Forms :: Go_block Doesn't Seem To Work?

May 7, 2013

I have a master block (MASTER with Item 1 and 2) and details block (DETAILS). If the user enters the query mode and queries the Master block, the Details get populated automatically. So far so good.

Now I attached an LOV to Item 1 in the Master Block and the requirement is that when the user picks an item in the LOV, the details should automatically populate. Because of "restricted procedures" (GO_BLOCK) in triggers, I put a Button in a Control Data Block and the code in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger is as follows :


It does go to the Details block and also displays all the details. However, when I try to update, insert or delete data, it fails with "Insufficient Privileges". So when I looked at the query being executed (Cntrl + Shift + E), I can see that it is trying to perform these operations on the Master block. (ie for some reason the scope is still in the Master and not Details even after Go_Block(DETAILS) has been executed.

I then tried to use Go_Item('DETAILS.Dept_No') to see if that would work. That too did not work. I tried to set the Navigation Style on these Data Blocks to "Change Data Block". Still no success.

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Forms :: Not Saving - Validation On Age Doesn't Work?

Mar 8, 2011

im now doin' my currently program, actually they requesting for an update. I added birth date column in the module,they asked to the request to put a validation on date, such as:

a. under age
b. :txt_ph_birthdate > SYSDATE
c. if :txt_plan_type = 212 then
17 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days and 40 yrs, 5 mos and 29 day - as validation
d. if :txt_plan_type = 214 then
40 yrs and 6 mos and 55 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days - as validation
e. if :txt_plan_type = 215 then
17 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days and above - as validation

they also instructed me to put the validations in birth date after the column of birthdate, which is the :txt_plan_type(list_item) and i put it in TRIGGER (when-validate-item)after i did the codes and compile it., theres no message for error but i think its not working. i already updates also the insert and the other trigger and procedure, i just add the plan type on it.

i havent edit the save button because the as i read the codes the it just call the procedure that i edit.when i run the program and after i encode the data..and when i press the save button, nothing happens or any addition, why is it that my validation on age doesnt work?

heres the

n_months_between NUMBER;
d_same_day_occur DATE;
n_years NUMBER;
n_months NUMBER;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Procedure Doesn't Work On Web

Jul 28, 2010

I was working on an applications program It is written in PL/SQL . It is running on an oracle 8i database It was not written by me but now I am responsible of it. I made some changes to database tables for this years regulations. Everything was working fine but yesterday I have recompiled two of the packages for some regulations and one of the procedures was stopped working.

It is called 'sayfa2'. Packages names are 'aday1' and 'aday2'. They both have a procedure called sayfa2 and both of them don't work now. They gave me no compilation errors. All I did is I have copied the original code from toad and compiled it at sqlplus I have changed nothing except some texts inside html tags. I couldn't guess what is wrong.

It actually converts to html pages. All procedures are working fine except sayfa2. aday1 is for to fill information and submit but when I click submit button it gives an error:

The requested URL /pls/kon/aday1.sayfa1 was not found on this server. Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 Server at ...

There is also a problem with Turkish characters they don't appear correctly.

Below is sayfa2 and I also added aday1 package could you have a look at it .

PROCEDURE sayfa2(stuid VARCHAR2,tckimlik VARCHAR2, ad VARCHAR2, ad2 VARCHAR2, soyad VARCHAR2,
sex VARCHAR2, mdurum VARCHAR2, bad VARCHAR2, aad VARCHAR2,
dyer VARCHAR2, dgun VARCHAR2, day VARCHAR2, dyil VARCHAR2,
nil VARCHAR2, nilce VARCHAR2, nkoy VARCHAR2, cilt VARCHAR2,
asira VARCHAR2, sira VARCHAR2, asuba VARCHAR2, kang VARCHAR2, agorev VARCHAR2,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Table With Column Name As UID But UID Doesn't Work

Jan 11, 2011

It shows me error when i create a table with column name as UID.

Is UID a inbuilt function or anything else?

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Localhost Doesn't Work In Listener.ora Or Tnsnames.ora

Jul 29, 2010

I want to be able to use "localhost" in my tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files but for some reason its not working.

just concentrating on the listener, when I have the following in my listener.ora the database doesnt register with the listener:

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

This is even after using the "alter system register" command. I'm checking whether my database is registering using "lsnrctl services".

With the following in listener.ora all is fine:


So why wont it work with localhost?! I'm running Oracle 11G on XP Pro.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Jquery SlideToggle Doesn't Work In IE

Jan 27, 2011

I'm trying to make a div that is hidden at the top of a page until you click support, and then it slides out. I've got this working fine in FF, but in IE it's really choppy.

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Delete Statement Doesn't Work - SQL Command Not Properly Ended

Aug 28, 2007

The following script doesnt work.

and (I.OBJECTTYPE between 79 and 84
and I.OBJECTID1 = 104


It gives the following error:

Error at Command Line:12 Column:6
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended"

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Server Administration :: Database Configuration Assistant Doesn't Work Oracle 8.0.5

Mar 28, 2010

I've installed without problems Oracle 8.0.5 on WS 2003. After installation I've created 8 databases, with the utility Database Configuration Assistant (dbassist, executed by launch80.exe).

After that, the DBAssist doesn't run anymore.

I've tried EVERYTHING. And I have no success, Im stuck. And I need to create several databases.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Impdp With System But Doesn't Work With Another User?

Oct 10, 2012

We have troubles with import of transportable tablespace, when i try to import it with system the import is done currectly, when i try to use another user we receive this message :

impdp bmcese/***** directory=TTS_DIR dumpfile=RMCCO_RMC_ANA_STS_ABB_CO121001.dmp TRANSPORT_DATAFILES=/data/TTS/RMCCO_RMC_ANA_STS_ABB_CO121001.dbf logfile=tts_imp_proc.log

ORA-31626: il job non esiste
ORA-31633: impossibile creare la tabella principale "BMCESE.SYS_IMPORT_TRANSPORTABLE_05"
ORA-06512: a "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95
ORA-06512: a "SYS.KUPV$FT", line 1020
ORA-00959: tablespace 'RMCCO_RMC_UTZ_PP080531' inesistente

this happens only on development server and it work into test server, so i don't think that the problem is in grants(i controlled that are the same and i have tried with DBA grant too and we received the error).Another strange thing is that tablespace 'RMCCO_RMC_UTZ_PP080531' is not included into the dump that i try to import and it doesn't exist in the database.

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Forms :: How To Work Without Opening OC4J

Jun 13, 2010

How to work on forms without opened oc4j..

am working on 10G .. Forms 10G

am using the OC4J for the oracle FORMS 10G to me the engine for woring maybe about 20 client ..

my question :

1- if am close the OC4j the forms closed ?
2- how to work forms to be like off line if the oc4j is closed and working tell before save .. ?

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Forms :: Set_menu_item Property Not Work

Jun 6, 2010

The code on menu item is UnVisible_Menuitem('ITEM193');

Menu procedure is

PROCEDURE UnVisible_Menuitem( menuitem_name VARCHAR2) IS
mi_id MenuItem;
mi_id := Find_Menu_Item( menuitem_name );

i try it for the both visible and non-visible items but it dosnt work.

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Forms :: How To Make Query Mode Work (f11)

Apr 2, 2012

I have created a custom form. I have field called Order No. When i query on Order no.. i should be able to pick order no as well as other fields related to it. how do i acheive this functionality. I mean the f11 and ctrl f11 querying functionality.

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Forms :: Radio Buttons Don't Work In ENTER-QUERY

Mar 11, 2010

I have a query form where I am attempting to add radio buttons for the user to specify if they want to see Active, Expired, or Both vendors. The existing form is a multirow database block and a single-row detail database block. Users query in the multirow block. I created a QRY_CONTROL non-database block with the radio group and a couple other variables. When they select a radio button, the WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED changes the default block's where clause.

My problem is that the radio buttons cannot be changed in ENTER-QUERY mode. If they cancel the query, the buttons work as expected. I put in a couple messages and the trigger isn't even firing, so I ruled out a code problem I think.I checked to make sure that the group properties are Enabled=true, mouse_navigable=true, query_allowed=true.

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Forms :: Run Form From Formbuilder Doesn't Connect To DB

Jan 20, 2012

I have DevSuite 10g on my XP. Running a form from frombuilder, for testing or debugging purposes for example, always worked. I am using OC4J.Now we moved the DB-User, to which I normally connected in the above scenario, to another DB-Instance, but left username and password unchanged. I changed my connection in formbuilder to the new destination and formbuilder succeeds when connecting to the DB. Compile etc. all ok.But running a form from formbuilder raises ORA-01017. After that, the forms logon screen is shown and has exctly the username and ORACLE-SID defaulted with my connection in formbuilder itself (only username is "upper"ed).

So apparently the formbuilder connection information or oarts of it is passed to the runtime. When I then give the password in the logon screen connecting succeeds. How is the connect information from formbuilder passed to the runtime?

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Security :: Given Grants Doesn't Reflect On Oracle Forms 6i

Mar 14, 2013

regarding grants given on object doesn't reflect on Oracle forms 6i.When my developer compiled the form the error throws object was not declared which means oracle form not able to access the object which is synonym of other table.Also we recreated the synonym and given grants from table owner and compiled form still throws same error,But i can able to select object from backend command but not from oracle forms.

grants reflect in oracle forms after we restart the database.

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Forms :: When-validate-item Trigger Doesn't Fire?

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to make a particular field (called reason_code) "required" on a form I am working on.
Now this field has two fields before it, and I have to tab to reach my reason_code field.

But the functionality I want is that when I tab into the reason_code field, the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger should fire even when this field is NULL.

MESSAGE ("Please enter a reason code!");
end if;

The trigger doesn't fire when I don't enter a reason_code field and I can tab past this field and not get the ("Please enter a reason code!") error message.

On researching the problem, I saw that this field has to be of status "CHANGED" in order for the trigger to fire.

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Forms :: When Pressed F-11 And Ctrl F11 Buttons Screen Doesn't Turn Blue

Oct 19, 2009

I developed custom form, everythng is working fine. but when i press F-11 & Ctrl F-11 it queries and gtes the record.

But when I press F-11 ,fields on the screen doesnt turn blue.

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JavaArch8v3 Work With 11g

May 28, 2013

Can JavaArch8v3 work with Oracle 11g?

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PL/SQL :: NOT IN Clause Does Not Work

Oct 4, 2012

with the below example I want to insert new translation in a translation table but the NOT IN clause does not work. I have also tried an ANTI-JOIN after reading much about why the NOT IN might not work but the ANTI-JOIN did not work either.The result of the above query is 0 rows inserted. There are about 1000 rows that do already exist and I want to avoid inserting those again. Note, only the Text is the same not the ID or SOURCE.

INSERT INTO T_Translations
          SELECT distinct ID, SOURCE, DOMAIN,
          TransText AS TEXT
          FROM (

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Text :: How Does ACCUM Work

Jun 21, 2012

how ACCUM works. We are using a text index over XML documents and want to apply a very simple relevance weighting based on occurrences within a certain tag. For example, if TAG1 has a weight of 10, each occurrence in TAG1 should add 10 to the score. We have 13 Tags that should be weighted and multiple occurrences in different tags should be cumulated. So 3 occurrences in TAG1 (weight 10) and one occurence in TAG2 (weight 7) should result in a score of 37.

Just searching in TAG1 works as expected:
( DEFINESCORE( foo, OCCURRENCE ) WITHIN TAG1 ) * 10Three occurrences score 30.

Just searching in TAG2 works also as expected. One occurrence scores 7. However, when I combine both searches
(( DEFINESCORE( foo, OCCURRENCE ) WITHIN TAG1 ) * 10) ACCUM (( DEFINESCORE( foo, OCCURRENCE ) WITHIN TAG2 ) * 7)the score is 61 instead of 37. More interestingly, including all 13 tags (of which most do not contain the search word) lowers the score again.

I ended up with searches where two documents cont

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XE :: Will 11G Work On 64 Bit Windows Machine

Oct 3, 2012

I would like to down load and install 11g XE beta but I do not know if it will install and run on my 64 bid Windows machine. I had trouble with the 10 G XE trying to down load it on 64 bits.

If I cannot use it on 64 bits could I make it work if I down load Unbuntu Linux? System info as follows:

OS Name     Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version     6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description      Not Available
OS Manufacturer     Microsoft Corporation
System Name     XXXXXXXXX (censored)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is The Work Of Owt_text Package

Jun 19, 2013

i just wanted to know what is the work of owt_text package and as well as owt_util package? this package we have to create in database or its in build packages?

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Backup And Restore Don't Work In Oracle

Mar 22, 2011

I try this for backup:

$ exp scott/tiger FULL=y FILE='d:\demo.dmp';

and this for restore:

$ imp scott/tiger FULL=y FILE='d:\demo.dmp';

and after restore i can't see the data in my tables. (i work on Oracle 11.2.0 64bit)

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Client Tools :: How To Work With SQL From Home PC

Feb 16, 2012

I want to practice Oracle SQL from home.What software i need to install. Even if i install SQL developer,SQL+ which database i can access n how.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Auto Extend Work With Quota

Apr 9, 2012

I have given a specific user default tablespace on Users and a quota 5M. However I want to check if the user have used up 70% of that 5M. If so, I want to increase quota by 500K so in this will be an additional to the 5M. The code I wrote is overwriting the 5M I initially gave the user with 500K. Attached is a sample of the code.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Does Oracle Sequence Work Internally

Sep 26, 2011

how does a oracle sequence work internally ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Escape Sequence Didn't Work

Dec 30, 2011

I'd like to use escape sequences in plsql but it didn't work.I have to use a variable 'v_jahr'..This is what I like to do:


But I think I should use an 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' like this:

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TABLE' || v_jahr';

But then I have to escape my tics. How can I do this?

I tried this:

WHERE TABLE_NAME = '||''''||'TABELLE_'||'''' || v_jahr ||'''';

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Reports & Discoverer :: Will The SRW.MESSAGE Work In 10g

Sep 29, 2010

Will the SRW.MESSAGE work in Report 10g? what command has to be used?

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PL/SQL :: Why TRUNCATE Command Would Not Work In Block

Sep 10, 2012

Why the TRUNCATE command would not work in PL/SQL block ? A work arround would be dynamic SQL, but I'm avoiding it...

truncate table test;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Doesn't Number Add Up When Do SUM On Column

Mar 21, 2011

I think I am having a rounding issue, but not sure. If I add all 4 rows below I get 1530.06. But when I use SUM, I get 1529.87

where ppet1.regnum = 130402134
and ppet1.pay_period = 2

1530.06 TOTAL


where ppet1.regnum = 130402134
and ppet1.pay_period = 2

1529.87 TOTAL

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