Opening Permissions To Trace Files?

Nov 15, 2010

un-documented parameter _trace_files_public / I want to set this to true so my app team can review trace files. better way to proceed to open read permissions for non oracle users.

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Moving Trace Files To Archive Location?

Aug 20, 2012

I am using Oracle RAC 11gR2.I am planing to move my old trace files to an archive location.

I have the below questions concerning the users and groups used by Oracle RAC when moving the trace files.It is related to the permissions but it is about oracle behavior.

The trace files of database (oracle user) are created as below:

284 -rw-r-----    1 oracle   asmadmin     283571 Aug 20 18:08 PPRD1_mmon_13893716.trc
   4 -rw-r-----    1 oracle   asmadmin        125 Aug 20 18:10 PPRD1_gcr0_11730998.trm
   4 -rw-r-----    1 oracle   asmadmin       2833 Aug 20 18:10 PPRD1_gcr0_11730998.trc
580 -rw-r-----    1 oracle   asmadmin     588489 Aug 20 18:12 PPRD1_lmhb_15859792.trm


when moving the files using the oracle user it will be created as oracle:oinstall and not oracle:asmadmin since asmadmin is not a group of the oracle user.

1. How oracle created my trace and log files with permission oracle:asmadmin?

2. How should I move these files? I moved it using the Oracle user and it was created as oracle:oinstall with Operating system error "unable to duplicate owner and mode after move"

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Active Trace Files Deleted - How To Free Up Space

Oct 11, 2013

Some trace files were deleted with rm command. Obviously they were active and now the free space does not free up (over 9GB). How can this be fixed without database interruption?

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Server Administration :: Large Trace Files Generated In Udump?

Oct 24, 2011

We have Oracle 10g( RAC on AIX 5.3, there are 3 RAC instances on each node.From Oct 9th, we found one of the instance in node 1 generated a large size trace files in udump. The largest size of the trace file take up 3G. But there's only about 15G $ORACLE_BASE direcotry. After some time, we should delete some trace files for releasing the space.

Here is a part of alert log when this issue happen:

Sun Oct 9 23:18:15 2011
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/admin/bzywk/udump/bzywk1_ora_3166258.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17087], [0x70000010DF9F580], [], [], [], [], [], []
Sun Oct 9 23:18:16 2011
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20111009231816]


I checked with some trace files, I found all these files contains a huge info of processes.

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Does Trcsess Combine Various Trace Files In Order In Which Queries Executed

May 28, 2013

Does trcsess combine various trace files in the order in which the queries were executed?

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Performance Tuning :: Script To Load Trace Files Errors To A Table?

Jul 13, 2013

I need to create a script which can fetch the error related details from Trace files regularly (may be twice a day ) to a custom table in DB.

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Server Administration :: User Dump / Trace Files With Huge Size In MBs

Mar 22, 2012

I am facing problem in user_dump_dest directory...I have noticed that there are a lot of trace files with huge size in MBs.I clean it and after 4 days there are 40G of size..

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Grant Permissions On Oracle

Apr 20, 2012

wanted to grant dbms_scheduler permission to the system user in oracle,but it is showing insufficient privileges, but my System has Sysdba rights.

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$pwfile_users WHERE sysdba='TRUE';
------------------------------ ----- ----- -----


Revoke succeeded.

SQL> conn system
Enter password:


while i ran this query
SQL> select * from session_privs;"

for system user i have 202 rows of different privileges,but the same query for sysdba has 208 rows...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grant Table Permissions To Another User

Jul 11, 2012

I have two user a and b. I have to Grant select update insert Delete Permission to all tables of user b To User a. how can it possible?

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PL/SQL :: How To Give A User Administrative Permissions

Oct 15, 2012

Suppose I using "scott" user, I need to give administrative permissions to scott. How can I give??

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Security Role And Auto Permissions

May 13, 2013

I have created and role in my database and assign privileges as per following query.

Select 'Grant select on'||' user.'||object_name||' '||'to MyRole ;' from all_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')
and owner='username';

After granting role to new user everything work fine.I want to know a way to sync role with any newly created object.

Should I create a job that may execute above sql store results in a file and then execute to ensure all privileges are up to date for role or there any other optimal way exist ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Granting Permissions For Create Type / Procedure?

May 18, 2011

I have a question regarding how to grant create type and create procedure roles correctly.Currently if I do this:

create user vackar_temp identified by "123456789";
grant create type to vackar_temp ;

Then as vackar_temp:

create type temp_col as table of number;

I get the following error:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

I've also tried:

grant resource to vackar_temp ;

But that doesn't work either If I run this:

lpad(' ', 2*level) || granted_role "User, his roles and privileges"
null grantee,


I can see that the user does have the create type role:

User, his roles and privileges


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View A Stored Procedure Without Granting Execute Permissions?

Jul 13, 2012

Is there a way to grant rights to view a stored procedure without granting execute permissions?

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RMAN :: Output File Permissions With ASM / Grid Infrastructure

Jul 10, 2013

I've noticed that the backup files produced by RMAN (Database is Enterprise Edition) )on a RHEL5.5. server which is running ASM have group permissions assigned to ASMADMIN (so the file permissions are assigned to ORACLE:ASMADMIN) as opposed to OINSTALL or any other group.

While this is not an issue (it's not currently impacting us in any way) I'm curious as to how and why this happens. I suspect it is related to the fact that the oracle executable has these permissions also but I can't find any material to confirm my suspicion.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Grant Permissions Not Importing From 10g To 11g?

Jun 6, 2012

i am using datapump to import database from 10g to 11g . all the tables and users everything got transferred but some grant permissions (create session) on users ,not importing to 11g. but same process imports grant if if do datapump to another 10g db .

do i need to import grants separately for 11g .

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Schema Permissions - Execute GRANT SELECT ON Xyz - Insufficient Privileges?

Sep 30, 2011

I have an automated process which runs on an Oracle 8i database server as user abc.This process creates views/tables in other schemas, on the same database server, which point to objects owned by the abc user.

The issue I'm getting is that when I try to execute GRANT SELECT ON xyz.view123 TO PUBLIC as the abc user, I get an insufficient privileges.I should add that the abc user created the xyz.view123 table/view.

What grants/priviliges or whatever do I have to do to the abc schema?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Permissions On Given Leaf Node Then All Parent / Grand Nodes Should Return?

Feb 4, 2012

writing an SQL query for the following scenario : have table ACCOUNTS that stores results in parent child relationship.

1 |Group1 | 0 | 1
2 |Group2 | 1 | 1
3 |Group3 | 2 | 1
4 |Account1 | 3 | 0
5 |Account2 | 3 | 0
6 |Account3 | 2 | 0

Here ACCT_TYPE=0 denotes leaf node.Another table USER_ACCOUNT stores user permissions on the leaf nodes from ACCOUNTS table.

1 | 4| Yes
2 | 5 | No
3 | 6| Yes

This shows user=1 has permission on Account=4 , user=2 does not have access priviledge on Account_id=5.Now my requirement is to write a SQL query such that If user has permissions on a given leaf node then all the parent / grand parent nodes should also be returned.
SELECT * FROM (.......) where USER_ID=2;

should give result something as below :

1 | 4 | Account1 |Yes
1 | 3 | Group3 |Yes
1 | 2 | Group2 |Yes
1 | 1 | Group1 |Yes

with this ASAP as this is quite an urgent issue that I need to fix.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Make Files That Compile PC Files In Unix

Jul 31, 2008

I have written make files that compile .pc files in unix. This was for several projects that use an oralib source code directory.Just running proc on one target .pc file works fine on unix. I am trying to use proc - Oracle 10.2.0 - in windows and I keep getting:

Quote:unable to open include file
#include <stdio.h>
and other C library headers.

I am doing all development under cygwin, this way I can write a makefile just like under unix instead of using nmake.All C library headers are in /usr/include When I run proc on Solaris as that:

proc program.pc
No problems, and I do get program.c.

However in windows I get the previous error message. I have tried to do proc include=/user/include program.pc and proc include=/user/include parse=full program.pc but I still get the same error message.

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Forms :: Opening PDF Through Oracle

Oct 28, 2009

We have a problem while opening PDF through oracle forms, we are getting the folowing error in some PC's, but some PC's this is working fine.'there was a problem reading this document 14'.

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Forms :: Applet Is Not Opening In Browser

Jul 26, 2011

When I click on 'Run Form', the Applet is not opening in Internet Explorer.

Giving Error like " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
Even I have re-installed the oracle 10g the same problem is coming.

Note: When I remove jinitiator and then reinstall jinitiator the applet is opening once and again if I run the form second time the same above error is coming.

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Forms :: Opening Existing Form In Particular Tab

Jun 5, 2011

There is a existing form B. From a form A I need to call form B on button press. Problem is form B has many tabs,It should open in the third tab when it is being opened from form A.

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Forms :: How To Work Without Opening OC4J

Jun 13, 2010

How to work on forms without opened oc4j..

am working on 10G .. Forms 10G

am using the OC4J for the oracle FORMS 10G to me the engine for woring maybe about 20 client ..

my question :

1- if am close the OC4j the forms closed ?
2- how to work forms to be like off line if the oc4j is closed and working tell before save .. ?

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Forms :: Opening New Form In Separate Tab

Dec 18, 2011

I have a multiple forms application and I use OPEN_FORM to call one form from another. However I want the new form to open in a separate tab ( the way it works in a tabbed canvas).

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Forms :: Opening Form Does Not Get Some Of Records?

Dec 9, 2010

I have developed a new form.Something peculiar is happening for that form.Let me list down the scenario

1)In the data base for the particular table my form is using, there are 1600 records.When i do a Query on Count Hits in the forms,it gives the same number.

2)However when i open the form ,i do not get some of the records.I found that on opening the form and making an Execute Query only those records that i have added through forms exist.

3) However,when i try to add a new record and do an Execute query again,i get all the records present in the database.

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Restore Datafile After Opening DB Using Resetlogs?

Mar 5, 2013

We have cloned the db and after opening the db with resetlog option we came to know that one of the user db file is not part of the db and is showing the below error while checking the status and attempting to online it. When checking the size and availability of the dbfile it shows everything without errors.

SQL> alter database datafile 50 online;
alter database datafile 50 online
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01122: database file 50 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 50:
ORA-01251: Unknown File Header Version read for file number 50

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Restored Whole Database From Backup - Not Opening Up

Jun 5, 2013

I'm new to Oracle. I took cold backup of my database. Then, i removed my whole database while database was down.Then i restored the whole database from backup taken earlier. Now, when i try to open the database. it does not open up instead gives the below message.

Total System Global Area 1288949760 bytes
Fixed Size 1336288 bytes
Variable Size 754977824 bytes

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monthly Running Total With Opening Balance

May 9, 2012

I want to generate the gapless montly running balance for the whole year.Data in the table "A" is as below.

code Date amount remarks
0101 30-SEP-10 1000 Opening
0101 01-OCT-10 1500
0102 25-OCT-10 500
0102 10-DEC-10 750
0101 26-JAN-11 450
0102 03-MAR-11 3000
0101 30-SEP-11 6000

Required output is
Code Date amount Balance
0101 31-OCT-10 1500 2500
0101 30-NOV-10 0 2500
0101 31-DEC-10 0 2500
0101 31-JAN-11 450 2950
-- -- -- continue
0101 30-SEP-11 6000 8950

Same output for code 0102. I have taken only 02 code for excample only. There are about 250 code in table.

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Forms :: Opening Picture On Button Click

Oct 24, 2013

I would like to ask a very small question. what is the code that should be written to open a picture inside the button.

I have already made the button, and the trigger is when push button, what I want is when I click the button it opens a picture in this directory:


the name of the picture is taken from table1 the colum serial_number

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Know If Database Files Are On File System Or Raw Files?

Oct 11, 2012

How can I know if database files are on file system or raw files?

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Compare Two Dump Files And Their Respective Log Files

Jun 20, 2012

I want to compare two dump files and their respective log files, to see the difference. Is there any way.

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