Forms :: How To Clear Record

Feb 13, 2012

In a master and detail relation ship block..When a cursor is placed in the details and enter some thing and giving back space..once value is cleared a empty record is saved in the database with the header values , but in details customer didn't enter anything.

how to clear the detail record in pre insert or when validation ?

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Forms :: Clear Block Message In Oracle Forms?

Nov 30, 2012

I am creating a form with 3 blocks.

Control block,
Header Block,
Detail Block.

First i have entered a record in the control block.

Then i navigate to header block,entered the first record for Header Block.

Then i navigate to Detail block,entered the first record for detail Block.

then i again navigate to Header Block..

Now the Problem comes....As i am Trying to enter second record for header block,the pop up comes as "Do you want to save the changes".

Condition 1:i dont want that message to appear for every header record i enter.

Condition 2:For every header record i enter,Corresponding detail record would have been entered.i want that detail records to be retained if i am clicking that header record as i have already created relationship for both header block and detail block.

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Forms :: Clear Block If Value Change?

Dec 28, 2011

I Require to Fetch the Group of Value in Item Block Selected through the User Selected LOV Value in Master.

Through Loop i Fetch the Records in Item Block.

When User Change the Selected LOV Value Require to Clear the Item Block.


How to Clear the Block before the above loop.

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Forms :: Clear Specific Block?

Sep 21, 2010

i have 4 blocks in one requirement is this that can i user the clear_block or any other built-in for clear the specific block....

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Forms :: Clear A Block For Enter Query Mode?

Jan 16, 2012

I am using Forms 6i,Oracle 10g. In a form I created, I have 3 blocks, first is a toolbar type with buttons to save, exit etc., other two are one master and detail data block.

how to get the default Oracle toolbar with the buttons, save, delete etc. I dont get in my form.

When the cursor is inside the detail block and then I click on an EnterQuery button in the first block, how do I clear the detail block, using the on btn press code.

What happens when I click the Enter Query button, is that the cursor and current block becomes the button block and when I run the command ENTER_QUERY, no use.

I need to set the block in which the cursor is to be cleared for query, whether it is master or detail, by pressing the button on the first block.

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Forms :: To Clear Form And Execute Procedure In Same Trigger

Sep 13, 2011

I have a problem in my form. In my form there are 4 blocks and in one of the block i have a button. In which i put a code same as below:


So as per code i want to clear all the changes in form for current session and want to call the procedure ABC after that. But it is not calling the procedure ABC. And what would i do to perform the same?

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Forms :: Clear Block B Once Click FIND Button

Jul 6, 2011

I am working on form builder 6i.I have FIND widnows and MAIN window.

FIND Window: contains field1 and field2, FIND Button.

block A: Multi record data block on table t1. It contains field1,field2,field3.
block B: non datablock, it contains field4, field5.

If i enter something and click FIND button, it will populate data in Block A.If i put the cursor in any record in block A, and after that put the cursor in Block B, it will populate block B related to Block A record.For this, In Block A--> post record(block level) trigger, i am capturing values in variables.


In Block B--> When-New-Block-instance(Block Level)

select field3, field 4 from t2 where t1=:global.f1 and t2=:global.f2;

and populating data in block B.It's working fine.

REQUIREMENT: If i click the FIND second time, in Block B--> it's retaining previous value. I want to clear the block B once i click the FIND button. I tried to write in POST-BLOCK (Block B-->block level)


But it's not working.In which trigger i have to write code to clear block.

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Forms :: How To Clear Line Records When F11 Is Pressed In Header Block

Sep 4, 2011

I am working in form 6i, EBS 11i. I have below requirement to achieve.

I have header data block A, line control block B. My requirement is, i know that in master detail block, if i press F11 in header block, it will clear the line block, like this, in my case if i press F11 in header data block A, i want to clear the line block B. Is there any way we can achieve this.

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Forms :: First Form Clear Previous Data And Then Populate Data From Table

May 7, 2012

when i press when button pressed trigger, i want first the form will delete all the previous data and then populate the data from the table, that's why i used clear_block first, but this clear_code is not working here. my coding is given below

cursor c1 is select *
from qtr_demand order by 1;

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Forms :: Populating Values To Record Group From Multi Record Datablock

Jul 26, 2012

My procedure proc_ex is in when_validate_item trigger

I have one Multi Record data block in my form with values in its items

I need to Populate multi record block values to one Record Group using

set_group_char_cell to populate values to record group

Let us suppose my multi record data block looks like

item1 item2 item3 item4
10 20 50 70
25 15 30 45
45 90 47 38
75 25 85 90
30 56 78 80

how to populate these multi record datablock values to Record Group ???..Eagerly waiting for your Replies

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Forms ::create History Record For Each Record Whether Updated Or Not

Sep 13, 2011

I have a fairly standard Purchase Order form which contains pre-loaded data (been uploaded from an XML file).When the Purchase Order is processed, the form updates a Price History table only if the Price on the PO_Details changes.The code for updating the price history table is contained in a PRE_UPDATE trigger on the PO_Details Data Block.

No other data changes on the PO_Details table.I now want to change this so that the Price History table is updated even if the price does not change i.e I want to create a history record for each record on the PO_Details irrespective of whether it was updated or not.

Is there an alternative trigger that I can move my code to (ie move it from PRE_UPDATE) to some other trigger that is fired for each PO_Details record even if there is no change.

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Forms :: Only New Record Have Saved Last Record No Longer Exist

Jun 29, 2013

I create a data block on a table when I am inserting new record only one record have been saved. Last record no longer exist.

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Forms :: Choose Lov In First Record That Won't Be Display In Second Record Lov

Sep 10, 2012

I have one multi record block in that i have one LOV..If i choose lov in first record that won't be display in second record lov...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Clear Data On Column?

Jun 20, 2011

I have one table employer. It has column loginid, password, address, regdate, fullname, identno.

So i want to clear all data before 1 June 2011 in regdate. What command i need to use? I quite new with command prompt.

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PL/SQL :: How To Clear Runtime Error In Ref Cursor

May 27, 2013

the code as follows

create or replace
procedure Country_sel(key in varchar2)
cc Res_RelcountryLan.countrycode%type;
len Res_Language.langname_en%type;
lid Res_Language.langid%type;
ab Res_Language.Abrivation%type;


when i am running this code im getting

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "RASOOL.COUNTRY_SEL", line 11
ORA-06512: at line 6

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How To Clear Audit Files In Dump In HP-UX

Mar 31, 2013

i got many audit file in a dump it is on hp-ux linux normally in linux i use to give

find -name "*.aud" -mtime +20 -exec rm {} ;

what to give in HP-UX linux ?

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Application Express :: Checkbox Not Clear Cache

Oct 18, 2013

i have created form with table  page to enter hotel details there is on 6 check box which are not database column .i have create these check box to keep days details when hotel give service .so i have use


i have one more column operating days where i have use computaation to keep operating days.


these 6 check box are used Source used :Only when curren value in session state is nullSource Type : Static Assignment (Value equals source attibute)  Problem are when i create new record then these 6 check box are not clear cache and when i update any record value are not clear cache . i need when i create or update recor then all 6 check box should be null after keep recor. 

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How To Not Expose Password (clear Text) In Expdp Parfile

Jul 3, 2013

I like to create an expdp parfile that would not expose my password in clear text. 

PARFILE:userid=MyAccountName/$MYPASSWORD  <-----this substitution does not work in a parfiledumpfile=xxxxxlogfile=xxxxtables=xxxx

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Performance Tuning :: How To Clear Cache For Testing Tuned Code

Jul 4, 2011

i am testing a proc after tuning it but the problem is, it is taking a very very less time which it shouldn't. I know that it is because of the buffer cache and the shared pool. that why i need to clean the cache to retest it.

I cannot bounce the database as other schemas are part of it. so is there any way to clean the cache for that particular schema i.e bouncing any particular schema(i know that the term is not appropriate).

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Application Express :: Clear Page Cache - All Except Specific Items?

Feb 21, 2013

APEX 4.2.1 On a page with dozens of editable page items, when branching back to the same page on-submit, is there a way to clear cache for all items except a few (key) items? The branch attributes (via the f?p= syntax) support clearing cache for the entire page and setting specific item/value pairs but no support for exclusions.

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Forms :: When User Change / Delete Any Record / Row In Forms Data Automatically Move To Other Table

Dec 25, 2011

when a user change or delete any record or row in forms data automatically move to other table because i want to compare old and new record.

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Server Administration :: How To Avoid Clear Password In Checkpoint File With Oracle DBCA

Nov 15, 2011

I found there is clear password in the xml file in the process of Oracle instance creating. The process like below

1, when using the following process to create the instance

Login as user Oracle
/home/Oracle11home/bin/dbca -createDatabase -silent -templateName /home/Oracle11home/assistants/dbca/templates/Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testSID -sysPassword [b]testpwd[/b] -systemPassword [b]testpwd[/b]

2. Found the file in $ORACLE_HOME/checkpoints/dbca/OraDb11g_home2_oracle_creation_checkpoint.xml , it listed the sys and system passwd (like testpwd for sys and system password) directly.

<CHECKPOINT LEVEL="MAJOR" NAME="db_oracle" DESC="db creation checkpoint" STATE="FAIL">
<PROPERTY NAME="command" TYPE="STRING" VAL=" -silent -createDatabase -templateName Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testpwd -sysPassword testpwd -systemPassword testpwd"/>

I hope to confirm :

1. what is the purpose for oracle to genate the checkpoint.

2, can we remove the file safely ?

3, if there is configuration that we can avoid to show clear password in checkpoint file?

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Application Express :: How To Show Alert When Data Not Exist In Table And Clear Field

Jun 8, 2012

Recently i created a form which contains emp_name,deptno,supervisor_name.For emp_name if i type the emp name (eg:allen) it will show me a list of employees named allen as a select list.For that i used a jquery script on page header

<link rel="stylesheet" href="URL.....
<script type="text/javascript" src="URL....
<script type="text/javascript">

and i have created a dynamic action for emp name to fetch the deptno,supervisor_name if select the employee name it is working fine is if i type a emp_name which doesn't exist in the employee table it will show me a alert message employee does not exist and it will clears all the fields.

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Forms :: Insert Record Into Lov Through Oracle Custom Forms?

Oct 8, 2013

I have a LOV in a custom oracle forms.this lov is linked to a record group.

Presently the column on which lov is created does not contain any value.

I want to insert value into the lov through the forms.

I am not able to insert data into it through forms

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Forms :: Do You Want To Save Record

Aug 22, 2005

I have created a form which as two block as master and detail.I am facing two problem in my detail block.

First: When I populate records in detail block, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'.
Second : When I alter any value in detail block and move to next record, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'

Is there any way where, system don't prompt me a message for saving record and user can continue with changes and save the records when he desire.

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Forms :: Record Is Getting Saved Twice

Mar 8, 2012

My record is getting saved twice every time I push my button to commit changes to my DB.I have already records from my table and when I click for that record to update the grade. the same record is getting saved twice.I have put my queries in on-update trigger to update the grade of my record. I check my query, don't have errors. I don't know what's wrong with this.

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Forms :: Each Second Record With Different Background_color

Jul 9, 2004

To improve legibility, I would like to display always the second row with another (lets say green) background_color. Therefore I created a BLOCK - Post-Query Trigger containing the following lines:



My first problem: I do not know how to the determine the whole record, therefore I just used EMP.ENAME

Second problem: The green background starts at record number 7 (if the first record is number 1, (is this so, or does it start with zero ??)), and then number 9, 11, 13 (from scott.emp) has a green background-color.

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Forms :: Could Not Reserve Record (2 Tries)?

Nov 5, 2011

I administer a database oracle 10g for a small company . the we mostly work in oracle forms 6i and after 2 3 days a message springs up "Could not reserve record (2 tries), keep trying?" when a user tries to save a record . Is there any decent solution to this problem other than restarting the Db server all over again .?

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Forms :: Display Next Record?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a form in which the fields are not database items i want to display the next record, i know i can use the next_record for the same but it does not work since it is not the database item, is there any way when the item is not the database item and i can see the next record. I use the cursor for loop but since it fecthes all the records in one go it cannot display one record at the time in the form..

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Forms :: Record Status Bar?

Jun 2, 2011

i am migrating forms 6i to 10g, when i compile one form to checking purpose all are successfully fine but the record status bar not showing there fore message are not appear how to solve this problem

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