Forms :: Pie Chart And Vertical Bar Graph In Oracle 10g
Oct 8, 2013
I have two graph pj item in oracle block one is pie chart and other is vertical bar graph... there is color display in bottom of pie graph which is red=50,yellow-30 and orange=20 ..and in vertical bar red=50,but orange=30 and yellow is 20 ..means orange and yellow is interchange in bar i can same the both graph value..
the graph is populate through cursor and graph properties is setting through set_custom_propert();
I'm gonna create a Gantt chart on Oracle APEX and want to re-size, move the graph into other to control the graph itself (just like javascript, ajax and anychart API...) URL.....
Is there any way I could customize tooltip (when you go over the bar in the report, small box with the value appears).I would like to display different values there.
I've edited the XML on the Chart Attributes page but I don't find atrtributes to rotate the y-axis title (<text>TITLE</text>) nor the letters themselves in the title. What I'd like is something very close to
But what I get is a horizontal title rotated -90 degrees. I've looked at lots of Anychart documentation but don't find anything that seems to fit with the XML already given on the Chart Attributes page. I've seen the "rotate" attribute but I don't know where it would go and even then, I'm sure it only rotates the title as a unit and not the individual letters.
I have been requested to create an excel sheet report in my Forms application ( with data grouped in a pie chart, something like the attached pic (if you cant open go to this link: [URL]
I'm able to create the excel sheet by using OLE2 tool, but I dont know how to insert my pie chart from code.
is there a way to export/download graphs that are shown on Oracle Enterprise Manager? I tried to find some buttons that make it possibile, but I'm unable to find them...
i need to create a form with 15 col and 10 records in tabular format to display records from the table....i done it with vertical scroll bar need both horizontal and vertical scroll bar for that tabular.
When I first access the form and query for records, it works as per the expectation and with scroll bar to scroll up and down. But when I do "View>Record>Last", it reaches to last record, but not able to use the scroll bar to scroll the records up(I am on last record, so can't do downward scrolling).
The scroll bar is displaying in Full, no room to scroll up down.It happens only when I do "View>Record>Last".
In my Forms application, I must create an Excel sheet with data displayed by a pie chart, i.e. something like this
I'm able to create the Excel sheet by using OLE2 tool, but I dont know how to create and insert the pie chart. Searching in this forum, I found this post:
it's useful, but somewhat hard to understand. In detail, how can I set the form_charttype and form_chartsource so that it would produce my pie chart?
I need is to generate this chart automatically from the form builder without opening any program like visio (for instant). that's mean when I select the wanted department the chart will be generated automatically .
I'm presently creating a Graph on a repeating frame.
I made a query with a group that pointing to the repeating frame.
The problem : I want to change dynamically the Y and X axis Title.
The graph accept user parameter inside the XML file. But how to make it dynamically based on SQL query?
I try with formula, but can't make it work with a group. I have to put the formula at Report Level, but to make it dynamically for each group i have to make it work at the group Level.
I need to build a query on making a vertical records to horizontal records. I did read somewhere saying that we can use decode function. But im still trying to understand how decode function can make a vertical records to horizontal records.
SQL> desc stg_query_overflow Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- HOSTNAME VARCHAR2(50) NPSID NUMBER NPSINSTANCEID NUMBER OPID NUMBER
Here's my controlfile:
load data infile '/u01/tony/server_name/query_overflow.dat' badfile '/opt/oracle/tony/sql_dir/bad/server_name_query_overflow.bad' discardfile '/opt/oracle/tony/sql_dir/discard/server_name_query_overflow.dsc' append into table stg_query_overflow
Here's a sample of data that I can't load into the table via sqlldr:
Record 272: Rejected - Error on table STG_QUERY_OVERFLOW, column NPSID. ORA-01722: invalid number Record 273: Rejected - Error on table STG_QUERY_OVERFLOW, column NPSID. ORA-01722: invalid number
As you can see, sqlldr is interpreting this vertical sql code as the npsid column, when in fact it is the querytext column. How can I insert each record when some of my data is in this vertical format?
I was keen on creating left side vertical menus instead of using a tab for every page to organize my application better. An example is
I tried creating a list and attaching it to a page. Did not work. Still investigating this. Specifically, what list option that person is using. Not sure, if its really a list or maybe the vertical navigation bar?
I've a 6 column report where col5 is set to expand vertically (based upon comments) and works wonderfully. Col6 is a single character column, therefore does not expand so the report looks rather messy.
I would like col6 to expand in accordance to col5. Is it possible?
Apex 22.0, IE 8 Just started using the Enkitec Navbar, and we have noticed that when a page is rendered a vertical list always appears momentarily before being replaced with the Navbar list. It happens on all applications we have installed it on, and every time a page is refreshed.
I have a 2D pie chart. The chart takes the column names as label and shows the results(3) like passed--4, failed--3, on hold ---6. Now I want to have tooltip , if I point on passed--4, it should show "number of students passed last year"similarlyIf I point on failed--3, it should show "number of students failed last year"