Forms :: To Spell A Number In SQL

May 18, 2011

I have two fields in my form . In one field I am entering certain amount. I want the conversion of that amount to char in next field for e.g 1000 one thousand.

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Forms :: PJC For Spell Checker

Nov 22, 2012

My forms & database version is

Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

I need a PJC for Spell Checking.

I tried to download it from


but the link is not working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Spell Out Numbers To Words

Mar 14, 2002

I found a message which explain how to spell out numbers to words. I'm french and the purpose of my question is how to convert numbers to word (to print cheque) but in french the function found in the newsgroup was :

select decode( sign( &num ), -1, 'Negative ', 0, 'Zero', NULL ) ||
decode( sign( abs(&num) ), +1, to_char( to_date( abs(&num),'J'),'Jsp') )
from dual

I'm afraid but i don't undaunted how pass my number to this function (&num ???)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Spell Check Of A Column

Nov 3, 2010

how to run a spell check on a column (contains desriptions) of a table and find out if any spelling mistakes are there in the text of that column. I want to run this in pl/sql.

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Forms :: Number For Patch19 For Dev6i?

Jan 30, 2013

the link for downloading the patch19 for developer 6i.

and also need patch19 number

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Forms :: Invoice Number Generation?

Aug 24, 2011

i an using this code to generate invoice numbers auntomatically:

po number;
pi number;


Problem is it does not increment after 10.

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Forms :: How To Generate Serial Number

Aug 23, 2011

how do you generate serial numbers? i have an invoice where i have to add items, so i want the numbering to start from 1 everytime i start a new form and increment by 1 as i i enter a new record. For this i have put my code in when-new-record-instance but problem is if i delete a record and enter a new one, the serial number starts from the nex number.

For ex. if i have 4 items with serial numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and i delete the item at no. 3 and add a new item , the serial number comes as 5.

proper code to generate the serial numbers?

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Forms :: How To Insert Or Update A Number

Jun 11, 2013

how to insert or update a number which is having value like 08,09 in forms 6i while insert its inserting only 8 and 9 not 08 or 09 the first digit zero is not inserting,,,i want to use time file which is 24 hrs format, so i am giving value like 0835 (08:35) but 835 only saving.

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Forms :: Phone Number Format

Jan 7, 2013

how and where can i specify the phone number format

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Forms :: Number Of Records Retrieved In Block

Nov 30, 2010

is there any way other than this way to retrieve the number of record displayed in the block ?

last record ;
l := :system.cursor_record

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Forms :: Displaying Number Of Records With Condition

Jul 8, 2012

In form i call a record from database table through execute_query. i have lov on ITEM_NO

i want to display on that form, no. of records of ITEM_NO which i select from the list. like if i have 10 records with item_no which i select from list is must show 1/10.

if i press the down arrow it should show next record of the same item_no.

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Forms :: Sequence Number To Be Displayed In Form

Mar 27, 2012

In my form I have a submit button, when i click on it a sequence number to be generated and displayed in a text box.

I have created a sequence and tried inserting into table, it works fine however it's not getting displayed in form.

Note: Tried giving sequence.sequence_name.nextval in initial value of the text box, didn't work showed FRM-11324 error.

--When button pressed--


v_seq number(20);


select seq_name.nextval
into v_seq
from dual;


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Forms :: How To Find Line Number Of Error In 6i

Jun 4, 2012

How to find the line number along with package name or procedure name (for ex. in Oracle 10g DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE ) where exactly error is coming in forms.There is plsql code written and while executing the code, ORA-01722: invalid number error is coming. For easy tracing the error, any way is there ?

I searched in Google before posting in this forum and found that ON-ERROR trigger if we write DBMS_ERROR_TEXT it will display the ling number along with package or procedure name. But it is not working and this is only giving me error name no line number.

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Forms :: Generating Sequence - Get Serial Number?

Dec 21, 2011

i want to get serial numbers in oracle forms. i have one data block with 10 rows and a non database display item with corresponding length as that of the original data block .

when ever i am executing the form i want to see the serial number generated in the display item and when i inserted a new item or row it should show the corresponding rownum.


empno name serialno
5 tom 1
4 tinil 2
6 sofy 3
7 john 4
1 albert 5
2 michel 6

i want to get the above answer using forms.

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Forms :: How To Convert Exponent Into Pure Number

Nov 22, 2006

I have to convert the following




Any function or formula for this one?

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Forms :: ORA-01036 - Illegal Variable Name / Number

May 30, 2012

I have developed a form which is running fine most of the time,

but some time it gives error

unable to insert record and if we see detail it shows

ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number

error.jpg is attached. if there is some problem, it should not pass any entry and if there is no problem then why it gives error of illegal variable?

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Forms :: How To Get Total Number Of Record In Form

May 20, 2011

how to get total number of record in form

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Forms :: Retrieve Total Number In Details Block?

May 21, 2011

I am working on form which consist of two block, now i need to know total record in detail block, but in form structure i have multiple details entry aginst 1 master entry and after going for next master entry the details of privious master entry are going for posting that's why i am unable to use the currnt_record function. function to retrive the total number of records in details tab.

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Forms :: Display Line Number Where Exception Raise?

Feb 25, 2011

We have Forms 10g for our application.

When i raise a exception in a procedure / trigger, i want to show the line number where the exception happened. is there any builtin to show that.

For eg

Exception when others
message('Error in this procedure');

I want the above exception to raise with line number also. How do i do it. I need some built in procedure in forms.

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Forms :: Finding Out Port Number And Oracle ID For Compilation?

May 21, 2010

Is there any way i could figure out what is the current port number used in an existing setup of oracle forms in a linux server.

Is there any specific oracle id i should use to compile oracle forms on server?

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Forms :: Showing Number Of Records Affected (saved)

Jul 31, 2010

We are building a custom form extension with our EBS R12 where against certain parameters we are inserting and updating records in a table through a PL/SQL procedure.This PL/SQL doesn't use a commit exclusively, instead the user must click the Save button after verifying the data (new records are inserted, existing ones are updated and after the insert and update routines, execute_query is fired to fetch the latest data)

Everything works fine, however, when the user clicks on the Save button form status bar says "FRM-40401: No changes to save"

We would like to alter this message with our own custom message stating how many records were inserted and hows many were updated (We have counters counting this information)

Under which particular trigger we should write the code to enhance this requirement?

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Forms :: Serial Number In Tabular Style Form?

Feb 9, 2010

I need Sequence generate in each row in tabular style form



(I dont want to use sequence because when i delete the row its conceder delete row in sequence )

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Forms :: Voucher Number Financial Year Wise

Jul 1, 2010

I have form (table GL_PV)in this form I want to generate voucher no financial year wise.

I have Four columns

Year varchar2(4)
Month number(2)
Pv_no number(6)
Pv_date date

--- I use pre-insert tirgger---

when Insert record year save pv_date 'YYYY' (2010)

Month save as 'MM' (7) and pv_date I enter manulay

now I want Pv_no it should generate auto according to financial year.

I have 2 financial year
2009-2010 June-July
2010-2011 June-July

I want that every financial year PV_no should be separate. both financial year pv_no start from 1. when I enter data any financial year first it check the MAX(PV_no) then generate next Pv_no No. MAX(pv_No)+1

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Forms :: Number Of Records Displayed In List Item Is More Than 1

Dec 28, 2010

Actually m working on oracle 10g forms. I have a list item in which no. of records displayed is 10. I am populating this list item through a record group. I want when user select a value from first record then he should not be able to select the same value in further record of that list item.

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Forms :: Dynamically Change Number Of Records Displayed?

Mar 31, 2011

I am currently on a project which has a requirement of changing the number of records dynamically. Oracle Forms version 10g.

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Forms :: Applying Serial Number In Detail Block

Sep 5, 2011

I have form with master detail relation ship (invoicing form) the detail block is tabular, displaying upto 7 records...

Now my clients wants to show the serial number along with each record while feeding the data (this includes when insert, editing, deleting / clearing records) he wants to see the serial number as in MS access / MS techniques.

I tried to use the system variable to use :system.cursor_record; but this dose not works.(in insert/edit/delete/clear record)

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Forms :: Handle Huge Number Of Rows In Data Block

Jun 14, 2011

I need to read a huge number of rows, say in lakhs and then need to populate it in data block. Since it is having huge data am never able to run the form. it hangs after some time. when i test with few rows it is working. so no problem in coding.

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Forms :: Create Hierarchical Tree With Department Number As Node?

Mar 25, 2010

I would like to create a hierarchical tree with Department number as a node and all the employees (only employee names) under that department as shown below:

[-]Department - 10
[-]Department - 20
and so on...

I have created a hierarchical tree 'HT_DEPTNO' under block 'BL_EMP'. I also created a Record Group 'RG_HTREE' with query as shown below:


I am attaching the form for your reference.

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Forms :: Wrong Number Or Types Of Arguments In Call To Function?

Jul 2, 2013

I wrote function Quantity(p_item_number in varchar2)RETURN NUMBER, i called This function in POST_QUERY ,Error like this "wrong number or type of arguments in call to Quantity", i tried like as " Quantity(p_item_number in varchar2)RETURN NUMBER" , but it gives an error "encounterd the symbol VARCHAR2 when expecting one of the following ( "..

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Forms :: How To Show Total Number Of Records In Text Item

May 3, 2013

I have a multi record field of five rows. And 3 values.

the values are


And i have one text item name is COUNT.

how to show the total number of records in Text item .

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