Forms :: When Pressed F-11 And Ctrl F11 Buttons Screen Doesn't Turn Blue

Oct 19, 2009

I developed custom form, everythng is working fine. but when i press F-11 & Ctrl F-11 it queries and gtes the record.

But when I press F-11 ,fields on the screen doesnt turn blue.

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Forms :: Highlight Field Value With Blue Color

Jun 25, 2011

My requirement is, when ever cursor entered into a field, the value of the field will highlight with Blue color and text color will be white, if field is not empty. It the feature of oracle application.

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Forms :: Icons In Buttons

Feb 23, 2011

I have Forms 11g in Unix environment.

I can't see icons in buttons. I have a custom smartbar and some custom icons on it, and it get displayed, but when it comes to buttons, nothing. Not even the default buttons that comes inside frmall.jar are displayed. What i don't understand is how do they get displayed on the smartbar and not on buttons?

As you can see, i already have the necessary changes to display icons, such as all small case, changes in formsweb.cfg, registry.dat... I get the icons to be displayed in browser. If i put them on a jar file, the jar file is downloaded as i can see in java cache, but never shows. I already tried several different GIF's, different image sizes, different button sizes, colors, names, etc.

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Forms :: Icons Not Showing On Buttons?

Sep 26, 2012

We are using ERP based on Oracle 10g forms, there is icons on the buttons those icons are displaying when we uses the ERP in Windows based client and browser Internet Explorer.But when we uses Opera browser we are getting ERP but icons are not displaying.

Same way when we uses Linux client machine using Mozilla Firefox there also the icons are not displaying.

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Forms :: Vertical Text On Buttons

Jan 5, 2011

Refresh my memory if there's a way to display vertical text on buttons in forms?

e.g. v

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Forms :: Cannot Display NEW GIF Files As Icon On Buttons

Feb 23, 2011

I already have and use .gif files for icons on various buttons in my forms. I need to use a different .gif file to create a new icon. When I enter the file name of the new .gif is not displayed on the button. If I reference an old and working .gif. The .gif appears on the button. What rules if any, must I observe when creating/using .gif files as icons for buttons?

Does the .gif file have to be of a special type? If so, what will I need to do?

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Forms :: Order By Parameter Radio Buttons

Apr 29, 2012

i have 2 files rep.rdf and rep.fmb

i made parameters for userid and dept its working fine but

how can i make order by parameter using radio buttons

what i add in report and form ?

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Forms :: How To Use Multiple Buttons To Sort Columns

May 6, 2010

I am maintenancing a form which I have to add buttons as headers that will sort each column's data either in desc or asc order when the user click each button. How is this done? I need to know what built-in function that will closely do this or cod.

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Forms :: Dynamic Access To Radio Buttons?

Feb 18, 2010

For passing my apprenticeship I am developing part of an application to change the language of the application dynamically.

My first idea looks like this:

In each form I add a package that works like this:

block := first block
..item := first item
....set item label or prompt to new language
....exit when item = last item
....item := next item
..end loop

..exit when block = last block
..block := next block
end loop

That far everything is fine. With the get_form_property I can access the first and last block and always get the next block with the get_block_property. Same is true for the items by get_block_property for the first and last item and the get_item_property for the next item. By this way I can dynamically chance all item prompts and labels without knowing the name or the number of blocks and items. But what about radio groups? Is there any possibility (and if yes, which?) to get the first, last and next radio button of a radio group in the same way?

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Forms :: Put Icons On Buttons In Oracle Developer 10?

Jun 4, 2012

i want to put icons on buttons in oracle form developer 10g. and make some different style.

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Forms :: Create Iconic Buttons In 9iDS?

Feb 26, 2010

Regarding The Creation of ICONIC Buttons in FORMS 9iDS, I Have Tried All The Methods But In vain.

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Forms :: How To Add Animated Buttons And Analog Clock In Form

Oct 24, 2013

I found one video on youtube , in that that person has made animated buttons and added analog clocks inside that form but he didn't tell how did he do that , so i am attaching gif file because video file is not allowed , this file will give you whole idea what is actually i am saying.

I just want to to know how to do this , I want coding part for animated buttons and for analog clock only, rest i can do on my own . And this video made me think one thing can we add marque in text in oracle also, as we do in HTML to move text. If it is possible then how can we do that.

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Forms :: SUBMIT Buttons Which Is Disabled / Gets Enabled Automatically

Apr 3, 2012

I have a scroll bar in my form. When i scroll the bar, one of SUBMIT buttons which is disabled gets enabled automatically. Do we have any triggers on scroll bar where i can disable the button again.

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Forms :: Radio Buttons Don't Work In ENTER-QUERY

Mar 11, 2010

I have a query form where I am attempting to add radio buttons for the user to specify if they want to see Active, Expired, or Both vendors. The existing form is a multirow database block and a single-row detail database block. Users query in the multirow block. I created a QRY_CONTROL non-database block with the radio group and a couple other variables. When they select a radio button, the WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED changes the default block's where clause.

My problem is that the radio buttons cannot be changed in ENTER-QUERY mode. If they cancel the query, the buttons work as expected. I put in a couple messages and the trigger isn't even firing, so I ruled out a code problem I think.I checked to make sure that the group properties are Enabled=true, mouse_navigable=true, query_allowed=true.

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Forms :: How To Detect When ENTER Key Pressed

Mar 5, 2010

I have 2 text fields as search criteria and a push button to search. When the user enter any on first field (or in any text field) and press ENTER key, I want to execute the search.

I tried the key-next-item trigger, but it's firing when I press TAB key.

How can I detect ENTER key?

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Forms :: Button Pressed Trigger

Jan 6, 2012

I have got a form with 3 buttons and when these are pressed determine who is logged in, what role they are and if they are a certain role go to another block, if they are not that role flag up a message. I think I need to create a function in the database along the lines of -

create function user_has_role (p_user in varchar2 default user, p_role in varchar2)
return boolean
select * from dba_role_privs where p_user = GRANTED_ROLE;

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Forms :: Display A Field When Shift+f4 Is Pressed

Apr 25, 2012

i m trying to display a field when shift+f4 is pressed. but i don't know the trigger in which the code needs to be written.

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Forms :: How To Skip Trigger Only When Button Is Pressed

Mar 9, 2013

in my form I have a button that updates a table and I have a pre-update trigger.

is it possible to skip the pre-update trigger only when the button is pressed.

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Forms :: Open PDF File When Button Pressed?

Dec 6, 2009

I've a button on a form and I wrote a trigger when button pressed to open a pdf file and it worked fine this was my

AppID := DDE.App_Begin('C:Program FilesAdobeReader 8.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe Z:BUILTINS.pdf',DDE.APP_MODE_NORMAL);

The thing is this form is used by multiple clients and if a user has a different version of acrobat reader rather than version 8 this will not work how to do it to be uniform?

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Forms :: Any Method On WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger

May 9, 2012

I have a form of a user feedback with SMS Sending. which I gave to my all clients when ever my any client enter a feedback they press send SMS button so I got SMS if they press the button 2 times I got 2 same sms and if press the button 3 times I got 3 same sms and so on I want to restrict them and allow them to send only 2 sms of that feedback.any method on WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger.

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Forms :: Find Key Pressed And Release Action On Oracle 10g

Dec 14, 2012

we need to find the key pressed action and key release action on Oracle form 10g. On key pressed (i.e. key-up, key-down, key-page-up and key- page-down) the event will be fired and as soon as the user release the key, the event will be stop.

As current situation, we have one form which contains the database blocks. As per search condition, all the data populated in Database block, there are 1000 and more records. Now user going use any of key (i.e. key-up, key-down, key-page-up and key-page-down) as he pressed key ( say Key- down) it scrolled down but as soon as he release the key, the event is not stopped. its going on going down then stop.

Is it possible, as user release the key scrolling will stopped at same time ?

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Forms :: ORA-305500 Exception On When-Button-Pressed Trigger?

Jun 20, 2005

why this exception is occuring .my code is below.

Procedure Edit_File
(v_linked_file in out file_link.linked_file%type,
v_copy_status in out file_link.copy_status%type,
i_ext in varchar2) is


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Forms :: 6i To Show Detail Block When Button Pressed?

Aug 16, 2011

Is it possible to display the detail block (different canvas) in the master block canvas, but when finished entering data into master block and a button is pressed? And i want to use some conditions in the when-button-pressed trigger. based on that it should show different canvas.

simply speaking, my aim is to use the upper part of the screen to show master block and the lower part for a detail block from the different detail blocks based on condition checked in when-button-pressed trigger.

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Forms :: How To Clear Line Records When F11 Is Pressed In Header Block

Sep 4, 2011

I am working in form 6i, EBS 11i. I have below requirement to achieve.

I have header data block A, line control block B. My requirement is, i know that in master detail block, if i press F11 in header block, it will clear the line block, like this, in my case if i press F11 in header data block A, i want to clear the line block B. Is there any way we can achieve this.

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Forms :: How To Copy Values From One Table To Another Using When-Button-Pressed Trigger

Feb 14, 2013

I have two tables one is

1)create table abc(c_name varchar2(10),c_number number(6),c_loc varchar2(8)); --having values
2)create table temp(sname varchar2(10),sid number(4),address varchar2(10));---no having

and my question is how to insert a values into temp using when-button-pressed trigger based on abc table in oracle form.

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Forms :: How To Position Center Customized Logon Screen In Web Forms

Nov 20, 2012

I would like to Center Align application login page(Syslogin) oracle froms 11gr2. The below code is not working in forms 11g2, it's working in Forms 6i

PROCEDURE CenterWindow (win_name VARCHAR2) IS
w_mdi NUMBER;
h_mdi NUMBER;
w_win NUMBER;
h_win NUMBER;


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Forms :: FRM-40735 / WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception

Aug 17, 2011

I have a form which contains tabular layout which i can fill a text item with date format. I set the data type properties to "Date" with format mask "dd-mm-yyyy".When I click a "save" button, it will call a procedure to insert into table. But i'm getting this error message : "FRM-40735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502"

I did some search on google and error 06502 means numeric or value error. But I don't understand what caused my error. Is it at my text item's properties?

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Forms :: FRM-40735 When Button Pressed Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-01843

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to insert some values into a table from a form i get the below error;

which says not a valid month;

FRM-40735 WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01843

after i do google i added the below one to the insert statement and again i receive the error;


My Insert Statement

insert into Invoice123
(Invoiceno, invdate, gross_tot, discount)

by which format we can achieve this!

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Forms :: FRM-40735 / WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-06502

Oct 3, 2013

I have Forms 6i, installed in a system at remote location with OS Windows 7. Previously the same was installed in Windows XP it was working fine. Now in Windows 7 also its working fine for most of the things, for some data loading options its not working and showing below shown error.

FRM-40735:WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502

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Forms :: Bypass Log On Screen In 6i?

May 14, 2011

i want to bypass the logon screen in forms 6i i have trigger but it not works.

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