Forms :: Frm-40405 Traced The Program And Only One Commit_form Is Being Entered

Mar 22, 2011

I am getting an error whenever I attempt to save a record.My form has a number of none table data blocks and one database block. I have traced the program and only one commit_form is being entered and I keep getting the 40405 error.

I have attempted to trap in an form level on-error trigger but that doesn't fire for this error.

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Forms :: Difference Between COMMIT_FORM And DO_KEY(COMMIT_FORM)

Jun 13, 2011

can i have the exact difference between commit_form and do_key('commit_form')?

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Forms :: When To Use Form_ddl And Commit_form

Feb 15, 2011

On which situation FORM_DDL command used...and suppose we do any transaction thru form...suppose we do dml opearation on form..and we did form_ddl ...what is impact on form..when to used form_ddl and commit_form ??

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Forms :: Commit_form Does Not Commit

Dec 18, 2011

I am calling a child form from a parent form.It works perfectly if the parent form is adding records and while entering records when i press the button to call the child form, the whole things work perfectly according to plan.

The problem begins when i run execute query command in the parent form and then call child form then it does not "commit_form". So this is my problem that child form does not work perfectly when parent form is being called in execute_query procedure.

My working:

1) I read in the documentation that When parent form status is query_only then child will also have the same mode regardless of the parameter given in call_form.So i checked the :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS of both the parents and child form,it shows "CHANGED" hence this point is covered. (dont know how come the parent form is in changed status but at least it is doing my work)

2) I further read and found that Commit_form procedure make the :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS as QUERY. Here i am facing problem as in child form when i make changes and press commit form. Then before commit_form and after commit_form the :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS results in "CHANGED".You can see this in the following code which i have written in save button.

message(:SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM || ' a ' ||:SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS); pause;
message(:SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM || ' b ' ||:SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS); pause;
IF Form_Success THEN
IF :System.Form_Status <> 'QUERY' THEN
Message('Error prevented Commit');
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;

then at last exit_form module shows that" i have unsaved data in the form" save Yes-No-Cancel?

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Forms :: FRM-40202 Field Must Be Entered

Jan 31, 2010

FRM-40202: Field must be entered.I have a custom form,developed by someone few years ago. While doing a F11 (query-find) in this custom forms in Oracle application, I get the message FRM-40202 Field must be entered because I have some mandatory fields.Below are the steps I follow to reproduce this bug.

- Open custom form
- Enter data/values in all mandatory fields.
- save. It saved back in database.
- then CTRL+F11 to see all the records.
- Only first two records are showing in the screen.
- And "FRM-40202: Field must be entered." at the bottom.

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Forms :: FRM-40202 - Field Must Be Entered

Mar 13, 2013

I'm having some columns in my form with required_property set to yes. When I'm trying to query FRM-40202 appears.

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Forms :: ERROR - Record Must Be Entered Or Deleted First

Jul 19, 2011

I'm getting below error. how can we avoid this error?

ERROR: frm-40102 record must be entered or deleted first

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Forms :: Replace Data Entered In Column

Oct 21, 2013

I have a column named account_detail of data type Varchar2(70). I want to enforce a law such that all data being entered in this column is entered as

22 22 22 22

which means there is a space after every two digits. How do I achieve this through oracle forms, is there a way in the property pallette through which I can set it's property to reflect this change or should I do this with key-next-item.

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Forms :: Frm-15500 Valid And Unique Object Name Must Be Entered

Feb 28, 2012

I'm trying to add a column in an existing form. I added a text item and defined it as a database item. When I tried to rename the item the message (frm-15500 valid and unique object name must be entered)appears, and therefore not able to exit the property Platte.

Is there a way I can exit the Platte and should I've first add the column to the data block and then rename in my form ?

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Forms :: FRM-40202 Field Must Be Entered Dialogue Not Closing

Sep 29, 2011

I am making a field mandatory dynamially by set_item_property to Required Yes.So when i left it blank it is displaying the error Frm-40202, it's fine. But when i closing this error message by clicking on OK button to enter the field it was not allowing me to navigate into the field. The same error message is reopening.

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Forms :: FRM-40202 - Field Must Be Entered On Two Blocks With Same Table?

Sep 30, 2010

I have two blocks, blockA and blockB, both from the same table which is tableX.

When I query from blockA and it has returned results, then I go to blockB and edit some data and save, there was no problem. But when I don't execute query from blockA or if the query returned zero results, then I go to blockB and edit some data then save, I got this error. THe cursor then go to blockA first item. So now I have to delete that empty row before saving.

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Forms :: FRM-40202 - Field Must Be Entered (after Standard Form Had Been Modified)

Apr 14, 2010

I got an error FRM-40202: Field must be entered. I did some modifications to Standard form by copying it. after that when I selected the first Email check box in the list and then selected the Email button which I created newly for that form.

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Forms :: Hide The Data Input When Entered For Security Purposes?

Jan 23, 2013

i have a field referring to a password and i need to hide the data input when entered for security purposes.

example if the user enters 1111 the form displays ****

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Cobol Program That Call C Program

Jan 28, 2011

I have a Cobol program that call C program above

#include stdlib

char *uid = "puntos/puntos@cmrdesar";

Are something wrong in C programm ? Pro*C code from passing_ variable_ number_ of_ arguments_to_C.html

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Forms :: Convert Program From 6i To 10g

Dec 6, 2006

I have a program that was developed in Forms 6i.Actually, this program:

- reads a table with a Blob column that contains a MS Word format Document.
- the document needs to be convert , then the program changes some variables that are wildcards.

In forms 6i I use a column with datatype Ole and the flowing procedure that read value from database:

PROCEDURE Pr_Abre_Contrato (pContrato In Contrato.Cont_Numero%Type,
pQuery in Varchar2 ) Is
Workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
Application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
MyDocuments ole2.obj_type;
Args ole2.obj_type;
vWhere Varchar2(200);

Now, I need to convert this program to forms10g. I opened the TAR in metalink and the Support said that exec_verb can not be used and it doesn't have another one to replace.

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Forms :: Executing Program BAT In Another PC In 10g?

Oct 20, 2010

I have forms 10g and use oracle database11. I have a form and I need to execute a program x.bat in another PC.

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Forms :: Creating A Program With Two Tables

Jul 19, 2010

I am facing a problem while creating a program using oracle forms.These two table i am using in creating following program .

SQL> desc electricity ;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

What i want that whenever user writes a value in "PRESENT_Reading" Column then it stores value in "ID table" .For example if current month is July ,Then when user write a value in present Reading column ,it stores it in JULY Column of Id table ..i Write following trigger (Key_commit) On present_reading Column .

if sysdate=to_char(sysdate,'MON','Jan') Then
:electricity.PRESENT_REDAING := :ID.Jan ;

sysdate=to_char(sysdate,'MON','FEB') Then
:electricity.PRESENT_REDAING := :ID.Feb ;

sysdate=to_char(sysdate,'MON','MAR') Then
:electricity.PRESENT_REDAING:= :ID.MAR ;

But when i run my form it does not work ,and raised unhandled Exception .I think i need to change some properties of PRESENT_READING column of electricity table.

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Forms :: Filter Hard Coded Values In List Item (Tlist) Based On Value Entered In Text Item

May 22, 2010

I have 2 items in my form:

1) Text Item
2) Tlist

Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .

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Forms :: Open Excel Sheet From PL/SQL Program

Jul 13, 2010

I need to open an excel sheet from PL/SQL program where I will put in the data. How to open an excel sheet from Pl/sql code.I got hold of a code as below Looks like I need to configure DAD PL/SQL


-- Prepare Headers
--htp.p('Content-Length: '||document_length||NL_CHAR);
--htp.p('Content-Length: '||document_length);


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Forms :: Inventory Sale Program In Oracle

Apr 15, 2010

I have made the inventory sale program in oracle. Its working from 7 years. Now its speed is very slow.It take much time to execute query.

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Forms :: Using A Java Program In Bean Area?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to use a java program in Bean Area.

But I can't understand the implement class and how it is implemented.

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Forms :: Copy Rows From Excel And Paste In 6i Program?

Sep 28, 2007

I want to copy some rows in one column from Excel and Paste it in a Oracle Forms Progam. Normaly with the clipboard. But my Oracle Forms 6i Program copy alle the rows in one Field, separated with a | character. But I need it in several rows.

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Forms :: Trigger Program To Track User Information

Jun 25, 2013

I have a trigger program to track updated information's on perks column. I am failing to finish systime in my trigger program.

SQL> desc user_track;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

SQL> create or replace trigger tri_track
6 (:old.eid, :old.ename , :old.perks, :new.perks,user, sysdate, to_char(sysdate , 'HH24:MI:SS')
7 from dual;
8 end;
9 /

Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.

SQL> show errors;

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
3/95 PL/SQL: ORA-00917: missing comma

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Forms :: ORA-06508 - PL/SQL - Could Not Find Program Unit Being Called

Feb 18, 2010

Actually what happens is that we are connected to oracle through forms 6i. suddenly we receive the error " ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called "

while doing some transaction. we have searched on net and meta link. they say that the package / procedure called has become invalid or recompilation has occurred and that is not compatible. Now we have monitored carefully that there are no changes what so ever has been made in the the package/ procedure.

what could be the reason behind this. we have also checked the global variable issue. we use package level variables but declared in the package body only. (so these are not public)

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Forms :: Run Concurrent Program On Save (Push Button)

Jun 16, 2011

How can we run concurrent program on SAVE (push button) in oracle forms?

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Forms :: Batch Program Retrieve Data From Oracle To Excel

Jul 5, 2011

I'm developing a new batch program retrieve data from oracle to excel.Normally i insert those data into single sheet. Is it possible if I want do this into multiple sheet.

Eg: I need to insert data base on branch category. different sheet for different branch but still in a single workbook?

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Forms :: Organization Chart - Generate Automatically Without Opening Any Program

Apr 11, 2007

I need is to generate this chart automatically from the form builder without opening any program like visio (for instant). that's mean when I select the wanted department the chart will be generated automatically .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sum (cost) Basing On ID Entered

Oct 1, 2012

my data :

id cost
aa_aa 100
ab_aa 100
bb_bb 100
ba_bb 100
ab_aa 100

I need to get my data as
if id like 'aa_%' then it should sum cost for ids for aa_aa and ab_aa and print only 1 row with putput as

id cost
aa_aa 300
If id is like 'ab_%' then it should sum up
ids only for ab_aa..
Output as:
id cost
ab_aa 200

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Strings Entered In A Form?

May 27, 2011

I have to compare a string entered in a form with a series of English strings in back-end PL/SQL( using LIKE operator )

But it so happens, the string entered in the form is specific to the language used in the country. for ex. in Dutch, it is entered in Dutch language.

So on comparing, it fails as the PL/SQL compares it with English Strings.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Time Zone Of The Country Entered

May 24, 2010

I have a procedure wherein i'll only get country name as input parameter, how can i get Time Zone of the country entered.

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