Forms :: Unable To Make The Form Fields Available To Edit

Jan 30, 2013

My requirement is to call a form through special menu icon from one main form and display some information. Whenever i open a new form it should fetch a record and display where some of the fields should be available to edit. I am displaying a record based on a view.

For that i have used below code in when-new-form-instance

- GO_BLOCK('Block name');
- DO_KEY('Execute_Query');

After executing the query my block status is becoming 'QUERY' where i am not able to set the block/item property "Update allowed" to true.

I have added below piece of code

set_item_property('block_name.item name',insert_allowed, PROPERTY_TRUE);
set_item_property('block_name.item name',UPDATE_ALLOWED,PROPERTY_TRUE);

in almost all the triggers and tried. I could still see all the fields are read only.

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Application Express :: Make Fields On Form-page More Accurate?

Oct 18, 2012

How to make fields on form-page more accurate? I want make fields one under another one, and control the distance between them.

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Forms :: How To Use Some Fields Of Form In Arabic

Sep 30, 2012

i want to use Arabic language in one of the fields available on the form.

i alreade have done the following

1. On database

update PROPS$
set value$ ='AR8MSWIN1256'
where name = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';

2. On system registry

Have changed all nls_lang variable in the registry to 'American_America.AR8MSWIN1256'

3. On Form

Have changed the field font to 'Simplified Arabic' and reading order 'right to left'

4. On Operating System

Change the region and language setting
format 'Arabic (saudi Arabia)'
keyboard and languages add 'Arabic (saudi arabia)'

5. have restarted the database on the server and also the client machine.

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Forms :: New Form For Oracle Apps Turning Fields In Other Forms Black

Sep 23, 2011

I created a new form for Oracle Apps, At first when I ran the form from the application all the fields backgrounds were black, so I changed the background in the property palette to white and foreground to black.

Now it shows fine but when I close this form and open another those fields are now blacked out. What should I do, I know the problem comes from the new form.

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Forms :: Make One Form For Many Systems

Mar 4, 2013

make one form for many systems i have (i.e) I need to make it like portal many button for many systems When i enter the button i login to specified system (i.e) I need to make new connection to this schema and disconnect the previous one.

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Forms :: Error - 7033 In Total Folder Form Fields

Jun 24, 2013

In my Folder Form i have 6 Total Fields(SUM) , when i press anyone of these Total Filed, to move Right Or Left i got an error like this "frm-40733 pl/sql built-in set_group_char_cell failed."

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Forms :: Change Color In Fields In Form Filled Via Data Block?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to change the attributes on a display where the info is gathered via a routine that fills the data block with info. I've searched and tried using 'set item instance property' in several places within the data block using different triggers but still doesn't work.

No errors are encountered or shown. Attributes aren't changed based on a small test condition.

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Forms :: How To Find Table Names For The Fields In A Horizontal Form Of ASCP

Jun 25, 2013

I have a requirement of pulling the data from a field in horizontal form of Advanced Supply Chain Planning responsibility(ASCP). When I go into help-> Diagnostics, it shows the block name of the form as 'Horizontal Plan' and field name as 'Pivot Table'. Not pretty sure on how to pull the data source into horizontal form with the info I have.

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Application Express :: How To Make Form With Report And Insert Form In Same Page

Dec 14, 2012

how to make a form with report and an insert form in the same page, these two forms are related to the same table. Our customer wants a user can add new row to the table in a form and see all of rows created by this user in a report, this report should provide edit link as well. the problem is: whenever I inserted a new row or edit a row or delete a row, and submitted, and return to this page, all of hidden items lost their values, so report is blank, and some display only items also lost their values.

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Client Tools :: Bash Script - Extract Fields And Make Inserts In SQL File

Aug 13, 2010

I have a Bash script that counts the rows of a csv file, extracts the fields and makes inserts in a sql file. Then it logs into SqlPlus and calls the insert file. The sql file looks like this:


I rely on "WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT" for things to go the right path. However sometimes because of the contents of the CVS files (which I can't control) some rows don't get inserted but SqlPlus doesn't see that as an error, doesn't exit and I end up with the wrong number of rows being informed in the second insert.Is there some kind of "if-then-else" construct in Sql? After all the inserts are made, do a "select count (*)" and compare that number to the one informed by the script. If they match, make the final insert and commit; else exit.

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Forms :: Unable To Get Whole Form On Screen

Mar 22, 2011

i am not able to get whole form on the screen. some part of the part is missing and even there is no scroll bar to slide the form. I have also change the form applet screen size is 1024 x 768 and this is same as of the size of form applet.

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Forms :: Unable To Put A Check For A Form?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a leave form where I need to put a check which prevents the user from entering 'sick leave' if the employee hasn't completed 3 months in the company.This is the code I've written:

SELECT ABS(MONTHS_BETWEEN(t.start_date,sysdate)) INTO l_date
FROM hrp_per_all_people_f t
WHERE t.company_id = :parameter.p_company_id
AND t.employee_number = :parameter.p_employee_number


The absence_type_id = 21 is for 'sick leave'. I can't figure out why this is not working. When I do enter 'sick leave' for a new employee I do not get any checks and neither am I able to save the changes.

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Forms :: Unable To Open Form Which Is Created In Another PC

Feb 21, 2012

one of my friend created a form in his PC(which is having the same configuration as my PC) and sent me that .fmb file. when I'm opening that form, it is throwing "FRM-11009 : Failed to load in the color palette" error..

I have checked the CAUPREFS.ORA where Forms.color_mode = 1 and I haven't found 'forms.color_pallete' entry in that file.

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Forms :: FRM-30085 / Unable To Adjust Form For Output

May 20, 2013

"SUM_TOTAL_RECEIVED" ,this is Item name and i set all Calculation Properties correctly and when compile the form , i got an error

FRM-30405: Datatype for Sum/Avg/Variance/Stddev summarized item must be Number.
FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.

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Forms :: Invoice Processing - Unable To Adjust Form For Output

Aug 2, 2011

I've created a form that is working on the basis of Invoice Processing. There I want to get the sum of all the total of the products * quantity..I'm getting this error

FRM-30425: Summarized database item must reside in a block with Query All Records or Precompute Summaries set to Yes.
FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.

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Forms :: Clienthost - Unable To Block Form When Working On Google Webpage?

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to open the url from the form and block the form when working on the url.I am able to block the form when working on notepad, adobe and word doc by using the below code

CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c "c:/web_util[1].pdf"');

and when I use CLIENT_HOST( 'cmd /C "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"'); it is opening the but unable to block the form when working on google webpage.

I am using oralce forms and the browser is IE8.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Unable To Move Fields?

Mar 26, 2012

I am modifying an existing report. It's just a tabular format with column headers. I selected all fields and frames and turned confine mode and flex mode OFF. I need to add another column to this report so I tried to resize and then move some of the fields.

If I try to move the right side of a colum header/field in, to make it smaller, it won't let me. I can move the left side of the field in, but then it won't let me move the entire field or column header to the left. If I try to move a field over to the right, all the fields to the right side move along with it. Doesn't this normally only happen when flex or confine mode are ON?

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Application Express :: Updating Fields On A Tabular Form

Oct 1, 2012

I have an application where I'm trying to match skillset supply to skillset demand. We have resources and we have work for resources to do. Resources possess a set of skills. Work requires a set of skills. Skillsets are described by three fields: Domain, Target, Skill. So, we are able to capture the supply of skills in a table:

RSRC_ID (FK to Resource table)
PROFICIENCY  (this is the skill level 1 to 5)

The relationship of resources to skill supply is 1 to many. Conversely, work demands skills, and so we capture skill demand in a table:

WORK_ID (FK to Work table)

The relationship of work to skill demand is 1 to many also.

Users assign skills to resources using a master-detail form. It works fine
Users assign skills needed to work also using a master-detail form, and it works fine as well

A view then joins the skillset supply to skillset demand so that assignments can be made only where supply and demand match. This view is used in the LOV below.

I am using a mapping table to capture assignments of work to resources or resources to work. It is a many to many mapping of work and resources with matching skillsets, and it looks like this:

TARGET   ( These are the skillsets where demand equals supply and are derived from the view and presented in the LOV )
SKILL      (I've created master-detail forms for the two types of assignments. An LOV in the detail form will present qualified resources or eligible work and then return the appropriate RSRC_ID or WORK_ID, but I must also populate the other three fields (DOMAIN, TARGET and SKILL) before I can insert or update the record. Here's the LOV from the form where resources are assigned to work:

SELECT sed.domain||'.'||||'.'||
       sed.skill_prof||'  '||
       r.first_name||' '||
       r.last_name "d",
       r.rsrc_id "r"
FROM   ri_resource r, ri_skill_supply_eq_demand sed
WHERE  r.rsrc_id = sed.rsrc_id
AND    sed.work_id = :P18_WORK_ID

order by 1It is not enough to just match the work to the resource, we must record for what skillset they are matched. I can't seem to see an easy way to populate the three other fields in the tabular form using data that I can retrieve with the LOV.

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Application Express :: Clearing (or NOT) Form Fields After ARP CREATE Or DELETE Operation

Jan 15, 2013

I understand everything -- <gripe> need better Automated Row Fetch (ARF) documentation </gripe>, but I now have CREATE, QUERY, and DELETE working and I can choose to clear the form (or NOT). And I don't claim this is the best or simplest or most-efficient or most straight-forward approach. It's one virtue is that it does seem to work.

I need to be careful state that this involves both Automated Row Processing (ARP) -- which enables INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. And Automated Row Fetch (ARF) -- which enables SELECT. ARF is found under Page Rendering and ARP is found under page processing. As we have seen, the two are -- or can be -- interdependent. For example, I believe the error I talk about next is caused by ARF trying to fetch the record just deleted by ARP.

Starting from the situation of

1) having the values retained on the screen when CREATE is clicked and the record is added and
2) getting a database error after a DELETE of a row, A solution is the "reset" processes. Under Page Rendering add a "reset page" process to: "Clear Cache for all Items on Pages (PageID,PageID,PageID)" and indicate the page with the database operations and under Conditions: When Button Pressed: choose CANCEL, CREATE, DELETE, QUERY or SAVE. I made two of these - one for CREATE and one for DELETE. To cover both buttons, you need two processes as you can only indicate one button per process.

Now the form (screen) is cleared after the CREATE (by process
1). And since it's also cleared after the DELETE (by process
2), there is no Database error on DELETE.

(The source of that error was ARF trying to retrieve the deleted record because the PK field had the "just deleted" key value. This nulls it and I have ARF set not to attempt a fetch when the key field is null.

So, how about that? Burleson has an example here which adds more detail than I recall seeing before.URL>....

I think the DML Fetch Mode settings he shows are new to the ARP screen in 4.2. I don't see them in 4.1.

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Application Express :: Unable To See Items Of Detail Form In Master Detail Form In Page Details?

Oct 31, 2013

I created a master-detail form using wizard in oracle apex 4.2 Now I want to attach an LOV to one of the items of detail form, which is visible on the same window as of master form. To do so, I need to first find the item in detail page, details of which are not available in page definitions. I can see all the items of master form but none for detail form in "Page Rendering" section. 

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Application Express :: How To Make Report Column Non-editable In Master-detail Form

Jun 20, 2013

I have created a master-detail form. The detail columns are created as report columns instead of getting created as Items. I need to make a column non-editable.

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Forms :: 6i Requirement - Create New User And Edit Existing One

Jun 10, 2011

I have a form with fields like, UserName, User ID Email Address. This is used to create new users & edit existing user information. I wanted to make the Email field mandatory. So i made the email field as 'Required' via Proerty Pallette. So when ever i create new users after this change, i get a message saying 'Field must be required' when i try to skip this email field.

However when i edit existing user information and try to save the data with no email address i am able to save. So, where when i try to save a user info with no email address, i should get a warning saying 'email address is required'. How to go about it and if i wil have to create any trigger.

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Application Express :: Unable To Delete Row(s) From Tabular Form?

Jan 28, 2013

I created report with row selector, when I select one row I get tabular form regarding to the selected row from report. I can insert and update data from tabular form, but I have problem with deleting them. Error I get is

ORA-01403: no data found (Row 207589)

My tabular form is created by wizard and primary key is managed by database rowid, I use apex 4.1 an 10g database.

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Forms :: Want To Call Web Form For Uploading Image From Custom Form

Apr 16, 2013

I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.

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Forms :: How To Reload Calling Form After Closing Called Form

Jul 15, 2007

I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.

How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?

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Forms :: User Privileges - Assign Permissions To One User To Add / Delete / Edit Data?

May 28, 2011

how can i assign permissions to one user to add,delete,edit data and other user should be able to perform all functions or selected functions

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Application Express :: Unable To Bind Error In Tabular Form

Jul 5, 2013

I have an application which includes a certain page with a tabular form.After I copied this to a second schema, Apex threw an error

'Unable to bind ':126_ENG_PROJ_ID' 

It took me quite a while before I found out that one of my fields in that tabular form has a Popup Key LOV.The SQL for the LOV was: 

select dv, rv from (select loop_short dv, cmpnt_id rv from SPI_MAIN_TAG where eng_proj_id in (:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID, -:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID) ) order by dv

 Turned out that the view SPI_MAIN_TAG didn't exist in the second schema.Apex error message would have been more clear, like a simple 'Table or view does not exist' error, where possible even with the table name.I had Debug turned on, but in the debug window there was no reference to above SQL,

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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