Forms :: Inventory Sale Program In Oracle

Apr 15, 2010

I have made the inventory sale program in oracle. Its working from 7 years. Now its speed is very slow.It take much time to execute query.

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Forms :: Dynamic LOV For Sub-Inventory Field?

Jul 20, 2010

I have one requirement.I am populating LOV dynamically for the subinventory field in the order form through custom.pll.

If Dropship flag= 'Y' then populate suninv LOV with D1,d2..values.If it is 'N' then populate suninv LOV with w01,w02,....values.This is done and working fine in the form.But If i save dropship flag='Y' and Subinv value is D1 then it saves the record.Now I am changing Drop ship flag as 'N' then 'D1' value appearing in the SUBINV field.and it allow the save changes.

So How can i refresh Lov at the time of making drop ship flag as 'Y'/'N'?

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Forms :: Batch Program Retrieve Data From Oracle To Excel

Jul 5, 2011

I'm developing a new batch program retrieve data from oracle to excel.Normally i insert those data into single sheet. Is it possible if I want do this into multiple sheet.

Eg: I need to insert data base on branch category. different sheet for different branch but still in a single workbook?

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Oracle Inventory / Sql Table Not Pulling Any Data

Aug 14, 2013

There are two oracle inventory tables, I found that used to pull up data before but not anymore . It is



I need to use all the columns/data that are in these two tables. I am not finding any equivalent table. where can I retrieve these information from?

Select * from MTL_BIS_INV_BY_PERIOD;

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How To Create Central Inventory For Oracle 11g Running On Windows Server

Dec 26, 2012

--- Current Oracle Inventory pointing to the location of C:program FilesOracleInventory.

We are plannig to creat a central inventory for all Oralcle installations into to C:oraagentorainventory.

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Forms :: Auto Populating Records In Other Fields Based On Inventory Number Field

Jul 13, 2011

I am having a problem with auto populating different fields based on inventory no. field.. This is a bug giving to me to work on and i not able to figure out how to populate the other fields.

How to set any triggers for the items to auto populate and i am suppose to finish this work today.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Value Of First And Last Sale

Aug 29, 2013

I have a sales table where i need to get same indicators about the account, I get the date of first sale and the date of last sale, but I need to get the value of first sale (min date) and the last sale (max date)

WITH My_table AS
SELECT '0001' ID_ACC, 'ABC' Cod_Product, to_date('20130801', 'YYYYMMDD') DTCREATED, 1000 as Value FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '0001' ID_ACC, 'ABC' Cod_Product, to_date('20130815', 'YYYYMMDD') DTCREATED, 400 as Value FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '0001' ID_ACC, 'ABC' Cod_Product, to_date('20130807', 'YYYYMMDD') DTCREATED, 2600 as Value FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '0001' ID_ACC, 'ABC' Cod_Product, to_date('20130808', 'YYYYMMDD') DTCREATED, 500 as Value FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '0001' ID_ACC, 'ABC' Cod_Product, to_date('20130811', 'YYYYMMDD') DTCREATED, 450 as Value FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '0001' ID_ACC, 'ABC' Cod_Product, to_date('20130802', 'YYYYMMDD') DTCREATED, 4000 as Value FROM dual UNION ALL


Where i will get

ID_ACC = 0001
DATE_START = 20130801
DATE_LAST = 20130828

And i need this two values

VALUE_FIRST = 1000 (on 20130801)
VALUE_LAST = 10 (on 20130828)

How can i get VALUE_FIRST and VALUE_LAST without using temp tables or sub-select ?

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PL/SQL :: How To Get Max Total Sale By Date On Every Store

Jul 6, 2013

I am trying to write a query in Oracle which will return both the store_id and the maximum total sale by date

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Cobol Program That Call C Program

Jan 28, 2011

I have a Cobol program that call C program above

#include stdlib

char *uid = "puntos/puntos@cmrdesar";

Are something wrong in C programm ? Pro*C code from passing_ variable_ number_ of_ arguments_to_C.html

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Report Deign To Generate Month Wise Sale - Date Format

Sep 23, 2013

how to write pl/sql to create date o/p like .

since we wnat to design pl/sql report wich will generate monthwise sale from 01jan2009 to 01-sep-2013.

we have created funtion wich will accept argument as employee no, from date and to date.

from_date to_date
01-JAN-2009 01-FEB-2009
01-FEB-2009 01-MAR-2009
01-MAR-2009 01-APR-2009
01-APR-2009 01-MAY-2009
01-may-2009 01-JUN-2009
01-JUN-2009 01-JUL-2009

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Forms :: Convert Program From 6i To 10g

Dec 6, 2006

I have a program that was developed in Forms 6i.Actually, this program:

- reads a table with a Blob column that contains a MS Word format Document.
- the document needs to be convert , then the program changes some variables that are wildcards.

In forms 6i I use a column with datatype Ole and the flowing procedure that read value from database:

PROCEDURE Pr_Abre_Contrato (pContrato In Contrato.Cont_Numero%Type,
pQuery in Varchar2 ) Is
Workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
Application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
MyDocuments ole2.obj_type;
Args ole2.obj_type;
vWhere Varchar2(200);

Now, I need to convert this program to forms10g. I opened the TAR in metalink and the Support said that exec_verb can not be used and it doesn't have another one to replace.

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Forms :: Executing Program BAT In Another PC In 10g?

Oct 20, 2010

I have forms 10g and use oracle database11. I have a form and I need to execute a program x.bat in another PC.

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Forms :: Creating A Program With Two Tables

Jul 19, 2010

I am facing a problem while creating a program using oracle forms.These two table i am using in creating following program .

SQL> desc electricity ;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

What i want that whenever user writes a value in "PRESENT_Reading" Column then it stores value in "ID table" .For example if current month is July ,Then when user write a value in present Reading column ,it stores it in JULY Column of Id table ..i Write following trigger (Key_commit) On present_reading Column .

if sysdate=to_char(sysdate,'MON','Jan') Then
:electricity.PRESENT_REDAING := :ID.Jan ;

sysdate=to_char(sysdate,'MON','FEB') Then
:electricity.PRESENT_REDAING := :ID.Feb ;

sysdate=to_char(sysdate,'MON','MAR') Then
:electricity.PRESENT_REDAING:= :ID.MAR ;

But when i run my form it does not work ,and raised unhandled Exception .I think i need to change some properties of PRESENT_READING column of electricity table.

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Forms :: Open Excel Sheet From PL/SQL Program

Jul 13, 2010

I need to open an excel sheet from PL/SQL program where I will put in the data. How to open an excel sheet from Pl/sql code.I got hold of a code as below Looks like I need to configure DAD PL/SQL


-- Prepare Headers
--htp.p('Content-Length: '||document_length||NL_CHAR);
--htp.p('Content-Length: '||document_length);


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Forms :: Using A Java Program In Bean Area?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to use a java program in Bean Area.

But I can't understand the implement class and how it is implemented.

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Forms :: Copy Rows From Excel And Paste In 6i Program?

Sep 28, 2007

I want to copy some rows in one column from Excel and Paste it in a Oracle Forms Progam. Normaly with the clipboard. But my Oracle Forms 6i Program copy alle the rows in one Field, separated with a | character. But I need it in several rows.

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Forms :: Trigger Program To Track User Information

Jun 25, 2013

I have a trigger program to track updated information's on perks column. I am failing to finish systime in my trigger program.

SQL> desc user_track;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

SQL> create or replace trigger tri_track
6 (:old.eid, :old.ename , :old.perks, :new.perks,user, sysdate, to_char(sysdate , 'HH24:MI:SS')
7 from dual;
8 end;
9 /

Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.

SQL> show errors;

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
3/95 PL/SQL: ORA-00917: missing comma

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Forms :: ORA-06508 - PL/SQL - Could Not Find Program Unit Being Called

Feb 18, 2010

Actually what happens is that we are connected to oracle through forms 6i. suddenly we receive the error " ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called "

while doing some transaction. we have searched on net and meta link. they say that the package / procedure called has become invalid or recompilation has occurred and that is not compatible. Now we have monitored carefully that there are no changes what so ever has been made in the the package/ procedure.

what could be the reason behind this. we have also checked the global variable issue. we use package level variables but declared in the package body only. (so these are not public)

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Forms :: Run Concurrent Program On Save (Push Button)

Jun 16, 2011

How can we run concurrent program on SAVE (push button) in oracle forms?

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Forms :: Frm-40405 Traced The Program And Only One Commit_form Is Being Entered

Mar 22, 2011

I am getting an error whenever I attempt to save a record.My form has a number of none table data blocks and one database block. I have traced the program and only one commit_form is being entered and I keep getting the 40405 error.

I have attempted to trap in an form level on-error trigger but that doesn't fire for this error.

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Forms :: Organization Chart - Generate Automatically Without Opening Any Program

Apr 11, 2007

I need is to generate this chart automatically from the form builder without opening any program like visio (for instant). that's mean when I select the wanted department the chart will be generated automatically .

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Global And Local Inventory - Patchset?

Apr 21, 2013

1)What is the use of inventory?

2) Global inventory is found by checking the oraInst.loc file. How to find the location of Local inventory?

3)Why is every patchset( now a full release?

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Execute Java Program From Oracle Procedure Which Is On Different Machines

Oct 10, 2012

Machine 1: Oracle server installed and database hosted on this Machine.
Machine 2: Oracle client is installed and connect through sqlplus to database in machine 1.

The requirement is: I need to have a Java/C program in machine 2 (where client available) which needs to be called from the stored procedure in server on machine 1. The objective is calling a java/C program from Oracle stored procedure but available on 2 different machines. Is it possible,

Environment: Oracle

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How To Find Out The List Of Patches Applied Without Using Inventory

Jul 23, 2012

I have been asked this question once.

How will you find out the list of patches applied to Oracle Database Home without using commands like opatch lsinventory -detal etc...

I think registry$history is a view from where we can find out the list of patches applied.

But I think it will not include all the bug fixes,stand alone or one-off patches.It will mainly list out the CPU patches applied(correct me if I am wrong).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Connection Timeout When Calling Oracle Function From Java Program?

Jun 18, 2013

We have a daily batch job executing a oracle-plsql function. Actually the quartz scheduler invokes a java program which makes a call to the oracle-plsql function. This oracle plsql function deletes data (which is more than 6 months) from 4 tables and then commits the transaction.

This batch job was running successfully in the test environment but started failing when new data was dumped to the tables which happened 2 weeks ago (The code is supposed to go into production this week). Earlier the number of rows in each table was not more than 0.1 million. But now it is 1 million in 3 tables and 2.4 million in the other table.

After running for 3 hours, we are getting a error in java (written in the log file) "...Connection reset; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset....". When the row-counts on the tables were checked, it was clear that no record was deleted from any of the tables.

Is it possible in oracle database, for the plsql procedure/function to be automatically terminated/killed when the connection is timed out and the invoking session is no longer active?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Write A Program Using Oci To Login Into Oracle Database?

Mar 28, 2006

I want write a program using oci to login into oracle database.Advance security option for the oracle server is set to kerberos authentication. Is it possible to login to the oracle database through olog() function.

Initial ticket is required in kerberos authentication. So is it also needed durinfg the login from my programme.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Multithread Program Hangs In Oracle Library On Itanium

May 13, 2005

my Multithread-Program hangs in an oracle library while passing a prepare statement (also if i try an EXEC SQL SELECT statement...). Something seems to be wrong in the Program, but i cant's find the Error.The Program is build with:

proc parse=none code=cpp mode=oracle hold_cursor=yes maxopencursors=20 THREADS=YES sqlcheck=full iname=Precomp_all.pc oname=Precomp_all.h

problem: a first thread creates the connection to oracle with one global context (type sql_context) in the connection object:


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Reports & Discoverer :: Create One Inventory Label Report With Barcode?

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying create one Inventory label report with bar code ,This reports working fine stand alone,Once i am added this report on Oracle Apps concurrent Program ,Output came without bar code.

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Write A Query Based On Inventory On Hand Packed Quantity

Jul 18, 2013

which table do I have to use to get the Inventory On Hand Packed Quantity  based on Oracle EBS Suite using backend? 

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Oracle 11g - Java Virtual Machine Could Not Find Main Class Program Will Exit

Jul 26, 2013

In my Organization I am trying to install oracle ODTwithODAC112030 but one Error showing that is java virtual machine could not find main class program will Exit. 

Server Configuration Dell power Edge r510 Windows 2003 64 bit serv PAck 2 Citrix Presentation server 4.5 .

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