Hibernate Optimistic Locking Versus Database Isolation Levels

Jan 26, 2013

Among Hibernate optimistic locking & Database Isolation levels, which one to use? Which gives the better consistency, concurrency and scalability. I read in couple of links that Isolation level will suffer if there is a huge load on the application with multiple users access the appliation at the same time, moreover in islation levels normally we need to look for READ_COMITTED and NON_REPEATABLE_READ to get a better performance? Whether these are true? Whether we can use both Hibernate optimistic locking(version & timestamp) & Database Isolation levels in the same application? What are the implications using these? Which one will be preferred over the other and when?

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Way To Resolve Database Locking

Aug 27, 2013  I am still resolving the locking issues in our database Often the delete is blocked by some transaction. The operations said that it is intermittent. Last night they were able to delete the 1M transactions without the locking.But the past days lock often occurred, and they have to bounced the database to release the locks.

 I there a way I can compare what happened last night why the batch was able to delete smoothly , and compare it against the other night where the delete was blocked?By using ASH, AWR, ADDM? I also run now this procedure, to identify the blocking sql statement: 

SQL> exec  dbms_workload_repository.add_colored_sql(sql_id => 'fn3qv2dhsu3nb');        

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Can I now run AWR,ASH,ADDM, to identify/capture the sql being run?

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Get Table RowID Of Session That Is Locking In RAC Database

Jun 11, 2012

I am a developer and not a DBA and I need to find th correct query to find the exact rowid of the record locked on a table. This is for a RAC database and locked record can be from the web form in oracle application server. When I try to get the correct row id, I get the following error:

ORA-01410 - Invalid row id For the criteria, the output is Dbms_Rowid.rowid_create(1, -1, 36, 7845, 0), why I get a -1 for the ROW_WAIT_OBJ#?

Additional Information: The lock type is DML and the lock mode is: Row Exclusive, the table is locked and the program is web oracle forms executing.

I am executing the query in Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release

How to accomplish getting the correct rowid? Below is the selection criteria I have:

select vs.inst_id,
vs.audsid audsid,
locks.sid sid,


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PL/SQL :: How Database Handles Record Locking When Aggregate Function Called

Jul 17, 2012

how the DB handles record locking when an aggregate function is called? For instance:

select count(*)
into   v_count
from   x;

...Is there a lock maintained on table x for the duration of the transaction so no rows can be inserted or deleted?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Incorporate Parallel Loading To Load Data Into Database - Oracle Locking Not Working?

Aug 3, 2011

At the moment, we were loading the file in our system serially. This is a very old and established system.We would like to incorporate parallel loading for our loaders to load data into the database.

Most of the issues would be due to multiple inserts happening due to the files being loaded in parallel. For some reasons, we cannot give regular commits untill the entire batch of items is processed in case the process needs to rollback. A file can contain different set of batch of items clubbed together for loading.

The issue here is untill the first file finishes loading and commits, the second file would just hang. In fact, mulitiple files might hang for the first file to finish. what can I do to overcome this?I tried to used "lock table t1 in SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE mode nowait". When the leading process is doing inserts, the failing process will fail with a resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified. We would catch this exception and redirect that batch to an error file to be reloaded at a later date.

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Database Versus System Statistics

Aug 26, 2011

In the article regarding gathering CBO Statistics, it states: QUOTE When an Oracle database is created, a job will be scheduled that will generate the database statistics for you. You will still need to collect system statistics however, as these are not collected by the automatic statistics gathering mechanism.

what is the difference between "database statistics" and "system statistics"? In other words, do I need to run this script for each schema owner in my 10g/11g instance?

variable whoami varchar2(20);
select user into :whoami from dual;
exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( -
ownname => :whoami, -
options => 'GATHER AUTO', -
estimate_percent => 15, -
cascade => true).

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Performance Tuning :: HIBERNATE Query Runs Slow But Ok In SQLPLUS

Sep 14, 2012

I have a query which takes 5 minutes when run through the java app which uses hibernate. I've cut and pasted the SQL directly from hiberate trace file and run it in sqlplus/sqldeveloper and it runs instantly (0.01 seconds)(uses the index all ok and explain plan looks good - see below.) I don't know how to get the explain plan when it's running through the app or why it should be any different anyway as the query is identical.

My query is as follows:


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Database Control Versus Enterprise Manager

Mar 11, 2012

I always thought that Database control and Enterprise manager was synonyms...But I am reading a mock about OCA exam and there it said:

QUOTE You just can apply the pacth binaries using the Database Control and with the oPatch utility, but not with the Enterprise Manager...

But to me Database Control and Enterprise Manager are the same thing...

Are there difference between them?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Call DB Function From Java Hibernate

Feb 10, 2011

I need to call DB function through Java Hibernate.

My Sample XML File looks like.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
<sql-query name="getchequeno" callable="true">
?:=call cz_nab_mw_fn_gen_ol_chq_no()
I am getting below error while reading the file

"java.lang.RuntimeException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Errors in named queries: getchequeno"

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Create Dimension - Functional Dependency Between Levels

Sep 28, 2010

the literature equates dimension hierarchies with fuctional dependencies between the levels. I like to tst the strength of this assumption with the implementation of 'CREATE DIMENSION' which allows you to create roll-up hierarchies.

My question to put it simply is this: Given:

LEVEL location IS (location.loc_id)
LEVEL city IS (location.city)
LEVEL state IS (location.state)
HIERARCHY geog_rollup (
location CHILD OF
state CHILD

Can I insert the following rows into the dimension:
loc_id, city, state
1, Epping, NSW
2, Epping, VIC

Please note that the two Eppings are different cities.

Given the roll-up hierarchy City -> State, will it require that for every city there can be only one state in which case the FD between City and State cannot hold. Or, is it that the roll-up hierarchy defined here has nothing to do with FD.

The second part of the question is if the answer to the above question is that the roll-up is not the same as FD, then is the ATTRIBUTE clause meant to define the n:1 (functional dependency) instead?

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Security :: Different Logging Levels In Audit Trail

Oct 11, 2012

where to find various logging levels (like 1-10) of audit trail in oracle...if so how to set that logging levels.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View Of Item Hierarchy By Eliminating NULL Levels

Aug 22, 2013

Here is the table structure I will be speaking of below:

SELECT lvl_1_id, lvl_1_dsc,
lvl_2_id, lvl_2_dsc,
lvl_3_id, lvl_3_dsc,
lvl_4_id, lvl_4_dsc,
lvl_5_id, lvl_5_dsc,
lvl_6_id, lvl_6_dsc,
lvl_7_id, lvl_7_dsc,
lvl_8_id, lvl_8_dsc
FROM item_hier_tbl;

I have a table that mimics an hierarchy of items (parent-child relationship). The top level (level 1) never has a NULL value, but it is possible for any of the lower values to have a NULL value. For example, levels 1, 2, 5, 7, & 8 may have values, but 3, 4, & 6 may all be NULL.

I need a View that can return the same data, but with out NULL values. The View would move the NOT NULL values up the levels, so there is consecutive data on each level starting at level. So using the example, the View would move value in 5 up to 3, 7 up to 4, and 8 up to 5. Then level 6 to 8 would have NULL.

I have done this already by creating a 2nd table and using a stored proc to copy the data over to the new table they I want it. But I was told a View or Materialized view "may" work, and perform quicker during the queries. I looked at the Oracle functions LAG and LEAD, but by definition they work by rows, I need to work by columns on the same row.

LAG (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)
LEAD (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)

Is what I am asking possible in a View or Materialized View?

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Forms :: Display Data Using Hierarchical Tree Up To 3 Levels?

May 17, 2010

I would like to display data using the Hierarchical tree up to 3 levels.I need to create all the nodes programatically.

Means Create the parent (Parent1) level nodes , then create the child (Child1) nodes and add them under the parent1.Similarly create child nodes (Child2) and add them under the parent (Child1).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00036 Error (maximum Number Of Recursive Levels)

Aug 19, 2010

Ive just tried running a simple

update BASIC set 'column name' = NULL

Which works fine if i specify a where clause that returns a low amount of values, but im trying to run this update for the whole column (1000's or records).

Ive had no experience of this error before and am unsure of where to start, ive had a quick read around but see something of removing triggers?

The full error is :

ORA-00036: maximum number of recursive SQL levels (50) exceeded
ORA-06512: at "new.su_Table", line 61

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PL/SQL :: Trigger Error Maximum Number Of Recursive SQL Levels

Aug 29, 2012

I have getting error will insert into table i.e

i have a trigger as below

create or replace trigger INS_ERRORS
before insert on MIG_STG_ERRORS
for each ROW

when i insert into MIG_STG_ERRORS getting error message like 00036. 00000 - "maximum number of recursive SQL levels (%s) exceeded"

*Cause:    An attempt was made to go more than the specified number of recursive SQL levels.
*Action:   Remove the recursive SQL, possibly a recursive trigger.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: PRO*C Compiler Version Versus Database Version

Oct 15, 2010

We are planning to upgrade a database from to have a lot a PRO*C programs pre compiled using (and most likely even compiler.

if we could upgrade the database without having to re-compile all the programs.We have tested this approach against some of our programs. Most of them executed fine - but in 2 cases we are getting "ORA-01001 invalid cursor". I suspect, that the case is that Pre compiler version 9 is not supported against 10g databases - but I am not sure.

Would it be a better option to upgrade Pre compiler/client as the first step and the db as the second step (and would that be supported) ? We definitely don't want to upgrade both Pre compiler/Client and the Database in one goal - that would be too risky.

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PL/SQL :: Trigger - Error - ORA-00036 - Maximum Number Of Recursive SQL Levels?

Aug 10, 2013

From front end the user will enter VACANCY_ID in the label box and once he saves that transaction, in background VACANCY_CD filed(sequence) willautomatically generated

.below is my code:{code}create table tmp1(vac_id number,vac_cd number);create sequence tmp1_seq MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9999999999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 CACHE 20 NOORDER  NOCYCLE ;select tmp1_seq.nextval from dual; ---initiating seqselect tmp1_seq.currval from dual; --checking the current val--trigger creationCREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER TRIGGER1 AFTER  INSERT ON TMP1 FOR EACH ROW   DECLARE seqval


Error: ORA-00036: maximum number of recursive SQL levels (50) exceededORA-00036: maximum number of recursive SQL levels (50) exceeded 

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Security :: Audit Vault Versus Database Vault

Jan 21, 2011

compare the database vault and audit vault. Is there any relation between them.

Moreover How could I connect two different databases(hosted on Host1 and Host2) Using a Third system having 10g vault installed.

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Row Locking In Production

Jan 10, 2013

I am facing the row lock issue in production. I have been trying to resolve the issue but i coud'nt. I traced out by using different queries which sql query is locking which but everything looks good.

And i also checked for connections open and close everything is in good place but unable to resolve the issue. we are running a batch file which runs in every night some of the records are processing and if any one record is failed it is blocking another records.My oracle version is oracle 10.2.0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Know Who Is Locking Table

Apr 12, 2010

I want to Who is locking the table by an SQL statement

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Locking And Foreign Key Indexes

Sep 1, 2013

Say we have an employee(id_emp) table with a primary key on id_emp. We have also some history tables emp_stuff with columns say (id_emp, dat_event, some_stuff) with primary key id_emp, dat_event.

This means that we have a unique index on (id_emp,dat_event). We also have a foreign key id_emp that references employee(id_emp). When we update id_emp on employee, we still have a lock on emp_stuff. According to this (end of the page) :

Quote:So, in short, with releases prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 1, you will want an index on the foreign key of the child table if you do any of the following:

Update the parent table primary key
Delete from the parent table
Merge into the parent table

So is id_emp in emp_stuff considered as indexed (through the unique index of the primary key) or do we have to add an explicit index
like this CREATE INDEX emp_stuff ON emp_stuff(id_emp) to avoide child table locks?

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Forms :: Record Locking?

Oct 21, 2010

I have developed a form, containing 5 tab pages and also referencing to 5 tables.tab page a of table a some fields are required and some or not.when i open form and start entering record, and then i change mine and dont enter and want to navigate to some other page, it simply allows me to leave it blank and move to some other tab page.

tab page b of table bsome fields are required and some or not.when i open this tab page and one i click in the first field and then do not enter anything in it and want to leave it , it does not allow me to leave blank.what could be the reason. why one tab page allow me to leave blank and navigate and why the other does not?first field of both tab pages are required.

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PL/SQL :: Row Locking During Update Statement?

Aug 9, 2013

Using Oracle 11gr2. If I call the following update statement from session A, session A will lock the row until a commit/rollback statement is issued from session A. If session B calls the same update statement and same row, session B will have to wait until the lock is released in session A. However, the application developers are speaking in terms of threads. Could it be possible that the update statement is called within the same session by multiple requests? If yes, could the case statement be evaluated without the row being locked which could lead to false results? Trying to keep this post brief. tableA has columnA (primary key, number) and columnB (number) 

{update tableAset columnB = case when columnB = 3 then   4  when columnB = 4 then   5   else  columnB    endwhere columnA = 6;}

Could 2 requests (almost at the exact same time) in the same session evaluate columnB as 3. The desired result would be the first request sets the column to 4 and the second request sets the column to 5.

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Locking Users By A Table Field Value

Dec 27, 2006

We have a table with several columns (id, title, description, area).The data in the table looks like this

1 sometitle1 description1 USA
2 sometitle2 description2 Germany
3 sometitle3 description3 Japan
4 sometitle4 description4 Honduras

We have Oracle users with their usernames and password. We would like to lock every single user to a certain area.Example:

user 1 may see only records, where AREA=USA
user 2 may see only records, where AREA=Honduras

How can I do this in Oracle. I am using Oracle Enterprise 9.2

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Archive Processes Locking In Oracle

Nov 9, 2010

I am having a data guard setup done in oracle 10g( WINDOWS Platform. some of the archive process are locked in primary db side.

-------- ---------- ------------ ----
1 ACTIVE 804462 IDLE
5 ACTIVE 800011 BUSY
7 ACTIVE 800009 BUSY
9 ACTIVE 802335 BUSY

Shall we kill the locking archive processes? killing archive processes will cause any problem?

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Performance Tuning :: Locking Of Two Sessions?

Apr 27, 2012

how to avoid oracle deadlock with two sessions. Here is my example, We use Select query with For Update in order to get the unique number from a table. When one user has accessed this query, while the other user tries, System gives a Performace slow and when checked it is due to locking of this select query with For update.

We don't want to use For update WAIT or FOR UPDATE NOWAIT since these will result in missing of number.

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11g Child Table Update Locking?

May 26, 2013

I've a table TXN1 transaction and has FKs to 3 different tables Account, customer, country and currency. ALL FKs are indexed (bitmap). I am updating TXN1 of amount column about 10,000 rows. (SID 1) As expected, it has taken lock type 3 SX on TXN1. But it has taken on lock type 4 (share) on Account, customer and country. Committing every 10k rows.

At the same time sid 2 is inserting into another TXN2 table which has FK to the same dimensions account, customer and currency. Only FK on ac_id is bitmap indexed. The inserts have taken SX lock(type 3) on tXN2 table (expected). But it is trying to take SX type 3 lock on account, customer, currency tables. typ3 lock taken on CCY but waiting on CST. But It is blocked by sid 1. It has resulted into Enque-TM contention and resulted into anywhere 60-300 secs wait time..

I understand update/delete in parent table results into locking of SX of child tables and need the FKs to be indexed to avoid etc.

1. Why is SID1 taking shared lock on the parent tables Account,customer,country and currency tables? The update statement is not updating any of those FK columns nor referring them in where clause(if it matters!). Is it to ensure that the parent rows are not deleted?

2. Why is SID2 taking SX lock on the dimension tables? Why is it not taking RS lock type 2 on parent rows? Why is SID1 taking shared lock type 4, but not 2?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Locking Views (rows Of Data While Updating)

Nov 10, 2011

I have a set of rows based on a complex view from multiple table.

I will be updating some of its columns from front-end . Is there any possible ways to lock those rows of data while updating and no other users can update it;

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Server Administration :: Sessions And LGWR Locking?

Jul 13, 2010

We had an issue last week were we had a session with a very basic SQL query lock up the database, spiking the CPU at 100%. When you would kill the session, the lock would just jump to another session and so on. We finally had to restart the database since our clients were being kicked out. After the restart of the database, the LGWR ended up locking and held the CPU between 85-95%. The archive logs were switching every 5 minutes, when normally it would be every 45min. We spoke with Oracle Support, but they just ended up brushing the issue off and saying it was a hardware issue and were not able to provide any kind of backing to that.

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Performance Tuning :: One Procedure Is Blocking And Another Is Locking It

Jan 25, 2011

I am new to performance tuning. One procedure is blocking and another is locking it.

SQL> @glockers
Oracle OS

---------- ------ -- ------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------

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