Forms :: Sending Employee PayRoll Slip

Jan 21, 2012

I am looking to send all employees in the company their payroll slip directly to their email IDs, so I need to built a producer can :

1- Generate their slips and save it into PDF files with each employee number .
2- send an email message to each employee with his slip.

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Forms :: Create Different Database Users Like STORE / PAYROLL

Apr 12, 2011

I create different database users like STORE, PAYROLL, GL , SYSADMIN, COMMON to contain objects accordingly then I create another user ABC and grant DBA privileges to all users.

After that I grant SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE privileges on each and every objects of STORE/PAYROLL/GL/SYSADMIN/COMMON users to ABC then create synonyms of STORE/PAYROLL/GL/SYSADMIN/COMMON users objects into ABC.

Actually, I want to use single user of ABC to build/execute my application but I think I am doing something wrong because whenever I tried to compile my form, its showing this error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Ename And Salary Of Employee Using Employee Number As Input

Aug 11, 2013

/* Formatted on 2013/08/11 18:46 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
p_empno IN OUT NUMBER,
p_name OUT VARCHAR2,

Note:- I want to print ename and salary of emp using empno as a input but i dont want to declare extra variable for salary , i want to print salary using empno but when i execute this procedure. It gives value of empno in salary. Don't Know Why , how can i print salary of emp using empno as input without declaring extra variable for salary.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Employee Table To Assign Grade For Each Employee Based On His Salary

Feb 9, 2012

based on the following information

grade lowsal highsal
------ ----- ------
1 700 1200
2 1201 1400
3 1401 2000
4 2001 3000
5 3001 9999

for the employee table to assign grade for each employee based on his salary the following plsql procedure is giving error:



IF vSAL<= 700 THEN

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Forms :: Populate Only Particular Employee LOV

Apr 1, 2013

I want to populate only particular employee LOV ,when i am press "Populate LOV"..Button and i attached Form for testing and It is a 10g version..

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Forms :: Display Employee Details?

Feb 25, 2013

i want to display employees details when i am passing Deptno and that department employees only display in Oracle Forms

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Forms :: Update Particular Employee Name By Using Cursor

Jul 14, 2013

I would like to update the particular employee name by using the cursor ..For that I would like to show the steps which I did . as in the below screen it updated John but it removed the other ename ...I like to update John only and remaining ename should be as it ..

The code which I have written on KEY-COMMIT is below.

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Forms :: Sending Email Through 6i

Apr 4, 2011

How to send an email through oracle FORMS6i ?

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Forms :: Create A Report For Absent Employee?

Oct 18, 2012

I have a requirement that I need to create a report for absent employee, we have "Hand Punch" scanning system for attendance, when a employee scan his hand it put a record with the employee id, date, shift, & time.

Now I need to create a report for absent employees in date range

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Forms :: Sending Mail With Attachment?

May 5, 2010

i am using oracle forms 9i and i want to send a mail with attachment.

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Forms :: Sending Mail Through Oracle 10g

May 21, 2008

Below code working fine when i am using Forms6i. But i want to send a mail by Forms10g.

objOutlook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
objMail OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
objAttach OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;


objOutlook := OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('Outlook.Application');

-- Previous example usually used 'mapi.session' but this doesn't work correctly

objMail := OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ(objOutlook,'CreateItem', objarg);
objAttach := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(objmail, 'Attachments');

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Forms :: Show Manager / Employee And Department On The Tree

Nov 1, 2012

i have 3 tables

table employee

table manager

table department

how can show on the tree all manager with employee with department

manager ali
employee Mohamed
department marketing

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Forms :: Sending Email With Report In PDF As Attachment?

May 1, 2009

I have the following code to send an email with a report as an attachment via forms. everything is running fine.

Now i do not have a message body in the email, so my question is how do i add some text as an email body

if i add the following parameter, its not working

ADD_PARAMETER(thelist, 'BODY',TEXT_PARAMETER, 'Check the attached Report');
report_id REPORT_OBJECT := find_report_object('checklist');
report_message VARCHAR2(100) :='';
rep_status VARCHAR2(100) :='';


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Forms :: Sending Email To Yahoo Or Gmail From 10g

Apr 23, 2010

How to send email from Oracle forms10g to a yahoo or gmail account using authentication.

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Forms :: Error In Sending Emails From A Form

Jan 19, 2010

Am facing a problem in sending an email to certain group of people, if the recipient just one person it will work but if more it will not work, I tried to read every one as a single recipient through a cursor but it was not working, the following is the sending

( p_sender_email => '',
p_from => '',
p_to => mail_pkg.array(V_MAIL),

:control.test data is quotes between to quotes for each address.

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Forms :: Sending Email With Attached Files?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using the following code on a button and once I pressed the button the form disconnected.

Outlook_Object client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
Mail_Object client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
Item1 client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
Item2 client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
OLEPARAM client_OLE2.list_type;


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Reports & Discoverer :: Link Two Forms And Pass Employee Name To Next Form

Jul 31, 2010

if i have two reports one of them is that you enter the office name and it will show you list of employee. the second one i want to show the information that is related to that employee by putting beside each employee button that if pressed i will go to other report that show me information about that employee.How i could link the two form and pass the employee name to the next form

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Each Employee Age From Employee DB

Nov 25, 2011

I have a table like below,I want retrieve each employee age ,from db column

SQL> select * from dob;

---------- ---------
vishal 12-MAR-90
jeya 30-MAR-73
vasanthi 17-APR-80
mangai 25-NOV-81
poorna 18-AUG-80
vinod 20-AUG-81
nanthini 01-JUN-86
karthick 20-MAR-88

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Of Employee Names

Oct 5, 2011

this is my code

V1 VARCHAR2(100);
V2 VARCHAR2(100);
V3 VARCHAR2(200);

if i want to dynamically enter the three to four names then i want the count of those names .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Give New ID To Existing Employee?

Mar 13, 2012

want to create a PL/SQL procedure, update_id(id_emp in number), that gives a new id_emp (id_emp=y) to an existing employee (id_emp=x).So before updating the EMP table, we have to :

1- create a new row on EMP(with id_emp=y) that has the same informations of the employee (id_emp=x),
2- update all tables that contains the id_emp column (update <TAB> set id_emp=y where id_emp=x),
3- delete employee (id_emp=x).

The problem is in step 2 : it creates a lot of locks and makes the DB unusable.To deal with this problem, I thought for many solutions, but the problem is how to implement them correctly and efficiently.

Before executing step 2, we have to ensure (through a marker I guess) that all the tables that have the id_emp column, are managed by our session, and any other acces (through SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT statment) from another session will be rejected since we have a marker on that table.

When step 2 ends, we release all the tables from the markers.

My simple question : how to achieve this ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Name Of Oldest Employee

Dec 21, 2010

I have done it through SUBQUERY AND MIN FUNCTION


but i want a smaller, simple code .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trying To Get Employee Hire Anniversary

Oct 18, 2012

I'm trying to get employee hire anniversary between 2 days ago and within 7 days from today..It's working fine until I get to January system month (then mm=01, which is less then mm=12)

select employee_id, first_name, last_name, job_id, hire_date,
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate-2), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Day before yesterday'
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate-1), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Yesterday'
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Today'
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate+1), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Tomorrow'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Employee According To Days

Jun 8, 2010

i have an employee table where there is a column called join date. Now i have to select the employee according to the days. Means how many employee joined on Monday/Tuesday etc.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Of Employee Table

May 28, 2011

I have to implement a functionality in my application. I have an employee table and each employee does a transaction which is stored in a transaction table.

The functionality that I have to implement is that if an employee does not perform any transaction for a period of 2 years then updated the employee and set him inactive.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Sanctions To Employee

Aug 1, 2012

i have two tables

first table
emp_no pk
second table
emp_no fk

i need the following

if employees take sanctions and his salary 1000 and sanctions value 50 then the net salary is 950 . I need if the same employee take another sanctions values 50
the result will be
the old net salary is 950
and the new old salary is 900

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update In Employee Table?

Apr 4, 2010

Employee Table
create table empoyee (
empno number,
sal number)
insert into employee(empno,sal) values (1, 200);


If we make any update in Employee table for his/her salary, before update, that record should be inserted into EmployeeHist table and history will continue to build. Employee Table should have only current salary.If we change sal for emplyee # 1 from 200 to 800 then original current record in employee table will be inserted into employeehist table like

empsno = 1
empno =1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sending PDF Through Mail?

Feb 16, 2010

I have written a procedure to send a pdf file through mail. The directory was created and registered in SYS.DBA_DIRECTORIES with read,write grant access. But im getting the below error.

ORA-20014: Error in MAIL_FILES_PRO ORA-20012: Invalid Operation
ORA-06512: at "ANAND.PRO_ICTPAYSLIPMAIL02", line 229
ORA-06512: at line 2

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Business Rules For Employee Table

Aug 19, 2013

We need some transformation rules on Source employee table which comes from SAP and want to load in Target table.Basic idea is we need to calculate time when position was not held by sub owner so . . . Etc

Source looks like:


Example 1:

10005822 10/16/2003 11/20/2008 A008 105404
10005822 10/16/2003 3/31/2009 A999 105404
10005822 6/23/2008 7/5/2009 A008 124530
10005822 11/21/2008 8/31/2009 A008 105404
10005822 8/31/2009 4/16/2010 A008 105323
10005822 4/19/2010 12/31/9999 A999 131995
10005822 7/5/2010 12/31/9999 A008 131995

Example 2:

10084408 5/3/2010 12/31/9999 A008 130591
10084408 3/21/2011 5/17/2011 A008 132725
10084408 5/3/2010 1/2/2011 A999 130591

After business rules data should look like:


Example 1:


10005822 105404 105404 Hold=Subs 10/16/2003 11/20/2008
10005822 124530 105404 Hold<>Subs 6/23/2008 3/31/2009
10005822 124530 No Substantive No Substan 4/1/2009 7/5/2009
10005822 105404 No Substantive No Substan 11/21/2008 8/31/2009
10005822 105323 No Substantive No Substan 8/31/2009 4/16/2010
10005822 No Holder 131995 No Holder 4/19/2010 7/4/2010
10005822 131995 131995 Hold=Subs 7/5/2010 12/31/9999

Example 2:

10084408 130591 130591 Hold=Subs 5/3/2010 1/2/2011
10084408 130591 No Substantive No Substan 1/3/2011 12/31/9999
10084408 132725 No Substantive No Substan 3/21/2011 5/17/2011

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All Employee Types In Single Query

Jul 7, 2011

I have four employee types such as 'C' for consultants, 'S' for staffs, 'W' for workers ,, ('E','S','W') for all types of employees. i have write four queries for showing four types of employees. can it is possible in a single query.

I have written this in oracle forms . I have taken a list item for workers i have taken 'W' , for staffs i have taken 'S' , for consultants i have taken 'C' and for all i have taken 'A'. my column name is emp_type in( :block.list_item ) but it is not taking the value from the list item when the value is emp_type in('C') etc etc..

like this for workers ,staffs . when it is 'A' it will take emp_type in ('E','S','W')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query - Get Details Of Each Employee In Single Row?

Jun 7, 2012

I have three tables as shown in the image. Need to get the details of each employee in a single row..

EMployee_id BaseSalary Bonus Hike shares

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