Forms :: Stack Canvas Hides While Validation Of Any Item Is Failed On The Form?

Oct 18, 2011

i have a form based on tab canvas. for some values(on form) i am hiding some fileds or a complete frame on the form using stack canvas. it works fine but if a user enters a wrong value in some field i.e enters character in number field the stack canvas hides(showing the hidden fields).

I tried to use on error trigger at form level and when validate item trigger to show the canvas but it first hides the canvas once right value is entered it just shows canvas again. following is the code i wrote

IF other_item_value = 'E' THEN

I need not to hide the canvas in any case whether any other field on the form is validated or not.

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Forms :: Place Stack Canvas On Tab Canvas

Feb 28, 2011

We have placed Stack canvas on tab canvas. The Stack canvas will be visible/Invisible based on some condition dynamically. The Issue is When you show the stack canvas by using Hide_View('Canvas') , the stack canvas is shown on all tab canvas instead of displaying in the first tab canvas.

How to over come this issue and can we place stack canvas on tab canvas?

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Forms :: Add Stack Canvas On A Tab Canvas

Mar 30, 2010

I want to create a tabular type form on a tab canvas.. but my fields are often out of the form range. i want to create a stack canvas on tab canvas but it say that stack canvas and tab canvas must be created within content canvas.

how can i manage it what can i do now. i also attached pic of my tab canvas. i show some fields on tab canvas and 3 more fields i inserted on this canvas. And i can't reduced the width of my fields.

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Forms :: Item Validation With Type

Oct 31, 2011

I have one column Value his Datatype is varchar2 and I want to validate it with Type column his values are(Char,Date,Number). If Column Type have value Number then column value should accept number input only. How we 'll achieve this.

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Forms :: Database Item In A Block / Canvas

Jan 24, 2011

I am modifying an existing form and wanted to do this with less number of modifications. The existing form has one checkbox item ( displayed and attached to database)..and its not in use ( was created for some enhancement that never implemented but code is there)..and in the form at several places its mentioned/calculated based on Updatabale/Enable/Queryable/Insert..all properties.

Since I want to use the same position of this check box so ..i simply detached the canvas from this compiles fine but when login into application it gives al those errors like..FRM--item not update able.etc etc..

Is there any property to just hide an item inspite having related codes in the form ?

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Forms :: Create Login Form With Validation

Dec 4, 2010

I just need to create a login form ..its like user will login using his given id and password will be encryted when entering and i just need to simple validation that if he has entered corrected password it will display message ok or else wrong password.

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Forms :: How To Have Standard Size For Canvas Or Window Of Form

Feb 28, 2012

Is it possible to have a standard size for canvas or window of the form? like different users are having different screen resolutions and may have different screen sizes which cause forms not to come proper on the user screen. Is there some solution to avoid the user's resolution and should work on some standard measurements?

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Forms :: Executing A Form With A JPG Imported Image On Canvas

Feb 24, 2009

I'm facing a really strange problem in Forms with an FMB that has a couple of canvas, but the main one canvas is showing a JPG (like a Wall Paper for the application, in fact this FMB would be the main FMB and it will call the main menu also). The problem is on run-time (locally, running on windows, just in some Laptops). At execution time, there's a FRM-92102 error, but only deleting the image, and trying again, the Screen run perfect!

The worst part is that same FMB run perfect on other laptops. I've tried almost everything : Creating again, just the form with one canvas and importing the image, and Run, but same error appears again. Trying with another image, same results.

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Forms :: Performing Validation Based On Unique Values In A Form

Mar 10, 2013

In my form i have a multi record block which is based on a table in which i am performing insertion, deletion, updation.

My requirement is as below,

While saving a records i want to check distinct value of specific item can not be greater than some value say 2. Then only my records should be saved. I am planning to populate those values in a collection table type and take the distinct values from it. How to populate record values in a collection table type.

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Forms :: Modify Existing Form - Resize Canvas And Window?

Oct 30, 2010

I need to modify an existing form, thus I have to resize a canvas and a window for it. In windows, I run it and I got the right display. When I transfer it to dev server running in linux, then I compile and run it, it display the previous/unmodified size. I'm sure my form is the one that running, I placed some text there and it was displayed.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-04098 Trigger BANKTRAN_BEF_DEL Is Invalid And Failed Re-validation?

Jan 7, 2013

I created follwoing trigger successfully...

create or replace trigger BANKTRAN_BEF_DEL
before delete on BANKTRAN
weekend_error EXCEPTION;
not_authentocated_user EXCEPTION;


but when deleting the records using query delete from BANKTRAN getting the below error

ORA-04098 trigger"BANKTRAN_BEF_DEL" is invalid and and failed re-validation

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Forms :: Stacked Canvas Inside Tabbed Canvas

Feb 10, 2007

is there any method in placing a stacked canvas inside a tabbed canvas ?

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Forms :: Can't Move From Canvas To Canvas To Change Its Color

May 11, 2011

I have Table that save a color (specific color) , i want to change this color for all forms included windows and canvases at Runtime (by Code) .

My problem is : i can't move from canvas to canvas to change its color ( name of canvas ) - no next canvas code - like next block?

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Forms :: Place Tab Canvas Into Content Canvas?

May 25, 2011

Can we place tab canvas in content canvas?i have created one header section based on content line level i need to display can i do this?

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Forms :: Displaying Tab Canvas On Content Canvas

Apr 23, 2012

I have tried enough to put Tab canvas on content canvas so that they can appear in the same window. I have tried on internet and unluckily find only


I didn't understand how to do it.

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Application Express :: Apply Validation On Date Item?

Dec 12, 2012

i want to apply validation on date item. i have created some cases if any case would be fail then error shold be fire.How can i do this.

my code



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Forms :: Master Detail Form - Navigate From One Item To Another

Jan 20, 2013

I have a master-detail form, before filling up all the item in master cursor should not go to details, if user clicks in detail he should get a message.

When I am pressing ENTER to navigate from one item to another is asking'do u want to save the changes'.how to control this message and when pressedenter cursor should go to next item.

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Forms :: Display Sysdate And User On Item Form

Aug 7, 2010

query also a button click the trigger used when button press event user then the write this query.


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How To Exit From Form Without Validation

Jun 11, 2004

I had used a When-Validate-Item trigger against an text item.

Also i had a push button (EXIT) for Exiting from the Form with code : Exit_Form(no_validation);

But if an invalid text is entered in the Text-Item and after that if i use the EXIT push Button then it doesnot exit from the Form till a valid text is entered inside the Text-Item.

how to Exit from Form even if the Text-Item has Invalid Value.

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Forms :: Get Chosen Value In Radio Button Into Text Item Which Is In Another Form?

Feb 25, 2013

how can i get the chosen value in radio button into text item which is in another form?

Suppose i have 3 radio buttons (watch, gadget and jewelry)then I choose watch.How can i display that chosen radio button into the text item which is in another form?

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Forms :: Stacked Canvas On Tab Canvas

Mar 29, 2011

I've a 2 stacked canvases(canvas_live_appmnt, canvas_cancelled_appmnt) and Tab canvas(cc_main).Now I need to move the stacked canvas on the Tab canvas.I tried writing the When-tab-changed trigger as follows: In the below code I was trying for only one of the stacked canvases.

L_LOCAL_tp_name := GET_CANVAS_PROPERTY('CC_MAIN',topmost_tab_page);

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Forms :: Trigger Form When-new-record-instance To Assign Values For Item

Mar 28, 2011

I am developing form, but there is issue when I Press F11 to query data.I make trigger form when-new-record-instance to assign values for item.But when i Press F11 then Block no clear.

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Forms :: Enable Property Of One Particular Text Item To False - Form Abruptly Closing

Sep 8, 2011

i have a form having 4 database data blocks and one non database data block(for Push Buttons like SAVE,CLEAR,EXIT..).

In the control Block i have 5 push buttons out of which one is used to Save the entries and one to clear the form. In the coding of SAVE button after writing "COMMIT_FORM;" i want to disable all other Data block on my form excluding the one containing Push buttons so that the data entered by end user stay appearing on the form till he Clears the form.

Now the problem is that when i set enabled property of one particular text_item to false , the form if closing down along with the application, it is totally disappearing from screen.This is happening for one particular text item.

what could be the possible reason for this and what needs to be done to overcome this problem.

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Application Express :: Validation On Text Item / User Enter Valid Date Format

Oct 13, 2012

i have text item :P1_ADMISSION_DATE .i want to validate that item if user does not enter valid date forrmat then display me error.

Date Format is 'DD-MON-YYYY'

i have try with PL/SQL Expression in Validation

My validation code

:P1_ADMISSION_DATE=TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY');How can i validate :P1_ADMISSION_DATE to enter valid date format by user.

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Application Express :: Tabular Form Select List Validation

Aug 30, 2012

I use apex 4.1..I have a tabular form a select like this

where ISAVTIVE = 1STRATEGYSTARTYEAR and STRATEGYSTOPTYEAR as a Select List contain a value of year

I select from LOV like this
select y l, y v
from (select extract(year from sysdate) + rownum - 1y from dual connect by rownum <= 51)and


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Application Express :: How To Create Validation Only For Created Rows In Tabular Form

Sep 19, 2012

Is it possible to create a validation for tabular form which will be fired only for created?

There is a possibility in APEX 4.1 to choose two types of "*Execution scope*" first is "*For created and Modified Rows*" and second is "*All Submitted Rows*".

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Application Express :: 4.2 Item - Validation Return Boolean And Return Error Text Are Switched

Oct 17, 2012

In Apex 4.2, the item validation of "Function Returning Boolean" and "Function Returning Error Text"; They seam to be backwards.

Is there a simple statement that can be used to fix this in the apex dictionary?

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Forms :: Call One Trigger Of Item In Trigger Of Form?

Jul 1, 2011

How can "call one trigger of item in trigger of form"

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Application Express :: Modal Popup Window Hides?

Aug 20, 2012

today I stepped upon an issue regarding popup windows.I have created an application with popup windows for editing and inserting new records.I left the item label templates to "Optional with Help".When I now click upon an item label the help - popup window appears but it is hidden behind the popup window I am working in.

Is there a workaround for that.Is there a possibility to modify the z-order either of the help popup or of the modal window ?

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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