Forms :: How To Work Without Opening OC4J

Jun 13, 2010

How to work on forms without opened oc4j..

am working on 10G .. Forms 10G

am using the OC4J for the oracle FORMS 10G to me the engine for woring maybe about 20 client ..

my question :

1- if am close the OC4j the forms closed ?
2- how to work forms to be like off line if the oc4j is closed and working tell before save .. ?

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Enterprise Manager :: OC4J Configuration OC4J-DBConsole-ip-sid Not Found?

Mar 4, 2008

I have a new install of 10g running on xp. All seems to be working fine except for the Db Console. This command...C:>emctl status dbconsole throws...OC4J Configuration issue. C:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1/oc4j/j2ee/ not found.where xxx... is my ip address???

The directory name is actually OC4J_DBConsole_MY-LT_LOCAL10G. My tnsnames shows my host as MY-LT, so I'm not sure why it's looking for an ip address.

I did a search off my oracle home in all .ora and .xml files, but did not see this address listed. I figured there may be a var assigned this ip instead of the hostname but found none.

To note, I do not have a ORACLE_HOME setup. I do have an ORACLE_SID setup (local10g). This is the only Db running on this host.

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Forms :: Opening PDF Through Oracle

Oct 28, 2009

We have a problem while opening PDF through oracle forms, we are getting the folowing error in some PC's, but some PC's this is working fine.'there was a problem reading this document 14'.

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Forms :: Applet Is Not Opening In Browser

Jul 26, 2011

When I click on 'Run Form', the Applet is not opening in Internet Explorer.

Giving Error like " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
Even I have re-installed the oracle 10g the same problem is coming.

Note: When I remove jinitiator and then reinstall jinitiator the applet is opening once and again if I run the form second time the same above error is coming.

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Forms :: Opening Existing Form In Particular Tab

Jun 5, 2011

There is a existing form B. From a form A I need to call form B on button press. Problem is form B has many tabs,It should open in the third tab when it is being opened from form A.

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Forms :: Opening New Form In Separate Tab

Dec 18, 2011

I have a multiple forms application and I use OPEN_FORM to call one form from another. However I want the new form to open in a separate tab ( the way it works in a tabbed canvas).

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Forms :: Opening Form Does Not Get Some Of Records?

Dec 9, 2010

I have developed a new form.Something peculiar is happening for that form.Let me list down the scenario

1)In the data base for the particular table my form is using, there are 1600 records.When i do a Query on Count Hits in the forms,it gives the same number.

2)However when i open the form ,i do not get some of the records.I found that on opening the form and making an Execute Query only those records that i have added through forms exist.

3) However,when i try to add a new record and do an Execute query again,i get all the records present in the database.

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Forms :: Opening Picture On Button Click

Oct 24, 2013

I would like to ask a very small question. what is the code that should be written to open a picture inside the button.

I have already made the button, and the trigger is when push button, what I want is when I click the button it opens a picture in this directory:


the name of the picture is taken from table1 the colum serial_number

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Forms :: FRM-40039 Cannot Attach Library While Opening A Form

Apr 1, 2010

My client is Oracle 10G DS Forms Developer. The application server is on a Solaris 64 bit sparc system. I have copied all the forms and libraries to my forms directory under C:DevSuiteHome_1forms10g_rel1 from the application server. and placed the following directory in my FORMS_PATH in the registry entry.

Now I am opening up the forms in my Forms builder and running the form. I get this error. I have the attached library in the form but I still get this error:

FRM-40039 Cannot attach a library while opening a form

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Forms :: Organization Chart - Generate Automatically Without Opening Any Program

Apr 11, 2007

I need is to generate this chart automatically from the form builder without opening any program like visio (for instant). that's mean when I select the wanted department the chart will be generated automatically .

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Forms :: Opening Different Forms In Same Frame

Jun 24, 2013

I want to display different forms in one Frame/ canvas.when I press button Inventory then In the frame/canvas it should display Inventory form in the frame.If i press Employee it should display Employee form in frame.

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Forms :: Open Test Form In Oracle 10g Only Internet Explorer Is Opening With Blank Screen?

Apr 26, 2010

I have installer oracle 11i database, with oracle 10g forms for development.When I am trying to open test form in oracle 10g form only Internet explorer is opening with blank screen, while it is connected to oracle database (version 11i).

Oracle 11i is on windows 2003 ent server and Oracle 10g is on windows 2000 professional...

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Reports & Discoverer :: OC4J Instance Tracking And Report Builder Running?

May 1, 2012

How to check in which port : OC4j instance is running ??

How to run the report using : OC4j instance and deploy into application server?

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Forms :: Go_block Doesn't Seem To Work?

May 7, 2013

I have a master block (MASTER with Item 1 and 2) and details block (DETAILS). If the user enters the query mode and queries the Master block, the Details get populated automatically. So far so good.

Now I attached an LOV to Item 1 in the Master Block and the requirement is that when the user picks an item in the LOV, the details should automatically populate. Because of "restricted procedures" (GO_BLOCK) in triggers, I put a Button in a Control Data Block and the code in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger is as follows :


It does go to the Details block and also displays all the details. However, when I try to update, insert or delete data, it fails with "Insufficient Privileges". So when I looked at the query being executed (Cntrl + Shift + E), I can see that it is trying to perform these operations on the Master block. (ie for some reason the scope is still in the Master and not Details even after Go_Block(DETAILS) has been executed.

I then tried to use Go_Item('DETAILS.Dept_No') to see if that would work. That too did not work. I tried to set the Navigation Style on these Data Blocks to "Change Data Block". Still no success.

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Forms :: Set_menu_item Property Not Work

Jun 6, 2010

The code on menu item is UnVisible_Menuitem('ITEM193');

Menu procedure is

PROCEDURE UnVisible_Menuitem( menuitem_name VARCHAR2) IS
mi_id MenuItem;
mi_id := Find_Menu_Item( menuitem_name );

i try it for the both visible and non-visible items but it dosnt work.

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Application Express Listener :: OC4J - Block 7777 Port For Security Reasons

Nov 8, 2012

why the apex listener tries to return on port 7777 and is there any way we can change it?

In our infrastructure we block that port for security reasons. We are using OC4J (

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Forms :: How To Make Query Mode Work (f11)

Apr 2, 2012

I have created a custom form. I have field called Order No. When i query on Order no.. i should be able to pick order no as well as other fields related to it. how do i acheive this functionality. I mean the f11 and ctrl f11 querying functionality.

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Forms :: Not Saving - Validation On Age Doesn't Work?

Mar 8, 2011

im now doin' my currently program, actually they requesting for an update. I added birth date column in the module,they asked to the request to put a validation on date, such as:

a. under age
b. :txt_ph_birthdate > SYSDATE
c. if :txt_plan_type = 212 then
17 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days and 40 yrs, 5 mos and 29 day - as validation
d. if :txt_plan_type = 214 then
40 yrs and 6 mos and 55 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days - as validation
e. if :txt_plan_type = 215 then
17 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days and above - as validation

they also instructed me to put the validations in birth date after the column of birthdate, which is the :txt_plan_type(list_item) and i put it in TRIGGER (when-validate-item)after i did the codes and compile it., theres no message for error but i think its not working. i already updates also the insert and the other trigger and procedure, i just add the plan type on it.

i havent edit the save button because the as i read the codes the it just call the procedure that i edit.when i run the program and after i encode the data..and when i press the save button, nothing happens or any addition, why is it that my validation on age doesnt work?

heres the

n_months_between NUMBER;
d_same_day_occur DATE;
n_years NUMBER;
n_months NUMBER;


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Forms :: Radio Buttons Don't Work In ENTER-QUERY

Mar 11, 2010

I have a query form where I am attempting to add radio buttons for the user to specify if they want to see Active, Expired, or Both vendors. The existing form is a multirow database block and a single-row detail database block. Users query in the multirow block. I created a QRY_CONTROL non-database block with the radio group and a couple other variables. When they select a radio button, the WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED changes the default block's where clause.

My problem is that the radio buttons cannot be changed in ENTER-QUERY mode. If they cancel the query, the buttons work as expected. I put in a couple messages and the trigger isn't even firing, so I ruled out a code problem I think.I checked to make sure that the group properties are Enabled=true, mouse_navigable=true, query_allowed=true.

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Opening Permissions To Trace Files?

Nov 15, 2010

un-documented parameter _trace_files_public / I want to set this to true so my app team can review trace files. better way to proceed to open read permissions for non oracle users.

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Restore Datafile After Opening DB Using Resetlogs?

Mar 5, 2013

We have cloned the db and after opening the db with resetlog option we came to know that one of the user db file is not part of the db and is showing the below error while checking the status and attempting to online it. When checking the size and availability of the dbfile it shows everything without errors.

SQL> alter database datafile 50 online;
alter database datafile 50 online
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01122: database file 50 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 50:
ORA-01251: Unknown File Header Version read for file number 50

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Restored Whole Database From Backup - Not Opening Up

Jun 5, 2013

I'm new to Oracle. I took cold backup of my database. Then, i removed my whole database while database was down.Then i restored the whole database from backup taken earlier. Now, when i try to open the database. it does not open up instead gives the below message.

Total System Global Area 1288949760 bytes
Fixed Size 1336288 bytes
Variable Size 754977824 bytes

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monthly Running Total With Opening Balance

May 9, 2012

I want to generate the gapless montly running balance for the whole year.Data in the table "A" is as below.

code Date amount remarks
0101 30-SEP-10 1000 Opening
0101 01-OCT-10 1500
0102 25-OCT-10 500
0102 10-DEC-10 750
0101 26-JAN-11 450
0102 03-MAR-11 3000
0101 30-SEP-11 6000

Required output is
Code Date amount Balance
0101 31-OCT-10 1500 2500
0101 30-NOV-10 0 2500
0101 31-DEC-10 0 2500
0101 31-JAN-11 450 2950
-- -- -- continue
0101 30-SEP-11 6000 8950

Same output for code 0102. I have taken only 02 code for excample only. There are about 250 code in table.

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Opening Of Port 1521 For Database Connectivity Through Firewall?

Nov 8, 2012

we have a database available in UNIX machine A which can be connected from client in UNIX machine B through port 1521.
If we give ping command from UNIX machine A to B or B to A, 0% packet loss, means connection established properly through firewall in port 1521.

Now we are setup one more UNIX machine C and installed a client here. This machine is available in different group, means if i give ping command from machine C to A, 100% packet loss. But from machine A to C, connection established with 0% packet loss.Because of this, when we tried to connect to a database from client in Machine C to database in Machine A, we got "time out" error.

My query is:
1. Is this because of not opening of port 1521 through firewall?
2. If so, is it enough to open port 1521 through firewall when we connect from machine C to A?
3. Any additional setup is required in firewall apart from opening of ports?

UNIX AIX 5.3/6.1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Tab Delimited Report Not Opening In Notepad - Fine In Textpad?

May 9, 2012

I've developed a TAB delimited sql report and the report is not opening well in notepad and the same report is opening good in textpad.

create table testex(tmple_tmpl_date date,column_string varchar2(20),cnt1 number,cnt2 number,amount number(22,2))
Insert into testex


and here is the report code



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Server Administration :: ORA-01116 / Error In Opening Database File 26

Jul 9, 2010

I was surprised when I shutdown our production dB. I got this error:

$ . oraenv
ORACLE_SID = [abcd] ?
SQL> shutdown
ORA-01116: error in opening database file 26
ORA-01110: data file 26: '/VOL03/oradata/qxyz/data/qxyz_data01.dbf'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
SQL> shutdown abort
ORACLE instance shut down.

2 days ago i rename this file QXYZ_DATA01.dbf from it's original name of QXYZ01.dbf without knowing that I was in the 'abcd' instance. When I backup a controlfile I noticed that it was part of the 'abcd' data files, so I just delete it (from OS level).

Is there any risk involved in the 'abcd' instance? How do I get rid of that file 'qxyz_data01.dbf' in the 'abcd' instance.

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Application Express :: Opening HTML Link From APEX Page

Nov 8, 2012

I have an apex page with a link on one column for each row. My requirement is as below

When i click on the first time on any of that link, it opens up in a new window and any subsequent clicks should override the previously opened window. So at a time, there should be only 2 windows open..

1) the APEX page
2) The browser window after clicking on an link in apex page

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Reports & Discoverer :: Set Path - Error Occurred While Opening Or Saving Document

Jun 29, 2010

When I give the report Full path like 'C:FolderNameCurrency2.rdf. Successfully report run.

after changing the registry path like Reports_Path='C:FolderName'

When I click a button to run the report,I received the following errors.

v_report_nameVARCHAR2(100) := 'Currency2.rdf';
end ;
REP-110: File Currency2.rdf cannot be opened.
REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document.
REP-0110: File Currency2.rdf cannot be opened."

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Oracle Error Message - Click On (Administration) Login Page Is Opening?

Feb 22, 2013

i have successfully installed Oracle 10g in Windows 7 ultimate but there is one problem after installation of Oracle 10g an Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g have opened immediately after installation.

when i have sign in with
username: sys
passwd: oracle
connect as: SYSDBA

iam getting this error message      
java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: null"

& then when i click on "Administration" again the login page is opening.i have tried installing Oracle 10g 4 times this is 5th time .

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