I have query in that query i should display the number of row. I have tried to select the row num but when i use it the data will be duplicated. I have found something that related to use temporary table, or subquery but all of them will not work because the query depends on many tables and if i use temporary table filling the table and then reading from it will take too long time.
Is there any way could alter the sequence depending on specific condition to start with 1 in the form builder?
i wanna to reset the sequence to 1 whenever the month change.is there any way?
Could i make detail block invisible and whenever button pressed i will display the block? I want to put the where clause for that block in the button and if the button did not pressed i want to display nothing in the detail block?
Actually m working on oracle 10g forms. I have a list item in which no. of records displayed is 10. I am populating this list item through a record group. I want when user select a value from first record then he should not be able to select the same value in further record of that list item.
I know how to create sequence in the database.But I want to create this sequence from the form by giving the name of the sequence from a filed in the form.
i want to get serial numbers in oracle forms. i have one data block with 10 rows and a non database display item with corresponding length as that of the original data block .
when ever i am executing the form i want to see the serial number generated in the display item and when i inserted a new item or row it should show the corresponding rownum.
empno name serialno 5 tom 1 4 tinil 2 6 sofy 3 7 john 4 1 albert 5 2 michel 6
I have just created the basic employee information form in which i upload the photograph of the employee. The photograph gets uploaded but it does not display properly. I have already referred the sample database application to display the image. Moreover, i have followed the same steps as it is used to display the product image in that application. Still i am unable to get result. I am getting following output:
I have the following select query that works perfectly fine. Returns 25 rows based on the descending order of the price.But, I want add one more expression to this list of columns in this query (apart from customer_id).
the expression should look like Cust-01 for the first customer from the below query all the way to Cust-25 for the last customer.But how can I can generate 01 to 25 in oracle?
select customer_id from (select customer_id from capitalPLAN where member_status = 'MEMBER' AND customer_id NOT in ('156','201','1385','2125','3906','165') order by price desc ) where rownum <= 25
In our production, we have two nodes in the cluster. We use the sequence for one of the main table for primary key. Our application is expecting sequence number increments along with created date time stamp. Right now sequences are cached for each node and it creates problem for the application. We would not like to use NOCACHE option because it causes performance issue.
This is the current scenario -
Transaction #1 on Node 1 - Seq ID 1 - Time Stamp 12:01 Transaction #2 on Node 2 - Seq ID 51 - Time Stamp 12:02 Transaction #3 on Node 1 - Seq ID 2 - Time Stamp 12:03
When I try to query based on the time stamp, primary should also go up. To be very clear on what I would like to have, please consider the following example.Without using NOCACHE option, I need to have the data in the following order.
Transaction #1 on Node 1 - Seq ID 1 - Time Stamp 12:01 Transaction #2 on Node 2 - Seq ID 2 - Time Stamp 12:02 Transaction #3 on Node 1 - Seq ID 3 - Time Stamp 12:03
In other words, sequence number should always increment along with the time.
I have a following select statement where I am not generating a sequence in any of these WHERE clause, GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause, DISTINCT clause, along with a UNION or INTERSECT or MINUS or sub-query.
I have query like this
"SELECT AER_ID_TEMP.AER_ID, AER_ID_TEMP.D__PRNO, AER_ID_TEMP.D__PCNT, CAST((select char_value from aris_param_data where param_id = 101)||seq_record_id.nextval AS INT) as RECORD_ID FROM AER_ID_TEMP"
but still encountering a error "ORA-02287 sequence number not allowed"
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER audit_emp AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON Employee FOR EACH ROW declare my emp_audit%ROWTYPE; begin if inserting then my.action := 'I'; [code].......
It works alright but i need to enter a sequenced value to a column audit_id which is a column in the emp_audit table when a change takes place, but when i define the variable it gives be an error as bad bind variable so where can i define this column in this trigger so get a sequenced value every time i d or u occurs .
Is there any way to get the last Sequence Number generated regardless the Sequence name? Something like dbinfo('sqlca.sqlerrd1') within Informix?
Imagine I have 2 sequences. Imagine that I run both several times until 20:00 hours. Imagine that at 21:00 hours I would like to know what was the last generated number created by any of the sequences. I don't wann know wich sequence generated the last NEXTVAL, I only want to know the value of the last NEXTVAL used.
Is it possible without mentionating the Sequence name?
I am facing issue with my sequence number about sequence number generated..I want it to follow the sequence all the time, i.e. it should take next incremental number to last generated seauence, but it generates random one all the time, i.e
I have a block in the form which is based of a table as data source and so when i query on the form using a execute_query inbuilt statement is fired and all the records in the table behind is retrived and displayed. Also if i need to update any record i can do in on the screen and use commit_form so that all the changes go into the underlying table. Now my problem is when i retrieving my records i want to filter those records based on some conditions to be displayed in the form and not all records to be retrieved. Is it possible to do it if I am using the execute_query inbuilt and my block is based of a table?
I have a result set with three columns as 'Product Category', 'Product' & 'QtySales' and 10 rows, sorted in the order Product Category, Product. This means, a product category will have one or more products under it.
Now i want to add a fourth column to my result set, which should display a incremental number sequence from starting from 1, 2, 3.. for each row. Also when the value of the Product Category (1st column) changes, this sequence should be restarted again from 1.
I have a table ABC with two columns NAME and SEQUENCE. The valid values of sequence are from 1..50. The table may not have all the Sequence number. For example following is the data in my table..
Basically I want to have rows for the sequence numbers which are not present i my table. I thought of using the following query to generate a sequence and then join, but does not work.
select rownum from dual connect by rownum <=50
I tried something like
with temp as (select name, sequence from abc where supp_ref_order is not null order by sequence ) select rownum as num, temp.name from dual, temp connect by rownum <=50 where temp.sequence =num
I need generate an unique number without sequence. I am using Oracle 11.2, here is the details. The column idSeq is unique withing one specific idType. I don't want a sequence for each idType.
create sequence seq minvalue 1 maxvalue 99999 start with 1 increment by 1; create table t ( id number, b date); insert into t values (seq.nextval,sysdate); update t set b=sysdate-1 where id=seq.currval; update t set b=sysdate-1 where id=seq.currval * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here
I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".
And then i call: Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True); Form status change to "QUERY"
And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.
Name _____ Smith Street Smith Street John Street Ed Street Ed Street Ed Street
and need to assign sequence numbers only when the record (Name) changes, e.g. :
Name Seq _____ ____ Smith Street 1 Smith Street 1 John Street 2 Ed Street 3 Ed Street 3 Ed Street 3
I have experimented with row_number partition but then i just get the sequence returning to 1 when the name value changes.
If I grouped the records by Name I would like to have unique, sequential numbers: 1, 2, 3 but where there is the same name I would like the sequence to stop and the number to replicate?
I have a CSV file with 100 records and one of the column as FILE_ID. I want to load one unique number for all 100 recs not for every records.
suppose my sequence returns 3 as next val i want to load 3 for all 100 records. How to implement this in control file or sh file . I am using shell script to call sqlldr.