Server I had written the below command.

create or replace procedure proc1 is
cursor c1 is select recid,substr(name,37) "ARCH_FILE" from v$archived_log;
var1 c1%rowtype;
open c1;
fetch c1 into var1;

It is working, but not coping the Files from Local To the Remote.

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Server Administration :: Copy Many Files From ASM To FileSystem

May 1, 2013

I have got backup pieces in ASM, I guess about more than 100 files. Now, I need to copy all of them from ASM to FileSystem, there are 2 methods still now:

1- Copy from ASM to FileSystem using cp command.
2- Copy from ASM to FileSystem using DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER.


In the first method, when I copy one file, I took more than 1 minute, so the following script would take me more than 1 days (I guess so).

# This script copies files from FRA on ASM to local disk
ASMLS=/vasgatedb/app/vsgbkp/asm_ls.txt ##{ASM files list}


The second method, DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER took me less than 1 second to copy one file completely.

sys@VSGDB> set timing on
sys@VSGDB> exec dbms_file_transfer.COPY_FILE('asm_dir','level_0_vsgdb_9998_813844797.bkp','fs_dir','level_0_vsgdb_9998_813844797.bkp');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.38

Of course, I wish I used the second method as soon as possible, however, said I below, I've got about ~200 files, and I could not copy one by one file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy CSV File From Windows Server Shared Path

Jul 12, 2012

I need to copy .CSV File from a Windows Server shared path (\hostnameoutput) to another server which i believe is on unix.The other server name is On this server i need to put it in the root directory. I will have to use SFTP and not FTP.

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Client Tools :: Can't See Tables Created

Apr 22, 2012

1. I logged in the oracle sqlplus using cmd with sys as sysdba user and run the attached script for creation of some tables.

2. The script ran successfully and I could see the data in all tables which are , select * from authors; select * from books; select * from inventory;

3. I logged in with same user using toad and no such table is showing.

PS: I used commit after step 2.

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Client Tools :: Can Use Oracle Client Version To Create A Database In That Server

Jan 13, 2011

can we use oracle client version to create a database in that server.

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Server Utilities :: Copy Table With NCLOB Column Into Another Database (10g To 11g)?

Dec 4, 2012

I need to copy one table which is having NCLOB column into our new DB(11g) from old DB (10g). As this table having huge records (1 crore) it is difficult to use direct insert statement (INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM @remotedb). I don't have DBA privilege to use loader.

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Server Utilities :: Copy Database On Another Computer Through Local Network

Feb 23, 2012

i've 0racle 9i database, i wanted to know the easiest way how to copy that database on another computer throw local network,

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Server Utilities :: Copy Table With Special Char Between Oracle 8 And 10?

Nov 17, 2010

I have to copy a table from oracle 8 to oracle 10
- dblink don't work between 8 - 10
- can I dump table ?
- when I try to use sqlload via TXT file, I have error messages due to a column containing 'special' caracters (
,..) and line too long (splitted in several rows)

how can I do ?

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Client Tools :: Oracle Client 32 Bit On Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit

Jul 20, 2012

Can i install Oracle 10g Client 32 bit on our Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit?

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Client Tools :: Script To Describe Tables?

Jun 1, 2010

how to create a script that will describe only the structure of 150 tables of a database.have it just like this, but I cannot produce the name of the table:

spool desctab.sql
select 'desc '||owner||'.'||table_name||'' from all_tables where owner='SKIMA'
order by table_name;
spool off

.. the output of the spool file is something like this:

Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- -------------

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Client Tools :: List Of Tables In PL/SQL Developer

Feb 4, 2010

I can do any sql commands against the schema I want (PSUSYS) with my username(SCHWAN) in the sql window, but when I want to export a table(created with a different schema) no tables are listed in the export window. This does work for my coworkers with the same access.

At one time this used to work so I'm wondering if it is a parameter that I inadvertently changed.

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Windows :: Copy A File To DB Server From A Remote Machine Using Plsql / Java

Oct 2, 2013

We want to copy a file from a remote machine to the DB server. copy \<IP_ADRESS>SHARED_FOLDERsome_file.sql d:copied_file.sql

I've used Java and a wrapped it into a PL/SQL procedure so I can do :

exec run_os_command(p_command => 'copy \<IP_ADRESS>SHARED_FOLDERsome_file.sql d:copied_file.sql');

The file was not copied.

I have mapped \<IP_ADRESS>SHARED_FOLDER to x: for example and issued : exec run_os_command(p_command => 'copy x:some_file.sql d:copied_file.sql');

The file was not copied.

But when I issued from the OS prompt copy x:some_file.sql d:copied_file.sql then the file is copied.

What can I add to the PL/SQL procedure so it wil work ?

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Client Tools :: OWB File Loading Through External Tables

Mar 15, 2011

Is it possible to trim the file name while loading into OWB through external tables?

Like suppose I am trying to read a file which has a timestamp value appended in its name. In that case loading into external file would give an error.

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Server Utilities :: How To Access Local File Residing At Client From DB Server

Nov 23, 2011

I have a requirement to read flat text file(around 15000 lines) residing at a client location from DB server and write into a table in One cell.

I tried UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB but, i am not able to access client location to read the file as it reads path from Oracle Directory.

my client path is and my DB server is in unix say
file location is: \
So I created One Oracle directory as MY_DIR having DIRECTORY_PATH as '\'.
But both UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB is not able to access the file.

Error Message:
Unable to process CLOB -22288 ~ ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN
No such file or directory

Few Details for reference:
File Location: \
Unix DB Server location:
Table : Test (filename varchar2(30), Content CLOB)
Oracle Dir: MYDIR
Directory_Path: \

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Server Administration :: Server Installation Gets Abruptly Ended For Client Get TNS Errors

Jan 11, 2011

after a long time,(i never remember when was the last time i installed 9i)i was asked to install 9i.So, whether i install server or cilent i get this error <attachment>

after i ignore it and finished the installation,The server installation gets abruptly ended for the client i get TNS errors.

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Server Administration :: Unable To Find Server Process In Oracle Database For Specific Application / Client

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to find the unix process for one of my application in the database but I am unable to view the same. To simulate, I did the following.

1. My database runs on different server.
2. I invoked "sqlplus" from another unix box to login to the database.
3. I found that the process id (ps -ef |grep sqlplus).
4. When I execute the below mentioned query it does not display the process id that I am looking for. But the osuser, username, program and machine details are correct. How can I know the process details from the database?

and SYS.GV_$SESSION.MACHINE like '%hostname%'

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