SQL & PL/SQL :: Connection Timeout When Calling Oracle Function From Java Program?

Jun 18, 2013

We have a daily batch job executing a oracle-plsql function. Actually the quartz scheduler invokes a java program which makes a call to the oracle-plsql function. This oracle plsql function deletes data (which is more than 6 months) from 4 tables and then commits the transaction.

This batch job was running successfully in the test environment but started failing when new data was dumped to the tables which happened 2 weeks ago (The code is supposed to go into production this week). Earlier the number of rows in each table was not more than 0.1 million. But now it is 1 million in 3 tables and 2.4 million in the other table.

After running for 3 hours, we are getting a error in java (written in the log file) "...Connection reset; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset....". When the row-counts on the tables were checked, it was clear that no record was deleted from any of the tables.

Is it possible in oracle database, for the plsql procedure/function to be automatically terminated/killed when the connection is timed out and the invoking session is no longer active?

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Forms :: Java Timeout Connection Error?

Mar 30, 2012

This error keeps on comming in my welogic forms server window many often....can any one tell me why it is so ?

<Error> <oracle.forms.servlet> <FRM-91230> <fatal
error in runtime process: timeout on connection to Java client>

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: PLS-00201 Error Displayed When Call Function From Program?

Jun 30, 2011

my java program i am executing a pl/sql function using callable statement i checked everything in the function and the function is created without compilation errors in sql*plus environment, and i gave all DBA permissions to the user, but i got the error like below

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 28: PLS-00201: identifier 'NAME' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored

and i wrote the function like below for the below table

create table student(regno number(6),name varchar2(15),dob date,phone number(10),
address varchar2(30),cat varchar2(2),password varchar2(12),hallno number(6),
fee_paid varchar2(3),constraint student_pk primary key(regno))
create table fee(regno number(6), branch varchar2(15),amount number(4), ddno number(12), fee_paid varchar2(3),
dddate date, dd_received_date date default sysdate, constraint fee_pk primary key(regno))


and the java program is like below
Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,dbUserName,dbPassword);
CallableStatement st=connection.prepareCall("{?=call


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Calling Java Stored Procedure From Oracle

Jun 20, 2011

I am writing a java stored procedure in my package. In the java procedure I want to issue a query to be fired on the user table from which I am calling the java procedure.

Some thing like following:

I am logged in to USER1 and my package is inside USER1. From this package I am calling the Java Stored Procedure. In java procedure I want to make a jdbc connection to USER2. The details of USER2(password, hostname,portno) are stored in a table called 'connection_details' and this table is in the USER1.

My problem is how can I issue the


so that i can get the details..?

Do i need to first make jdbc connection to USER1 and then execute the above query for which i need similar details of USER1. How can i obtain the details of USER1 here.

I am thinking if I am already in USER1 then do I need to make the jdbc connection to USER1 and then execute the query?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Calling Function With (array Of) Complex Data Type

Oct 20, 2011

I'm trying to call a Java function from within a PL/SQL aggregation function with a (array of) complex data type.

a) basic definitions (work and are ok)

relevance NUMBER,
bid1 NUMBER,tid1 NUMBER,prob1 NUMBER,
bid2 NUMBER,tid2 NUMBER,prob2 NUMBER,
bid3 NUMBER,tid3 NUMBER,prob3 NUMBER,
bid4 NUMBER,tid4 NUMBER,prob4 NUMBER,
bid5 NUMBER,tid5 NUMBER,prob5 NUMBER,
bid6 NUMBER,tid6 NUMBER,prob6 NUMBER
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE eventtuple IS TABLE OF eventtype;

b) The following call works (but is not exactly that what I want):

public class pcompDP {
public static NUMBER probComputation(oracle.sql.STRUCT pin) throws java.sql.SQLException {
create or replace FUNCTION pcompDPFunc(cin IN eventtype) RETURN NUMBER PARALLEL_ENABLE DETERMINISTIC AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'pcompDP.probComputation(oracle.sql.STRUCT) return BigDecimal';
SELECT pcompDPFunc(eventtype(5, 6, 0.3, 10, 20, 0.45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) from dual;

c) The following call doesn't work (but should have the intended semantics):

public class pcompDP {
public static NUMBER probComputation(oracle.sql.STRUCT[] pin) throws java.sql.SQLException {
create or replace FUNCTION pcompDPFunc(cin IN eventtype) RETURN NUMBER PARALLEL_ENABLE DETERMINISTIC AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'pcompDP.probComputation(oracle.sql.STRUCT[]) return BigDecimal';
SELECT pcompDPFunc(eventtuple(eventtype(2, 3, 0.234, 1, 1, 0.123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), eventtype(5, 6, 0.3, 10, 20, 0.45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) from dual;

d) What's the error? Do I have to use JPublisher or is it possible without it? I guess an array should be possible without it.

The type of the parameter seems to be wrong. Question is whether in PL/SQL, Java or SQL.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Best Driver For Java To Oracle Database Connection

Jul 30, 2012

Which is the best driver for java to Oracle database connection ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Connection Between Java And Oracle

Nov 26, 2012

I Program with Java . when we connect oracle by program ,

Get the following error :

'No suitable driver found for jdbc:orcl:thin:@localhost:1521 '

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Connection Reset And Timeout

May 30, 2010

[#|2010-03-17T19:00:26.689+0530|SEVERE|glassfishv3.0|tcplistener.ModuleHandler|_ThreadID=30;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|The log message is null.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:168)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:182)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:66)
at tcplistener.ByteWrapper.unwrapFromStream(ByteWrapper.java:136)
at tcplistener.ModuleHandler.run(ModuleHandler.java:106)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)


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Execute Java Program From Oracle Procedure Which Is On Different Machines

Oct 10, 2012

Machine 1: Oracle server installed and database hosted on this Machine.
Machine 2: Oracle client is installed and connect through sqlplus to database in machine 1.

The requirement is: I need to have a Java/C program in machine 2 (where client available) which needs to be called from the stored procedure in server on machine 1. The objective is calling a java/C program from Oracle stored procedure but available on 2 different machines. Is it possible,

Environment: Oracle

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Forms :: Calling Java Utility From Oracle 10g?

Jul 11, 2013

My colleague created java utility to upload file to ftp server and sent me the URL to call the utility.

Now I want to create a push button in my oracle form to call that utility.

how can I do that in forms 10g.

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Oracle 11g - Java Virtual Machine Could Not Find Main Class Program Will Exit

Jul 26, 2013

In my Organization I am trying to install oracle ODTwithODAC112030 but one Error showing that is java virtual machine could not find main class program will Exit. 

Server Configuration Dell power Edge r510 Windows 2003 64 bit serv PAck 2 Citrix Presentation server 4.5 .

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Dgmgrl - Connect Time Failover And Connection Timeout Control

Oct 26, 2010

I have this box that runs a dataguard observer in a test lab.

Is there a way to configure connect time failover and connection timeout in the connect identifier used by DGMGRL? It does not seem to respect the parameters I supply.

This is what I used for TNSNAMES connection string:



When the hosts are up, if the instance is not running, I really get a quick reply from DGMGRL. However, when some host is not available, it can take quite a while to get an answer, minutes..

I though I could use
#(DELAY=1) # defaults to 1 when retries is set

in the connect_data section, but this does not seem to have an effect
I also tried ' (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5)' in the ADDRESS_LIST section

So assuming that Oracle NET services are not available on the hosts. What can I use to make 'dgmgrl' report that it can't connect to the host quickly ? Should I look into the TCP timeout parameters ?

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Error While Calling External C Function From Oracle?

Apr 7, 2011

I tried to use external C procedure from the database and i did all required steps as below.
1. create a C program
2. compile and link the C program
3. copy it to the Oracle_home/bin directory
4. configure listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files

callout_listener =
(PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = ip_address)(PORT = 1521)


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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Program Units?

May 8, 2013

How to call program unit(procedure/function/package) in to report is it like formula column & placeholder?if not, how to call external (procedure/function/package) in to report

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Calling Stored Procedure From C Program

Mar 19, 2010

I need to call a PL/SQL stored procedure from a C program. Something like this sample program provided by Oracle -

int i;
/* Define type for null-terminated strings. */
asciz username[20];
asciz password[20];

The question is - how is the Stored procedure get_employees declared ? Or more specifically, how is the salary parameter declared in get_employees ?

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PL/SQL :: Calling External C Function / ORA-06521 Error Mapping Function

Feb 4, 2013

I have the following C code:

class Factorial {
  int getVal (int a);

/When I am trying to execute this function always get the ORA-06521. I changed the data types - but nothing changed.

Just in case, listener.ora
                   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521))

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Forms :: How To Call A Java Function From Oracle

Sep 5, 2007

I am having Oracle client in my PC and jdk version is 1.6

I had configured below tools in my PC. (windows 2000) I am having Oracle 9.2 with Oracle Developer Suite 10g ( which contains Oracle JDeveloper 10g ( also.

How to call a java function from Oracle forms? code samples and how to integrate those thing?

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Execute Command Line Program Within Java?

Jan 10, 2012

I've created a Java class in my Oracle DB that calls a Visual Basic program to convert a XLS file into a CSV file in order to load it into an external table. The problem that I have is that when I call the Visual Basic program from the Java class, nothing happens. I had the same problem with a Python program, and I thought that the problem was from Python, but now with Visual Basic the problem remains, both aren't executed.

The strange thing is that when I call the same Java class outside Oracle, directly from a command line, it executes both Python and Visual Basic programs.

Here is the Java class defined in Oracle:

import java.io.*;
public class OSCommand{
public static void Run(){


And here is the procedure that calls the Java class:

create or replace
procedure run_os_command
as language java
name 'OSCommand.Run()';

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Forms :: Using A Java Program In Bean Area?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to use a java program in Bean Area.

But I can't understand the implement class and how it is implemented.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Call DB Function From Java Hibernate

Feb 10, 2011

I need to call DB function through Java Hibernate.

My Sample XML File looks like.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
<sql-query name="getchequeno" callable="true">
?:=call cz_nab_mw_fn_gen_ol_chq_no()
I am getting below error while reading the file

"java.lang.RuntimeException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Errors in named queries: getchequeno"

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Using PL/SQL Function To Execute Java Class?

May 20, 2013

i`m trying to use pl/sql function to execute java class. I created 2 tables with around 100 values and java class with simple functionality. I need to create function to loop through my table1 and get with each iteration one value from table and pass that value as parameter to java class.

table1 is something like this:

1 name1
2 name2
3 name3
. .
. .
100 name100

table2 is empty with same columns as table1 ( table2 is for data obtained from java returns ) I created in sql+ java class.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*
public class myClass {
public static String fun(String strName)


Then i wanna make a pl/sql function for:

1)For i = 1 Obtain first value from table1 (column name) and pass it throught java class then return value and save it in table2 with the same id as id from table1

2) change i=1 to i=2 and do that same

3) end if i=101

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Out Of Process Exception On Calling Java Procedure?

Sep 28, 2011

In my application, we are getting the following exception on calling the Java procedure.

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 10804020 bytes (joxp heap,f:OldSpace)


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Forms :: Calling Java Class Files From PLSQL?

Jun 19, 2007

I have imported a java class file that inturn gets content from a webservice. One of the functions on that imported class file is as follows ...

Funtion getcontent(A1 JOBJECT,A2 JOBJECT, A3 String) return JOBJECT ....

In my PLSQL package ...How do I invoke this class file ?

So far I have done this ...

xxx VARCHAR2(25);


I am getting an error saying the object type is wrong .... I would like to know how to assign a hardcoded value to the JOBJECT just to test before I continue.

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Java Application - Connection Reset During Insert

Jun 6, 2012

I have a java application (jdk 6) that use a db oracle 11g with ojdbc6.jar version on linux.

Sometimes (one or two cases on 11k sql insert on table in one day) I obtain, the error:

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException I/O Error: Connection reset
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.executeForDescribe(T4CStatement.java:866)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(OracleStatement.java:1145)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1259)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Verifying Database Connection From External Java Process?

Apr 11, 2013

Is there any way, in Oracle where I can find out if there is any process from some machine which has been successfully connected database ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Unable To Access URL Using HTTP Connection

Mar 9, 2011

I am using Http URL Connection class to post a data to a URL (which is a web service). The web service accepts data as text / XML.

Following is the code snippet i used:

URL url = new URL("http://xxx.xxx.xx.xx:8080/SampleWebService.svc");
HttpURLConnection conn =(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

But when i execute the code, I am getting following error at the line(InputStream in2 = conn.getInputStream()wink.gif

java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response 400 for URL

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling A Function With Parameters?

Feb 27, 2011

When I replace the params manualy with dates in format of:

'27-feb-2011 08:00:00'

I get the real output.

But when I call the function with the TEST button in the PLSQL I don't get any output (Empty table).

Here is the original function (Bad output) and attaching a file with manuly added dates (Good output):

FUNCTION WhatRoomsTaken(dStartTime date, dEndTime date, dEventDate date)
RETURN Genrefcursor IS
Retval Genrefcursor;
open Retval for


Why do I need to change in order to get the good output by calling the function with params?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Procedure Into Function?

Aug 1, 2011

for my r&d purpose i create function which call procedure,

create table test_tab
(a NUMBER(10),


but it will gv me error ORA-06575:FUNCTION IS IN INVALID STATE that means function created with compilation error.

but when i complied fucntion it doesnt gv me any error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling A Function In Package

Mar 9, 2010

I have this following pakg


-- Create a table type of the table you want
TYPE tbl_test IS varray(100) of VARCHAR2(30);

-- Function that will return the table type
FUNCTION fnc_test RETURN tbl_test;

-- End package

FUNCTION fnc_test RETURN tbl_test IS
-- type table_name_va is varray(100) of VARCHAR2(30);
-- Variable of the type tbl_test


But i am having problem calling this to test it.

TYPE tbl_test IS varray(100) of VARCHAR2(30);
var_tbl_test tbl_test;
var_tbl_test:= pkg_test.fnc_test;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Function Which Calculate Sum Of Salary

May 8, 2010

I created a PROCEDURE in that i am calling function which calculate sum of salary...I just want Output in format for that which function i need to use...?

Actual Output:::

SALES 11600

I want Output in well alignment column...i WANT Output IN column format but my output in not geting in that format...Is there any function to align output...I want Output in well alignment column

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